This piece of information was urgently sent by a person from Shenglong in the Kyoto area, and the information in it was about Yixiangzong. @乐@读@小说 It turned out that the 11th generation master of Osaka Honganji Temple Honganji Zhengru, who had been bedridden for a long time, finally survived the battle of illness in late May and went to another world.At the beginning of the month, Honganji Xianru, the legitimate son of Honganji Zhengru, succeeded to the position of priest with the assistance of his grandmother Keishuin, and became the No.[-] generation priest of Honganji Temple.

Honganji Temple, who had just inherited the position of Dharma Lord, was immediately busy integrating the internal forces of the family, and at the same time establishing relationships with the emperor, the imperial court, and surrounding forces. Therefore, the consistent riots against the Luo family's West Country territory previously promoted by him will inevitably be inevitable. affected.Zhengliang was happy because of this.

Judging from the reports sent back from all over the territory during this period, although Yixiangzong and the Maori family caused a lot of trouble in the territory of the Luo family's West Country this time, Yixiangzong also suffered a lot of losses because of this. Let's not talk about this time. The local temple forces were almost uprooted in the suppression of the various groups of the Luo family. Only the core personnel sent by Honganji Temple from Osaka have suffered a lot of damage. Killed by the Roche family.Originally, Zhengliang didn't know that these two people had come to his territory, but he only learned about it from some of the prisoners after the war.These two people are the two famous "Xiajian Sanfang officials" in the history of Hongan Temple. They can be said to be the fierce generals of Hongan Temple who will vigorously expand its power in the future, but now they died aggrieved in the territory of the Luo family. The influence of the temple is quite a lot.

Due to Zhengliang's series of preparations in advance, this time Yixiangzong's riots in the Luo family's territory in the Western Kingdom can be said to be at a disadvantage.The biggest impact on the Luo family was the delay in the Luo family's assimilation of the Ouchi family's territory in the West Country, and the delay in the Luo family's strategy and penetration of the Mori family and Bingo country.But look at it the other way around.As long as the Luo family thoroughly wiped out the power of the local temples and shrines in this riot, then the Luo family will more thoroughly digest and control the Ouchi family's territory in the West Country.

In fact, according to the current situation, no matter whether Zheng Liang is willing to admit it or not, the Luo family was indeed held back by this riot.For the Maori family who are confronting the Luo family in the Anyi country area, it should be a good thing, but in fact.Not so.

The Mori family had suffered huge losses during the Itsukushima battle with the Luo family and the Luo family's attack on Aki.At present, it has been confirmed that there are more than [-] retainers who have lost in these two wars, including Kodama Yugata, Iida Yoshitake, Kumagai Nobunao, Sansu Fangqing, and Nami Zongsheng, and such as Kumagai, Kodama, Iida Families such as , Naimei, Jifei, Xinli, and Xihe also suffered almost genocidal blows.Even for Amano Takashige, Fukuhara Sadatoshi, Kagawa Kwangjing, Gui Yuancheng and others who escaped with their lives, their family territory fell into the hands of the Luo family.What's more terrible is that the Kobayakawa family, which is the Liangchuan system that Mao Liyuan has painstakingly built over the years, was also captured along with his third son, Kobayakawa Takakage.The territory of the Kobayakawa family in the eastern region was captured and collapsed.

In terms of military power.The army of tens of thousands of people who managed to put together with great difficulty was almost wiped out, some of them were taken as prisoners of the Luo family and surrendered to the Luo family, and some of them died in the battle of Itsukushima.Even the last part of the die-hards who hid on Itsukushima and were unwilling to surrender, would eventually be "hunted by the warriors" by the local residents of Itsukushima, and died in spear gun dung forks, stimulated by the food rewards of the Luo family under.It became a voucher for these people to receive food rewards from the Luo family.

Since the damage was so severe, the surrounding forces, including the Luo family and the Nizi family, naturally would not let go of the opportunity to beat the dog in the water.Izumo country.Although Nizi Haruhisa was ill in bed, she still would not forget to deal with the Mori family.Even on the surface, Xiangzong agreed to negotiate peace with the Maori family, but secretly he was still uniting with the Luo family, making preparations to drive out the local influence of the Maori family.

