In the military tent, the request made by Wenzhu made everyone in the big tent shocked, but they couldn't help thinking.

Soon, Hoshino family governor Hoshino Zhenyasu and Kusano family governor Kusano town members who also came from the Chikugo country, like the personal photos of Wenzhu, also requested to transfer their family territories.

Although there was a weird scene where several retainers jointly requested to transfer their own fiefs, everyone at the scene, whether they were the parties or other retainers, knew very well why such a scene happened.For the powerful clan in the Warring States Period, the most important thing was to consider the two points of survival and interests. As the family governor of a wealthy clan, these retainers naturally knew when to make what choices.

So for a while, as the wealthy families in Chikuzen and Chikugo, they considered how to ensure the survival and interests of the family, while as the wealthy families in Bungo, they considered how to avoid such a situation in the future.Of course, for these wealthy families in the Bungo area, the Luo family still needs them to help stabilize the territory in Bungo area, so they naturally don't need to request to transfer their own territory.But learn from it too.

So not long after the incident ended, Bungo's Irita, Yoshioka, Roji, Ogami, Kitashiga and other wealthy families who had not been transferred issued emergency orders at home, forcing family members not to leave the family for half a year. The territory is half a step away, and at the same time only guests from the Luo family are allowed to receive guests, and they even took the initiative to apply for the Luo family's laws and regulations from Zhengliang (this is tantamount to actively expressing their cooperation attitude to Zhengliang), and then took them home to let the family The clansmen must memorize it by rote to prevent them from violating the law of the Luo family's territory in the future.

Regarding the act of forcing several powerful families to automatically apply for the transfer of the territory in this way.Zhengliang didn't feel that it would arouse fierce resistance from his retainers.Warring States Period.A family itself is a collection of interests.As long as you give enough benefits, your retainers will continue to support you.In this special period where big fish eat small fish, it is not the time to be kind, but tough when it should be tough (just like Mao Liyuan asked the local wealthy family in Aki to sign an umbrella affidavit).Now that the Luo family has such strength, they can naturally do such a thing.If it was changed to other powerful families, they would even send adopted sons to these families and replace them.The reason why Zhengliang didn't do this was because he didn't have so many sons.There are not so many daughters, and the second is that with the guarantee of the territorial system, the retainers can only rely on the Luo family, not dominate.

After the rebellion in Chikuzen was handled well, and the three families including Wenzhusuo decided to transfer to Higo Kingdom, Masarai immediately led his army back to Qibu Castle in Bungo Kingdom.On the way back, he finally received the information about the materials he got after the destruction of the temples and shrines in the Chikuzen Kingdom.There are more than 1 taels of gold, and nearly 8 taels of silver.The most important thing is that more than [-] stones of grain have been searched (these temples and shrines are simply a small name).

With more than 8 shi of life-saving food, the food problem in the territory can be alleviated to a certain extent.Therefore, Zhengliang is already considering whether to attack the remnants of Otomo's family.But soon, his plan was forced to cancel.

News from Bungo.Dayou Yizhen, who had been missing for a long time, reappeared.It is rumored that after falling into the river, it was washed to the side of a village downstream by the river, and then rescued.After waking up, Dayou Yizhen bid farewell to the savior's family in a hurry, and then returned to Bungo secretly alone (it is estimated that he could not even believe his own retainers at this time, and was afraid of being attacked again).After a arduous journey, he finally arrived in Kunitsu County, Bungo Country.At this time, on the one hand, he was sending people to seek the support of other daimyos, and on the other hand, he inherited the position of family governor of the Otomo family with the support of many Otomo retainers.

What made Zheng Liang gnash his teeth the most was that that fellow Usuki Kamhaya fled back to Kunisaki, and even went to the Shikoku area on behalf of Otomo's family.As for the Ouchi family, they also support Ouchi's restoration of the country with great fanfare at this time.They even sent reinforcements to station in Aoyama Castle at the junction of Bungo Country East County and Buzen Country, ready to go out to help Otomo's family at any time when the territory of Otomo's family was attacked by the Luo family.At the invitation of Otomo Yoshijin, the Ito family also officially joined forces to help the Saeki family's army that was confronting the Luo family's army in Bungo Kaibu County.

