Sword Ao Yunxiao

Chapter 182: Little Phoenix Mutation

With the dust flying, the surroundings finally returned to calm again, only the dead birds on the ground were telling people about the great war that happened before.

"Brother Xiao Ran, are you alright?" Nangong Wan'er and the others stayed where they were for a while, then walked over carefully, looked at Xiao Ran and said.

At this time, Xiao Ran no longer had the fierce aura just now, he was just as usual, but when Xiao Ran looked over, everyone was still a little terrified.

After the danger was lifted, li xuan turned his attention to xiao huang.

There was such a big commotion outside, but Xiaohuang didn't react at all. This had never happened before, and Xiao Ran couldn't help frowning.

"Give me Xiaohuang!" Xiao Ran went over to take Xiaohuang and checked it carefully, but he didn't find anything abnormal.

Frowning for a while, Xiao Ran suddenly put his hand on Xiao Huang's forehead, and a small wisp of true energy followed Xiao Ran's hand and directly entered Xiao Huang's body.


Xiao Huang, who was expressionless at first, frowned suddenly, her big eyes struggled slightly, but they still didn't open.

This time, Xiao Ran's face became more gloomy, and he couldn't wake up like this, but fortunately, Xiao Ran signed a soul contract with Xiao Huang, so he knew that Xiao Huang was fine, but Xiao Ran still couldn't help worrying.

"How many days have I been away? What happened these few days?" Xiao Ran suddenly turned his head and asked the people beside him.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that Xiao Ran would suddenly ask this question, but they still told them what they knew.

Especially when talking about star beams and a large number of magical beasts, Xiao Ran's expression couldn't help changing.

"Let's go, this place is no longer safe, we must change places as soon as possible!" Xiao Ran said with a serious expression.

In fact, Xiao Ran didn't need to say it, everyone knew that the place was not peaceful anymore, there were monsters raging everywhere, so it was no wonder it was safe.

After making a decision, li xuan led the crowd and quickly moved in straight to the position on the left.Now if he went back along the original path, he would definitely meet a large number of experts who came to investigate, so Xiao Ran wisely chose to go from another place.

There is nothing even if you go around a little bit, the key is safety.

Everyone left, leaving only the corpse of the vicious bird and the mostly destroyed cave.

Not long after Xiao Ran and the others left, the roar of beasts broke the calm here again, and a large number of huge monsters rushed over from all directions.

Among them, several bloodthirsty ones directly ate the dead bird's body.

Xiao Ran and the others are now in another small canyon that is more than 20 kilometers away from the original location.

But even so, Xiao Ran and the others could still hear the roar of beasts from a distance, and even some monsters flew directly over everyone's heads.Gradually, everyone realized a terrible danger, that is, a large number of monsters in the center of the monster mountain range had been stirred up by Xiao Ran and the others.

While everyone was on their way, Xiao Huang in Xiao Ran's arms changed quietly, but no one knew about it.

As time passed, after about an hour or so, everyone finally realized that something was wrong.

"What's so fragrant?" Nangong Wan'er, who was following behind Xiao Ran, took a breath.suddenly said.

"Yes, young master, and this fragrance is coming from your body!" Wu Zhi nodded.

Xiao Ran, who was running fast, slowed down slowly.Xiao Ran also smelled that strange fragrance, although it was very faint, it was very fragrant.

"It came from Xiaohuang's body!" Everyone gathered around, and immediately confirmed that the scent was coming from Xiaohuang's body.

"It's strange. Why did Xiaohuang suddenly have such a fragrant smell? It didn't exist just now!" Huang Ting also walked up to look at Xiaohuang who was holding her eyes tightly closed in Xiao Ran's arms, and asked in doubt.

"No. Hurry up and find a cave to hide!" Xiao Ran's expression changed, and he thought of a reason, and immediately shouted at everyone.

Everyone was not sure why they were reprimanded by Li Ran, but seeing the anxious look on Li Ran's brows, they didn't dare to say anything more, they all increased their speed to the fastest, followed behind Li Ran, and swept towards the depths of the jungle.

After walking for more than an hour, the fragrance emanating from Xiao Huang in Xiao Ran's arms became more and more intense for you, even if it was hundreds of meters away, you could easily smell the fragrance emanating from it.

The eyes of Wu Zhi and others looking at Xiaohuang are no longer as pure as they used to be. At this time, anyone can see Xiaohuang's extraordinary. His identity, in the minds of everyone, created a big question mark.

Although he was very puzzled in his heart, Xiao Ran didn't say anything, and everyone didn't ask any more questions.


The giant roar sounded again, without turning his head back, Li Ran cut off the long sword with his right hand, and the monster that rushed over was instantly split into two halves by Li Ran.

When the corpse fell to the ground, Xiao Ran and the others had already jumped several meters away.

This is already the dozen or so magical beasts that came to attack Xiao Ran and the others along the way.

