Togo Heiji asked Luo Shi Teruliang to return to the castle tower of Hizen National Academy City in Kyushu. This was mainly because the three agencies of the Luo family, the Internal Affairs Cabinet, the Military Cabinet, and the Intelligence Cabinet organized a group of farmers, soldiers and supplies in the Higo Country area, preparing to enter the Hyuga Country. Regions, continue to increase the strategy of the Hyuga country region, as the government agent appointed by the family governor Masahiro, Luo Shi Teruliang naturally has to personally approve these matters. &top&point&novel{}

After handling the government affairs at hand and personally sending Togo Heiji out of the door, Luo Shi Teruliang once again picked up the information about the situation of powerful people in various places sent back by Ichijo Bandung in Kyoto.

At the forefront of the information, first of all, Oda Nobunaga, the governor of the Oda family in the Owari country, had just sneaked to Luo with a few retainers in January of this year.After meeting with the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiki in Kyoto, Oda Nobunaga returned to Owari.

No one knows what Oda Nobunaga and Ashikaga Yoshiki discussed, but the new governor of the Oda family has indeed done a lot of things that surprised Teruhara after the recent unification of the Owari country.For example, the family supervisor, who was considered a fool at the beginning, vigorously promoted the cultivation of sweet potatoes from Luo's family.Apparently, the governor saw the role of sweet potatoes in military rations.If it is planted on a large scale, the military rations will naturally be greatly increased.

Of course, due to the strict control of the Luo family, although the smuggling of sweet potatoes to areas outside the territory was unavoidable before the sea ban was implemented, the tyrants who obtained the sweet potatoes outside actually did not know that the roots and vines of sweet potatoes can also be planted , instead, they only know that it can be grown with fruit.In this way.When planting, the consumption of sweet potato fruit is very huge.And the planting time has become longer.It cannot be planted on a large scale in a short period of time, and it cannot be compared with the Luo family who have been able to vigorously promote the cultivation of sweet potatoes in all territories.

And the vines of sweet potatoes can be used as feed for horses. Of course, you also need to pay attention to the amount of feeding and combine it with other feeds. Otherwise, if the amount is too much, the horses' feet will be soft.Therefore, the vines of sweet potatoes are generally used as feed for cattle, pigs and other livestock in the Luo family's territory.

certainly.In addition to fully promoting the cultivation of sweet potatoes, according to reports from the intelligence cabinet personnel of the main family lurking in the territory of Owari country, the Oda family's military power is undergoing reform, and the reference target of the reform is the Luo family.After all, his father, Masaragi, is the person Oda Nobunaga has always declared to be the most admired.

In addition to Oda Nobunaga, the governor of the Oda family, who went to Los Angeles, shortly after Oda Nobunaga left Kyoto, Nagao Masatora (that is, Uesugi Kenshin) from the Nagao family from Echigo Kingdom also went to Los Angeles alone with a few retainers. up.

This is not the first time that Nagao Masatora has been to Los Angeles. Since the last time, Nagao Masatora has established an excellent relationship with the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiki.After the two sides met this time, an alliance was immediately the same time.According to the investigation of the intelligence cabinet personnel of the family in Kyoto, Masatora Nagao also had a heart-to-heart relationship with Guan Bai and the left minister Konoe at this time, and signed a blood letter as an alliance.form an alliance.In fact, in history, since Konoe took the post of Kanbai for a long time, he went to Echigo Kingdom in the third year of Yonglu (AD 1560) to help Nagao Jinghu settle the Ueno Kingdom and Xiazong Kingdom in the Kanto War. A lot of effort has been put into the strategy.

During this period of time, apart from Oda Nobunaga and Nagao Masatora going to Los Angeles alone, Imagawa Yoshimoto, who is known as the number one archer in the East China Sea, is also preparing to go to Los Angeles at this time.Now Kawa Yoshimoto's Shangluo is not going to Luo alone like Oda Nobunaga and Nagao Masatora, but going to Luo by force (with a large army).This also caused Yuanjiang Country, Owari Country and other places to fall into tension.

When Luo Shi Teruliang was looking at the information about the Imagawa family, in the Suruga country of Tokaido, at this time, the cherry blossoms had already begun to bloom, but warblers were singing everywhere.That was not the immature voice of early spring, but a tactful and melodious singing that flowed into the ears of all the generals like a clear spring.

