Warring States Eagle

Chapter 691 Saltworks Reform

After inspecting the shipbuilding workshop in Imari Bay Port, Masara boarded several navy ships, and then came to Fukushima and Eagle Island in Imari Bay.

On these two offshore islands, large salt fields have been established.Standing in the middle of the salt pan, a gust of sea breeze mixed with the smell of spring blows towards our face.In the salt field, the drying of the salt seems to have ended at this time, and now there are few people, leaving only a large piece of dark white salt grains in the salt field.

"Heiji, I think the saltworks can be opened to the local people to operate." Looking at the workers who were building the filter embankment next to the saltworks, Zheng Liang said to Dongxiang Heiji who was by his side.

"My lord, what is this?" Dongxiang Heiji was a little confused.At present, there are five salt farms in the territory of the Luo family, of which there are three salt farms in Hizen country, and one salt farm in Chikugo country and Higo country.Under the management of the Cabinet of Ministers, these saltworks are well managed, why the Lord Zhengliang suddenly handed them over to the local people to operate them.

Of course Dongxiang Heiji didn't understand Masaragi's intentions.The purpose of Zhengliang's doing this is to reduce the number of personnel in various institutions of the Luo family, to ensure that the personnel of these institutions are streamlined, and to prevent the personnel of these institutions from becoming tainted with officialdom over time and becoming moths that consume internal resources.

The reason why the salt field was completely controlled by the Luo's family was to avoid being used by hostile forces against the Luo's family, which would lead to a shortage of salt in the Luo's territory.However, with the continuous expansion of the Luo family's power and the improvement of various supervisory agencies, internal affairs agencies, and business systems in the territory, the Luo family no longer has to worry about this situation.Even if it does appear, there is already enough ability to deal with it.

That being the case.It is better to release this resource to the people.Then let private wealth promote the redevelopment of these resources?With the promotion of the laws of the Luo family to promote business development.Now a large number of people engaged in business within the territory have emerged in the territory.These people will be more active in operating these salt farms than the cabinet salt farm management officials who are gradually losing their vitality. After all, the income of the salt farms is related to their vital interests.This method can not only avoid bad internal consumption, but also promote the development of the territory, so why not do it?

Facing Togo Heiji's puzzlement, Zheng Liang said: "It is enough for the Cabinet to keep only the snow salt production workshop, and the size of the snow salt workshop should be doubled."

"Yes." Compared to coarse salt salt farms.In fact, the snow salt is the main source of income. While meeting the needs of the territory itself, the current snow salt is also exported outside the Luo family's territory, and even sold to the Ming country through smuggling merchants in the Ming country.

"As for the crude salt salt field, the Cabinet will first draw up a list of locations where salt fields can be built based on the conditions of Hizen, Chikugo, and Higo. news.” Zhengliang’s method is somewhat similar to the “salt introduction” practiced in the Ming Dynasty.

"The construction of the saltworks and the employment of workers are all the responsibility of the local residents who have purchased the certificate of permit?" Dongxiang Heiji already understood Masaragi's intentions a little at this time.

"That's right. The Cabinet of Ministers can provide them with guidance on how to make coarse salt, but the cost of building salt farms is the responsibility of the local residents themselves." Zheng Liang said affirmatively. When it is time, take the form of an auction."


"It is to gather them together. Then, according to the geographical environment of each salt farm, the Cabinet will first approve the lowest price for these salt farms, and then let the citizens who intend to buy the certificates bid publicly." Zheng Liang said.

"My lord is brilliant." Dongxiang Heiji's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

"Also, it is required that only grain can be used for purchase this time, and other property such as coins will not be accepted."

"That's right!" Dongxiang Heiji suddenly realized when he heard the words.Just taking this opportunity to raise another batch of food, "It's just, my lord, one household may not have enough food to buy."

"They are allowed to jointly purchase and operate the salt farm. The income of the salt farm will be distributed according to their investment in the salt farm. This cabinet must track and record the whole process and make a fair judgment. By the way, the Roche House and the God House must also participate in every It is in the shareholding of the saltworks." The Roche House and the Shenya are actually the official business organizations of the Roche family.With their participation, on the one hand, they can give the people in the territory a message of peace of mind, alleviating their concerns about whether the operation of these salt farms will be profitable, and on the other hand, they can also monitor these salt farms indirectly.What Zhengliang wants is to form healthy competition among these salt farms and guarantee the daily needs of the people for coarse salt at a slightly lower price, rather than let them unite to form a monopoly and raise the price of coarse salt in disguise.

"In this case, my lord, why didn't Chikuzen and Bungo implement this law?" Dongxiang Heiji had already thought of the impact on the life of the people in the territory and the development of the territory after the implementation of this law, so he didn't understand Zhengliang. Why is this law only implemented in Hizen, Chikugo, and Higo, but not in Chikuzen and Bungo?

"Let's wait until the three trial areas are effective." Chikuzen and Bungo are still war zones at this time, and it is still a bit unsafe for salt farms to be built along the coast.In addition, the internal affairs cabinets of these two places have just entered the localities, and at this time they are still gradually rolling out the basic internal affairs of the localities. There is simply no manpower and material resources to carry out this work, so the implementation of the saltworks law can only be postponed.

"Okay, that's it for today. Let's go back to the shore first, and then find a place nearby to have a meal." After Dongxiang Heiji personally recorded the request that Zheng Liang just said, Zheng Liang finally said.

