The legend of Li Shuaixi

264th Palm Einzbern

"Ask for a monthly ticket!!!" Students, my teacher taught us that as a person with integrity, I will vote for a monthly ticket, and I will be more motivated if I give a few more monthly tickets.

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Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel accepted the patriarch's call and rushed to Einzbern, the ancient city enclosed by ice, the most magnificent and darkest place - the chapel in Einzbern.

This is certainly not a place to praise God's grace and find peace of mind.In the town where magicians live, the so-called prayer hall refers to the room used for rituals where magic rituals are performed.

Therefore, looking up at the stained glass above the head, it is not a portrait of a saint, but a long history of the Einzbern family wandering in search of the Holy Grail.

Among the "Three Founding Families", the Einzbern family spent the longest time on the Holy Grail.

Sealing themselves in the frozen mountains and stubbornly cutting off any contact with the outside world, they have been looking for the miracle of the Holy Grail almost thousands of years ago.But their quest is fraught with frustration and humiliation, as well as painful countermeasures.

Finally, he began to despair about the way of pursuing the Holy Grail alone, and had to establish a cooperation agreement with external magic families such as Tohsaka and Matou 200 years ago. [

In the subsequent Holy Grail War, since Master's combat power was always behind others, he never won.The final result is that only magicians who are good at fighting are brought in from outside. This decision was made nine years ago.

It can be said that Emiya Kiritsugu was the last trump card played by the Einzbern family, which has always been proud of its pure blood. For this reason, they did not hesitate to change their family's creed for the second time.

The old magician who was the lord of Winter City was waiting for Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel in front of the altar.

Ubstaku Hayd von Einzbern.Since he inherited the seat of the eighth generation patriarch, he has been known as "Ahad".By continuing to live, almost two centuries have been lived.Leading the Einzbern family from the Holy Grail "Quest" to the Holy Grail "War".

He only knew the era of Yustaza. Since the Second Holy Grail War began, Old Man Ahad suffered more than one defeat.

Therefore, for him, the anxiety in his heart when faced with this third chance is naturally extraordinary.Nine years ago, the decision to welcome Emiya Kiritsugu, who was notorious for the title of "Magician Killer" at that time, into the Einzbern family was also made by the old magician, and he just took a fancy to Emiya Kiritsugu. skill.

"A holy relic once sought in Cornwall. Finally arrived this morning."

The old man Ahad was stroking his white beard reminiscent of a frozen waterfall with his hand, while staring straight at Kiritsugu with shrewd eyes from the depths of his sunken eye sockets, it was hard to see how old he was.Kiritsugu, who lived in this ancient city for a long time, faced the patriarch head-on every time.As before, he still can't stand his eyes that make people feel a kind of paranoid pressure.

On the altar that the old patriarch gestured with his hand, there was a long black charcoal cabinet tied exaggeratedly.

"Using this thing as a medium, you can probably summon the strongest servnt who will be the 'Heroic Spirit of the Sword'. Kiritsugu, take this as the greatest assistance the Einsbern family has given you."

"It's really ashamed to be the patriarch."

Kiritsugu and Irisviel returned to their room; they opened the long cabinet entrusted by the patriarch, and were attracted by the things inside.

"I didn't expect it. I actually found this thing..."

Kiritsugu, who was usually calm, also seemed to be very stimulated at this time.

It is a scabbard. [

Made of gold and decorated with dazzling blue enamel, such luxurious equipment is not so much a weapon as a treasure that shows the majesty of a nobleman like a crown and a wand.The inscription carved in the middle is a long-lost elven script, proving that the scabbard is a craft made by non-human hands.

"Why are there no flaws? Is this really an unearthed cultural relic from the era of 500 years ago?"

"It's just a conceptual treasure in itself. Of course it will weather as a material.

Not to mention the medium of summoning as a holy relic.This is a treasure in the field of magic. "

Irisviel respectfully took out the golden scabbard from the lined box and held it in her hand.

"It is said that this scabbard can heal the bearer's wounds just by wearing it; it can stop aging...of course. The premise is that its 'original owner' provides magic power."

"In other words, as long as it is used by the summoned heroic spirit, this thing itself can also be used as a 'treasure of the master'."

Emiya Kiritsugu was fascinated by the unique design and extraordinary beauty of the scabbard, but after a while, his thinking immediately shifted to the pragmatic direction of using it as a "tool".Irisviel looked at Kiritsugu with a wry smile.

"If you say that, even servnts are like this. No matter how famous a hero is, as long as he is summoned as a servnt, it is a tool for the master. Guys who have unrealistic fantasies about this will not victorious in this battle."

Not as a father and husband.Instead, when the profile of a warrior was revealed, Emiya Kiritsugu's profile became extremely cold.Before, when she didn't understand her husband's heart, Irisviel was very afraid to see Kiritsugu like that.

