Warring States Eagle

Chapter 696 Territory Changes

Everyone looked at a big tree that made a sound by the side of the road.I saw that the bushes of the big tree were pushed away, and a child's head got in. It was a boy, about twelve or thirteen years old, with a small black and thin face covered with dust, and his hair was about It is more than an inch long and unkempt, like a magpie's nest.

The sudden appearance of the child made the guards in charge of guarding around Zheng Liang a little ashamed, especially those guards disguised as black eagles, who flushed with shame.There was an omission in vigilance under their noses, and it was their old profession to hide in the trees, but now someone seemed to be stronger than them, and he was still a child, how embarrassing did they feel?

"Sanlang, come down quickly and salute to your lord." The person in charge of leading the way obviously recognized the little boy on the tree, so he said hastily.Then he trotted directly in front of Zhengliang and Dongxiang Heiji and apologized: "My lord, please forgive me, that child is Saburo of this village, and he is the most mischievous child in the village."

The person leading the way is obviously also a smart person. Before the departure, Dingtou once told him to carefully serve the adults in front of him. Just from the expressions of Dingtou, it can be seen that the identities of these people are not low. , and look at the dozen or so people following him (actually less than half a mile away, there is also a team of hundreds of troops ready to support at any time on standby), it is obvious that these people are the few people in front of them. He is the guard of an adult, so he is really worried that these adults will blame the little boy in a fit of anger.

"You are not the people of that hateful lord." The little boy fell to the ground like a monkey.Then he came over after getting Zheng Liang's permission, but the first sentence he spoke almost made the guides fall to the ground in fright.

"Oh? How did you find out?" Zheng Liang asked with interest.Obviously, since the last time the wealthy family who had just been ordered to confiscate their territory by Zheng Liang brought people to rob the women of the people.The village has stepped up its vigilance, and this little boy is in charge of the vigilance.

"You all carry weapons. That nasty lord can't carry weapons." The little boy said carelessly with his eyes wide open. "Otherwise, I would have sounded the alarm." After speaking, he pointed to the The big tree he was hiding from.It is estimated that there is something on the big tree that makes alarm sounds.

However, this sentence of the little boy made Zheng Liang's eyes shine, and he couldn't help but sigh the little boy's ability to be good at observation.In fact, the territorial law stipulates that only certain members of the Luo family can carry weapons.Ordinary citizens are not allowed to carry weapons without authorization.But today, Masaragi and the others swaggered through the town with samurai swords, and almost no one noticed this problem.

The only person who was vigilant was the person in charge in the restaurant who rushed to the scene to deal with the conflict in the meeting hall.Afterwards, he even came directly to test.After learning Ari's identity, he immediately arranged Zhengliang and others to eat in the back hall of the gourmet restaurant.But the person in charge is a detective himself, and the fact that Zheng Liang and others are different is related to his profession.And now this kid.When I met Zheng Liang and others for the first time, I noticed something strange.This made Zheng Liang sigh.

After sighing, Zheng Liang immediately said: "Then who do you think we are waiting for?"

"I don't know, but I'll know soon." The little boy rolled his eyes, shook his head first, and then said with certainty.

"Hahaha... let's go, take me into the village for a visit, I promise I won't hurt you." Zheng Liang couldn't help laughing and said.

Then a group of people continued along the mountain road to Qiantian Village.

"The villain greets the adults." Not far from the entrance of the village, a group of people who had just been informed by the guide ran back ahead of time stood at the entrance of the village to greet Zhengliang.The leader is their village head.This village head was obviously reminded by the person who led the way.Knowing the dignity of Zhengliang and the others, they immediately came over to salute as soon as they saw Zhengliang and the others.On the contrary, the dozen or so boy scouts and villagers behind him didn't know what was going on.They all looked nervously at Zheng Liang and the others.

"Let them all disperse." Zheng Liang didn't come here for a welcome meeting, and he didn't need any formalism, so he directly asked the village head to send those villagers away, but he didn't enter the village at all, but turned around instead. The direction went to the field.

The land in May exudes vitality everywhere, even the soil under the feet exudes a burst of fragrance.Zheng Liang took off the straw sandals on his feet after walking a section of the field path, and then walked barefoot on the field ridge covered with mud and weeds.

Seeing this, Togo Heiji frowned, obviously feeling that Zhengliang's behavior was out of style for a daimyo, but after thinking about Zhengliang's character, he finally had no choice but to follow Zhengliang slowly in silence.The few old farmers who were forcibly brought to accompany them in the distance at the back were very surprised. There was an adult who made such a move?Zheng Liang made them feel immediately approachable.