In the courtyard of Junfu Castle.Imagawa Yoshimoto's son, Shizhen, and Nakayumon Xuangang, who came from the capital, were in full swing, and the generals watched with great interest.Yoshimoto Imagawa himself made an exception and set up a curtain under the corridor, laid out a carpet, and admired it with great interest.

The sun was blazing, and the summit of Mt. Fuji glistened under the snow.Afterwards, there should be a wine-giving ceremony, which was mixed with the singing of Lanying, which seemed a little strange.Imagawa Yoshimoto's obese body leaned lightly on the support table, he was dressed in a Kyoto-style attire, and his eyebrows were drawn. He was not so much admiring Cuju as he was observing the expressions of the generals.He imagined that he would soon go to the capital to develop this kind of game with a long history, and the time had come.It has been too long to wait from Imagawa Yoshimoto's grandfather to father.

The Hojo family in Odawara and the Takeda family in Kai, these allies who are related to him, still can't make him feel at ease.When Imagawa Yoshimoto was worried about entering Beijing, they attacked from behind.He was most worried about Takeda Harunobu.Although Imagawa Yoshimoto married Takeda Harunobu's sister and put his father-in-law Takeda Nobutora under house arrest in Sumpu Castle, he knew very well that Takeda Harunobu also wanted to go to Beijing;It's just that Takeda Harunobu is still suppressing his ambition, because he and Echigo's Nagao Terotora are at loggerheads.Moreover, the growing strength of the Miyoshi family in the Kinki area and the Luo family's dominance in Kyushu have made Imagawa Yoshimoto Shangluo's heart even more anxious.

So now is the opportunity!Imakawa Yoshimoto has begun to carefully consider the time of departure.

He casually glanced at the important ministers who were kicking with Sekiguchi, Okabe, Ohara, etc., and finally rested his eyes on Matsudaira Jiro Saburo's face.Matsudaira Jiro Saburo Motonobu finished sweeping the grave when he was 15 years old. After returning to Okazaki, he changed his name to Matsudaira Motoyasu.The reason is that he found that Yoshimoto Imagawa seemed to be worried about the same word for "Xin" in Yuan Xin and Oda Nobunaga's "Xin".

Yoshimoto Imakawa suddenly remembered something, and he quickly left his seat.In order not to disappoint everyone, he brought only a personal attendant and disappeared into the curtain without making a sound.Through the corridor next to the castle tower, he returned to the bedroom.The song of the warbler can also be heard here.Peach blossoms are in full bloom under the eaves.At the door, a woman was sitting there with a little girl in her arms.

"Oh, Tsuru. I kept you waiting." Imakawa Yoshimoto bent down.He touched the four-year-old girl's head with his hand.

This woman is his niece, Senahime, the daughter of the Sekiguchi Criminal Department who is married to Matsudaira Motoyasu.He heard her uncle calling her.Sena Hime gave a respectful salute.She brought Matsudaira Motoyasu's daughter, Agui, who was pregnant with Matsudaira Motoyasu's other child and was about to give birth.

She no longer has the demeanor of a young girl in the past, she looks like an out-and-out woman.She is six years older than Matsudaira Motoyasu, already 24 years old.

Imagawa Yoshimoto swayed his fat body and leaned on the support table. "I didn't call you here for anything else..." He looked at Sena Hime's white skin, "I want to ask you about Matsudaira Motoyasu."

"Matsudaira Motoyasu?"

"I heard that the fool from Owari is going to Beijing at the beginning of January this year. He probably wants to teach that General Yoshiki, who is called the 'Miyoshi', a lesson. Although that kid won't succeed. But it's time for me to go to Beijing too."

Seina Hime nodded slightly.

"So I have to think about some things. What is the relationship between Matsudaira Motoyasu and your mother and daughter?"

Sena Hime quietly covered her swollen belly with her sleeve. "Matsudaira Motoyasu wants a son this time, and I'm praying for it."

"Haha... you mean, very harmonious?"

"Thank you for your concern..."

"Okay, okay." Imakawa Yoshimoto nodded slightly, and then said seriously, "I'm hesitating whether Matsudaira Motoyasu should be the striker when I go to Beijing."

"Does Matsudaira Motoyasu have any ideas?"

"You must not be careless." Imagawa Yoshimoto moved his gaze from Sena Hime's face to her abdomen, "You are older than Matsudaira Motoyasu, I shouldn't have said these things, but I still heard that there are people in Matsudaira Motoyasu's family who are related to Zhizhi The Tian family colluded secretly. After Matsudaira Motoyasu was appointed as the striker, if he was manipulated by his retainers, he would cruelly abandon your mother and daughter. If you fall to Owari, then my plan to enter Beijing will be jeopardized."

