Fateful Korean Entertainment

Chapter 320 Anlan International

August 8st is also Pani's birthday.

Starting from Taeyeon's house, Lee Jaemin and Taeyeon first went to Minyan Life Square, where they jointly bought a birthday present for Pani.

When they arrived in Seoul, Taeyeon first had a phone call with Jiang Jinying, and learned that the afternoon announcement that was originally scheduled was temporarily canceled due to the coordination of the program's shooting, so they planned to go to Lee Jaemin's residence together first.

This holiday is over, and it will be busy again. The group company has just been established, and all affairs need Li Zaimin's constant attention. Many decisions require him to make the final decisions. He can't really relax until the group company is on the right track.And with the arrival of the vice president of Yuan, the planning of LTF Seoul super branch will also be put on the agenda. This vice president is still Li Zhiyuan who has always been bored with him. It is conceivable that this cooperation is much more difficult than expected.

As for Taeyeon, there will still be a tight itinerary, even if she has time occasionally, she still has to find time to find an opportunity to meet Lee Jaemin, and she has to find excuses to bring in Yoona, Jessica or Xiaoxiujing, Otherwise, a person can easily attract suspicion.

Therefore, although it was only a short afternoon, for Lee Jae Min and Taeyeon, this opportunity to live the world of two people is really very precious.

Unexpectedly, before the car arrived near the residence, Park Shenjing and Alia called one after another. The tts accident not only affected itself, but not long after the rectification of the Nine Trees chain hotel started, all the funds needed came from tts, once the capital chain was broken, it would cause a bad chain reaction to the group company.

While talking on the phone, Park Shenjing was talking to Li Zaimin about this matter, and at the same time whispered to Secretary Jin to book two tickets to the United States immediately. TTS is not as simple as being routinely acquired. All existing investment projects are sniped, and the other party consumes several times the funds to depress the market value of tts.This way of killing one hundred enemies but harming one thousand makes this inexplicable surprise attack even more strange.

Send Taeyeon near Girls' Generation's apartment, and give her the birthday present for Pani, so that she can pass it on to Pani during her birthday celebration at night.Seeing her worrying and waving goodbye to getting out of the car, and her worried and cute appearance, Li Zaimin couldn't help but love her, went down and held her little hand, and pulled her back into the car again.

After a long period of intimacy, Li Zaimin smiled and persuaded Taeyeon not to worry about it.They said some private words between the two, and when Taeyeon got off the car again with blushing cheeks, although there was still a worried expression on her face, she was obviously much more relaxed.

Seeing Taeyeon walking into the community, Li Zaimin drove directly to the LTF company to meet Park Shinjeong.In the car, I called Pani first and apologized for not being able to attend the birthday celebration.Then he called Yoona who had just finished the announcement.He said that he would go to the United States for business, and he might not be able to return until a few days later.

It was impossible for Yuner to complain that "the company has something to do" and she just returned to Seoul, and she didn't even see her face to face, and she was going to fly to the United States again.After being coaxed by Li Zaimin for a while, she promised to bring back gifts from the United States, and then she hung up the phone muttering.

Without the slightest delay, Li Zaimin drove to the LTF company.Park Shenjing was already waiting downstairs, and the two then went to the airport.

For Li Zaimin, Jianan Company is not unfamiliar.The last time I went to Hong Kong, when the financial crisis broke out, Jianan was very active in the international stock market. It was not easy for him to ignore Fang Qiu's vigor. Gained a lot.

Jianan Company is registered in Singapore and is a well-known investment company in the world. Before the financial crisis broke out, its total assets had exceeded US$70 billion. Its investments involved communications, paper, shipping, real estate, etc., and it was involved in a wide range of fields.

Flying to the United States, it happened to be the local morning time. Alia personally drove to pick up Li Zaimin and Park Shenjing. It was too late to beat the jet lag. The two followed Alia to the tts headquarters in downtown Manhattan.

Along the way, Li Zaimin frowned slightly, the situation was far less relaxed than he showed to Taeyeon.If the strength of Jianan Company is only what the data shows, he may not have too much worry.

The development of Canaan Company has not been smooth sailing. Take the last financial crisis as an example. In the New York stock market, when it went around to attack major companies, it was inevitable that it would be targeted by others, and it was even set up by international speculation several times. Trapped, but before you start, there will be mysterious funds involved. Compared with this huge amount of funds, those speculative funds seem insignificant.Park Shenjing and Alia also knew a little about this, knowing that there seemed to be a huge monster standing behind it, which made it act unscrupulously.

As an investment company, tts is much smaller than Canaan Company, and most of the funds are still under the operation of Samberg, and they are slowly being laundered. Canaan Company itself has abundant capital, and there is a vaguely bigger backer behind it. Staring at it is another suppression regardless of cost, which makes this acquisition ridiculous, and the other party clearly doesn't care about the value of tts.

Li Zaimin took the official letter of intent for the acquisition from Aliya as soon as he got off the plane, and read it carefully many times on the way to the tts headquarters.Jianan Company has checked the details of tts quite clearly. The purchase price offered is 80% of the market value of tts. continue to fall.