Fortunately, those powerful monsters were all attracted to the outskirts of the monster forest, these small ones were only four or five level little monsters, relying on the sharpness of the Youtian sword, Xiao Ran beheaded them without much effort.

But even so, Xiao Ran felt the pressure.

Finally, after passing through a jungle again, a secluded small canyon appeared in front of everyone, and Xiao Ran rushed into it without thinking.

Inside, there are no monsters, except for some perching birds, there are no more monsters.

This canyon is about a few hundred meters deep, surrounded by mountains, like a basin.

Xiao Ran and the others entered it and looked around for a few moments, only to find that there were some cave entrances in front of everyone in a weed-grown part of the canyon.

Because there are many monsters in the Warcraft Mountains, there is never any need to worry that there will be no caves to hide in.

After Xiao Ran and others came over, Wu Zhi took a look inside, and found that there was nothing inside except for a small monster with only a third level.

The monster was directly beheaded by Xiao Ran with a sword, and then everyone got in immediately.

Although this cave is only less than two meters high, it is very deep, extending a distance of more than ten meters into it.

Xiao Ran and the others went straight into the deepest part of the cave before stopping.

The inside of the cave was pitch black, except for a moonstone in Takeshi's hand as a light, there was nothing else.

After thinking about it, Xiao Ran took out a larger moonstone from his space ring and inlaid it on the stone wall beside him, and then gently placed Xiaohuang on a well-paved ground.

"I'll go out and find some dry firewood!" Wu Zhi suddenly stepped up and said, and after getting Xiao Ran's permission, he quickly walked out.

The cave was already filled with a strange fragrance, and the fragrance on Xiaohuang's body was already so strong that it was terrifying.

Knowing that he couldn't hide it from everyone anymore, Xiao Ran smiled wryly and said to everyone: "I'll explain the matter of Xiaohuang to you later, now, you help me appear and guard the door, don't let anything disturb me!"

"En!" Everyone nodded slightly, and after looking at Xiaohuang curiously, they turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Seeing everyone leave, Xiao Ran turned his attention to Xiaohuang again.

At this time, Xiaohuang's face was slightly pale, her eyebrows were tightly frowned, and there was a painful expression between her brows, her hands were tightly clenched in front of her chest, she didn't know what she was thinking.

And on his body, faint multicolored rays of light appeared slowly, and continuously spun around her. Xiaohuang was lying on the ground, surrounded by multicolored rays of light, looking like a holy fairy.

"Brother Xiao Ran..."

A muttering sound suddenly came from Xiaohuang's mouth, Xiao Ran's heart was pulled, and he immediately bent down and squatted beside Xiaohuang.

At this time Xiao Huang was like this, Li Ran had never experienced it at all, but fortunately, when Xiao Ran saw some powerful monsters advance, his body would appear abnormal, and then he began to advance.

Although he didn't know what was going on with Xiao Huang, but Xiao Ran could make a good guess.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Ran suddenly held Xiao Huang's hand, and the Divine Art was running in his body, and a burst of true energy immediately poured into Xiao Huang's body.

As soon as this zhenqi was injected into Xiaohuang's body, Xiaohuang's originally painful expression eased a bit. Seeing the effect, Xiao Ran immediately injected the zhenqi in his body into Xiaohuang's body without asking for money.

With the injection of a large amount of Xiao Ran's true energy, the strange fragrance around Xiao Huang's body became more intense, and the multicolored halos became more brilliant, and even appeared in the shape of a thin thick mist, completely covering Xiao Huang and Xiao Ran inside.

Near the entrance of the cave, Wu Zhi, Nangong Wan'er and others carefully guarded the outside of the cave, while they couldn't help looking into the depths of the cave.

However, because this cave is not straight, but has a lot of bends, Nangong Wan'er and the others cannot see what's going on inside, but the increasingly strong fragrance lets them know what's going on. It's getting worse.

Just now, Xiao Ran told them to be careful of monsters coming to attack, so now they are all cautiously roaring at the entrance of the cave.

Inside the cave, the corner of Li Ran's mouth was filled with a wry smile. At this moment, Li Ran had injected [-]% to [-]% of his true energy into Xiaohuang's body, but Xiaohuang didn't show any sign of stopping.

Except for the more intense fragrance and the multicolored light on his body turning into a multicolored thick fog, nothing has changed.

Reluctantly getting rid of other thoughts in his mind, Xiao Ran took a deep breath, and the refining art was running, the surrounding air was continuously refined by him, and true qi poured into Xiao Huang's body frantically.

These were not enough, around Xiao Ran's body, the small spirit gathering array was also placed out by Xiao Ran, besides these, there were more than ten crystals of Earth Xuan placed around Xiao Ran's body.

These Tuxuan crystals are continuously transformed by the spirit gathering array, and condensed into true energy, which is directly absorbed into Xiao Ran's body.

However, before Xiao Ran had time to refine it, he directly injected it into Xiao Huang's body. (To be continued..)

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