"Ask for a monthly ticket!!!" Students, my teacher taught us that as a person with integrity, I will vote for a monthly ticket, and I will be more motivated if I give a few more monthly tickets.

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However, in a daze, he seemed to see the figure of his father Kirei, who seemed to be kneeling on one knee to worship him, which surprised him.

"Father, you can't do this!" And how could this be possible? Why did they call me the Son of God?And why are you looking for me? Seeing his father's figure, Solei immediately rushed to his father's side, and quickly helped Kirei up, he couldn't bear his father's kneeling.

"Hehe, Your Highness the Holy Son, you are the Holy Son, this is a matter prescribed by the Lord, there can be no mistakes!" Kirei said to his son with a serious face, and at the same time his expression was unusually respectful.

"Is that so?" Suo Lei could only reluctantly obey his father's arrangement. Although he didn't know the relationship between himself and the Son Jesus, the only thing he understood was that he was involved in big trouble. "

Solei returned to the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Church - the Vatican Cathedral with the elites of the Church of the Holy Church, the agents and the great knights. [

When he first came back, Suo Lei inexplicably endured the crazy pilgrimage ceremony. His popularity was even more terrifying than he imagined. He was almost disgusted by the pious eyes of these crazy fanatics. Soley lived in the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Church for almost a year, during which time he received the best education and the best tactical guidance, and without exception, everyone obeyed his words and his pious scalp tingled.

In the following time, he quickly figured out what role he was. It turned out that the senior members of the Church of the Holy Church collectively had a prophetic dream. In the dream, God sent the archangel Michael to reincarnate to complete the sacred task. .That's right, it seems that they think that the reincarnation of the so-called Holy Son is themselves, and that they are the famous "Archangel" Michael.

Although Thorey is not very interested in these.But also a clergyman, definitely no stranger to the Bible.

michael (mhel)

The so-called "Who is like God?


-whoslkego", the chief warrior around God and the supreme commander of the angel army. It is called ohehefprnes in the Bible, which means "one of the great kings (princes)". There is only one archangel recorded in the Bible. In the original text of the "Bible", words translated as "Archangel" always appear in singular rather than plural forms. This means that there is only one Archangel. There are many descriptions and praises of him in the Bible. He not only has mortals He has unprecedented courage and comparable power, and has the most beautiful appearance, very handsome. He has a brave and resolute temperament. Although he is warlike, he is full of compassion, and holds absolute negation and passionate annihilation of evil things. Yes The embodiment of "absolute justice", without a trace of darkness.

Five angels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Jeremiah are mentioned in the Canon and Apocrypha.It may be the same person as the angel of Islam, Michael mhl.There are three versions of its rank: Seraphim, Power Angel and Archangel.In Christian culture, his deeds include: annihilating the 15 Assyrian army that invaded Jerusalem overnight, preventing Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac, summoning Moses to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt in the burning bush, capturing and Imprison the thousand-year-old serpent (dragon) Satan ('Apocalypse').Due to the implementation of human creation and the battle against Satan, Michael's power is on par with the Great Demon King.The Celts in ancient times had the same "dragon vein" thought as China, that is, to build the temple of Michael at the crossing point of the dragon vein for suppression.According to Jewish legend, Jehovah created Michael with fire and Gabriel with water.

In the "Battle between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness" in the "Dead Sea Documents", Michael, as the deputy king of the kingdom of heaven and the Lord of Light, leads the angel army to a decisive battle with the dark army of Belial, the Lord of Darkness.The two sides fought for 40 years.The Lord of Light won the first three battles, and Belial won the last three battles. In the seventh battle, God personally defeated Belial.

Another identity of Michael is the angel who counts the souls of people in the final judgment, guides the dead to the "other shore" and judges the fate of people after death (Jewish mysticism also lists it as one of the angels of death) .In Christianity, it is said that Michael guards the soul of the Virgin Mary (mry) and prevents others from polluting it.

Michael and Sirius, the god of Sirius in Egyptian mythology, are the same godhead.As a result, Michael became more cloudy as a guide to the underworld.In Greek mythology.Michael's corresponding deity is Hermes or Apollo, and the corresponding Greek letter is Alpha, which represents "beginning" and "rebirth". Therefore, Michael is actually the guide of the dead and the archangel who guards the light.

"Angel of Mercy", "Angel of Justice", "Prince of God", the name of Michael can be seen in the four angels and the seven archangels. According to the inheritance of the Old Testament "Book of Daniel", Michael is Guardian Angel of Israel.She is the only angel among the guardian angels of 69 emerging countries who has not fallen.It is also an angel who will appear to guide the world when the world is in trouble.In Islam, the description of Michael is: "Emerald wings, saffron hair, with millions of faces and mouths, and tongues in millions of dialects, seeking the forgiveness of Allah for people." The 'Koran' records that Michael shed tears for the sins of believers and gave birth to cherubim.The Snake Cult, an early branch of Christianity, portrayed Michael as a statue with a lion's head and a human body.

It was when I realized that I was such a great existence.Soley was even struck by himself.He didn't believe that he would be the so-called Archangel at first, until the people in the church told him that the pagoda he owned was the legendary Tower of Babel that reached the sky.

During this Christmas season, Soleil, as the son of God, enjoyed the devout worship of nearly 10 people.Suo Lei Gao sat on the position of the Pope, and several people below worshiped his glory, which gave Suo Lei a different feeling for the first time.

Countless powers of faith continuously gathered on Suo Lei, and then passed from Suo Lei to his own Tower of Babel. Of course, all of this was carried out without being seen by everyone.Even Soley himself couldn't see the power of faith. In an instant, his Tower of Babel flew out of his hand, shocking Soley, but he didn't panic because he I can still feel the feeling that I am connected with the blood of the Tower of Babel, and I can control it at will. [

The golden pagoda suddenly flew over everyone's heads, shaking slightly.There were a few traces of dead black and yellow air surging down, falling into the crowd.

Like a miracle from heaven, all the human beings touched by the mysterious and yellow energy were reborn as if they were reborn, and gained huge benefits.For example, rejuvenation and regeneration of severed limbs, 10 people have received different benefits, and this miracle also shocked everyone. (to be continued...)

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