The legend of Li Shuaixi

Chapter 270 Heroic Spirit

"--I ask you"

From the pervasive mist came a soft and inconceivably pleasant sound, and the wind stopped unconsciously.The magic circle that was shining just now has also dimmed, and the blood drawn on the bed has turned black and dried up as if it had been scorched.Then in the thin mist, the person who spoke just now appeared in front of Ryunosuke.

A smooth and young-looking face, big eyes that move flexibly and smooth cheeks, and a brown face that matches him very well, reminding Ryunosuke of Munch's paintings.

His costume is also very peculiar.The slender body is wearing a large robe, and the clothes are decorated with a lot of luxurious precious metal jewelry, just like the "Dark Magician" that appeared in the comics.

"Ask me, call me, summoner who made me appear in this world with class r... I'm here to ask your name. Who is that person over there?"


Ryunosuke didn't know how to answer.Appeared from the lightning and smoke of the summoning circle made of blood—unexpectedly, it was an ordinary person.Although I don't know what to expect, but at least it should be a very exaggerated monster.

Ryunosuke felt very frustrated by such an ordinary human appearance now.Although it is very bizarre from the perspective of clothing, can this man be judged to be a devil based on this alone?

Scratching his head a little, Ryunosuke answered mentally. [

"Well, my name is Yuyu Ryunosuke. Freelancer. Hobby is killing people. Loves children and young girls."

The man in the robe nodded.It seemed that he ignored everything except the name.

"Very good. The contract is established. I also have a long-cherished wish to obtain the Holy Grail you desire.

The key to Paradise must fall into our hands, right? "


It seemed that Fa immediately figured out what was going on, and Ryunosuke felt a little confused.In this way, there was indeed such a record in the ancient book found in the warehouse, but because it was a very boring rule, it was just skipped at a glance.

"...Ah. Put aside these troublesome topics for a moment, let's—"

Ryunosuke waved his hand lightly, then pointed at the child in the corner of the room with his chin and said.

"Anyway, as a gift. How about the one over there? Are you going to eat him?"

The strange man looked at the bound child over there with an expression on his face.He looked at Ryunosuke again.Did he understand the meaning of Ryunosuke's words? No clue could be seen from his face. In this death-like silence, Ryunosuke suddenly felt an inexplicable uneasiness.Could it be that my behavior just now was very rude to him?But such things as devils eating children, anyone would think so.

Silently, the strange man took out a thick and beautifully bound book from the pocket of his robe, and he knew it was a very expensive antique at a glance.Exactly the kind of gadgets demons use a lot.

Ryunosuke could tell the material used to bind the cover of that book at a glance.

"Ah, it's amazing! Is this made of human skin?"

Because Ryunosuke once skinned the victim alive and used it as a lampshade.But for him who was clumsy in hand-making, he suffered too many setbacks in the middle and finally gave up.Now seeing an expert who has the same intention of making and perfectly finished the finished product, he simply has great respect for this man.

Compliments to Ryunosuke.The man just glanced at him without making any statement, then slowly opened the book in his hand and flipped the pages with his hands.From time to time, words of unclear meaning came out of his mouth, and then he closed the book again as if everything was done, and put the book in his arms again. [


The strange man put aside Ryunosuke, who couldn't understand his behavior at all and could only watch in a daze, and walked towards the little boy curled up beside the bed.The boy, who had been terrified by the strange things that had happened continuously since just now, struggled desperately to avoid the man who was slowly walking towards him.

Seeing the boy's behavior like this, the man's eyes suddenly became gentle and full of kindness for some reason, and seeing this, Ryunosuke became more and more confused.What the hell is going on here.

"—don't be afraid, child"

A strange-looking eccentric.He spoke to the boy with a gentle expression and soft voice that didn't match his appearance.The bound boy finally found someone talking to him with a tender expression, so he stopped struggling and looked at the man's face with pleading eyes.

As if in response to the boy, the man smiled and nodded, reaching out his hand to the boy who was curled up on the ground - gently undoing the rope wrapped around him and the gag.

"Can you stand up?"

The man lifted the half-bent boy up and stroked his back as if encouraging him.

Although Ryunosuke didn't doubt whether this man was a devil, he still couldn't understand how he treated the boy.Was he really going to save the boy's life?

But no matter how you look at it, this man looks very strange.When he is silent, he has a terrifying face, but when he smiles, he has an innocent and pure expression, like a saint.

