Tianwen 18th year ([-]), spring.

Dazzling sunlight floods the corridors and courtyards, and the cuckoo calls come and go.


"Congratulations! Congratulations!"

Today, all the people who were summoned to participate in the evaluation meeting of the Luo family were dressed very neatly. After arriving at the meeting hall of the former owner of the mansion, everyone congratulated one after another.

"My lord is here!"

Following a loud shout from the small surname Shenya Zongzhan outside the meeting hall, everyone in the meeting hall immediately silenced and sat up quickly at the same time.

"Dum, thump, thump, thump..."

Today, Masara, who was also dressed in a formal kimono, walked slowly into the meeting hall, followed by Yoshihiro Shimadzu Matashiro, who was holding a famous sword.This famous sword is exactly the famous sword "Yiguang waist bone food" that the first generation of the Otomo family worshiped from Minamoto Yoshitomo, and it is a family heirloom of the Otomo family.

"Meet the lord."

After Zheng Liang formally sat on the main seat, everyone bowed and saluted immediately.What Zhengliang is sitting now is the position of family governor in the main council hall of Otomo's family mansion. In the past, this position only belonged to Otomo Yoshikami, but now this position belongs to Zhengliang.

It has been three full days since the surrender of the Funaikan.Even though Otomo Yoshikan's body was returned to Otomo's family that day, the House Museum was unwilling to surrender.It was only after the Luo's family had gone through a lot of hardships to transport a large cannon that punched a hole in the gate of the mansion hall, and the mansion hall finally surrendered.

Wakabayashi Echigomori and others in the city also had no choice but to do this.Several previous battles with the Luo family had led to the conscription of all the farmers and soldiers in the nearby territories, and the remaining farmers and soldiers were due to the time of spring plowing.After hearing that Otomo's family recruited soldiers, they hid one after another.Coupled with the impact of the massacre of the rebellious Hao family along the way of the Luo family.What's more, these farmers and soldiers are even more reluctant to come to help defend the city.

also.Some of the wealthy families fled the territory ahead of time when they heard that the Luo family was about to kill them.For all these reasons, there were not many guards in the nearby city walls, including the mansion hall.Even the House Museum, which is the ruling center of the Otomo family, plus all the old and weak in the city, the total number of people is less than 2000.With such combat strength, once the Luo family breaks through the city wall and enters the city, they will only have the fate of being massacred.Knowing that they could no longer rely on the walled city to resist, after getting the consent of Yanshimaru's mother and son, they had no choice but to take the initiative to negotiate with the Luo family to surrender.In order to obtain more benefits.

According to the agreement, Shioichi Maru's mother and son and their younger sister will go to settle in the castle town under the Hizen Country Kishizan Castle (there will be a black eagle secretly monitoring the movement of the family).Otomo Yoshikam's two daughters also settled down with Shioichimaru's mother and son.Ouchi Yoshihide, the second son of Ouchi Yoshinaga who was unfortunately trapped in the mansion hall, was sent to Zhongxiao Temple at the foot of Nogayama in Matsuura County, Hizen Country, and placed under house arrest. Live the life of a monk.

Subsequently, Funaikan and its two nearby branches, Takasaki Mountain Castle and Tsurumaki Castle Kaesong, surrendered.The Bungo navy of Otomo's family will also be taken over by the Luo family, and the clansmen guarded by the navy general Wakabayashi Echigo will be transferred to Xiaocheng County of Hizen Kingdom as hostages.Wakabayashi Echigomori's son Shiojumaru (Wakabayashi Zhenxing, the leader of the Bungo Navy in history) became Masara's surname.

as a condition of surrender.In addition to letting the lives of everyone in the three cities be spared, the Luo family must also allow those who wish to leave the territory of the Luo family, the main family of the Otomo family, the Usuki family (as a condition for the Lu Ci family to surrender at the beginning, members of the Usuki family who were in-laws did not Massacred by the Luo family's army) and other powerful clansmen and ordinary citizens evacuated safely.Otherwise, the defenders of the three cities and the Bungo Navy docked on Beppu Bay will fight to the death with the Luo family.

