The diving competition ended with Taeyeon pulling Lee Jaemin to "die together" in embarrassment. Her behavior won the great appreciation and support of all the members present, and Lee Jaemin was very happy when he was treated like this. Everyone wanted to dance again and imagine Taeyeon Sunmi has the strongest desire to teach someone a lesson like this.

When falling into the water, Li Zaimin was below, and Taeyeon threw himself into his arms, as if he was protecting Taeyeon from falling into the water. Taeyeon was not diving, and everyone had no choice but to fight for the referee team to catch Taeyeon. Yan ranked above his grades.

After Lee Jae-min helped Taeyeon, who was thrashing around in the water, climbed into the inflatable rowing boat, he asked to fulfill the previous agreement. In exchange for his unique hosting style, in exchange for him diving into the water alone, the referee had to give him a normal score.In the end, everyone voted unanimously, thinking that he and Taeyeon had just dived in tandem, and it was an effective jump, but unfortunately the score was 0 points.Seeing him gloomy and resentful looking at Taeyeon, everyone laughed, and the "resentment" accumulated in their hearts dissipated immediately.

In this way, the last two in the competition fell to Lee Jaemin and Taeyeon, and the girls' beds tonight are calculated according to the diving score, with 7 points for Lee Hyori, 5 points for Sunmi, and 1 point for Taeyeon.

After changing clothes and returning to the farmhouse, Li Zaimin and Taeyeon went to the vegetable greenhouse outside Jiasong Village to pick all kinds of vegetables needed to cook whitebait and pumpkins needed to make pumpkin rice according to the winning and losing rewards and punishments set during the diving game.Other members of the family did not stay at home to rest as Liu Zaishi promised. After all, this is a variety show. If there is a break, there will be no amount of footage to be broadcast. After discussion, the dumb brothers Liu Zaishi and Dacheng went to pick pine needles first. After returning, Everyone made some glutinous rice balls and gave them to the elderly in the village.

The vegetable greenhouse is in the opposite direction to the valley, a bit far from the village.Winding country road.The green grass and green trees lined up on both sides, and the setting sun passed through the gaps in the leaves, and the mottled light spots were like golden stage lights, swaying and falling on two figures, one big and one small.

Dazzling halos dazzled in his eyes, Li Zaimin turned his face to the side, and found that Taeyeon was following behind him step by step, holding a small vegetable basket in his arms, his delicate nose was slightly wrinkled, and he couldn't help grinning in a low voice. stop.Taeyeon put her head down and put it straight on his back.

"You..." Taeyeon rubbed her forehead, and when she came to her senses, she opened her eyes and looked at Li Zaimin sideways, then turned her face away, and hummed softly.When diving, it not only attacks its own short body, but also lures itself to imitate the sound of a crow.Now play tricks on yourself again!

Li Zaimin couldn't help laughing when he saw Taeyeon's half-true and half-fake angrily humming and cute appearance.He stacked the vegetable basket in her hand into the big vegetable basket he was holding.Walk side by side with her along the winding country road.

"Don't think that this will spare you." There are not many scenes to be filmed in the vegetable picking segment, the focus of the shooting is after entering the vegetable greenhouse, watching the pd and writers first enter the distant greenhouse to prepare, Taeyeon turned to him He said fiercely, "I have written down everything today, hum!"


Li Zaimin looked impatiently waiting to be punished.It made Taeyeon feel angry after seeing it.This guy is not afraid at all, and he looks forward to hearing his threat.Thinking of the so-called threat, and the most likely scene that will eventually evolve into, she blushed pretty.He glanced at him bitterly.Suddenly, she remembered that before going out, she saw him and Zhang He muttering in the distance in the pd, and pointed to the front yard and the direction of her nanny car. Excited and excited, I couldn't help but feel a little drummed in my heart. Did this guy come up with some idea to play tricks on himself?

Seeing the wonderful expression on Taeyeon's face, Li Zaimin stretched out his hand and waved in front of her eyes, and asked amusedly, "What are you thinking?"

Laughing again!Taeyeon looked at Li Zaimin vigilantly, "When you came out, what did you and Zhang He say in PD, did it have something to do with me?"

"Did you see it?" Li Zaimin didn't expect that Taeyeon would see it and guess that it was related to her. After being shocked, he quickly said with a flat smile, "Well, your sense of entertainment is so good, I want to ask Jang Hyuk to be here. pd added you as a regular guest."

"Really...really?!" Taeyeon's heart was beating uncontrollably. If she could be a regular guest, she wouldn't be able to stay with him every episode. It would be like today, even though she was always teased by him... ...Taeyeon looked at the expression on his face incredulously, as if he was quite serious, could it be true? !Taeyeon suppressed her excitement, remembering her existing announcements, she frowned and said with a bitter face, "Yes, but now I have arranged a lot of regular program announcements, all of which have signed long-term contracts, and there are conflicts in the schedule..."