"My lord, there is a saying in the Ming Dynasty that we should make friends from afar and attack close to home. This statement really expresses the strategy that our family should adopt at this time." After returning to Qibu City, the military adviser Yamamoto Kansuke advised Zhengliang when facing such a complicated surrounding environment. .

This time, due to the repeated provision of important information in the previous strategy, Yamamoto Kansuke’s family received a large number of territorial rewards in Bungo Country, and became the largest wealthy family in Bungo Country in one fell swoop (this is Masara’s check and balance method for local wealthy families).In addition, Kansuke Yamamoto himself was promoted to be the elder of the Roche family.Along with them, Kakukuma Ishimune, Akabane Shinnosuke, Kinoshita Masao, Yoshida Shigemasa, and the previous Togo Heiji were promoted to the family elders. At this time, the Luo family already had five elders (three of them were members of the same sect).

In addition, Aguda, Oishi Tomohisa, Execution Type Kane, Enjoji Shinyin, Andel, Murakami Takeshi, Tianwei Masatora, Kunatsu, Murakami Takashi, Andel were promoted to generals, plus the previous generals Isano There are also seventeen generals in the Luo family, Chang, Kai Chizhi, Nabeshima Qingfang, Irita Sencheng, Nafu Shinkei, Arima Harujun, Liu Le, and Luo.Watanabe Michi, Asakura Sodi, Komon Shigetada, Yoshikawa Kokeke and others also became generals because of their accumulated military exploits.

"Long distance and close attack?" Kansuke Yamamoto's words immediately awakened Masara.The so-called authorities are confused by the onlookers. Zheng Liang was so dazed by the successive wars that he even forgot this trick that was used in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods of China.

If you want to make long-distance and short-distance attacks, you must first look at the situation around the Luo family.To the north of the Luo family is the Ouchi family whose territory spans Kitakyushu and the Western States; to the northeast is the surviving Otomo family; to the northwest is Iki Island, which is in civil strife; The Shimadzu family allied with the Roche family.To the southeast is the Ito family whose power is gradually increasing.In addition, in the Shikoku region across the sea, there are also forces such as the Xituji family, the Utsunomiya family, the Ono family, the Kono family, and the Ichi family.

From the analysis of the situation of the enemy and ourselves, the Ouchi family, the Otomo family, the Sagara family, the Ito family, and the Iki Island Hatata family are the deadly enemies of the Roche family.Among these enemies, the family strength of the Otomo family, Sagara family, and Iki Island Hatata at this time is far inferior to that of the Luo family.It is the force that the Luo family will consider focusing on in the next step.As for the Ouchi family.It will be a long-term confrontation.

So several retainers were called together to discuss.Zhengliang immediately made arrangements:

Ordered that Akabane Shinnosuke of Chikuzen National Hanayama Castle led the army to approach Munakata County, put pressure on the Ouchi family, and at the same time force the Ouchi family to pay compensation for the invasion of the Chikuzen Luo family's territory.As for the conditions for compensation, it is also the population.

This time, so many prisoners from the Munakata and Ouchi families were captured in Chikuzen Hakata, and it happened that the Ouchi family sent their family members here.Although the Ouchi family will use this to send some fine work in, but these people will only be sent to Higo to settle down, and the mountains are high and the water is far away.The role of these fine work appears to be very limited.

And Zhengliang also knew that the Ouchi family at this time was not willing to start a confrontation with the Luo family. If the Luo family put on an appearance of confronting it to the end, the Ouchi family would naturally compromise.Anyway, more than 8 stones of grain were seized from the forces of temples and shrines, and the Luo family had the confidence to fight the Ouchi family.Let's see who will show their determination to persevere to the end more vividly.