Of course, Zheng Liang couldn't accept releasing these people back to increase the strength of the enemy.However, if Funaikan Sanjo and the Bungo Navy resist desperately.It will also bring great trouble to Zhengliang.Especially Bungo Suijun.At this time, the Luo family's territory was viewed from the topography.It has already run through the central part of Kyushu, and there are coastline borders on the west and east sides respectively, and the sea areas at the north and south ends of Kyushu are not owned by the Luo family, so at this time the Luo family has no naval guards on the coast of Bungo country, and the enemy will attack at any time. You can land on the coast of Bungo by boat.In particular, Funaikan, which has just been designated by Masaragi as the third residence of the Luo family, faces Beppu Bay directly. As long as the enemy takes a boat, they can attack Funaikan after landing.

In addition, the surrounding Ouchi family and the Ito family have already started to act at this time. Masara must calm down the captured territory as soon as possible to cope with the changes in the surrounding countries.

After some weighing, Zheng Liang finally gritted his teeth and agreed to the other party's request.Of course, Zhengliang added restrictions, that is, those citizens who are allowed to leave are limited to members of various wealthy families, and ordinary citizens are never allowed to leave.These leaders are often encouraged to leave by the orphans of the original wealthy family, and Zheng Liang will naturally not allow it.

Conversely speaking, the departure of these powerful clansmen who were hostile to the Luo family increased the strength of the enemy to a certain extent, but without the secret obstruction of these people, it also accelerated the Luo family's pacification of these newly occupied territories. It even increases the enemy's burden to a certain extent (after these people arrive in a new area, they will naturally compete for interests with the local people).

After the two parties reached an agreement, Funaikan, Takasaki Mountain Castle, and Tsurumaki Castle Kaesong surrendered. Although the Bungo Navy surrendered, it also split. Some sailors from the Kunisaki Peninsula and Saiki Bay left separately, bringing some ships We returned to each family each.The remaining Bungo Suijun Urabe people surrendered to the Luo family under the leadership of Wakabayashi Echigo.

At this time, the Luo family had completely occupied the five counties of Hita, Kuju, Naoiri, Ono, and Oita in the Bungo Kingdom. In addition, they also occupied the northern coastal area of ​​Kaibu County and the primeval forest area in the southwestern half of Hayami County.The power of the Otomo family is only left in the entire county of Kunisaki County, the northeastern half of Hayami County (Beppu Bay in the southeast area, and the towering Yufu Mountains in the northwest area), and the Saeki family territory in the southern area of ​​Haibu County. There is also the Kitashiga family who have been huddled in the high castle of Zhirui County and are unwilling to surrender until now.

After the surrender of the Otomo family forces in Oita County, Masarai assisted Shioichimaru's mother and son to bury Otomo Yoshikan grandly in Daisen Temple on Gaoqi Mountain in Oita County.

in.The first standing ashigaru team.The master will carry out the seeding.The deputy generals, Tetsunosuke, Asakura Sodi, and Wen Zhusuo learned about the scenery.Junmu pays for Luo Shizhengxiu.The station was changed from Ishigaki Castle and Yupu Castle in Aso County, Higo Country to Hinaki Castle in Hita County, Bungo Country, the mountain checkpoint in Mount Yufu, and Hibassu Castle in Kusu County, assisting the Cabinet to maintain the territorial law. At the same time, it is mainly to guard against the Buzen Kuniouchi family on the other side of the mountain range.

The fourth standing ashigaru team.The main general Kinoshita Masao, the deputy generals Ueda Shinji, Shimabara Junshige, Akaike Changren, and the military eye Fu Luoshi Sasuke.The station was changed from Bungo Country Nichijo Castle and the mountain pass in Yufudake to Takasaki Mountain Castle, Funaikan, and Tsurumaki Castle in Oita County of Bungo Country and Kaibu County on the coast of Beppu Bay.While assisting the Cabinet to maintain the territory's laws and regulations.It is mainly responsible for guarding against the powerful forces of Otomoya Hayami County and Kunisaki County in the north of Bungo Country and ensuring the safety of the coast of Beppu Bay.

