The flames gradually dimmed, white mist rose from the Naka River, the air was filled with the breath of battle, and war horses neighed everywhere.

Looking at Tochoji Temple, which was still covered with thick smoke on the mountainside in the distance, Zheng Liang sat quietly on the horses of the military tent.Tochoji Temple, a temple famous for its huge wooden sitting statues and the "Sakura Festival" for viewing cherry blossoms in the future, was burned down by Zheng Liang because of the stubbornness of the monks in the temple, and all the monks inside were also buried in the sea of ​​flames .

With the burning of Tochoji Temple, the rebellion that had raged in the Chikuzen Hakata area for four days (from the beginning of the rebellion at the temples and shrines until it was completely suppressed) was put down. The only pity is that However, during the chaos of war, Qing Jinglongzhu, who pretended to be a wandering monk, took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

In this regard, Zheng Liang has no choice but to order a search warrant to continue the hunt, but Zheng Liang no longer has any expectations about whether he can be captured.Because at this time, the population registration and land inspection work in the Luo family's territory in Chikuzen has just ended, and the wooden sign authentication method in the Luo family's territory has not yet been implemented. Impossible.

"For the temples and shrines that participated in this incident, we will deal with them according to the conditions I discussed with Master Zen Rong before. As for the temples and shrines in other areas of Chikuzen that did not participate in the rebellion, they will be dealt with according to the law of the family. The management, monks and shrine guards must be disbanded, the territory will be confiscated, and if there are any rebels, they will be killed directly." After a moment of contemplation, Masaragi turned to Yoshida Shigemasa and Kaikawa Shoki who were in charge of handling the rebellion. Said.Kuaikawa Shaoxi has been really tired recently. Two days ago, he visited the local temples and shrines in Bungo to implement the management of the Luo family temples and shrines. Now he has rushed to Chikuzen to assist Shigemasa Yoshida in handling the local temples and shrines.And with Zheng Liang's words, it has been decided that the heads of thousands of people who participated in the conspiracy will be cut off, not to mention the bloodshed that will be caused by the Luo family's law in the future.

"Navy ships seized from Munakata's house. Forty Guan Ships and Thirty Troop Carriers (Kusan) were assigned to the Fourth Standing Navy of Bungo, and the rest were handed over to the First Standing Navy. Team up. Send someone to inform Murakami Takeshi to come and pick up the warships. At the same time, inform the Second Standing Navy to protect these warships along the way and return to the Bungo coast safely." A total of 83 customs ships and 51 troop carriers (Dutch ships) were seized in the naval port of the city.The rest of the ships had already been burned during the battle.

After obtaining these ships, the power of the Luo family's navy has been greatly expanded.

Among them, the first division of the Navy has a standing reserve of 600 people (some farmers and soldiers will be recruited for temporary tasks according to the situation), and there are already 160 early morning ships, 21 troop carriers (Dutch ships), and 88 closed ships.The chief officers will be Sun Goro and Murakami Takashi, and the vice-commanders will be Oyano Tanemitsu and Kamizuura Chongjiao. They will be stationed in Karatsu Bay, the former port of the Hatata Navy and two places in Hakata Bay. Defense of the coastal waters of the island.Mainly to guard against some pirates along the coast and threats from sea forces such as Iki and Chikuzen Munakata (after this battle, the Munakata navy has lost the threat, the only worry is the Ouchi family navy in the Mojiko area Come to make trouble).At the same time, it is also responsible for collecting certain tolls from merchant ships passing through the sea area where the family is located, and ensuring the safety of these ships.It can be said that the first navy team at this time is the strongest navy team of the Luo family.

The Second Standing Squadron of the Navy.There are 600 people standing, 190 Xiaozao ships, 65 troop carriers (Dutch ships), and [-] closed ships.The deputy generals are Fukuda Kaneji and Kamizuura Shigesada, who are stationed at Hirado Port in Hizen Matsuura County, Shiroyama Castle in Goto Island, Jiangchuan Castle in Goto Island, and Fukuda Castle in Heki County. In the sea area of ​​Nagasaki Island and the coast of Nagasaki Peninsula, guard against threats from the sea, especially the threat of naval forces in the direction of Satsuma. If necessary, timely support the first and third standing naval forces on both sides. Merchant ships charge certain tolls and guarantee the safety of these ships. [

The third standing squadron of the Navy has 600 people, 180 Kohaya ships, 73 troop carriers (Kusan ships), and [-] closed ships. The leader will be Tianwei Masatora, the deputy will be Oyano Tanekyo, and the general station will be Nanfei In addition to Yatsushiro Castle near the mouth of the Kuma River in Houyatsushiro County, the Fan Squad will divide several teams to station in Sumoto Castle, Shiki Castle, and Kutama Castle in Amakusa County. The main guard areas are Orange Bay and Amakusa Beach. As well as the Yatsushiro Sea, guard against threats from the sea, especially the maritime threats of the Shimadzu family navy in the Satsuma sea area, and at the same time be responsible for collecting certain tolls from merchant ships passing through the sea area where the head family is located, and ensuring the safety of these ships.

The fourth standing navy team, with Takeshi Murakami and Echigo Wakabayashi as the main generals, Junsada Ujiu and Yudo Xingxing as deputy generals, under the command of 72 customs ships, 51 troop carriers (Kusch ships), and 600 Kozaya ships. [-] people, stationed at Tsuruzaki Castle in Beppu Bay and Kuriyama Castle in Usuki Bay, are responsible for maintaining the safety of Beppu Bay, Usuki Bay and Tsukumi Bay. Fishing ban), and all other non-owned vessels are prohibited from navigating in these waters.

Combining the four standing water armies, the Luo family already has 290 or eight closed ships, more than 500 Xiaozao ships, 86 Dutch ships, forty merchant ships, and a water army of 300 standing soldiers.Its strength is already comparable to that of the Ouchi family navy, the largest navy in the Kyushu and Western countries at that time (with more than [-] closed ships, in addition to several Ataka ships).

After distributing the spoils of the navy army, Zheng Liang's face also became serious, and then he said sternly: "Bring people up." Fei Duan, who was standing at the door of the big tent, immediately took the order and left.Not long after, a guy who was tortured to the brink of death was dragged into the big tent.This guy is Tachibana Kanmitsu who participated in the conspiracy before.

"How do you guys think this traitor should be dealt with?" Zheng Liang glanced at everyone in the big tent, and then asked.

Everyone looked at Tachibana Kanmitsu who was in a semi-awake state out of the corners of their eyes, but they didn't make a sound.Especially those Chikuzen and Chikugo retainers who joined the Luo family at the same time as Tachibana Kanmitsu last year lowered their heads even more, for fear that Masaragi would ask them.

"Why, I can't talk anymore. Could it be that no one can give me some advice?" Zheng Liang glanced around the faces of the people in the big tent again with a half-smile, and his expression and tone were already a bit interesting.

(Everyone is requested to receive the "Light of the Great God".)

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