Sena Hime smiled and shook her head, "I don't think there is anything to worry about."

"Have you firmly grasped Matsudaira Motoyasu's heart?"

"I said I couldn't stand my husband having a concubine, so Matsudaira Motoyasu..."

"Oh? If you have that kind of self-confidence, you shouldn't have to worry about it."

"If you have any doubts, you might as well test Matsudaira Motoyasu's heart before going to Beijing."

"Yeah." Yoshimoto Imagawa was inspired by his confident niece.Since the unification of the Owari Kingdom, the troublesome Oda Nobunaga has often come to harass the borders of Kasaji, Nakane, and Odaka.It's better to let Matsudaira Motoyasu fight with him nearby, so that you can not only see his mind, but also observe his tactics of using troops.

"Azuru is Matsudaira Motoyasu's wife and your lord's niece." Sena Hime was also dissatisfied with her husband's suspicion.It is impossible for Matsudaira Motoyasu to abandon his wife and daughter and go to the Oda family.Besides, he would have another child soon, and he should have fully felt the honor and dignity of marrying Imagawa Yoshimoto's niece.

"That's up to you. Don't mention today's matter to Matsudaira Motoyasu."


"Go to the inner courtyard and get some Kyoto snacks for the child. I have to go outside." He stood up unsteadily, staggering a bit.

"Lord be careful."

Sena Hime hurried forward to support Imagawa Yoshimoto.Imakawa Yoshimoto leaned on her hand, with a very serious expression, and said after a while: "You have to understand Matsudaira Motoyasu's mind. You are older than him, so you should pay special attention to your words and deeds."


"Don't always use the tone of teaching. It's better for women to be docile."

Seina Hime smiled and nodded.In this sense, she is definitely a good wife and does not need to be reminded.

After Imagawa Yoshimoto left, Senahime didn't go to the inner courtyard, but took Agui's hand and went straight out of the gate.Thinking that Matsudaira Motoyasu's first expedition was finally decided, she was very happy.No matter for Matsudaira Motoyasu or Sena Hime, Matsudaira Motoyasu had never been allowed to command his retainers before, which cannot but be said to be a kind of humiliation.This is not because he is incompetent, but because he is not trusted.Now that they decided to go to Beijing, apart from the Okazaki people, they probably couldn't find a more suitable person to contain Owari's army.

Sena Hime intends to tell her husband Matsudaira Motoyasu unreservedly about the conversation with her uncle.Of course, the first battle will probably take place on the border between Mikawa and Owari.She hoped that her husband would defeat the Owari army there, so that people would praise him as worthy of being the grandson of Matsudaira Kiyoyasu and the son-in-law of Sekiguchi Kiyonaga.She is Imagawa Yoshimoto's niece and Matsudaira Motoyasu's wife.The way to be a wife is to consider her husband wholeheartedly.She wanted Matsudaira Yuanyasu to make up his mind early.

Matsudaira Motoyasu respects his wife's opinion very much.Although Sena Ji's aggressiveness often made him unable to disobey. "It's just for your consideration..." Whenever Sena Hime said this.Matsudaira Motoyasu always nodded his head maturely.

"Look quickly. Agui. Orioles and flowers, your father's spring is finally here." Sena Ji handed Agui into the arms of the wet nurse, walked out of the gate with her, and then strolled under the flowers in a happy mood.The game outside seemed to be over, and the sound of flute and snare drum came.

"When will your lord come back?" Seina Hime didn't want Matsudaira Motoyasu to leave her for a moment.Although fate is a wonderful thing, when you think about it carefully, it's really incredible.

At first she just wanted to tease Takechiyo.Because of an accidental opportunity, I became attached to him.and was completely captivated by him.For Matsudaira Motoyasu, she even visited Shizhen the day before the wedding, and was insulted by Shizhen in every possible way.When she found out that she was pregnant with Agui, Sena Ji suddenly felt embarrassed and felt that the days had become dark.She always felt that they were not descendants of Matsudaira Motoyasu, but more like Shizhen's children.

