On the mountain road leading to Saeki's home castle in Kaibu-gun, Bungo country in the northern mountainous area of ​​Hyuga country.Shimadzu Takahisa is leading the Shimadzu family's main team, as well as the forces of the powerful families under it, marching non-stop to the Saeki family's territory.

Takahisa Shimadzu's face was serious at this time, unsmiling, as if he was thinking about something, his head was held by Xiao Xing aside, with Tsukiyo's unique samurai hair on the top of his head, he looked extraordinarily energetic.His eyes are thin and small, but they are very energetic, and they cast sharp gazes from time to time, his demeanor is calm, and his whole person exudes a decisive and decisive aura.

Takahisa Shimadzu is 45 years old this year. He has been in charge of the Shimadzu family for more than [-] years. He used various means to subdue many wealthy families near the Shimadzu family, and even made himself and his family recognized by the court. He even received the official positions of the five subordinate repair officials bestowed by the imperial court. Just last year, the Shimadzu family unified the Satsuma country under his leadership, and infiltrated the power into the Osumi and Hyuga countries.At this time, the Shimadzu family has reached its peak in his hands.

This time, the Shimadzu family, which has already repelled the Luo family's army in the Satsuma area, is also facing the pressure of being retaliated by the Luo family at any time. The Jin family shared the pressure from the Luo family. This time he had to follow the covenant to send reinforcements to the Saeki family, and he even led the army to support himself, so as to strengthen the confidence of the two covenants.

As for the security of the territory after he entered the battle, the Ganfu family of the Osumi Kingdom had suffered several disastrous defeats.The Shimadzu family is no longer afraid of its counterattack, and even plans to annex Osumi country in one go after this war.As for the military power of the Luo family located in the Nanfeihou country area.Takahisa Shimadzu is also prepared to deal with it. It can be said that his appearance this time is foolproof.

The only thing that made him angry was the shameless act of the Luo family launching a war during the spring plowing season. This would greatly affect this year's spring plowing in the Shimadzu family's territory, and at the same time, this year's autumn harvest would also be affected.

To this.In the secret conversation last night, Yoshisuke Ito also expressed his anger.But neither Yoshisuke Ito nor Takahisa Shimadzu.There was nothing he could do about Luo Shizhengliang's despicable behavior.In order to deal with the invasion of the Luo family, they had to recruit a large number of young and strong people from the people as soldiers, which would inevitably affect the spring plowing of the people.If a large number of farmers and soldiers are not drawn, it will be difficult to get enough troops to support the two positions of the front line and the border of the territory at the same time.So even if you wish to chop that despicable Kyushu rotten eagle into countless pieces.I also had to grit my teeth and draw farmers and soldiers to deal with it.

However, this time, the Shimadzu family supported more than [-] troops. As for the Ito family, their reinforcements also had more than [-] people, plus the Saeki family's [-] people, there were more than [-] troops. , and has the advantages of geography and human harmony, this time the coalition forces will definitely be able to resist the invasion of the Luo family, and even take the opportunity to defeat the Luo family.

Even if unfortunately forced to retreat.Relying on the many dangers on the mountain road along the border between Beihyuga and Nanfenghou, it is absolutely possible to stop the Luo family's pursuit of victory and keep the Luo family out of the door.Therefore, Takahisa Shimadzu is very confident about playing this time.He raised his head and looked at the continuous Ito family and Shimadzu family reinforcements in the mountain road ahead.Shimadzu Takahisa finally showed a smile on his face.

Just when Ito Yoshisuke and Shimadzu Takahisa personally led the reinforcements to support the Saeki family, that night, in the Saiki family's Uro Castle, there was a tense atmosphere at this time.

In the castle tower of the castle, the sound of hurried footsteps rang on the roof of the tower, and in the feeling of Saeki Yoshiyoshi, there seemed to be panic everywhere.

Looking out from the castle tower.The whole field was pitch black, in the bitter mountain wind.The swaying of the torch hanging high on the curved wheel made the shadow of the arrow oar on Ninomaru also become erratic.The sound of banging wood was heard everywhere in the city. This is because the farmers and soldiers recruited temporarily under the supervision of the samurai moved the wood overnight to repair several incomplete walls in the city.

In the department house, bundles of arrows were moved out from the inside out, and transported to the arrow scull and the castle tower.Kazuharu began to string the bow, and the samurai took out the waxed samurai swords and polished them again.And the house is full of goods and equipment, and the spears are distributed to every farmer and soldier.The samurai shouted loudly at the newly recruited farmers and soldiers. They were assigned to the ashigaru head of each samurai and formed a combat force.

Saeki Yoshio sighed when he saw this, he was still a little hasty, he also just learned the news of the fall of Meimuli City nine days ago.

After hearing the news, Zuo Eki Yoshio was shocked, and immediately ordered to prepare for the battle. At the same time, he sent envoys to the various retainers in the territory, ordering them to quickly bring troops to the main city for rescue.In addition, he also sent envoys to the country of Hyuga, urging the Ito family and other reinforcements to speed up their support.

But even so, the time is too hasty.In less than ten days, the people of the territory are busy starting spring plowing again, how can the surrounding retainers mobilize all the people in the territory in such a short period of time.Fortunately, because a group of farmers and soldiers had just been recruited as reinforcements to assist the defenders of Memure City, now that Memure City has been captured, this army is just right for defending the city.

It's just that the news of the fall of Umemori Castle still makes Saeki Yoshio unbelievable.You must know that in Meimuli City, not only his brave and resourceful younger brother Saeki Zhenzhong led more than [-] people to guard, but also more than [-] Shimadzu elite soldiers led by Shinna Tadamoto, the fierce general of the Shimadzu family, were stationed. .Furthermore, relying on the strong and towering fortress built on the steep Meimuli Mountain and the limited and narrow location outside the city that makes it difficult for the siege troops to exert their superiority in strength, even facing the attack of the Luo family's so-called tens of thousands of troops, they are absolutely able to last for several months.It has only been less than a month now, and Meimuli City has fallen, not even a single deserter has escaped, let alone his younger brother Zuo Eki Zhenzhong, who is still alive and dead. Didn't fully understand why.

Now, according to the news sent back from the detective in the afternoon, the Luo family's army has already stationed on the other side of the Kurusu River, which is less than three miles away from the city. As long as the other party is willing, they can cross the Kurusu River within half a day. Arriving at the city, Saeki Yoshio was caught off guard.

Just when Saeki Yoshio was anxious and worried about the situation facing the Saeki family, there were bursts of exclamations not far from the castle tower.

"What's going on over there?" Seeing this scene, Yoshikazu Saeki asked immediately.The retainers behind him immediately went down to inquire about the situation.

And at this time, Saeki Yuisho had already seen that in a house in the distance, the windows suddenly became extremely bright. After a while, a burst of flames suddenly burst out of the window, and the long tongue of flames made people on the balcony of the castle tower. Saeki Yoshitoshi also felt a heat wave rushing towards his face, followed by bursts of crackling and crackling sounds.

After reconfirming the location of the fire, Saeki Yoshito yelled: "No!" (To be continued)

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