The sixth standing ashigaru team.The resident is Nakatani Pass, Tsukumi Bay, and Usuki Bay in Kaibu County of Bungo Country.As for Hyuga's Zhongshan City, it is enough to leave a small amount of troops to garrison, but they cannot fly the banner of the Luo family, so they can only garrison in secret.The chief generals will be Enjoji Shinyin, the deputy generals will be Komon Shigetada, Kuroki Miren, and Marume Yorimi, and the army will be Naomi Naoshima.While assisting the Cabinet to maintain the laws and regulations of the territory, it is mainly to guard against the Saeki family in Bungo Kaibe County and the Ito family in Hinata.

At this time, the sixth team, Enjoji Shinyin and Komon Shigeta, were leading [-] standing ashigaru and [-] peasant soldiers, occupying the commanding heights of Gaoping Mountain at the junction of Tsukumi Bay and Saiki Bay in Haibu County and rushing forward. The Saeki family's army confronted each other.Masanobu Takasaka, who was originally confronting the Saeki family, was assigned another task by Masara.

The father and son Honda Toshimasa and Honda Masanobu even led a thousand farmers and soldiers to besiege Honjo Takajo, which went straight to Shiga's house in the north of the county.This Shiga relative is a soft bone in history. After offending the new governor of the Otomo family, Otomo Yoshitomo, he had to pass the position of family governor to his son Shiga relative in advance, but because of this, he hated him. System.When the Shimadzu family army invaded in the future.He and Irita Yoshimi surrendered immediately.But now, he didn't know why he was so stubborn.With most of Bungo falling into the hands of the Luo family, and the governor-designate also surrendered to the Luo family, he still gritted his teeth and refused to surrender in Kaesong.Zheng Liang had no choice but to continue to send people to besiege him in the city.

In terms of cavalry, the 500st Standing Cavalry Division is still stationed at Yanagawa Castle in Chikugo Kingdom, so as to support Hizen, Higo, Chikuzen, and Bungo regions at any time.The chief will be Masahiro Isano, and the deputy will be Mitsukiyo Akaana and Nakamoto Tano.However, its original standing cavalry establishment of 400 was reduced to [-], and the subtracted [-] cavalry was automatically upgraded to the second standing cavalry division.Its main general is Masanobu Takasaka.

After these four or five years of training in the army, Masanobu Kosaka, who was immature at the time, has grown into a qualified general.Coupled with his good command, bravery, and horse riding skills, Zheng Liang decided to let him stand alone in advance, so he simply let him lead a 100-man cavalry team alone.This team is stationed at Funaikan, and will be responsible for the daily security of the Luo family's territory in the entire Bungo area (the recent patrols will focus on Ono County and Haibu County), and is ready to support Kinoshita Masao and Enjoji Shinyin at any time The fourth and sixth standing ashigaru squads, and at the same time assisting the Cabinet to implement the family law.

In terms of navy, the Bungo Navy has added 32 closed ships and 51 Xiaozao ships to the Luo family this time, with more than 800 old and weak sailors.However, Zheng Liang was obviously dissatisfied with such combat power on the water, so he decided to leave the current 800-strong navy with only strong personnel, and the rest of the eliminated personnel will be allocated fields for them to resume farming.

After some elimination, there were only more than 800 people left from the 200 people. Zheng Liang immediately mobilized a total of more than 300 people from the first, second and third home navy standing teams. Therefore, the reduced number of soldiers in the standing army can be replenished immediately), and these 200 people formed the fourth standing water army of the Luo family with 600 people, and transferred Takekichi Murakami, Uku Junsada, and Uto Xingxing to the fourth The team, together with Wakabayashi Echigo, formed with Murakami Takekichi and Wakabayashi Echigo as the main generals, and Uku Junsada and Udo Yukio as deputy generals, commanding 32 ships.Xiaozao's fourth standing navy with 51 ships.The stations are Tsuruzaki Castle in Beppu Bay and Kuriyama Castle in Usuki Bay.Responsible for maintaining the safety of Beppu Bay, Usuki Bay, and Tsukumi Bay. At the same time, the coastal areas of these three harbors are banned (trading ban, fishing ban), and all other non-family ships are prohibited from sailing in these waters.

With the addition of the newly established 600-strong Fourth Standing Navy, the Luo family has 300 standing.These 300 soldiers are soldiers who have been fighting for a long time. During the official battle, the Luo family will temporarily recruit farmers and soldiers who will keep training in the village for four days a month according to the situation.In some garrisons of various teams, in order to defend, some reliable farmers and soldiers will be regularly recruited to assist in the defense (usually a group of farmers and soldiers will be replaced every three months).