Now, that anxiety has completely disappeared, and she has finally started a stable life with peace of mind.She has no qualms about her husband being younger than herself.She is not ashamed of all the rumors before she married Matsudaira Motoyasu.As long as she thinks of the word "husband", she feels extremely tender.Probably due to being in a predicament.Matsudaira Motoyasu needed her very much, and Seina Hime felt it too.If I am not with my husband, I cannot sleep peacefully.They are harmonious as husband and wife and are expecting a second child soon.There was no doubt that this child belonged to Matsudaira Motoyasu, and she was no longer worried.Sena Hime and the wet nurse happily turned around the stables and exited the west gate.The sun was shining brightly on the embankment, the cherry blossoms were half-opened and half-closed, and the grass beside the moat was thick green.

"Nurse, do you want a boy this time too?"

"That's right, everyone will be so happy if you give birth to a son."

"He will definitely inherit the great business of the Matsudaira family in the future, so I will call him Takechiyo by your adult's baby name. Come and pray!"

"Of course."

Hime Sena reached out and picked a cherry blossom, and put it in Agui's palm. "In today's world, I am afraid that only in Junfu and the Luo family in Kyushu can see women traveling. Other places are suffering from thieves and wars. It is our happiness to be able to live here." Because the Imagawa family and Kyoto All the ministers have a lot of relationships, so Sena Ji also knew a lot of news about the powerful Luo family in Kyushu from the ministers who came to visit, especially after seeing the Nanman and Ming items purchased from the Luo family. Ming Ji is even more aware of the strength of the Kyushu Luo family.So in her eyes, the Luo family is the only one among the powerful in the Warring States Period that can be compared with the Imagawa family.

The wet nurse didn't answer Sena Hime's question.She is the wife of Katada Yoshiroku, a native of Okazaki, who spends her days trying to figure out when she will be able to return to Okazaki Castle.When they returned to the residence of the young master Matsudaira Yuanyasu, it was already the last hour.The sun was shining brightly, but the courtyard of this residence was not decorated with spring flowers and trees.Among the tea and pear trees that have already sprouted green buds, Masaku Sakai, a retainer of the Matsudaira family, is concentrating on sowing early rice seeds.

Sena Hime returned to the bedroom, immediately called Ya Lezhu and asked, "Has your lord not come back yet?"

Assistant Gale rubbed his hands on his muddy knees and smiled innocently.In his eyes, Senahime is always so devoted, and the word "adult" never leaves his mouth.Although the harmony between husband and wife is understandable, Mrs. Suruga doesn't seem to have yearning and nostalgia for Okazaki.He even felt that Mrs. Suruga was preventing Matsudaira Motoyasu from returning to Okazaki.

"I heard you went to Imagawa-sama's place?" Galesuke deftly changed the topic, looking at Hime Sena.

"There are some things I have to tell my lord. Why don't I tell you too." Seina Hime smiled like a little girl, full of charm.She didn't care about Galesuke's bitter expression at all, "Imagawa-sama asked me not to tell him. But how can I hide it from him? You are a part of my life."

"You mean..."

"It's a good thing for the adults. He can finally go out."

"Going out?"

"Ya Lezhu, I can't go out with the adults, can I?"

Ya Lezhu frowned tightly, but didn't answer.

"Because it's the first expedition, the time won't be very long. However, at the border between Owari and Shunfu... How many days will it take? I can't bear to stay here for too long." Hime Sena seemed to be mocking Gaarasuke dull.

"is it?"

Galesuke didn't take Sena Hime seriously.replied casually. "If it's at the Owari border. Maybe a year, maybe two years, maybe never come back."



"Why do you say such inauspicious words?"

"Because Madam is not serious, I'm just joking."

"It's not serious, but I'm telling the truth. I heard that the day of the first expedition is coming, and I won't hide it from you. You should understand my thoughts."

"But, ma'am, you can't simply be happy about this kind of thing."


"Because the opponent is Oda Nobunaga, he has quelled the family turmoil and unified Owari, and now he is gaining momentum."

"Are you saying you can't win easily?"

"The lord has never commanded a single soldier before, and the opponent has experienced many battles since the first battle at the age of 13, even the veteran is inferior. Do you think we can easily triumph?"

Hearing Garasuke's stern tone, Hime Sena was clearly unhappy.

"Isn't it your responsibility to help the adults triumph in the first battle? If you are so discouraged from the beginning, how can you fight? Alright. You can retire."

