() Approaching the mausoleum of the capital of death, Zheng Zha sensed the danger and stopped immediately: "Guys, I think there is danger here, so stop for a while.

"How is it possible, only the lovely gold is waiting for me here?" Jonathan smiled wretchedly.

"Zheng Zha, is there really any danger?" Zhan Lan was a little scared.

"That's right, he's right, something big will happen." Li Shuaixi smiled provocatively. "

"Hearing this, all the members of the Zhongzhou team became nervous. Li Shuaixi's strength is obvious to all, especially at this critical moment, and he doesn't seem to be lying, so everyone is on alert.

Zheng Zha still wanted to ask something more, but at this moment, this strange voice came over, "The sun, the sun, the nine worlds... Rebirth, rebirth, rebirth!"

Under the sound, the sky became dark and there was a strong wind blowing around. Unfortunately, the Indian team, Imerton is going to be resurrected! ! ! "Looking at the gloomy weather, Zheng Zha finally remembered what was going on. This was clearly the scene when Eve called in the movie.

many?A lot of what?Li Shuaixi and the others only glanced behind them. Everyone really didn't even feel like asking. Behind them were densely packed scarabs, a carnivorous beetle the size of a few fingers, running at the back of the crowd. A local guide suddenly fell to the ground, and the beetles immediately got into his body. In just a few seconds, his body was covered with a thick layer of beetles, and when he reappeared, he had already turned into a bone wreck.

"Boom, extremely high-temperature flames erupted around Li Shuaixi, and the flames devoured the chao-like scarabs. Under the countless moths rushing to the flames, the scarabs finally learned their lesson, and all rushed towards Zheng Zha and them.

Zheng Zha and the others were running towards the depths of the mausoleum at the moment. Although they wanted to run towards Li Shuaixi, they gave up the idea after seeing the sea of ​​flames all over the sky. The sound of brushing and brushing seemed to be like countless small things rubbing against the ground, and as they ran further in, the sound became louder and louder.

The crowd had just had time to run across a corner, but they saw O'Connor, Jonathan, and a few Americans desperately running towards them. !"

Zheng Zha and the others immediately followed O'Connor and the others to run desperately. At this moment, everyone let go of their footsteps and ran desperately. The wreckage behind them was too terrifying. It was bitten to death by insects. The feeling is really beyond words.

After being wiped out under the scarab, Li Shuai Xining smiled and ran towards the direction where Zheng Zha was escaping.

Zheng Zha, Zero Point, and Zhang Jie were the fastest runners. After a few seconds, they were about to overtake O'Connor. At this moment, there was a muffled thud from behind them, and everyone screamed in their hearts. Zheng Zha Looking back in a panic, she saw that the movie actress Qin Zhuiyu was falling to the ground at the moment, and the carnivorous beetles were only one or two meters away from her.

Your Excellency of the Zhongzhou team, we really miss you, now you are finally here, come on Arrot and Lamb!" Before that strong man comes, kill all the Zhongzhou team members quickly!!!" Seeing this scene, the little monk is very happy yelling.

"Understood, Captain.

"Okay, Gan Tian!" The two quickly rushed to the Zhongzhou team.

"Escape!!!!" Zheng Zha said very grandly.

"One person died in the Zhongzhou team, and the Zhongzhou team lost one point."

"One person died in the Zhongzhou team, and the Zhongzhou team lost one point."

"One person died in the Zhongzhou team, and the Zhongzhou team lost one point."


"I want you to be buried with me!!!"

Zheng Zha, who heard the point reduction reminder, had red eyes, and rushed towards Aluote like a madman. Aluote also rushed up like Zheng Zha, but he was injured by Li Shuaixi not long ago. He recovered with difficulty, and his combat power was greatly reduced. He couldn't fight the crazy Zheng Zha at all. After a few strokes, Zheng Zha knocked A Luot into the air with a loud roar.

"Lamb uses a flying needle." Zheng Zha felt his breath a little heavy, and looked back to see the huge steel needle flying towards him. Before he could dodge it in time, Zheng Zha felt the threat of death again.

"Dang bang, ah, ah, at this moment, the flying needle in front of Zheng Zha suddenly fell to the ground without moving, and all the members of the Indian team who released the flying needle screamed and passed out.

"Zhang Jie screamed and fell to the ground, Zheng Zha didn't have time to think about these things, he picked up Zhang Jie madly and ran out of the mausoleum.

Zheng Zha ran out, but the members of the Yinzhou team did not chase after him. After Zheng Zha ran out of the mausoleum, they saw Zhan Lan and the others shouting in surprise.

Before Zheng Zha could yell, Li Shuaixi came up to him and said seriously, "Zheng Zha, hurry back to Cairo, the Indian Continental team has obviously teamed up with Imerton, go back first and then make a long-term plan."

Just as Zheng Zha wanted to ask Li Shuaixi, suddenly, a shooting star flashed across the sky, the ground below shook, and countless living corpses crawled out, rushing towards him with struggling and surprised eyes.

"Hey, seeing this weird scene, Zheng Zha immediately rushed over and blew the mummy's head off with the ring, but after a while, more and more living corpses gathered around the mausoleum, Zheng Zha led the Zhongzhou team members crazy escaped.

"Before he left, Zheng Zha asked by the way: "Li Shuaixi, you are not running away, hurry up! "Zha Zheng said that the faster and faster he ran."

"Zha Zheng, are you kidding me!" Just relying on this rubbish! "You can't let me, Li Shuaixi, run away in embarrassment!" Li Shuaixi suddenly smiled at the fleeing Zheng Zha, and the pride in it was beyond Zheng Zha's knowledge.

"Oh, Your Excellency is so confident?!" At this moment, a sandstorm rolled up in front of Li Shuaixi, and a handsome bald guy appeared in front of Li Shuaixi, who was the revived high priest.

"Of course not!"

The living corpses gathered more and more, tens of thousands of them gradually gathered, densely packed like an army, after the number of people gathered increased, the handsome bald man commanded them to charge towards Li Shuaixi.

"Boom, the soaring flames burned the rushing corpses into dregs, Li Shuaixi smiled expectantly, maintained the pillar of fire, and took out the short golden stick from the interspatial ring.

The handsome bald guy was a little curious when he saw Li Shuaixi's short club, but he still directed the army of mummies to attack Li Shuaixi's pillar of fire.

"Good partner!" Let me see your true power! " Li Shuaixi said expectantly to Jin Se gently with the short stick.

"Earth Talisman [Sword of Not Allowing Soil]!!!!"

Li Shuaixi roared solemnly, and then raised the Scarlet Sword that turned into a lightsaber. The blade of the sword shone with dazzling golden light, exuding strong pressure, forcing the handsome bald man back several steps.

After Li Shuaixi made the announcement, he stabbed the Fei Xiang sword into the ground, "The world was frozen, leaving only the sound of the sword being inserted into the soil.

"Boom, boom, the earth let out an angry roar, the ground was as fragile as paper, and it kept cracking, the mummy army was immediately shaken to the ground under the shaking of the mountain, and then under the squeeze of huge force, The mummy army was all shaken to pieces and fell into the ravine. Under the earthquake, the enemies were all reduced to debris.

"Kill a mummy, reward 1 point.

"Kill a mummy, reward 1 point

"Kill a mummy, reward 1 point


"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!!!" Feeling the mighty power of nature, Li Shuaixi laughed crazily, the laugh was so insolent and arrogant.

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