In addition, Kinoshita Masao, who was stationed at Takasaki Mountain Castle at the junction of Bungo Oita County and Hayami County, went out to the north and directly invaded the Beppu Bay Plain of Yimapiragawa.

The Beppu Bay Plain is also the future Beppu City, and most of the famous Beppu Eight Hot Springs (hot springs) are concentrated in the mountains here.This plain was formed by the impact of rivers from many mountains in the west flowing into Beppu Bay.It is the most fertile place in Sujian County.At this time, only the whole county of Kunisaki County, half of Sujian County and half of Haibu County are left in Otomo's family.In order to maintain enough military power to fight against the Luo family, they must fight for every inch of land in these three places to support the military power.And Zheng Liang wanted to grasp one point.Continuously harass Otomo's family.

After analysis, in the two areas bordering the territories of Otomo's family and Luo's family.In the Saiki Bay area of ​​Haibu County in the southeast, since the border areas are all beaches and forests, which are helpful for the defense of the opponent, it is not very meaningful to enter its territory to harass, and it may even be ambushed by the opponent.However, the principle of Beppu Wanping in Sujian County in the Northeast is different. After entering the battle from Takasaki Mountain Castle controlled by the Luo family, it can directly enter the coastal plain of Yimapingchuan, so the Luo family's army can wantonly destroy it. At this time, the Ouchi family, who are very concerned about the fertile land, will naturally not be a coward. They will naturally send troops to fight, and even lure the Ouchi family to come to help.So in the future, this place will be the ground for the Luo family to grind the forces of the Ouchi family and the Ouchi family.

The so-called offense is the best defense. Playing in Chikuzen Munakata County and Bungo Hayami County will help to change the passive situation around the Luo family.In addition, for the invading Ito family's army, the Luo's family can completely respond in a static and braking manner.Regardless of the Nakatani Pass at the junction of Ono County and Haibu County, or the Gaopingshan area at the junction of Tsukumi Bay and Saiki Bay in Haibu County, the Luo family can rely on the favorable terrain to defend against danger and let the opponent return without success.

As for diplomacy, it is also necessary to take a proactive approach.The first is to send envoys to the Ouchi family (accompanied by Shiroi Fangtong, who was previously an envoy of the Luo family, to return to the Ouchi family) to protest against the Ouchi family's tearing up the peace agreement and attacking the Luo family's Chikumae territory. Ouchi family pressure.

The four countries also sent envoys, and Otomo's family had many enemies there in the past.The so-called enemy of an enemy is a friend, so Zhengliang decided to send people to the four countries to win allies just like Otomo's family.This time, it was Shigeta Muzo who had just returned from other places who requested to be sent as an envoy.In addition, Masaragi is also planning to send Ari and others who have just returned from Zhoufang to set off with Kizo Shigetada. The goal of Ari and others is naturally to assassinate the Otomo family's retainer Kamsuki Usuki who has also rushed to Shikoku.The last time Usuki Kanha was allowed to escape, this time he must be prevented from leaving the Shikoku area alive.

Similarly, adhering to the principle that the enemy of an enemy is a friend, Zheng Liang decided to send an envoy to Izumo Niko's house again.The envoy sent to the Nizi family last time had already returned. Although the Nizi family treated the envoys of the Luo family with courtesy, the Nizi family did not immediately respond to the matter of forming an alliance between the two families.Zheng Liang could tell from the attitude of the Nizi family that the Nizi family seemed to rely on their own status, and at that time the Luo family was still under siege by the Ouchi family and the Ouchi family. Qingjiu's young and vigorous character at this time is very likely to have such thoughts.But as the Luo family defeated the combined army of Ouchi and Otomo this time, it even almost wiped out the Ouchi family.At this time, Luo's family is already qualified to sit on an equal footing with Nizi's family, so they can naturally sit down and have a good talk about the alliance.

It's just that Zheng Liang was in trouble as to who to send as an envoy to Nizi's house. (To be continued..)

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