Yalezhu left unceremoniously.He was very worried and very unhappy.There is a world of difference between Mrs. Suruga and Yu Da, the biological mother of the young master Matsudaira Motoyasu.This is the difference between Junfu women and Sanhe women.Sanhe women follow the rules and have a stoic personality, while Junfu women are superficial and vain.Sena Hime always overexpresses her attachment to Matsudaira Motoyasu. She always thinks that the stable and comfortable life in front of her can continue forever.But Matsudaira Motoyasu didn't take it seriously.He obeyed Mrs. Suruga, and sometimes even sat with his legs crossed, his ears pricked up, listening to Mrs. Suruga's nagging, while thinking blankly.

As soon as Galesuke returned to the field, he picked up the straw for the rice seeds, and saw Matsudaira Motoyasu walking over with a relaxed expression on his face, accompanied by his bodyguard, Hiraiwa Nananosuke.He came behind Yale Assistant and stopped.Yalezhu kept quiet on purpose.Mrs. Suruga will tell Matsudaira Motoyasu immediately what she heard from Yoshimoto.How will the young protagonist react to this?

"Ya Le Zhu." Matsudaira Motoyasu had no choice but to greet.

"Oh, you're back." Ya Lezhu raised his head.The afternoon sun cast the shadows of the pine trees on the black earth that had just been dug.Matsudaira Motoyasu's face looked very weak under the reflection of the black soil and pine shadows.

"Cuju is such an interesting activity. Have you watched it?"

"No. I don't want to see it either."

"Why? That's a matter of elegance."

"I am a person who has nothing to do with elegance, and I have no interest in those things."

"Senior," Matsudaira Motoyasu couldn't help but exchanged glances with Hiraiwa Nananosuke beside him, "You are really stubborn. I was talking about this with Nananosuke just now. It was exactly as I expected."

Galezhu just looked at Matsudaira Motoyasu without answering.

"It's not surprising. I'm already this old. It's been more than ten years since I was a hostage at the age of six. Besides, I don't know when I can return to Okazaki Castle." Matsudaira Motoyasu stopped for a while, Fang said , "I am now thinking about how to welcome the summer after spring in a comfortable mood. The power of nature is infinite. The yellow warbler made a melodious cry in the forest in the city today. But nature will not let the warbler always be able to Sing softly. Do you think so, senior?"


"You said you didn't have the opportunity to appreciate cuju full of Kyoto flavor?"


"I don't think so. I've been thinking, I hope one day I can easily perform cuju for you in the sunny courtyard." After Matsudaira Motoyasu finished speaking, he urged Hiraiwa Nananosuke to enter the gate.

Ya Lezhu's eyes were burning with anger, looking at Matsudaira Motoyasu's back.Let everything go with the flow, wait for the opportunity - although he can understand Matsudaira Motoyasu's mind, he is still angry.Matsudaira Motoyasu's grandfather Qingyasu was known as the number one warrior in the world.I think back then how powerful Qingkang was.But the hero's grandson is now so old, but still achieve nothing.People are like swords, they will rust if they are not used for a long time.Apart from going to the city to watch performances every day, when he came back, he would snuggle up in Mrs. Suruga's lap. Gagasuke worried that Matsudaira Motoyasu, whom the Okazaki people regarded as the light of hope, would turn into a rusty blunt knife.

Hiraiwa Nananosuke yelled "Master, return home" loudly at the gate.In fact, not many soldiers came to greet them.

Yalezhu suddenly lowered his eyelids and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

Matsudaira Motoyasu was greeted by Torii Mototada, Ishikawa and Shichiro, and walked up the steps of the lobby.

Those immature children who accompanied the six-year-old Matsudaira Motoyasu to leave Okazaki Castle.Now they have grown into brave young warriors.Not to mention these young warriors.They are old people such as Yarasuke, Okubo, Torii, Ishikawa, Amano, and Hiraiwa.It is also full of passion, forbearing and ready to go.But they have a lot of dissatisfaction with Matsudaira Motoyasu's lack of haste.Matsudaira Motoyasu had to pretend to be confused, and simply integrated himself into the trivial daily life.In spring, he appreciates the voice of the oriole; in summer, he listens to the chirping of cicadas. He wants to appreciate the vast realm in the natural flow.

He stepped up the steps, nodded casually to everyone, and said, "Thank you." Then he walked directly to the inner room.Sena Hime had already been waiting at the door of the inner room.Her eyes sparkle.

Sena Hime has been pregnant for a long time and will give birth at any time. If the world is safe, of course a delivery room should be built for Sena Hime to live in, but the delivery room has not been built.