The location is at the recruit training camp at the foot of Nogayama in Matsuura County, Hizen Country.It will also regularly formulate recruitment and training plans based on the registration status of the leaders of the recruitment offices in various places and the standing battle damage of each division, and then regularly organize some qualified personnel in advance to receive free military training (these people are equivalent to formal reserves. , because they have enjoyed free regular training before, so they have to be recruited first. Their combat effectiveness is stronger than ordinary peasants and soldiers), and assisting in guarding the border cities will also be one of their training contents (not only can they eat and drink for free It is very popular with the leaders of the Luo family, and it is especially attractive to those who do not want to be farmers and want to get ahead).When the various teams really need to replenish their standing.The newly recruited recruits will focus on training for at least one month before being assigned to various teams.

After quickly setting up Bungo's defense arrangements.Zhengliang then arranged for the new retainers who defected to the Luo family this time.Shiga Yiqin was sent to the third standing ashigaru team as the deputy; Shiga Jianlong became the second standing ashigaru team's deputy; Fan Zujianzhi became the first standing ashigaru team's deputy; Ogami Zhenzheng He is the lieutenant of the Seventh Standing Ashgaru Division.Because Yoshimi Irita was very interested in iron cannons, he was assigned to the Iron Cannons to serve as Ander's deputy.These people appointed above are general positions.

Because of his meritorious service in assisting the Luo family in the rapid attack on Ono County and persuading the government to surrender, Irita Osama became the general of the Luo family. At the same time, he was appointed as the guardian of Chikugo, in charge of civil affairs and farming in Chikugo. The general, accompanied by Irita, rushed to the Chikugo country to serve as the guardian of Chikugo, assisting the guardian of Chikugo to manage Hizen civil and agricultural affairs.At the same time, the appointment of the former guardian of Chikugo to take care of the civil and agricultural affairs of Bungo Hita County was cancelled.

Harujun Arima, the original guardian of Chikugo and the main family, was redesignated as the guardian of Bungo, in charge of civil affairs and farming in Bungo.The general of the main family, who was formerly the governor of Zhugo, was headed by Uemura Shige, and Setakata Fukamizu was also appointed as the governor of Bungo, assisting the guardian of Bungo in managing Hizen civil affairs and farming.Huci Jianfang and Anan Weixiu were appointed as the generals of the main family to serve as Bungo's enshrinement and assist Bungo's guardian agent in managing Hizen's civil and agricultural affairs.Yoshioka Nagasuke was kept by Masaragi's side as a staff officer.

With the appointment of Zhengliang, these people have already started to take office.In particular, the Cabinet of Ministers has quickly settled in Bungo Kingdom under the personal auspices of Zhengliang and began to preside over the internal affairs.With the entry of these departments, the newly occupied territory can be put on the right track.

Regarding the resettlement of the Hao family's territory, since the Yoshioka family, the Luci family, and the Irita family took refuge in the Luo family in advance, according to the agreement, Zhengliang retained their family's territory, but only required them to manage the territory in accordance with the laws of the Luo family.The North Shiga family was newly given the territory of the South Shiga family.The Dashen family also obtained a part of the former Dashen family's territory near Rixiu City in accordance with the previous agreement with the Luo family (of course, the neighboring areas will also be placed in the territory of some retainers who have been proved to be completely loyal to the Luo family), the family governor Because Zhenzheng took refuge in Luo's family in time this time, he won unanimous praise from the whole family, and changed his previous image of "weak family governor".

As for other wealthy families, they all need to be transferred to Hizen, Higo, Chikugo and other places. At the same time, Zhengliang rewarded those who have achieved enough military merits in this battle in the Bungo area.

In fact, Zhengliang has always insisted on transferring the local rich family to the area that has been completely controlled by the Luo family, because there are local leaders and the Luo family like the head of the village. Basically, while weakening the strength of these powerful families, it can force these powerful families to gradually adapt to the law of the Luo family; and for the newly occupied places, after the local lords are transferred away, new lords who are familiar with the internal governance methods of the Luo family can be placed.Let the new lord lead the new citizens to familiarize themselves with the laws of the Luo family.certainly.Such forced transfer.It must be accompanied by high pressure and blood.

