Warring States Eagle

Chapter 943 The Savior Arrives

The reason why Zhengliang made such an arrangement was mainly because, after he thoroughly checked the information about the Saeki family and Saeki Yoshiyoshi, Zheng Liang discovered that although Saeki Yoshiyoshi was a fierce general in Otomo’s family at the beginning, he had always been extremely cautious. Cautious, even a little suspicious (it is this kind of character that allowed him to keep his family property in many wars in the history of Otomo's family).

As a later generation, Zhengliang is very familiar with the knowledge of psychological warfare, so Zhengliang simply arranged the current appearance of preparing to attack the city but not preparing to attack the city, which made Saeki Yuikao suspicious.

What's even more coincidental is that when a group of the Luo family's army secretly robbed the Saeki family's territory, they even captured an important minister next to Saeki Yoshio, so Zheng Liang simply followed his plan, released the Saeki Yoshio's retainer, and threatened him. The other party relayed his words to Yuijiao Saeki, otherwise rumors would be spread in the territory of the Saeki family that it was the secret work of the Luo family.

Just as Masara had expected, Yashiro honestly relayed Masara's words to Saeki Yuikao after returning home, in order to get rid of the stains on his body, which again increased Saeki Yuikao's doubts.Of course, even if this is the case, Zhengliang still feels that it is not enough, so he deliberately let Saeki Jintada escape, and everything that Saeki Jintada said after returning to Saeki's house is true, but Such truth and falsehood made Saeki Yoshio even more suspicious.

After confirming that Yoshikazu Saeki still stood still after knowing that the Luo family's army had secretly bypassed the city and entered its rear to plunder people and supplies, Zheng Liang knew that his plan was basically successful.Just add another handful.The other party would definitely not dare to attack and stop the looting of the Luo family and the construction of fortifications.

So today, Zheng Liang added the last piece of material.So I designed a scene where the leaders of the Saeki family passed by who were used to escort and loot from outside the city, and the ambushes in it did exist, the purpose was to tell Saeki Yuikao that there were plots prepared by the Luo family everywhere outside the city, etc. Looking at him, this will naturally strengthen the decision that Saeki Yasuyoshi couldn't stick to in his heart.

After today's scene, from now on, the Luo family's army can freely enter the Saeki family's territory and wantonly plunder people and material wealth.Anyway, there is only one purpose.That is to plunder every inch of the Saeki family's territory, and not leave any strength for the other party to rely on.

Of course, although this series of layouts took a lot of trouble, it was Zhengliang's strategy of using offense instead of defense. Otherwise, once the Luo family army did not attack the opponent's city, the opponent would definitely attack and fight, which would affect It's time for the construction of Masara's fortifications and the overall clearing of the Saeki family's territory.

Moreover, judging from the current strength of the Luo family's army, it will definitely defeat the Saeki family's army in the field. Even if Masara is willing to increase a little damage, then the reinforcements of the Ito family and the Shimadzu family can still catch up behind. To capture the city before.

but.The Saeki family's Urojo is actually just a decoy in Masara's eyes. His real target is the reinforcements of the Ito family and the Shimadzu family.Attract the opponent's main force here.Then there is to build this place into a battlefield that he is familiar with as much as possible (the clearing operation and the construction of fortifications this time are setting up his own battlefield), which is Zheng Liang's real purpose.

As for the decoy Saeki's family, will they evacuate this place and retreat to the direction of Hyugakuni, thus ruining all Masaragi's previous arrangements?This can be seen from Saeki Yoshikado's stubborn opposition to the Luo family after the collapse of the Zongjia Otomo's family. Although Saeki Yoshiyoshi is suspicious, he is very stubborn in dealing with some things.And even if the opponent really retreated, the Luo family's army could completely follow up and attack at this time, at least they could completely unify the territory of Bungo Kingdom.In short, no matter what, the Roche family will be the one to gain this time.

However, Zhengliang's arrangement was successful, but Saeki Yuikao fell into trouble because of this.From the beginning of March until the end of March, Yoshika Saeki was suffering all the time.

As the Luo family continued to plunder outside the city, at the beginning there would be people who came to the city to ask for help, but as time passed, fewer and fewer people came to ask for help, and instead, people came every day. A puff of thick smoke rose from all over the territory, obviously, it was being looted by the Luo family's army.

While facing the inner torment of the territory outside the city being constantly robbed and destroyed by the opponent, the anger and dissatisfaction of the samurai and soldiers whose relatives are outside the city, and even the alienation of the retainers whose territory is outside the city, made Saeki Yoshio feel even more. I'm afraid, if this continues, there will be no need for the Luo family's army to attack the city, and the city will fall into civil strife.In addition, the less and less food in the warehouse made Saeki Yoshio even more desperate. If it weren't for this time, and with the full support of his younger brother Saeki Zhentada, he would have collapsed long ago.

Fortunately, when Saeki Yoshikashi was besieged on all sides, the reinforcements of the Ito family and the Shimadzu family finally entered the border of the Saeki family.His savior had finally arrived.

"What? Umemori Castle has long since fallen, and Shinna Tadamoto is nowhere to be found?" When Yoshisuke Ito, Takahisa Shimadzu, and Yoshihisa Saeki met in the city, Takahisa Shimadzu finally found out The news of the fall of Umemori Castle, Shimadzu Takahisa was shocked when he learned that there was no news of his general.

After the three-party alliance before, facing the continuous small-scale harassment and invasion of the Saeki family's border by the Luo family, the Ito family sent troops to support several times and provided a lot of material support. In contrast, the Shimadzu family It seems that there is no supportive action, so in order to show the Shimadzu family's determination to fight against the Luo family, Shimadzu Takahisa sent Shinna Tadamoto to lead a team of elites to the Saeki family's firm not long ago. Chengmei Mulicheng assisted in the defense, but now they got the news that Xinna Zhongyuan was missing and the elite team had no news.

You know, Shinna Tadamoto is not only his strong general, but the Shinna family is also a powerful family in the Satsuma area that supports the Shimadzu family. If the Shinna family gets the news, they don't know what will happen.What's more, the loss of an elite team will have a lot of impact on the strength of the Shimadzu family.Shimadzu Takahisa originally thought that Umemori Castle was so strong that even if he lost to the Luo family in the wild, Shinna Tadamoto could still rely on the city to hold on and wait for reinforcements to rescue him, but now...

While Takahisa Shimadzu was thinking about the dead general, Yoshisuke Ito looked at Yoshiki Saeki with some doubts and asked, "Master Yuiko, please forgive me for being rude. After Fang took over the territory, he found that the villages along the way seemed to have been burned down, why is that?"

"Alas!" Saeki Yoshio, who was about to analyze the fall of Meimuli City in more detail, sighed bitterly when he heard the words, and then sent the Luo family's army to camp three miles away from the city. What happened afterwards was described in detail to Takahisa Shimadzu and Yoshisuke Ito. (To be continued..)

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