Warring States Eagle

Chapter 940 Unexpected visitor

Just as Yashiro relayed to Saeki Yoshio, Masara was indeed building a simple fortress at the station on the bank of the Kurusu River at this time.

It is precisely because of the need to build a walled city that naturally requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Before the slave brigade arrived at the rear, Zheng Liang had to dispatch troops to the nearby areas to plunder people and supplies.

In addition to the Walled City, Zheng Liang also planned to build a strong fortification around it.From now on, this place will be used as a base to fight against the allied forces of the Saeki, Ito, and Shimadzu families.Although on the surface at this time, the Luo family seems to be in full swing and occupying a great advantage, but according to Zhengliang's habit, everything has always been set according to the situation of failure, and the current fortifications , is the backup in case of failure.

Of course, Zheng Liang has arranged for compensation for the looted population and their belongings. After all, these populations are already members of the Luo family at this time.The way of compensation is naturally to provide them with fields, houses, farming tools, etc., in exchange for the materials and labor they brought at this time.

The specific method is to send the elderly, women and children among the population of "Ding" and "Point" novels looted back to the territory of Meimuli City area that was just occupied in the rear. Anyway, there are no people there at this time, and the territory is also deserted. In a certain period of time, these citizens will be ordered to settle there, turning it into a normal territory again.Of course, in order for these citizens to settle down smoothly, in addition to strictly implementing the daily support laws of the Luo family, a certain degree of tax relief and other benefits must be provided.

As for those young and strong who were looted.In order to quickly build the city and the surrounding fortifications, they can only stay in the barracks temporarily to continue building the city, and then go to the rear territory in batches to visit their families during the construction period, and then return here to continue building the city. Otherwise, these young adults would not be able to work with peace of mind.At the same time, after experiencing the benefits of the Luo family, these people have become strong supporters and lobbyists for Zheng Liang's subsequent plans.

As for the reason why Zheng Liang suddenly built the city wall, for the sake of the longer-term plan and Zheng Liang's previous layout, Zheng Liang only explained to a few of his retainers who needed to cooperate with his plan and layout, and the other retainers were kept in the dark inside.Fortunately.It seems that since this time it came out.These retainers are already used to their lord's sudden strange behavior, especially after successfully taking down the strong city of Meimuli City, the retainers have no objection to Zhengliang's strange behavior, and instead work hard to implement it. Get all the orders from Zhengliang.

not to mention.According to the plan proposed by the lord Zhengliang in the assessment in the military account.They will immediately start a large-scale looting of people, materials and property across the Saeki family.Although according to the military rules of the Luo family, there are great restrictions on actions, but it is rare to have an opportunity to do one.Everyone is already gearing up to prepare in secret.The lord has said that whoever can plunder the most people and supplies will get great military merit.

In Saeki City, Saeki Yoshikado didn't know that he was about to face a full-scale invasion of the Luo family. He was angrily sending Yashiro, who had been released back to pass on the message, to recuperate, and immediately received an unexpected return. A character's request.

"Tell me, what's going on?" In the wooden house, the desk that was kicked over by Saeki Yoshio hadn't been set up yet, but at this moment he couldn't care less about it, and looked at the kneeling man in front of him very seriously. This unexpected visitor.

"My lord, my subject escaped." Kneeling on the ground was none other than one of the city lords who were in charge of defending Meimuli City, Saeki Yoshio's younger brother Saeki Shinchu.

"The one who escaped?" Saeki Yoshio became suspicious after hearing the words. Previously, Yashiro was released after the Luo family took the initiative to bring them to the Luo family's camp. Now the missing man in front of him The younger brother who had been waiting for several days actually escaped from the Luo family's big camp. Could this younger brother tell him again that he was passing the message on behalf of the Luo family's family governor?Or, is there something wrong with this younger brother?

"Yes." Saeki Shinchu nodded solemnly, "Brother, Umemori Castle fell after a powerful weapon from the Luo family broke through the city gate."

"A powerful weapon?"

"Yes, this weapon can shoot huge iron balls, which destroyed the city gate in one fell swoop. Seeing that it was impossible to resist, I had no choice but to pretend to surrender to the Luo family."


Hearing that his younger brother had actually surrendered to the Luo family, Saeki Yoshikado almost didn't stand up and gave the opponent a kick, but then thought of the situation at that time, it seemed that his younger brother was helpless, so he held back.

"Oh, woo woo woo..." At this time, Saeki Zhenchu ​​also suddenly burst into tears, and then continued, "My lord brother, it's gone, everyone is gone."

"Huh? What's missing?"

"It is the army of the family who followed the surrender of the younger brother. After they surrendered, they were escorted by the Luo family in batches to the territory of the Luo family in the rear. Until the younger brother escaped, there was still no news of them. My lord, really It's gone, they're all gone, woo woo woo..."

"Hey!" Looking at his younger brother Zhenzhong Saeki who was covered in dirt at this moment, Yuiyo Saeki couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted. At least this younger brother escaped from the opponent's camp. When he came back here, he first came to see himself. It can be regarded as worthy of the dignity of the Saeki family.Of course, as the head of the family, he still needs to be tougher, so he immediately asked: "When you escaped from the Luo family's camp, what exactly did you see, tell me immediately."

"Yes, elder brother." Seeing his elder brother's face became serious again, Saeki Zhenzhong immediately nodded solemnly.

"My lord, this younger brother pretended to surrender to the other party, and then took the opportunity to escape after gaining a certain amount of trust from the other party. Previously, this younger brother had secretly observed the other party's situation when he was in the Luo family's camp."

"Very good! Tell me quickly!" Saeki Yuikao nodded immediately.

"At this time, the Luo family camp seems to be building a walled city."

"It's really building a fortress?" Saeki Yoshio asked in surprise.

"What? Brother also knows this information?"

"Yeah!" Saeki Yuikao nodded, but he didn't continue talking. The main reason was that he didn't want to tell the story of Luo Shizhengliang's release of his vassals and came back to spread the word. After all, when he thought of it, he felt angry.

And Saeki Zhenzhong also seemed to see that his elder brother Saeki Yuikao suddenly became unhappy, so he didn't continue to ask, but continued: "My lord brother, let me point out to you the location where the other party is building the fortress. "

While speaking, Saeki Zhenchu ​​had already got up, came to another desk in the room, and took out a rolled up map from below.As the important minister of the Saeki family, and also the younger brother of Yoshika Saeki, he is naturally very familiar with the placement of various items in the room.

Soon, a map of the city and its surrounding territories unfolded in front of the two of them.Uro Castle was built on Mount Uro at the confluence of the Kurusu River, Naokawa River, and Nouchi River.The place where the Luo family camp is located is on the east bank of the Kurusu River, which is less than three miles away from the city.The location here is exactly the position where the Kurusu River is shaped like a zigzag, and the flow of the Kurusu River just changed from south to north to east to west. The direction just turned into north-south facing.

Although in terms of geographical location, if the Saiki family army wants to attack the opponent, it only needs to go straight down from south to north along the Kurusu River, and they can attack the Luo family's camp from both sides of the east or west.As for attacking from the waterway, it will be impossible.Because the Saiki family had no boats at all at this time, and the Luo family's camp was built on the north side of the Kurusu River at this time. Affected by the terrain and currents, the boats could not play a role in this terrain. , and even became the target of the shore defenders.

Since it is impossible to attack from the water, the only way to attack is from the land on both sides of the river, but is this feasible? (To be continued..)

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