So the group began to take the original ship and began to return to Imari Bay Port.

Imari Bay Port, this time the local government has a deep memory.When the Luo family was still a small wealthy family in Matsuura County, they responded to the call of the most powerful family in Matsuura County, Hatata, and fought here against the Matsuura family, who was also a powerful and powerful family in Matsuura County.He even experienced a thrilling night battle here, and finally fled to the seaside in embarrassment to take a long-arranged home navy ship and fled back to his home territory.Not long after, after the Luo family defeated the Bodo and Matsuura families respectively.Masaragi gave all the territories near the port of Imari Bay to the important minister Kakukuma Ishimune and some other small wealthy families.

In a blink of an eye.Seven or eight years have passed.This place has also been managed by the Kakukuma family and other wealthy families into a fertile plain, and since the shipbuilding workshop directly under the Roche family is at the port near here, at the junction of the Kakukuma family's territory and the port, there is a workshop. Workers, their families, and even local residents merged to form a small town.

After walking into this small town, I saw people crowding inside, which gave Zheng Liang a feeling of going shopping in the streets in the afterlife.There is a large market in this town.A lot of people, workers and family members of the shipbuilding workshop are doing business here.

Among the crowd, Zheng Liang actually saw two armies patrolling Komachiko.A group of troops consisted of a middle-aged man who had broken his left hand but was still wearing Luo's family-style clothes.This kind of standard clothes is specially made by the Luo family's cabinet for the staff of the Luo family's official organization. The most obvious mark on the clothes is that there is a black eagle printed on its chest.This kind of clothes is only qualified to be worn by personnel of the Luo family's official organization. If non-official personnel imitate wearing it, it will be regarded as a violation of the territorial laws and will be punished.

And behind this middle-aged man was a group of children holding bamboo spears and marching at a neat pace.These children were all around the age of eight to thirteen or fourteen, male and female, and the tallest one carried a flag with a black eagle on his shoulder.This is the team flag specially designed by Zheng Liang for the Territory Boy Scouts.Almost every town, even every village in the Luo family's territory.The local Boy Scout troop has such a team flag.

Obviously, the middle-aged man who lost his left hand is a regular reserve who has retired from the Luo family's army.And he should be the head of the town in charge of the military training of the boy scouts in this town.

On the surface, a middle-aged man with a broken left hand leading a group of children through the crowd in the market must seem a little funny.However, since the entire team was marching at a neat pace, it looked quite mighty, causing many of the leaders nearby to applaud.Some leaders even proudly introduced some children in the team to the people around them, presumably the children were the children or relatives of these people.

In comparison, a group of ten young men who also happened to be patrolling the market passed by, their marching pace seemed a bit sloppy.Masara saw the family crest of the Kakukuma family from the clothes worn by this army.This town is a town that belongs to Kakukuma Ishimune's territory, and the Kakukuma family is indeed obliged to ensure the stability here.Obviously, this army is the retainers of Ishimune Kakukuma.

According to the laws of the Luo family, a wealthy family or retainer working for the Luo family can only have fifteen retainers at most (these retainers can carry weapons), and of course there is no limit to the number of servants (but they are not allowed to carry weapons. It is expressly stipulated in the law that the implementation of the knife hunting order, ordinary citizens are not allowed to carry weapons privately, and violators will be severely punished).Under such restrictions, generally speaking, retainers who are good at martial arts will be more inclined to choose retainers who are good at management, which will help him manage government affairs and territories; while retainers who are good at government affairs or strategies tend to choose retainers who are good at Wu Yong's retainer, this can provide him with protection.

Now that Kakukuma Ishimune is in charge of the work in Bungo country, there are already enough Luo family standing around to protect him, so naturally he only needs to leave a few retainers by his side, and those idle retainers are probably being taken care of. They were sent back to maintain the law and order of the territory, so there was a situation where two armies appeared in one town at the same time.

For each rich family or retainer's territory, the lord implements the management of his own territory under the premise of abiding by the laws of the Luo family.And every town and village in its territory is also subject to the management of the lord under the premise of abiding by the laws of the Luo family.The lord has the role of supervising the town or village, while the town head and the village head play the role of supervising the lord.If any party violates the laws of the territory, it will be reported by the other party.

Moreover, no matter the lord or the local town head or village head, they only have the right to manage the internal affairs of the territory, but not military power.In other words, without the approval of both the local cabinet of the interior and the military cabinet, if the lord arbitrarily mobilizes the local boy scouts and the towns or villages responsible for military training to do things that have nothing to do with the duties stipulated by the territorial laws, it will be considered treason.The same is true for town heads and village heads.

Today, Zhengliang, Dongxiang Heiji and others came out to inspect after the black eagle changed their faces, so the two armies did not recognize Zhengliang and others when they passed by Zhengliang and others.So Zhengliang and the others simply wandered around in the market.

After several years of development, the lives of the citizens of Hizen Kingdom have been greatly improved. Many of the citizens' families have gradually become richer, and some surplus items have gradually accumulated in their hands.With this basic condition, bazaars emerged in various parts of the territory under the joint promotion of the cabinet and local lords.

The current territorial market is not only found in the castle town of Daimyoju Castle.But almost every town and even some slightly larger villages already have them.Sufficient and evenly distributed bazaars are conducive to promoting the development of the local economy, which is also a measure for the internal affairs of the territory that Zheng Liang strongly promotes. (To be continued..)

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