Sword Ao Yunxiao

Chapter 143: Tianmao Trading Company

Tianmao Commercial Firm is a faction of the Xiao family in Tiandu City, and it is also the only commercial firm operated by it.

Tianmao Commercial Firm is not big, it seems to be only about fifty or sixty square meters away, and the voice is a bit deserted, Xiao Ran and others drove the carriage directly to this place, seeing the two listless workmen in front of the door, Xiao Ran's heart sank slightly .

After getting off the carriage with Wu Zhi and others, Xiao Ran walked towards Tianmao Commercial Firm.

When Xiao Ran came to the door of the business, the two listless young men raised their eyelids slightly and said to Xiao Ran and the others: "Welcome, what do you guys want to buy?"

The guy's voice spoke of haste and powerlessness, which made Xiao Ran frowned deeply, and even the few people behind him couldn't help frowned.

Even the guy at the gate looks like this, what about inside?No wonder business is so bleak, and it's not unreasonable.

"Is this how you usually do business?" Xiao Ran paused, looked at the guys on both sides and asked indifferently.

"I said, are you here to buy something?" The clerk opened his eyes and was about to have a fit, but he stopped talking in the middle of the sentence, and his eyes widened even more.

"Master!" After a while, the guy quickly lowered his head and shouted.

"What young master?" The guy next to him finally raised his head, but it was obvious that this guy didn't know Xiao Ran, so he just took a look at Xiao Ran, but he didn't know what Xiao Ran was doing.

"Aren't you here to buy something? What do you want to buy? Ours is the cheapest, and of course, it is also the best quality. If you buy a lot, we can give you a discounted price!" The guy looked at Xiao Ran and said lightly. , it seems that Xiao Ran is not worried about whether Xiao Ran will buy it or not.

Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows, amused in his heart, but looked at the guy and said, "You don't know me?"

"How did I know you?" The man rolled his eyes.

But at this time, the other guy next to him who recognized Xiao Ran kept bumping his arm into the guy next to him, trying to remind him.

"You guys continue to look at the store, I'll go in and have a look!" Xiao Ran said lightly, with a slight anger in his tone, then he ignored the two of them and walked in with Wu Zhi and others.

When they were about to enter, Wu Zhi and the others looked at the two workers amusedly, shook their heads slightly, then turned and walked in.

As for the guy who recognized Li Ran, his face had already turned pale, and many things about Li Ran in the past kept reappearing, what if Li Ran targeted him?Then he might not survive.

But now Xiao Ran didn't have the heart to argue with them.

Walking into Tianmao Commercial Firm, Xiao Ran focused his eyes on a reclining chair in the center.

On this reclining chair, a middle-aged man was sleeping leisurely, and a young man next to him was still fanning him.

Xiao Ran didn't bother with them any more, he glanced over them, and then walked towards a cabinet where the goods were placed.

There were a lot of miscellaneous items on the cabinet, and Xiao Ran casually took one of them.

Holding the goods in his hands, a puff of dust immediately fell from above. Li Ran's hands were covered with a layer of fly ash. Looking at the others, they were all the same. There was a whole layer of dust, and Xiao Ran frowned deeply. Wrinkled deeply.

With the store opened like this, the shopkeeper is no longer suitable in Xiao Ran's mind.

Not in the mood to look at other things, Xiao Ran said in a calm voice: "Cousin, are you living a leisurely life?!"

After Xiao Ran's words fell, the middle-aged man raised his eyes slightly and moved his body, but he didn't get up. After a while, he seemed to think of something, and his body lying on the recliner froze suddenly, and then sat up abruptly.

The guy next to him who was fanning the fan was stunned, and looked at Xiao Ran and the others in confusion. He was also recruited later, but he didn't know Xiao Ran at all.

The middle-aged man who got up on the recliner was slightly fat with a goatee, his eyes were dull, even Xiao Ran could see that there seemed to be some incurable internal injuries in his body.

The middle-aged man is Xiao Ran's collateral cousin, named Xiao Hu, who once showed amazing talent in cultivation, but he likes to be competitive. In a fight, he was finally severely injured and his cultivation was crippled. From now on, I can only be an ordinary person.

This time, the family opened a commercial firm in Tiandu City, and they didn't know what benefit Xiao Hu had promised, so several elders interceded for Xiao Hu, and finally, Xiao Hu got the position of manager of the commercial firm in Tiandu City.

But when he came here, he realized that this place is not as rich as he thought, and there are many powerful forces coveting him, and he is constantly squeezed out by most of the local forces. As time goes by, he becomes discouraged and lazy. Very little, and no management at all.

He was taking a nap just now, who would have thought that Xiao Ran would appear suddenly, who is Xiao Ran?I'm afraid he would know better without being a member of the Xiao family.

Not only is Xiao Ran a dude, he never thinks about the consequences when he does things, and this time when Xiao Ran returns, his cultivation base has greatly increased, making this Xiao Hu faintly afraid.

"Well, Xiao Ran, why did you come here suddenly? I don't know if someone should notify my cousin, so I should prepare first!" Xiao Hu looked at Xiao Ran and said anxiously.

There is no way, the current status of Xiao Ran in the Xiao family is too high. Not only has he become the idol of many younger generations of the Xiao family, but he is also deeply loved by the head of the Xiao family, that is, Xiao Ran's grandfather Xiao Tian. Xiao Zhan is similar, if he goes back and says something bad?I'm afraid he's going to have some bad luck.

Xiao Ran didn't smile, but looked at Xiao Hu with a smile and said, "If I had notified you, how could I see such a beautiful "scenery"?" When Xiao Ran said the word "scenery", his tone obviously increased a lot.

On Xiao Hu's forehead, drops of cold sweat slowly flowed down, he stood up and came to Xiao Ran in embarrassment to explain: "Well, of course, you know, uncle, I didn't do it on purpose, it's really too difficult to open here. Now, all kinds of forces are targeting this place, even if I try hard, there is no way to do it, and now you can see that there is not even half of the guests coming in!"

Xiao Ran looked outside, and the two guys outside also turned their heads and looked in. Seeing that the shopkeeper, who was usually flamboyant, was sweating profusely in front of the young master, the guy who recognized Xiao Ran suddenly had a bad feeling. The guy who didn't recognize Xiao Ran turned pale.

Although this buddy had never met Xiao Ran, he was also a buddy recruited by the Xiao family from Tianwu City. Naturally, he had heard of Xiao Ran's "notoriety", and he couldn't help but start to feel worried.

"The two of you come in too!" Xiao Ran hugged Xiaohuang and said calmly to the two workers outside, no emotion could be heard in his voice.

"Yes!" The two workers answered and ran in quickly.

In the shop, there are three guys and one shopkeeper.

At this time, all four of them were standing in front of Li Ran, and after looking at the few people, Xiao Ran suddenly said to Xiao Hu: "Cousin, you will go to the family, you don't need to interfere with the affairs here!"

"What?!" Xiao Hu was startled, his heart skipped a beat, and he sank to the bottom of the valley. Is Xiao Ran really going to take him for surgery?

"However, uncle, I'm not mean to you, you can't treat me like this?" Xiao Hu's face became gloomy, and he looked at Xiao Ran and said in a low voice.

If he was taken back by Xiao Ran, he would really have no status in the family, so he had to fight again.

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