While muttering in worry, she suddenly heard a slight smile in her ear, Taeyeon suddenly raised her head, seeing Li Zaimin's shoulders trembling while holding back the laughter, she knew that she had been tricked again.It's so hateful, it made me excited for nothing.She patted Li Zaimin's arm hard a few times in resentment, pouted, "Bad guy! I won't let you go."

Turning around to look, the crew members who came with them all entered the shed, there was no one on the road, Li Zaimin quickly stroked Taeyeon's head, and seeing her pursed her red lips in dissatisfaction, "I also hope that I can be with you like this Doing shows together, but if you really want to be a regular guest, I think it will be a kind of torture."

Taeyeon's eyes widened, and she looked at Li Zaimin in disbelief, "What did you say?!"

Li Zaimin nodded, and signaled to Taeyeon that she heard correctly, what he said just now was indeed what he said, he continued softly with a smile, "Standing with you, but cannot hold your hand; face to face, but cannot kiss You; talk to you, but can't tell you, how much I miss you..."

Taeyeon's eyes were instantly clouded with mist, she thought, even if there was a camera by her side, she would still be as close as she is now, she quickly tugged on Li Zaimin's little finger, lowered her head and didn't speak for a long time.

Lee Jaemin understands Taeyeon's true heart, just like knowing his own true heart.The identity of an artist and the persistence of their dreams prevent the two from getting along like normal couples.He believed that Taeyeon was more troubled than himself in many cases, and felt that the atmosphere was a bit gloomy and depressing. He coughed lightly on purpose and then smiled lightly, "Then the matter of teasing you today, isn't it? Forget it?!"

"Ah~ bad guy!" Taeyeon raised her foot and kicked it, why she always spoils the atmosphere when she is touched, I hate it to death!She rubbed her eyes quietly, and said viciously, "Don't think about revealing today's matter so easily, and your precious sister, you will be the first one to deal with her when you go back tomorrow, and there are little sun and little Xiujing... Anyway... ...everybody!"

Seeing Li Zaimin's happy face, Taeyeon gritted her small teeth, narrowed her eyes suddenly, and asked with a smile, "Oppa, I found out that you seem to take special care of Sunmi this time around..."

Li Zaimin frowned lightly, "Is it obvious?"

"What?!" Taeyeon yelled, she had this feeling vaguely during the filming of the show, thinking it was her own illusion, now hearing Li Zaimin's own confession, she couldn't feel a blockage in her heart.

"Don't think about it!" Patted Taeyeon on the head with round eyes, seeing her staring over to find out the truth, Li Zaimin thought for a while, and there was nothing to hide from Taeyeon, so he prepared Park Zhenying to wait for Wonder After the promotion period for the girls' third album, the matter of taking them to the American music scene was revealed.

"Wonder girls go to the United States to develop?!" Developing overseas is the dream of most artists. Taeyeon believes that one day Girls' Generation will reach that height. At that time, the company will definitely arrange overseas development plans. Fortunately, now she, Yoona and Jessica are the second largest shareholders of SM, even if they go overseas for development, they have greater autonomy.

According to the current popularity and fame of Wonder Girls in China, it is only a matter of time before they develop overseas. Taeyeon did not expect them to go so soon, and they will go to the United States.After hearing the news from Li Zaimin, the first thought that flashed in my mind was that they left Girls' Generation farther away.

Since Li Zaimin made his debut, there have been many scandals, and each time he would come out quickly to clarify. Taeyeon didn't care too much about it, but this time the "Prince and Cinderella" scandal, Lee Jae-min abnormally did not come forward to clarify it in time. Although it was proved afterwards This is to coincide with the hype for the release of the new song and new album of Wonder Girls, but she has a little knot in her heart about it, and now she understands what Lee Jae-min intends.

Taeyeon slowed down, "Ahn So-hee, Sunmi and the others don't know?"

"I don't know! After the official release of the new album, Brother Zhenying will determine the date of going to the United States based on the sales of this album and the response of "no.body" overseas, and then we will inform them!" Lee Jae-min Nodded, turned to see Taeyeon observing him, seeing Taeyeon's cautious and cute appearance, couldn't help raising his hand to caress her pink cheeks, and saw her slightly shaking her head with a blushing face, her rosy lips pursed towards her Not far from the vegetable greenhouse.

Taeyeon has mixed feelings about the wonder girls going to the US. Apart from Girls’ Generation, it’s also because of Lee Jaemin’s relationship with Ahn Sohee and Sunmi, “Where’s Cinderella, and there’s also a younger sister in the show, aren’t you reluctant?”

"That's why I want to help them as much as possible!" Li Zaimin met Taeyeon's gaze, "I can't imagine what would happen to me if it was you!"

"Hmph, if it's us, it's fine, we can stay away from you, so as not to be angry with you all the time!" Li Zaimin's tone was flat, but the passion in her eyes made Taeyeon a little breathless, she turned her face and said quietly. Taking a breath, remembering that Li Zaimin teased her just now, telling her to be a regular guest of "The Birth of a Family", her eyes lit up, and she turned her head and asked, "Then Sunmi's regular guest..." (to be continued...)

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