During this period, due to the relationship of rewards, the generals of the family will also receive a lot of rewards, which will gradually disperse the territories of the important officials in the family. In order to manage these territories, the retainers will assign family members to various places for management (certainly To a certain extent, it avoids the threat of excessive concentration of retainers and clansmen), and if there are insufficient manpower, you can also hire personnel to help manage it.It can even be handed over directly to the head of the local village for management.Anyway, according to the laws of the territory, the income of each village will be recorded and calculated. At that time, the tax revenue of the residents will be divided into three parts, most of which will be reserved for themselves, part of which will be given to the local lord, and part will be submitted to the personnel of the cabinet at the same time ( There is no need to deal with the local lord before handing it over to the country lord, so as to prevent the lifeline from being in the hands of the local lord).

After nearly ten years of development, in order to reduce the loss of income in various territories during transportation, these vassals usually choose to hand over tax and other income to the local cabinet on the spot, record the account and receive the voucher (to avoid Cheating. Register by means of one voucher for the local lord, one voucher for the local resident, and one voucher for the cabinet, and three parties can check if there is an error).Then when necessary, draw your own taxes from the cabinet anywhere (the cabinet is equivalent to playing the role of a bank).

Similarly, in addition to generals at all levels, with the accumulation of military merits, more soldiers will be rewarded with territorial rewards.These people are also a method used by Zhengliang to disperse the territories of powerful families and retainers in various places, which is conducive to avoiding the over-concentration of the territories of these retainers (the law of the Luo family clearly stipulates that without the personal approval of the king, the territory cannot be sold and transferred privately), and these small lords They also play the role of supervising the big lords next to them.

At the same time, Zheng Liang dispatched soldiers discharged due to injuries or other reasons to various villages to be in charge of civil affairs, farming, and daily training of farmers, soldiers, and boy scouts, so as to strengthen the rule over the grassroots and let the grassroots quickly adapt to the Luo family. Fadu, and became a supporter of the Luo family's rule and a supervisor of the lord.

The reason why the Luo family was able to implement such a system is inseparable from the fact that the Luo family started as a small landlord.Because it started from a small landlord almost from scratch, it lacked the obstruction of influential retainers from the very beginning, which was conducive to Zhengliang's arbitrary implementation of these laws.And the retainers who followed Zhengliang in the early days were almost all people from hard-working backgrounds. At that time, only by closely following Zhengliang's footsteps could we get greater benefits.Therefore, he has gradually become a supporter of Luo's family law.

It's just that with the expansion of the Luo family's power, the originally hard-working retainers have become rich family retainers, and some rich family retainers from hostile forces have also joined the Luo family's camp, and some retainers' minds may change.

However, at this time, the Luo family had already firmly controlled the military power, and various institutions to ensure the stability of the system and the implementation of laws had also been established independently.For example, the military system ensures that the army is loyal to the Luo family; the intelligence cabinet system, which is only loyal to the Luo family and is free from the Hao clan system, promotes the loyalty of the people to the emperor and also plays a role in monitoring the noble family's retainers; the establishment of the Interior Cabinet and the Military Cabinet The separation of the military and the government divided the rights of the retainers (if there is political power, there is absolutely no military power, and vice versa), and it also allowed them to supervise each other.At the same time, in order to avoid the dominance of the retainers, the Luo family will also regularly adjust the positions of the officials of the Interior Cabinet and the Military Cabinet, so as to avoid the formation of retainers' own interest groups in a certain place due to too long time.As for foreign diplomacy, Zheng Liang has also concentrated it in his own hands.In general, before the growth of powerful retainers, the Luo family established a set of institutional systems with relatively detailed functions and differentiated rights, and allowed these institutions to check and balance each other and supervise each other to avoid excessive concentration of power in the hands of retainers.Let the retainers lose the conditions for rebellion.

On the most fundamental issue of land, the Luo family implements a system in which the land is owned by the lord, and the retainers are responsible for the management.The income of the retainers of the Luo family is mainly composed of two parts, one is the official salary of the retainers, and the other is the tax percentage of the land they are awarded.The daily management of the territory is carried out by the retainers in accordance with the laws of the territory, and matters other than the laws are decided by the lord himself (guaranteeing a certain degree of autonomy of the lord). Distributed to each lord.