Authorized by Li Zaimin, Alia gave Canaan a natural refusal.

The next day, Jianan Company sent another letter of intent for a new acquisition, and the price was raised by 5%. Most importantly, the other party stated by phone this time that if the acquisition cooperation cannot be reached, Jianan Company will no longer hold back.The laws of the market are so cruel.

If Li Zaimin agrees to this deal, tts will be acquired by Jianan Company. Although the market value will be lowered by a lot, a large sum of money can be obtained quickly. It is a great guarantee, but after the establishment of the group company, tts has become an important part of the group company, and the investment plans invested are also closely related to the development of each subsidiary.

There is nothing to discuss about the acquisition. Li Zaimin is at the tts headquarters, and Samberg has also rushed back from New York. What we need to do now is to return tts as much as possible to invest funds and reduce its business, even if the other party increases pressure, even if the market value drops , but at least temporarily keep tts.After this round of turmoil passes, we will try to develop again.

That afternoon, Alia refused to reply to Jianan again.Li Zaimin, Park Shenjing and the others are on the alert. Fortunately, the establishment of the group company has been kept secret. Otherwise, the other party will expand the range of attacks, and the situation will be more difficult and serious than it is now.

The next day, when Li Zaimin and others thought that they would be suppressed by Jianan Company like a storm, the matter took a turn for the worse.An unknown company suddenly emerged in the stock market, and without warning, it began to acquire a large number of listed Canaan shares.Including a number of listed companies controlled by Jianan, the company does not seem to consider the price at all. Almost these related companies sell stocks and buy them immediately at the next moment.

Anlan International, the name just appeared.Then it jumped into everyone's field of vision shiningly.The high-profile full-line acquisition of Jianan has a steady stream of huge funds.People have speculated about the origin of this company.Relying on public information, we can only find out that this company is registered in the UK, with a registered capital of only US$5 million. However, the company's already invested capital is definitely more than ten times its own registered capital.

People like Li Zaimin who have a little understanding of Jianan Company, although they look forward to a company that can teach Jianan, who is used to being arrogant and domineering, a lesson.They paid more attention to this acquisition battle with the mood of watching a movie. How could the behemoth behind Jianan allow someone to stroke the tiger's beard? Everyone was vaguely looking forward to the behemoth behind Jianan showing its true face.

As expected.On the third day, several shares of unknown funds entered the market to attack Anlan International’s acquisition. With the expansion of the front line, more and more unknown funds poured in. Looking at the clear situation, it is easy to guess that this is Jianan Rely on the reaction behind it.

By the fourth day, the funds to support Jianan had reached a scale that shocked the jaws of these spectators.However, Anlan International is still in a calm and calm situation. It is steady and steady. No matter how high the other party raises the stock, it still keeps buying.

The behemoth behind Canaan seems to have finally been irritated. Using Singapore as a starting point, more huge funds entered the market. The scale made the previous fight look like a small fight. At the same time, Anlan International also showed Sharp blades and fangs, many large international companies that seemed to be independent in the past have moved closer to Anlan International.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone suddenly realized that Anlan International was a bigger crocodile with a bigger backing, even much stronger than Jianan's.

The acquisition and anti-acquisition battle between Canaan and Anlan International seems to have spread to more than half of the international market overnight, causing financial turmoil and attracting great attention from the financial departments of many countries.

On the tenth, the financial market suddenly calmed down again. Jianan and Anlan International, as well as the companies and funds involved behind them, quietly left the market as agreed. If it weren't for the messy stock market prices, everyone would almost To think that these days are all illusions.

In this inexplicable and nonsensical double-lose fight, according to the statistics of those who are interested afterwards, the loss of Anlan International is about billions of dollars, while the loss of Jianan's side is at least 30 billion U.S. dollars.

Li Zaimin, Park Shenjing, Alia, and Senberg stayed in the monitoring room looking at each other every day. They vaguely felt that the takeover war that caused global financial turmoil and affected most of the international stock market might be triggered by their little Tts, but I think it's ridiculous to think of this.These days, a fraction of the capital used by the two parties can smash the newly formed group company into pieces, let alone this small tts.

Come suddenly, go more suddenly.The takeover war eventually turned into a global financial turmoil. From the perspective of a bystander, Li Zaimin felt dazzled and exhausted, let alone the companies involved in the two parties.

With such a big battlefield laid down by the two companies, there is no guarantee that they will not be fished in troubled waters by speculators on the sidelines if they retreat.Suffering a huge loss, Jianan Company was a little too busy to withdraw. Not only did it withdraw the letter of intent for the acquisition sent to tts, but it even sold all the stocks it had attacked before.

Senberg was stunned, but he did not forget his job responsibilities. He quickly adjusted his status and made tts a member of fish in troubled waters. After these were completed, the market value of tts rose by more than 30% compared to before being suppressed by Canaan. , Moreover, the mess left after this financial turmoil has created bigger and better development opportunities for the development of tts.

No matter what, the crisis of tts was solved inexplicably in this way, and it also gained huge benefits because of it.Li Zaimin was still dizzy like Park Shenjing until he boarded the plane back home exhausted. (To be continued..)

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