Zhengliang carefully observed these fields.It was already mid-May at this time, and the paddy fields were already full of green rice, while dry wheat was planted on the slightly higher mountain.

At present, the country of Wa basically implements the farming method of one crop per year. In fact, with the longitude and latitude of the country of Wa, it is completely possible to implement crop rotation or multiple cropping.

Multiple cropping or crop rotation refers to the farming method of sowing and harvesting more than twice a year on the same piece of land.Multiple cropping can make full use of the land per unit area and increase the yield of farmland.For example, pair winter wheat with some spring or summer crops, and take appropriate technical measures to increase the number of planting and harvesting within one or several years.

Now the Cabinet of Ministers has sent people to test this farming method in the experimental manor that Zheng Liang established in Ye Gaoshan in accordance with Zheng Liang's instructions. Once successful, it will be fully promoted in the territory (although Zheng Liang knows that this farming method will definitely Success, but after all, this is ancient times. There are many factors that are different from those of later generations. If there is a mistake in the forced promotion, it will cause many people to starve to death. So to be on the safe side, Zheng Liang decided to find a Experiment in a small place and then gradually promote).

There are ditches of different sizes crisscrossing the field, among which the ditch connecting a stream in the center of the field is dug particularly deep, and the ridges on both sides of the ditch are even reinforced with low-quality cement.At the junction of the creek at the end of this ditch, Zheng Liang also found a waterwheel.

This is a water turning car made by Luo's family carpentry workshop.Its structure is similar to that of a human treading overturned bicycle, but the power used is different.First dig a deep and narrow ditch on the bank of the flowing water, and set the waterwheel in it.Extend the pedal shaft of the overturned car to make a vertical wheel (vertical wheel).Next to the vertical wheel, another wooden shaft is set up, and two horizontal wheels (horizontal runners) are used on the shaft.The upper lying wheel and the vertical wheel are the front wheels, and the two branches interlock with each other.And the water rushes against the lower lying wheel.

When the water rushes against the lower wheel, the lower wheel moves, drives the upper wheel, and then drives the vertical wheel alternated with the upper wheel. Overturned, the water was transported ashore.

Or change the lower lying wheel into an independent front vertical wheel, make its width support also alternate with the upper lying wheel, and then stimulate water to push it, the effect is also the same.The under lying wheel can also be changed into a push rod, which can be pushed and turned by livestock.

The biggest advantage of water turning and turning over is labor saving.Because it utilizes the power of nature, manpower and animal power can be used for other production activities.Moreover, this method of water delivery and irrigation can be carried out day and night, and it is more convenient than people pedaling overturned vehicles.

This kind of waterwheel is a unique irrigation tool of the Luo family, and it is not allowed to flow outside the territory of the Luo family.When the Ouchi family formed an alliance with the Luo family, they once sent people to ask for the manufacturing drawings of this kind of waterwheel, but they were directly rejected by Zheng Liang.No matter how much the other party pays, Zheng Liang will not sell.This kind of tool can be said to be a tool related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, and Zheng Liang will not strengthen the strength of potential enemies just because of a small profit.

For the sake of confidentiality, all the waterwheels in the Luo family's territory are uniformly manufactured by the Luo family's woodworking workshop located at the foot of Nogayama in Matsuura County, Hizen Country, and are distributed and installed by the Cabinet according to local conditions. It is settled by the local residents through negotiation. Of course, in order to promote the use of this kind of waterwheel, the residents are also allowed to use it first, and then pay the fee within a certain period of time to purchase.But no matter what, it can't be free. After all, the more free something is, the less the people will cherish it, and the workshop of Luo's family has to recover the cost.

During the subsequent inspection, Zheng Liang saw two more cattle.These two farm cattle are the common property of the village, and they were bought back from the Cabinet by all the village leaders.So almost all the leaders of the village regard them as treasures.

Although the two cattle seem to be a little tired now (after all, the two cattle are responsible for the spring plowing of all the fields in the village, even if they take turns to plow the fields, they are exhausted enough), but judging from the color of the hair on the cattle , The usual treatment should be pretty good.After all, farming cattle is not difficult to raise, as long as there is sufficient grass, sweet streams, and occasionally add a little grain rice to them (for example, rice husks polished from rice, grains and other grains mixed with some things that cattle like to eat cooked together), they can be fed.

At present, in the territory of the Luo family, the number of cattle has exceeded tens of thousands. Among them, the number and distribution of cattle in Hizen, Chikugo, and Higo countries are the most reasonable, and they have basically met the farming needs of the people. .The Chikuzen and Bungo countries are still far behind, and the Cabinet is currently trying to solve this problem. (To be continued..)

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