"There, boy. Go out of the house by the door over there. Go straight on, don't look around, and get out on your own feet.—Alone, get out."


The boy nodded firmly, and the man patted the boy's back with a smile on his face.

The boy trotted all the way according to what the man said, not even daring to look at the corpses of his parents and sister, crossing the bloody floor.The corridor outside the door leads to the stairs and porch on the second floor.As long as he can go there, he can escape from the hands of the murderous maniac.He will live on.

"Hey wait..."

Ryunosuke, who couldn't stand it anymore, was quickly stopped by the man as soon as he opened his mouth.

Ryunosuke, who was on the verge of speaking, was very worried about the boy's escape but had no choice but to watch the boy's back go further and further away.

The boy opened the door and walked down the corridor.In front of him was the entrance door, the boy's eyes that were full of fear just now finally released the radiance of peace of mind and hope again.

In the next moment, the story reaches its climax.

The boy who was facing the entrance had his back facing the stairs.Above that staircase, from the living room, above the aerodrome that was hidden from view by the staircase, suddenly fell like an avalanche on the boy below.A very thick robe drawstring - no.It seems to be a group of snakes composed of several snakes - that is simply an indescribable creature.No, maybe it's more appropriate to say that it's the biological organs, wrapping the boy from the back and wrapping his whole body inside, and then very quickly and with an extremely powerful force, he pulled the boy up to the second floor.

Then—there was a heart-piercing scream.The sound of countless creatures licking their tongues and the sound of tiny bones breaking and smashing sounded.Although I didn't see what happened, the imagination triggered by hearing this disgusting sound is even more exciting.

The strange man closed his eyes and raised his head, listening to the nightmarish tone as if intoxicated.The hand on his chest trembled constantly, as if he was very excited.

On the other hand, Ryunosuke was also intoxicated by the same emotion... No, he didn't have any expectations for this at first, but the current scene brought him a strong spiritual baptism.

"Terror is something new..."

As if still immersed in the lingering aftermath of the tragedy he created, the demon—now there is no need to doubt it at all—began to speak in an intoxicated tone.

"Human beings are in constant fear. Emotions will gradually die. Horror in the true sense does not refer to the static state that does not change but the dynamic state that changes - the transition from hope to despair. The horror of that moment. What do you think? This fresh taste of horror and death."

Ryunosuke was speechless in surprise.

The "thing" that was still devouring the boy's body on the stairs was probably prepared by this man.It was as if he emerged from a magic circle made of blood.When he first opened the ancient book bound in human leather, he must have prepared all these things.

Although he was surprised by the man's methods, what he admired even more was the man's philosophy.This kind of creativity and evil that even Ryunosuke can't compare to himself.It is not too much to give him all the praises in the world for the "death aesthetics" that can bring such a strong and vivid emotion.

"Ool! Awesome! So ool you!"

With a more excited mood, Ryunosuke vigorously shook the man's hand up and down.In that way, even seeing relatives, friends or lovers may not be so excited.Ryunosuke Uyuu, a murderous maniac.Today, in this world of chatting, he finally met a person who he respected from the bottom of his heart.

"Ok~! I don't know about the Holy Grail, but I want to be with you! I can help you. Come on, let's kill to our heart's content. You can do as many living sacrifices as you want. As long as you continue to let me enjoy this A very silly way of killing people will do!".

"You are so happy"

Maybe it was feeling Ryunosuke's grateful excitement.The man responded to Ryunosuke with a gentle smile with a straightforward evil expression.

"Your name is Ryunosuke. It is my honor to be understood by an r like you. In this way, I can finally achieve my long-cherished wish."

——Similar to this kind of summoning that can be successful without a holy relic, r and the heroic spirit to be summoned need to have the same spirituality.And what was summoned by a murderous maniac of such bad quality as Ryunosuke was the real heroic spirit of carnage who left his name in later generations for his cruelty and bloodthirsty.No, in terms of his nature, it is more appropriate to call him a fierce spirit rather than a heroic spirit.

"Ah. So, I don't know your name yet."

Ryunosuke, who finally found out the key to the problem, asked deliberately.

"The name. Well... If you want a good name that fits this era..."

The man put his fingers to his lips and thought for a while.

"...Then, just call me first. Bluebeard, how about it. Today we are considered acquaintances."

The man answered kindly with an angelic smile.

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