"Only people like you are worthy of this scabbard. This is the judgment of the old man."

"Is that so?"

Emiya Kiritsugu was obviously dissatisfied.If the old man Ahad knew that Kiritsugu, his grandson-in-law and adopted son, reacted like this to the holy relic he had obtained with all his efforts, he would definitely be speechless with anger.

"Are you dissatisfied with Grandpa's gift?"

Irisviel didn't intend to accuse Kiritsugu of being rude at all, but just asked this question as if it was a little amusing.

"How is it possible? He has already done enough for us. Surely there are no other masters who can get such an ace?!"

"If there is such a perfect holy relic, the summoned heroic spirit must be the hero we want. But the contrast between him and me as a master is too great."

originally.Regarding the summoning of servntm, the nature of the summoned heroic spirit is largely determined by the spiritual temperament of the master; if it is not a specific heroic spirit, in principle, all the summoned heroic spirits are similar to the spirit of the summoner.But the fate with the holy relic is the priority factor; the more accurate the origin of the holy relic; the heroic spirit that appears will generally be locked as a specific person.

"That means you're uneasy about your contract with the 'King of the Earth', right?"

"Of course. There are not many men like me who run counter to the way of chivalry."

"Fighting and fair fighting is not the style of my magician killer. Especially when fighting to the death. If you attack, you should attack from behind or when the enemy is sleeping. You don't have to choose the time and place to destroy the enemy more efficiently. … Do you think that noble knight will accompany me in such a battle?"

Irisviel was silent, staring carefully at the shiny scabbard.

It is true that Emiya Kiritsugu is such a fighter, who will do whatever it takes to win.There is no need to try it at all, he and the original owner of the scabbard are absolutely incompatible.

"...But don't you think it's a bit of a pity? If you're the owner of the "Sword of Promised Victory", it's undoubtedly the strongest trump card in the class of sber."

This is true.

Only this gleaming scabbard is a match for the supreme sword.

This must be a relic of King Arthur, the legendary king of knights that has been passed down since the ancient Middle Ages.

"That's true. 'Sber' is the highest level among the seven classes summoned by the Holy Grail. And if this knight king occupies this position... I have obtained the enemy's servnt.

Put on a facial expression.With a stiff face, Kiritsugu lowered his head deeply.

The Einzbern family broke the tradition since the founding ancestors and brought in other blood from the outside, and the Holy Grail didn't seem to have any objections.Three years ago Emiya Kiritsugu had a Command Seal on his right hand.Soon he will bear the long-cherished wish of the Einzbern family for thousands of years to participate in the forthcoming Fourth Holy Grail War.

The old patriarch turned his gaze to Irisviel, who was also bowing his head respectfully beside Kiritsugu.

"Irisviel, how is the condition of the equipment?"

"There is no problem, even in Fuyuki, it can function normally."

Alice Viel replied smoothly.

The wish machine "Almighty Cauldron" itself has only the existence of spirits but not entities, so in order for it to descend with the entity of the "Holy Grail", a "Holy Grail Vessel" must be prepared.Therefore, the battle of the seven servnts around the Holy Grail can also be called a seance ceremony.

The task of preparing the artificial Holy Grail utensil.Since the beginning of the Holy Grail War, generations have been held by the Einzbern family.This time the task of preparing the "apparatus" in the Fourth Holy Grail War fell on Irisviel; so she had to go to Fuyuki with Kiritsugu, and she had to be on the battlefield.

The old man Ahad, with a frenzied and intense light flashing in his eyes, nodded solemnly.

"This time... there must be no one left. Kill all six servnts, and this time the third magic 'Holy Grail of Heaven' must be achieved"

"As ordered!"

Hearing the orders of the old patriarch, the magician and the artificial man, with the veiled passion of the cursed.The couple, bearing the same fate, replied in unison.

But in the bottom of his heart, Kiritsugu didn't take this old patriarch's obsession seriously.

Achievement... The patriarch of Einzbern condensed all the feelings into this one word, which contains a thousand words.Having said that, Einzbern probably only has this obsession with "achievement" left in his spirit. "

The materialization of the soul is the great work of God. After 1000 years of dizzying wandering in search of this forced-lost skill...they have reversed means and ends.

Just to get the exact proof that the millennium search was not in vain, just to verify the existence of some "definite thing", the Einzbern family desperately wanted to get the Holy Grail.But for them.What the summoned Holy Grail is used for, this sense of purpose is no longer within the scope of consideration.

"So it is. Just as you expect, let me achieve the Holy Grail that your family has been pursuing all along through my hands."

Emiya Kiritsugu also said this from the bottom of his heart with an enthusiasm not inferior to the old man Ahad.

"However, it's not limited to this. I want to use the Universal Wishing Machine to fulfill my long-cherished wish..." (to be continued...)

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