Warring States Eagle

Chapter 684 Coin System

What was mentioned above is the situation of conventional weapons, and the next is the situation of the Luo family's hot weapons.

Big tube.At present, there is only one large cylinder in the Luo family, and this large cylinder has been placed on the fort of Qibu City by Zheng Liang for the purpose of defending the city.With the range of the large cylinder, it is completely possible to shoot at the ships on Beppu Bay.Therefore, its existence will pose a great threat to enemy ships attempting to attack Qibu City from the sea.In addition, there are two large tubes that are about to be tested at this time.If all the big tubes produced this year can pass the test, then the Luo family will have five big tubes by the end of this year.

Iron cannon.Due to the limitation of production equipment in this era and the lack of raw materials, there are only more than 50 iron cannons stored in the warehouse at present.These iron cannons will be temporarily used as backup equipment for the Luo family's No. [-] Iron Cannon Standing Squadron. Zheng Liang will consider expanding the size of the Iron Cannon Squad after restocking some iron cannons.

In terms of gunpowder, it is also due to the limitation of raw materials. At present, there are only less than two thousand catties of gunpowder in the warehouse.Similarly, there are not many cannonballs in large cylinders, and there are only more than 50 qualified cannonballs at present.In order to increase the power of the shells, Zheng Liang has asked the Firearms Workshop to study how to make flowering shells.

In terms of bullets, based on the fact that a barrel of bullets contains 5000 bullets, Luo's family currently has more than 5000 barrels with more than [-] bullets.For the convenience of portability, bullets are uniformly placed in a dry and sealed bamboo tube, just like the early combination technology of gunpowder.An iron cannon always needs to carry at least five barrels of bullets for each battle.

In terms of war horses.At present, Luo's family has more than 300 war horses and more than 800 reserve war horses in the ranch under Yegao Mountain (these reserve war horses need to be trained before they can become real war horses).

As for warships.Already 290 eight ships have been shut down. More than 500 Xiaozao. 86 Dutch ships.Forty merchant ships.

All the above-mentioned reserves are all the standing armaments in the current warehouse of the Luo family that are ready to be provided to the standing army.In addition to the above-mentioned standard weapons of the Luo family, in previous wars, the Luo family successively seized more than 7000 long spears and more than 2000 bows and arrows.

But these long spears, bows and arrows are all standard, and the quality is uneven, and the quality is much worse than that of the Luo family's standard weapons.They will generally be used as weapons for temporary conscripts of peasants and soldiers.After the peasants and soldiers are used up, these weapons will be recycled into the warehouse.


For a daimyo with an income of 160 million shi and a population of more than 90 in the territory, it is actually a bit shabby to have such a small amount of armament in the warehouse of the territory.

but.This is caused by the objective situation and objective conditions.In the past few years, the Luo family's territory has been expanding rapidly (it feels a bit militaristic), and they have launched rounds of fierce battles with the surrounding big names and powerful forces. Naturally, a lot of weapons have been consumed in the war.And the raw materials for making weapons are not available for a while (this is the so-called short supply), especially raw materials such as gunpowder can only be obtained by merchants from the Ming Dynasty and Nanban merchants, which directly limits the improvement of the Luo family's stockpile and armaments. .

Next, the Luo family will take a break to recuperate, take advantage of this period of time to produce armaments, and at the same time find a way to find a stable supply of minerals that the country lacks locally.

Accompanied by everyone, the inspection of the firearms workshop was completely over, and then Zheng Liang came directly to the smelting workshop.

For the smelting workshop.Zhengliang can only put forward opinions from later generations, after all, he is not omnipotent.Under the circumstances that he was not very familiar with the smelting industry, he naturally would not give orders blindly.However, after inspecting the coin casting production line in the smelting workshop, Zheng Liang thought of other aspects of the territory construction.

For a long time, for the bad money that flowed into the Luo family from outside the territory (most of it was acquired by the Luo family through the commercial houses of the Shenya family, and even specially purchased copper mines in various places), it was imported from the Ming Dynasty. The advanced smelting and casting technology first extracts the silver contained in it, and then recasts it into Yongle Tongbao, and finally flows back to areas outside the Luo family's territory as the main currency of the Luo family's foreign trade.

During this process, the Luo family not only extracted silver from the bad money and local copper mines, but also made more profits through the price difference between the recast Yongle Tongbao and the local bad money.

Looking back on this process, Zheng Liang couldn't help thinking, since this method can earn wealth from people outside the Luo family's territory, why can't it be used to earn wealth within the Luo family's territory?

At present, within the territory of the Luo family, the trading methods among the residents are basically bartering (not many transactions are in the form of coins), and among them, grain is used as the currency in the transaction the most. .Therefore, food is the hard currency in the Luo family's territory.

For a long time, due to the long-term suffering of lack of food and starvation, almost all the citizens will subconsciously keep food at home like golden bumps.Even if there is surplus food, they would rather eat all of them than take it out when the food can no longer be stored.

It is precisely this kind of concept, and such a way of trading with grain as hard currency, that seriously keeps some of the grain that should have been circulated in the market in the homes of the local residents until it is about to rot.Just imagine, if there is this part of the grain, why would the Luo family face the plight of no grain at this time?Why bother to be timid when attacking foreign countries?

So how should we change the concept of leading the people?The answer lies in these coins in the workshop.

Zheng Liang plans to establish a money system similar to the banks of later generations in the territory, allowing coins to replace food as the main intermediate item in the daily transactions of the people, so that in addition to releasing material wealth such as food, it is also established in the territory. A stable currency system allows the territory to enter a healthy development.

At this time, some conditions for implementing this system have already been met in the territory.

First of all, the Luo family has minted a large number of unique coins belonging to the Luo family, and has gradually implemented these coins into the daily life of the citizens in the daily transactions of the territory (the law of the Luo family stipulates that in the territory of the Luo family, only Use coins unique to the Roche family).What's more, the Luo's family has always practiced recycling other daimyo's bad money kept by the local people, and then exchanging it with the unique coins of the Luo's family.Therefore, the citizens of the Luo family already have the foundation to use the coins of the Luo family.

Secondly, the cabinet of the Luo family has actually taken on the role of a bank for later generations at this time. They serve as a reserve institution for the income of the people and retainers of the rich family, providing them with grain storage services.Zhengliang can use this as a basis to independently create an institution similar to a bank in the cabinet to undertake this type of business.Then gradually use the unique coins of the Luo family as the intermediate currency as the hard currency in exchange for the food goods of the leaders and retainers, and gradually promote the coins as the main currency.

Finally, after nearly ten years of development, Hizen Country has become the most prosperous and affluent area in the territory of the Luo family.The so-called hiding wealth in the people, after so many years of accumulation, presumably these local residents have stored some surplus food in their homes to varying degrees.This provided the basis for Zhengliang's money-for-grain plan, so that the Hizen country was used as a pilot to gradually implement the Luo family's money system.

Moreover, in order to implement this plan, Zheng Liang can completely ask the Cabinet to study a reasonable implementation plan, and at the same time provide some preferential measures to attract the active participation of the citizens. This will definitely get the response of the citizens.

From a long-term point of view, in order for the Luo family to develop steadily in the future, establish a complete internal affairs system for the territory, accumulate foundation, and become stronger, then things like the currency system inside the territory must be established in advance, and then Slowly improve in development. (to be continued..)

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