In order to avoid conflicts among his retainers, Zhengliang also compromised.In the future, he will continue to award the land to his retainers according to his military achievements.The more territories the retainers have.The greater the natural income (in the case of insufficient manpower, other citizens must be hired to help manage the territory according to the territorial law, which will promote the development of the territory to a certain extent), so as to balance their dissatisfaction due to losing part of their power.

This changed the previous way that the income of the territory was handed over by the lord and then submitted to the lord in the form of an annual salary, so as to prevent the lifeblood from falling into the hands of the vassal lord, and instead let the lord control the lifeline of the vassal lord.In order to increase income, the vassals and lords will also try to do a good job in the construction of the territory, thereby increasing the income of the lord.The general citizens are protected by the sovereign law.Life is guaranteed, and life is getting better and better, so he will naturally become a supporter of the monarch, which in turn will also play a role in supervising the local managers.

In short, from the very beginning of the establishment, the Luo family established a legal basis to ensure the operation of the rule, and then established various operating institutions (that is, tools) on this basis.Thus, the institution ensures that the law is enforced.The law, in turn, ensures the rights of institutions.Before the growth of powerful retainers, the ruling system of the Luo family had been thoroughly established, and the law had already begun to take root in the hearts of the people.

certainly.In this process, there will inevitably be some retainers who have newly joined the Luo family system who will be dissatisfied.But at this time they have no military power (according to the territorial law, the Hao family can only allow up to fifteen retainers or soldiers under their command).The lifeblood of internal affairs is controlled by the Luo family again, it can be said that man is a sword and I am a fish, he has to succumb, and as time goes by, he is gradually assimilated.

It's just that Zhengliang is also very clear that after the basic needs are met, human beings will begin to have a great desire for power.Driven by desire, even those closest to you may rebel against you.So every step Zhengliang took was like walking on shaved ice.And in order to prevent a tragedy like the Oda Nobunaga Honnoji Change from happening to him, now Masaragi is surrounded by the protection of the cloaked people, the samurai squad and the black eagle almost all the time.

After deciding on the border defense of the territory and the resettlement of talents and wealthy families, the next thing Zheng Liang has to consider is the internal affairs of Bungo.

During this raid, some supplies were actually seized along the way.However, after the preliminary statistics of the Cabinet, it was concluded that these materials could only barely meet the consumption of the garrison troops in various places in Bungo in the next few months and the payment of the salary of the newly established navy army. consumption.So in general, the Luo family's food reserves are still a little tight, and it is unknown whether they can survive until this year's autumn harvest safely.

After weighing things up, Zheng Liang will build the marching avenue connecting Bungo Kingdom, Chikugo Kingdom, and Higo Kingdom, and demolish some of the local fortifications in Bungo (basically, the fortifications without garrison tasks will be demolished, and the fortifications of the local rich people will be demolished. will also be demolished) will be carried out after the autumn harvest.

As for the captives captured earlier, in order to reduce food consumption and maintain the stability of the territory to ensure the progress of local spring farming, Zheng Liang waved his hand and released them all after pardoning their crimes.Of course, for some diehards and warriors of the enemy's relatives, Zhengliang put them into the slave brigade.

In addition, due to the sea ban (fishing ban, business ban), the local business network in Bungo will inevitably be affected, which will affect the daily life of the residents. Therefore, Zhengliang immediately ordered several wives in the family and the merchants of the Kamiya family Houses settled in the Bungo area on a large scale.This in itself was a way of strengthening the control and surveillance of the Dahbungo regime.

In the end, there is only one problem that is the most troublesome, and that is the power of the local temple.Zhengliang found that he didn't like bald donkeys more and more (after several years of development, in fact, in the territory of the Luo family, only the temple forces in Hizen, Higo, and Chikugo have been brought into the management system of the Luo family. It is completely under the rule of the Luo family, but Chikuzen is still gradually infiltrating).These local temples not only occupy a large amount of land, but some temples also have their own monks and soldiers, which Zheng Liang absolutely cannot tolerate.Of course, in order to stabilize the territory for the time being, Zhengliang had no choice but to find Kuaichuan Shaoxi, and asked him to try to implement the temple and shrine management system of the Luo family first.