"It's so pitiful!" Today, Sena Hime in the eyes of Matsudaira Motoyasu is particularly pitiful.She seems to be able to do whatever she wants, but in fact she is just a bird of prey.After the death of Zen Master Xuezhai of Linji Temple, the spring of Junfu has passed away.Today's Sena Hime is nothing more than a victim without freedom.She is just a toy that Imagawa Yoshimoto gave Matsudaira Motoyasu in order to keep Okazaki's heart.As long as the time is right, the owner of this toy will lead his retainers to the battlefield.At that time, I probably won't have the leisure to pay attention to the sad and poor her.

"If you don't have the determination and courage to abandon your wife and children..." The knot left to him by Zen Master Xuezhai before his death was just to ask him whether he should choose his wife and children in an emergency.Or choose the Okazaki people who have been waiting for him for more than ten years?There are too many families in Okazaki, and generations have dedicated their lives to the Matsudaira family.Sacrificing their grandfather, father, husband, brother, enduring unspeakable bitterness.Matsudaira Motoyasu never thought of abandoning them to maintain the safety and comfort of his wife, children and himself.The question left by Zen Master Xuezhai is now very clear in Matsudaira Yuanyasu's mind.He felt even more pitiful for Sena Hime.

"You're back." As usual, Sena Hime greeted her excitedly into the corridor.She stretched out her hands to catch Matsudaira Motoyasu's knife, and her bright red nails were exposed from the sleeves.Sena Hime, who was about to give birth, had an unusual brilliance in her eyes, making her look very charming.The beauty of women varies with age.Compared with young girls, young women are more charming; and after giving birth to children, women will add another kind of beauty.But when the whole of a woman's life is to please her husband, she will soon meddle in his life, and even try to dictate to him.

"My lord, hurry up, I heard important news." Hime Sena said to Matsudaira Motoyasu.Matsudaira Motoyasu came indoors, and the maids retreated one after another.They knew that Sena Hime didn't like anyone approaching the two-person world of herself and her husband.

There are purple rhododendrons brought from nowhere in the alcove, which add vitality and brilliance to the room, and agarwood is also placed in the incense burner.Sena Hime put her husband's sword on the stand and sat down.

"My lord!" Sena Hime put her hands on Matsudaira Motoyasu's lap, "After my lord left, Imagawa-sama sent a messenger."

"What's the matter?"

"Come to me. The messenger said that Lord Imagawa wanted to see Agui, so I took Agui there."

"Oh, Imagawa-sama, do you really want to see Agui?"

"That's just an excuse. In fact, he wants to ask how you treat me."

Matsudaira Motoyasu looked at Senahime. There seems to be no age difference between the 24-year-old Sena Hime and Matsudaira Motoyasu at this time.

"My lord, hold me tighter. Sena is loved by her husband. Sena is a happy woman... I will answer Yoshimoto-sama like this. Am I right, my lord?"

Matsudaira Motoyasu nodded solemnly, and hugged Sena Hime obediently, "Why do you ask such a question?"

"Because I'm going to Beijing soon. Master Yoshimoto said that you will lead the Okazaki people to Beijing with him... Sena felt very sad when he heard the news... How long will I have to wait after you leave?"


"Master Yoshimoto said that he was worried about you as the vanguard, worried that you would go to the Oda family on the battlefield and abandon me, my daughter and the fetus in my womb..."

Matsudaira Motoyasu frowned slightly, staring at Senahime, "How did Madam answer?"

"I said it would never happen."

"A sure answer?"

"Yes. I said, if you doubt it, you can test your loyalty before going to Beijing."

A stone fell to the ground in Matsudaira Motoyasu's heart, nodded, and thought to himself: "You must not be careless! I never thought that I would make Imakawa Yoshimoto so fearful and suspicious."

"My lord, are you not happy?" Sena shook Matsudaira Motoyasu's body excitedly, "I know that my lord is eagerly looking forward to this day, so I beg Lord Yoshimoto to give you a chance, even if I stay here Don't face the unbearable loneliness and bitterness, but you should still be given a chance. Lord Yoshimoto agreed."

"Oh, nice."

"My lord, am I coping well?"

"Okay, okay." Matsudaira Motoyasu hugged Senahime who was nestled in his arms, and couldn't help feeling a warmth in his chest.

Finally, the day came when the living doll cried... He also felt a little helpless.Sena Ji was unaware of all this, she looked away blankly, her eyes looked pitiful. (To be continued..)

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