Warring States Eagle

Chapter 885 Seize the Opportunity

As mentioned earlier, it is already the middle of the Warring States period, and a large number of guardian daimyos have gradually transformed into Warring States daimyos. ?. .

Under such a background of the times, if you still maintain the previous strategy of only plundering but not supporting investment to develop the territory, then as time goes on, not only will there be complaints in the territory, but once there is a continuous war with external forces In this case, it is absolutely impossible to carry out a protracted war with external invading forces, and it may even cause internal Riots lead to internal and external difficulties.

In a more serious situation, once there is a catastrophic weather, the interior of the territory will definitely become smoky, which will cause more forces to covet it, and even do not need foreign enemies to invade at all, and you will be kicked out by the rioting retainers and leaders up.The most outstanding example of this situation is Takeda Nobutora of the Kai country. He is a typical representative who can only plunder but not manage. rise up and drive him out of Kai.Compared with the above-mentioned names.Under the leadership of Zhengliang, the Luo family actually went through the two stages of plundering and taking mainly in the shortest period of time, and then entered the current stage of investing first and then taking, and using local income to support local development in the early stage. territorial development policy.Such a policy will be more conducive to the continuous fighting of the Luo family, and even make preparations for the protracted wars that will often occur in the future and last for several years.

For example, the Battle of Itsukushima and the Raiders of the Western Kingdom this time showed this advantage.in history.Under the leadership of Mori Motozuru, the Mori family took more than two years to swallow the territory of the Ouchi family, and now the Luo family has annexed the entire area from preparation to final.It just took less than a year.In this process, Hizen Country, Chikugo Country, and Higo Country were actually managed and supported by the Luo family in the early stage.At this time, it is supported by areas that have been fully developed.As for the regions of Chikuzen, Bungzen, and Bungo, they are still in the stage of self-sufficiency at this time, and there are even riots, so it is good not to hold back the Luo family.Fortunately, it was the Luo family who took care of and supported these areas before, which limited the impact of the riots in these areas, and they were quickly quelled.Otherwise, it would seriously affect the Luo family's strategy for the West.In contrast, after vigorous support and development in the early stage, not only did the soldiers of the Luo family not have to worry about the rear, but also because the population was guaranteed after the development, the soldiers of the Luo family could continue to be sent to the front line.As for the citizens in the territory, not only did they have sufficient security at home, but they could also indirectly obtain benefits from the war, which naturally led them to be willing to support the daimyo in foreign wars.

Once the combat readiness on the front line is depleted, the territory not only has a lot of reserves in the past development, but also the territory can be quickly re-produced for replenishment.When encountering a force that resists stubbornly, you can completely rely on your own reserves to besiege it until it surrenders, and at the same time divide your troops to fight; when encountering cold weather, you not only have cotton clothes to keep you warm, but you can also produce continuously in the territory.With such support, the Luo family was naturally able to take over the Ouchi family's territory quickly.As for the most troublesome problem of difficult marching roads, due to the support of huge logistical materials, the Luo family's army also avoided the problem of logistical failure due to the difficulty of marching during the period to a certain extent.

Although many big names are aware of this kind of change in the later stage of development in exchange for a large amount of investment in the early stage, not all big names are willing to implement it.Taking cotton as an example, daimyos including Owari’s Oda Nobuhide are aware of its importance. However, it takes a long time for a cotton tree to grow from budding to a real big tree, and the period is long. It takes a lot of resources to invest, and the daimyos are naturally discouraged.Therefore, the daimyo with a long-term vision is willing to plant. When the cotton grows in the future, it can not only be turned into daily clothes, but also can be turned into iron guns and combat uniforms in cold weather, which will play a great role in the development of the territory.From here, we can see the different results faced by different territorial development policies.

Therefore, for the long-term development of the Luo family's territory, and for the protracted war between various forces that gradually emerged in the middle and late Warring States period, Zheng Liang led the Luo family into this kind of territorial development strategy very early on.

Of course, what needs to be mentioned here is that even such a territorial development strategy requires timely decision-making by the daimyo at the helm.When an opportunity arises, if you can obtain greater benefits than letting the family continue to immerse themselves in development, you must attack in time, even if it slows down the development of the family territory. For example, this time The Battle of Itsukushima is an outstanding example.

In terms of seizing opportunities, as a latecomer and familiar with the general historical trend of this era, Masatoshi claims to be much better than the huge Imagawa Yoshimoto of the East China Sea and the Sagami Lion Hojo Ujiyasu. )

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