"Everyone, an announcement today." In the meeting hall of the mansion hall, Zhengliang glanced at the retainers in the meeting hall, then looked at Kuai Chuan Shaoxi who was sitting in front of everyone, and said: "National teacher, some time ago I asked for advice on changing the name of the mansion hall, I wonder how the mage thinks about it?"

Because he had made great contributions to the implementation of the temple and shrine laws of the Luo family in Hizen, Higo, and Chikugo, Masaragi granted him the title of Datong Zhisheng Guoshi.In history, Kuaichuan Shaoxi used to be the abbot of Chongfu Temple, but because he didn't like the intrigue among the temples, he abandoned his post as abbot and traveled around.Later, he was appreciated by Takeda Shingen of Kai, hired him as the abbot of Erinji Temple in Yamanashi, and also granted him the title of Datong Zhisheng Guoshi.

"This matter is very important, and the poor monk has to think about it carefully..." Kuai Chuan Shaoxi is also a mature character, so he naturally pretended to be serious on such an occasion.

"Dazai Shao Erhiqian guarded the adults with the most benevolent heart in the world, wiped out violence and pacified the Bungo country, and rescued the people in dire straits. It is really an immeasurable merit..."

Everyone in the meeting hall, including Zhengliang, looked at Shaoxi Kuaichuan with full expectation, waiting for his answer.

"I have been working hard, I don't know what vocabulary can match Dazai Shao Erhizen's achievements in protecting the adults! When I was struggling to think about this, I suddenly got enlightenment from God."

Speaking of this, his fat face showed a smug look.

"The day before yesterday morning, the day Dazai Shao Er Feiqian guardian officially moved into the mansion hall, I saw auspicious clouds covering the mansion house and a hundred birds singing together, so I suddenly thought of a sentence in the Han Dynasty 'Fengming Qishan' !"

"Fengming Qishan..." Zheng Liang repeated these words in a low voice.

"Yes! Fengming Qishan!" Kuaichuan Shaoxi said loudly.

"Only King Wen and King Wu's merits that have lasted for thousands of years can stand shoulder to shoulder with Dazai Shao Er Hizen's guardian. Therefore, as one of the cities where you live, I think that only the name 'Qibu' is worthy of you!"

"Qibu... what a name!" Zheng Liang yelled excitedly as he slapped the table. "Only this name can show the world my determination and ambition to right the world!"

At the same time, he couldn't help saying sorry to Oda Nobunaga in his heart, and even snatched his future city name away in advance.In fact, when Oda Nobunaga planned to change his name after entering Inabayama Castle in the future, he did complain about the Luo family.

"Good! It's really a good name!" The head of the family, Togo Heiji, who arrived in a hurry yesterday, and Yamamoto Kansuke, who was in charge of the intelligence cabinet and one of the Luo family's military advisers, smiled and praised at the same time.

"Okay! This is the courage that the Luo family should have!" Masao Kinoshita, the military representative of the Luo family, who had just been promoted to the head of the family, also said loudly.So there was a surge of praise during the banquet.

"Everyone, my Lord has something else I want everyone to take a look at!" Zheng Liang said after all kinds of opinions were fully expressed.

"Go, bring it!"

Not long after, Zongzhan, surnamed Shenwu, took out a black lacquered box and came to Zhengliang.Zheng Liang opened the lid of the box and took out a big golden seal that looked like half a city brick and stamped it on the paper.

"Everyone, this is the seal that the master of this country will use from today, and this is the future policy of our family!"

Zheng Liang showed the paper to everyone, and it was clearly printed with four bright red clerical scripts one inch square: Tianxiabuwu!

(Everyone, it is only now that I realize that this book has already met the conditions for receiving the "Light of the Great God". I implore everyone to come and claim it. Thank you everyone. It is not easy for me to write a book. Today I specially present a chapter Thank you. The way to receive it is: go to the homepage of this book next to the title of my book "The Fish That Doesn't Swim", click on the five-pointed star logo of the light of the great god, and you will enter the page for claiming. Finally click to receive it. ) (To be continued..)

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