The one who suddenly appeared was of course the beautiful girl who was called "Ghost Princess" by the locals.In the castle town of Kishidake Mountain Castle, it is estimated that she and Nohime are the only ones who can make the people afraid to avoid it.

Since Zhengliang was wearing a civilian patched dress today, and Miki was also focusing on the scouts, she didn't notice Zhengliang for a moment, but continued to yell:

"Let's go, get up quickly, what are you doing kneeling there, gather quickly, we have to go out immediately, let the enemy know how hard we are waiting."

When Miki yelled, all the boy scouts couldn't help but tense up, especially the expressions of Hyakutake Kenkan, Narimatsu Nobukatsu, and Esatoguchi Nobujo were extremely obvious.Obviously, they have experienced this kind of "outing" many times.Seeing the expressions of all the boy scouts, Zheng Liang finally understood Mi Ji's status as the eldest sister of these people.It is estimated that these guys usually "work for tigers" under the call of Maggie.

Just as Meiji was yelling, it was the black steed under her crotch that first recognized Zhengliang.After confirming that it was Zhengliang, it was obviously very happy, and immediately trotted towards Zhengliang.After Zheng Liang saw the appearance of the horse clearly, he immediately waved away the guards who were about to intercept the horse, and then smiled and looked at the approaching man and horse.

"Ah? Xiao Hei, what are you doing? Hurry up and stop." Suddenly finding the war horse running under her crotch, Meiji on the horse's back immediately exclaimed.

"Okay, you ran out too." When the black horse was about to approach Zheng Liang, it finally slowed down, and finally stopped in front of Zheng Liang.And Zheng Liang also tapped the horse's head lightly, and said with a reproachful face.But the black steed thought that Zheng Liang was admiring it, so it directly stuck out its tongue and licked Zheng Liang's left hand that he didn't take back.

"Xiao-hei!...Huh?" Miki finally calmed down from the panic caused by the sudden start of the war horse.But suddenly heard a familiar voice.So he quickly stopped scolding the horse.Instead, he quickly raised his head and looked forward.

After seeing the person in front of her clearly, in just a split second, Meiji's originally aggressive look immediately turned into a smile, and then immediately changed into a dignified and quiet look, she jumped on the horse lightly, and jumped off the horse's back very gracefully Get down, then walk quickly to Zhengliang, salute sweetly:


Miki's expression changes so quickly.Zhengliang, who is a father, was also surprised.Damn, this can go to win the grand prize of a ska.

The Boy Scouts beside him, including Hyakutake Kenken, Narimatsu Nobukatsu, Esatoguchi Nobunaga, were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.It's like the sun is rising in the west.Is this still the head of the eldest sister who is usually domineering?Now it's just a docile kitten!For a time, a lot of heartbreaking voices sounded in the hearts of everyone.

"Hmph, why didn't you keep shouting? Wasn't it very majestic just now? And you..." At this point, Zheng Liang slammed the head of the black horse again, causing the latter to turn his head in dissatisfaction. Then he stuck out his tongue and continued to lick Zhengliang's left hand, as if begging for mercy.

"Is it okay to beg for mercy? After returning this time, I will be sent to the pasture on the Ye Gaoshan side for a few days of confinement." Zheng Liang knocked on the horse's head for the third time, and said harshly.Naturally, this army horse was Bailihei who assisted Meiji and Nong Jiqiao's family last time.Unexpectedly, now he is a "fugitive" and an accomplice again.You don't have to think about it.It must have escaped with Maggie.Usually if it is unwilling, no one can pull it.It will even attract the attack of its iron hooves.

Poor Bailihei, although he was still licking Zhengliang's left hand desperately, he couldn't understand that Zhengliang had already sentenced him to confinement (in fact, he went to the horse farm on Yegao Mountain to serve as a stallion for a few days. , this is a happy and painful day for Bailihei).

After hearing Zhengliang's punishment of Bailihei, Meiji next to her knew that her punishment would soon come down, but she would never give in, so she took another look at Bailihei who was still innocent Finally, Meiji said in her heart: I'm sorry, Xiao Hei, my father often said, "A dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist". As your boss, I can't accompany you this time. You should go down and be locked up for a few days.So she gritted her teeth and used her trump card before Zheng Liang could speak again.

"Father, why don't you wear your armor today? Why don't you let me wear it for a few days?" Meiji said in a coquettish tone.There are only two ways to deal with Zhengliang, one is to act like a baby, and the other is to cry.It is obviously not good to adopt the second method in public now, so she immediately adopted the first method.

"No." Hearing Meiji's coquettish tone, Zheng Liang's slightly angry mood immediately softened, and of course he couldn't let Meiji touch his Nanman armor.

"What? Father promised his daughter to help her make a suit of armor, the armor you mentioned about Mu Guiying." Hearing Zheng Liang's tone softened, Meiji sneered secretly. , and then rolled his eyes, taking the opportunity to change the subject.

"What? When did I promise to help you build the armor?" The iron materials in the territory were not much in the first place, so Zheng Liang naturally wouldn't let Meiji come and waste it.

"Hey, Ajiu, why are you here too?" Meiji yelled in feigned surprise, showing her talent of changing the subject to the fullest.It was as if he had just discovered the little girl next to Zheng Liang.