The Urakami family, the allies of the Mori family in the Bizen country, also understood at this time that the last confrontation with the Niko family in the United States was actually following the Mori family's way, and unintentionally became a pawn to help the Mori family contain the Niko family. As a result, the Mori family was able to fully focus on the Battle of Itsukushima.Although the Mori family was still attacked by the Luo family and took the fruits of victory, the relationship between the Urakami family and the Mori family also seemed to be precarious.

As for Yixiangzong, although they had previously reached a covenant with Yixiangzong to jointly deal with the Luo family, they were still tricked by Xia Jian Lai Lian. The other party did not follow the covenant to jointly attack the Luo family's army in the border area of ​​the Maori family. As a result, it caused a lot of trouble to the Maori family.

In addition, this time in conjunction with Yixiangzong's riot against the Luo family, in order to increase the pressure on the Luo family's borders in Anyi country, Mao Liyuan even allowed Yixiangzong in his Anyi country, Binhou country, and Beiguo. The territory incited refugees and believers to gather at the border of the Luo family, the purpose of which was naturally to attack the border area of ​​the Luo family.The refugees who were instigated were asking to enter the Luo family's territory to settle under the banner of defecting to the Luo family, thereby attempting to increase the pressure on internal affairs and public security within the Luo family.

The purpose of the Maori family and Yixiangzong is good, but the result is that the Luo family does not refuse to come (although the internal affairs and public security did cause the Luo family a lot of trouble, but the Luo family has a huge internal affairs and material resources. Therefore, these refugees were quickly given smooth and proper arrangements, and the refugees who benefited would naturally not cause trouble within the Luo family. As for those believers who deliberately sneaked into trouble, most of them were separated by the Luo family. Now, from this reading, it can be seen that the Luo family's intelligence capabilities in the local area, which made Mao Liyuan feel frightened. After all, to know the situation of these local citizens in advance, it must be that the Luo family has carried out investigations on these areas very early. This made Mao Liyuan feel as if someone behind him was holding a sword and was ready to assassinate him. As for the believers who directly caused trouble at the border, the Luo family simply attacked them directly.

As a result, the Maori family not only faces the danger of being besieged by surrounding forces, but also has a series of countermeasures against the Luo family's continuous intrusion into the Maori family's sphere of influence.It seems that the effect is very general, even played a counterproductive role.

Now, Mao Liyuan had no choice but to try his best to resist the difficulties around him.On the one hand, it was difficult to wait for the action of the emperor and the shogunate.

What Mao Liyuan was waiting for was naturally the emperor and the shogunate's mediation of the war between the Luo family and the Mao Li family.As long as peace with the Luo family is maintained for the time being, the Mori family will be able to fully cope with the troubles from the Niko family from the Izumo country in the north and other forces in the east, and thus get rid of this crisis.

From Mori Moto's point of view, the newly appointed shogun Ashikaga Yoshiki secretly posted a hero post not long ago, requesting daimyos from all over the world to become King Luo Qin, and he was also very keen to use diplomatic means to mediate conflicts between daimyos from all over the place.This shows the prestige of its shogunate.This time, after receiving the Mori family's request, Ashikaga Yoshiki has agreed to send someone to mediate.And since the Luo family has always regarded themselves as loyal ministers loyal to the shogunate and the royal family, it is naturally difficult to refuse General Ashikaga Yoshiki's mediation this time.Otherwise, in addition to slapping your own mouth, you will also have a bad relationship with the shogunate and the court.So in Mao Liyuan's view, as long as the shogunate agrees to the request of the Mao Li family, then his strategy will surely succeed.

Maori Yuanjiu's idea is a good one.It's a pity that Zheng Liang is a person from later generations.There is a different standard for weighing the pros and cons than people of this era. Anyway, this time Zhengliang directly rejected the mediation request of the emperor and the shogunate.His purpose is very clear, that is to cheat the Maori family severely. It would be even better if he could unite forces from all over the world to destroy the Maori family together.

Therefore, Mao Liyuan has been waiting at home for the news from the court and the shogunate, but the mediation news from the shogunate has not waited.Instead, they waited for the news that the abbot of Honganji Temple in Ishiyama Gobo, Osaka, died of illness, and the new abbot, Honganji Temple, succeeded him.

This is tantamount to a bolt from the blue for Maori Yuan.Although Honganji Xianru, the new lord, has been committed to forming an alliance with the Maori family before, and then the two joined forces to launch a riot in the territory of the Luo family Xiguo, but now that Honganji Xianru has just come to power, he must devote more energy to The first thing to do is to consolidate your own position, which will inevitably affect the riots that Yixiangzong instigated in the Luo family, and even affect the attack against the infiltrating forces of the Luo family in Bingo country.

