The legend of Li Shuaixi

Chapter 313 Artificial Heaven and Action

A section of Kamijou's right hand.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit www.The blood spurting out like a fountain produced abnormal changes.The blood flow began to swell, and it looked like blood was sprinkled on the transparent glass sculpture. An incredible transparent object began to take shape.

What ran out from the section of Kamijou's right arm was not a human arm.

It's a head.

And it is more than two meters in size, ferocious and ferocious, which only appears in ancient legends—the head of a huge and strong dragon king.

The faucet, which should have been transparent and invisible, was stained with blood.The boy waved it like his own arm, and slowly opened the lower jaw with a long row of saw-like teeth.

It's like saying, this is the true face of the power of the right hand.

The teeth are exposed.

Although there is no special change at first glance, but in the invisible part, it has begun to deteriorate.The alchemist breath that originally filled the entire vast space disappeared.It's almost like being forced to change the leadership.


Oreos couldn't help but look up.He saw a disgusting human astronomical observatory made of the flesh and blood of Styr Magnus.The flesh and blood that had been scattered in the room began to condense together.

It's almost like the order to explode the bar has been cancelled.

"Could it be that he's going to be resurrected? Same as Hime-gami at that time? People who have been destroyed can also--?

The moment Oreos thought so, Stiyl reshaped himself and landed on the floor unscathed.

Oreos felt as if someone had pierced his back with an icicle.

Stiyl's resurrection was obviously caused by Oreos' own anxiety.

(What would happen without that? Stop! Don't! Don't think about it anymore! If you keep thinking about it, things will be irreparable──!)

The more you want to escape, the deeper your thoughts sink.Clearly aware of this, Oreos couldn't stop thinking.If you stop, it is tantamount to admitting all this.Like a snowball starting to roll.Oreos' doubts lost control and lost their original meaning.

The boy in front of him didn't say anything.

He didn't say anything, just walked towards Oreos silently.

Such behavior made Oreos even more anxious.

There is no way to stop this teenager.I don't know how to stop this teenager.So Oreos can't do anything.I can only stand like a scarecrow, waiting for the arrival of the boy.

Then he found out.The boy had come before his eyes.

The two faced each other across a large table, on which Index lay.Such a picture.It's so ironic.

Even at this time, the alchemist still seemed to be stared at by a snake, unable to move his whole body. [

(By the way! I know people like Stiyl, Index, and Jigami Akisa! So I know their strength very well, and I knew in advance that they would not be my opponents for my golden expansion technique! Only this boy It’s different! It’s the first time I’ve met this boy, so I don’t know his strength, so I can’t be sure if the golden expansion technique is useful to him──!)


Hearing the boy's voice suddenly, Oreos shook his shoulders like a child being preached.

The boy spoke.

You wouldn't think that my right hand was cut off.Can you seal my fantasy killer?

He bared his canine teeth.Eyes give the illusion of glowing red

The boy seemed to be speaking happily from the heart.

"Wait, wait! Don't think about it anymore! Don't be upset anymore, start now!"

Oreos could only pray.But still can't stop thinking.

In a flash,

A section of Kamijou's right hand.The blood spurting out like a fountain produced abnormal changes.The blood flow began to swell, and it looked like blood was sprinkled on the transparent glass sculpture. An incredible transparent object began to take shape.

What ran out from the section of Kamijou's right arm was not a human arm.

It's a head.

And it is more than two meters in size.Ferocious and ferocious, it can only appear in ancient legends—the head of a huge and powerful dragon king.

The faucet, which should have been transparent and invisible, was stained with blood.The boy waved it like his own arm, and slowly opened the lower jaw with a long row of saw-like teeth.

It's like saying, this is the true face of the power of the right hand.

The teeth are exposed.

Although there is no special change at first glance, it is in the invisible part.It has already started to deteriorate.The alchemist breath that originally filled the entire vast space disappeared.It's almost like being forced to change the leadership.


Oreos couldn't help but look up.He saw a disgusting human astronomical observatory made of the flesh and blood of Styr Magnus.The flesh and blood that had been scattered in the room began to condense together.

It's almost like the order to explode the bar has been cancelled.

(Could it be that he is going to be resurrected? Same as Hime Kami at that time? People who have already been destroyed can also──?)

The moment Oreos thought so, Stiyl reshaped himself and landed on the floor unscathed.

Oreos felt as if someone had pierced his back with an icicle.

Stiyl's resurrection was obviously caused by Oreos' own anxiety.

Wait, it's just my anxiety. Calm down, as long as you get rid of your anxiety, this ridiculous monster will disappear──!

Desperately suppressing the fear that almost pierced his heart from the inside of his body, Oreos tried to make the last resistance.This should just be a monster created by Oreos' anxiety.So as long as he calms down and eliminates this uneasiness, the wonderful monster residing on the boy should also disappear.

But the transparent Dragon King was staring at Oreos quietly with his eyes.

Just like that, made Oreos feel his vision getting narrower and narrower due to fear.

In an instant, the jaws of the Dragon King opened to the limit and swallowed the alchemist whole from the top of his head.

After swallowing the alchemist, Kamijou lost consciousness again. This is the most dangerous adventure after the last Index incident.

"Okay, Phantasy Killer is almost grown, right?" Let's start our purpose now, just in time with Angel Fall.Let's go, Aleister! "

"No problem, the timing is right."

Hearing Li Shuaixi's proposal, the chairman of Academy City launched their plan-artificial heaven according to the agreed plan. "

According to the concept of the tree of life in Kabbalah, the number of human beings and angels has already been determined. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the absolute law of human beings can be upgraded to angels.Conversely, angels are not reduced to human beings.The Fall of the Great Magic Angel will forcibly downgrade the angels who were originally in the sky to human beings.And the complete replacement of people's inner and outer appearances is like a game of wind blowing: once the game starts, the chair and the person sitting on the chair will completely change.But in this game, not everyone who participated ended up with a chair.The only person who doesn't have a chair to sit in will be pushed into the sky - to sit in the chair where the angel used to sit.This is role replacement.

Using the "Five Elements Organ of the Imaginary Math Area" to create a new realm that does not exist in Kabbalah, Buddhism, Christianity, Shinto or Hinduism—artificial heaven, once the artificial heaven is completed, it will represent the destruction of all magic.Once the magician wants to use magic, the body will explode.A temple or sanctuary propped up by the power of magic will also collapse due to the loss of support. The same phenomenon will happen to any religion, thus stopping magical activities all over the world in one go.

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