"Elder Princess Palace... Lord General." Bhikkhuni Yuanjiu, who had just expressed to Zheng Liang that she was also qualified to be Zheng Liang's minor surname, was a little puzzled at this moment. Didn't the eldest sister always know that she was in the Boy Scouts?Why does it seem like she just found out that she is here too.When she was puzzled, she hurriedly saluted Meiji, but when addressing Meiji, she suddenly remembered that Meiji didn't like them calling her Her Royal Highness, but asked them to call her Lord General, so she quickly Change your mouth and salute.

"Ajiu, this is my father!" Meiji introduced Zhengliang to Ajiu with great pride.Now she must try her best to make Zheng Liang unable to recall the punishment she had just prepared.

"Your servant... I know that I just asked my lord to become my lord's surname?" The child is still a child, although he has learned some etiquette.But the two girls soon chatted like girlfriends.

"Really? Is this true? Father. This is really great. Father, please allow Ajiu to join the guard of my daughter and Sister Nongji?" Meiji immediately pulled happily after hearing the words Wrapping Zhengliang's arm, he pleaded.This image of a good girl once again surprised the surrounding Boy Scouts and leaders so much that their mouths grew, almost forming an "o" shape.

"Guards?" Miki's words immediately reminded Zheng Liang of one of the reasons for returning to Kishigake Mountain City this time.The reason for this is that he came back to fight the fire for what Miki and Nohime had caused.

The last time I was in the valley on the border of Aso County, I was unfortunately hit by Honda Zhengliang's words. Zheng Liang just received the news that the second army of the Luo family had been hit by the empty city plan of Otomo's house and lost the pass, so he temporarily let him arrive soon. Mihime and Nohime from the Bungo country returned to Kishigake Mountain Castle in the Hizen country halfway, and then they were locked up for a few days.As a punishment for arrogating the family without authorization.

Of course, in order to prevent these two troublemakers from coming out to cause trouble after being locked up, Zheng Liang wrote a letter to them before heading to the Jiulian Mountains, telling them that the Roche Academy in the lower town of the village city is about to be completed. And Zhengliang planned to set up a female student specially for recruiting female students, and then asked them to help build the academy.

Why establish a separate college for women in the Roche Academy?Isn't there a Roche Academy now?Wouldn't it be ok for men and women to study together?

The above thinking is too naive.This is the ancient Warring States period, not the era of later generations (and even in later generations of Japan, the male-dominated thinking is still quite strong).Originally, what women learn is mostly singing and dancing, piano skills and other knowledge.Now if you go to the same hall as the man to learn the things that are originally mastered by the man, it will definitely cause an uproar.It goes without saying that women are taught alongside men.Even letting women gather together to study such things will be resisted by some people.That's why Zheng Liang adopted this method of setting up independent colleges to teach women's knowledge alone to improve women's productivity.

Yes, the reason why Zhengliang promoted the women's college was to maximize the productivity and physical health of women in the territory, create more wealth for the territory, and give birth to more healthy children.As for the idea of ​​equality between men and women, at least in this era, it will not be easily accepted.Even if it is to be implemented, it will take decades or even hundreds of years to see results.

As for the arrangement of Mihime and Nohime, on the one hand, it can be regarded as an additional punishment in disguise for the two of them, lest they have nothing to do and cause trouble everywhere.On the other hand, relying on their identities and appeal, they can also reduce the resistance when recruiting female students.And they did devote great enthusiasm to this matter, but they were too enthusiastic.

In order to attract more female students, they first set their sights on the daughters of the retainers of the Luo family in the castle town.So every day, these two guys took their loyal thugs (Machiko's boy scouts) to "visit" the mansions of these retainers from door to door, and then directly or indirectly used various methods to get these retainers to agree to send their daughters to The women's college of Luo's Academy was studying, and even asked these retainers to allow their daughter to join the Shen Ji fan team organized by the two of them.

As a result, the area of ​​the vassal's mansion in the castle town was completely confused by the two of Mihime.Some vassals were so confused that they didn’t dare to go back home (these vassals naturally thought that Meiji represented Zhengliang, ah, what they are doing now is to represent Zhengliang’s opinion, so Meiji, who has nothing to do with the interests of the family but embarrasses them Naturally, they are not good at refusing the invitation, otherwise who knows if they will offend the lord Zhengliang because of this, and in the end they have to avoid meeting Mei Ji and others).And another group of retainers with extremely old-fashioned thinking even wrote to directly complain to Zheng Liang.Seeing that Mihime and Nohime were making things worse, Zhengliang was about to return to Hizen, so he came back early to fight the fire.

Although Zhengliang hoped to promote the construction of this academy with the vigor of Mihime and Nohime, he did not intend to let them directly cause dissatisfaction among the retainers at home, so Zhengliang had to be rescued this time.So now that Mihime mentioned the word "Guard", Zhengliang immediately remembered what these two troublemakers had created, and even thought of the conversation he had with Nohime last night.

This time the incident at the women's college was made like this by the two. After returning to appease the stubborn retainers, Masaragi naturally wanted to reprimand Mihime and Nohime who were the instigators alone.

For Zheng Liang's reprimand, Miki naturally acted like a good girl and seemed to accept it completely, but based on Zheng Liang's understanding of her, it would be good if she could listen to half a sentence.Hey, the innocent and lovely Tian Mizi was educated like this by himself. Zhengliang really felt the sense of failure as a father. I hope Miki will be better after this rebellious period.

Mihime listened attentively to Zhengliang's teachings, but Nohime simply refuted it.At this time, Zhengliang really understood why there were documents in history that both Nohime and Nobunaga were stubborn people, and now he finally sees it clearly.In fact, her habit of getting to the bottom of things is itself a manifestation of stubbornness. (to be continued..)

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