It can be said that the Maori family still needs Yizong to continue rioting in the territory of the Luo family, so as to prevent the Luo family from deploying more troops to deal with the Maori family.In normal times, he would have wished that Honganji Zhengru, the tenth generation lord of Shishan Yufang Honganji Temple, would die as soon as possible. After all, according to the previous agreement, the Yixiangzong would build temples on the territory of the Maori family and increase the recruitment of believers. For a period of time, in order to deal with the Luo family, Mao Liyuan also acquiesced that the other party wantonly incited believers in his territory, resulting in a serious loss of people in the territory.But now that Honganji Temple is dead, it will definitely not be a good thing for the Mori family, at least a series of strategies against the Luo family will be affected.In this regard, Mao Liyuan really wanted to cry but had no tears.

Just as Mori Moto waited for the news of the shogunate's mediation, and at the same time, his gray hair became more gray due to the change of Honganji Temple, Zhengliang, who was just happy about the change of Honganji Temple, also faced a difficult choice up.

What led to the decision was naturally the news that his son Luo Shi Huiliang had retreated in Nanzhou.This news arrived half a day after the news of Honganji's accident was sent to Zhengliang.

Zhengliang's original plan was to unite various forces to attack the Maori family after the riots in the Western Territory were quelled, because in his opinion, relying on the previous arrangement of the Luo family in Nanzhou, as well as Kai Zhizhi and others With the threat of the border, it is difficult for the Shimadzu family and the Ito family to achieve a greater victory in Nanzhou in a very short period of time.In this way, as long as the Luo family tries their best to solve the Maori family, at least after occupying the entire territory of Anyi Kingdom, it will not be too late to send troops to Nanzhou.

However, the retreat of the family in Nanzhou this time has greatly weakened the prestige of the Luo family in Nanzhou. A series of arrangements made by the Luo family in Nanzhou before will inevitably be affected. Not only has their power been greatly improved, but it has also fueled the progress of the two companies' strategy in Nanzhou.According to the current situation, it is estimated that before the Luo family can get rid of the Maori family, these two families will form an iron barrel formation in Nanzhou to confront the Luo family.This will greatly affect Zhengliang's next big plan.

Although the Luo family seems to have a huge territory now, most of its area has only been occupied by the Luo family for a few years, and the shortest time is only one year.These areas are just self-sufficient or even unable to make ends meet. Therefore, with the wealth accumulated by the Luo family at this time, after experiencing the recent Itsukushima World War I and the West Country Raiders, and also experiencing riots at this time, it is It is absolutely impossible to fight on two fronts. In this case, Zhengliang will have to make a choice. Should he gather resources and troops to deal with the Maoris after the riots in the territory have been quelled, or should he solve the problem in the Nanzhou area first?

Judging from the degree of threat, it seems that both of them pose a great threat to the Luo family, and both will affect the upcoming plans of the Luo family.If we gather resources and troops to deal with the Maori family first, can the Luo family really solve the Maori family in a short time?It seems this is dyslexic again.The most important thing is that the current confrontation between the Maori family and the Luo family in Anyi Country is very fierce, and the determination to resist is also very strong. Under the overall planning of Motojo Moto, the Maori family has repelled the attacks of the Luo family several times.

However, due to the high mountains and dense forests, the roads are complicated and difficult to navigate, and many places are convenient for the defensive side to stick to. As a local Maori family, they naturally made full use of these geographical advantages.Moreover, Mao Liyuan realized that there might be secret agents of the Luo family in his own territory, so he began to investigate with all his strength, which led to the investigation of the Luo family had to withdraw from these areas, and made the Luo family's army lose their eyesight.Therefore, the detective in charge of exploring the road clearly saw the enemy army on the hill ahead, but it turned out that it took half a day to reach the destination, and the enemy army on the hill had long since disappeared.It is precisely because of this reason that the logistics transportation speed is slow, and the city is often attacked by the Maori family's army, which greatly delays the attack of the Luo's family's army.

So in all the previous battles, the Luo family fought fiercely with the Maori family almost every inch of land, and the battle with the Maori family was indeed very painful.As for how hard it is, only those who have really walked through these lands and forests will understand the hardships. (To be continued..)

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