As long as sunny doesn't tease Li Zaimin too much, Yoona is still willing to accept it, and will actively participate in it.

With the approval votes of most people, y asked Park Shinjeong for lipstick, and leaned over to the sleeping Lee Jaemin to draw a "realistic" lip print on his forehead, and then asked Xiao Xiujing to turn on the camera again.

"In minopp, guess who kissed you? Here's a little hint, she's right behind me!" Seeing Xiaoxiujing pick up the machine again and lie down in front of the camera winking, she completely disregarded saying this, and was caught The red-faced Pani and the others slapped randomly on the back.

At this time, Park Shenjing shouted to send them back y They all got up and took their bags and waited to leave. Xiao Xiujing put the camera on the coffee table, tore out a note from her bag, and hurriedly scribbled on it writes.After finishing writing, she looked up at the camera and smiled slyly, then the screen shook, and Park Shenjing shouted again, seeing her stuffing the pen into the bag, forgetting to turn off the machine and running away from the camera.

The camera was facing the couch, and then two more figures flashed across the screen, and the sound of messy footsteps and whispering and playing gradually faded away.

Seeing this, Li Zaimin realized that the last glass of wine at noon was replaced by Han Na's high-strength liquor, no wonder he was so drunk this time.

No, y drew a lip print on his forehead, but when he woke up, he didn't see the lip print on his forehead, but there were two lip prints on his face. What's going on?

As soon as Li Zaimin had a question in his mind, he heard the sound of footsteps on the still TV screen.

"Sister Shen Jing, where do you think you might have put the key? Ask Yuner and the others to come and look for it. Isn't it faster..." Taeyeon's voice came from far and near. [

Pu Shenjing laughed teasingly, "I'll put the key on the sofa now, remember to take it with you when you come out. I'll take out the small gift that Jae Min bought for them from the United States first, and tell you to go upstairs Find me the car keys."

"The car keys are in your bag. Then you still..." Taeyeon's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Just now everyone came out with presents, and you were the only one who said that you forgot to bring them. You don't want to show them out in public. It's a special gift?! Hehe~ If you want to say something in secret, turn on the camera and hurry up, anyway, it's the last one in Min opp People watch. Don't stay too long, I'll go out first."

"I, I don't have anything to say..." Amid Park Shinjeong's mocking laughter, Taeyeon retorted weakly.

The laughter faded away, and Taeyeon appeared in the camera with a blushing face, sitting on the sofa.Seeing her staring at herself in a deep sleep.After a while, I suddenly went to play with the machine on the coffee table.The screen went dark for a few seconds and then turned on again. She sat by the sofa and muttered indistinctly.Suddenly, she wrinkled her nose.He took out the wet wipes from his bag, wiped off the lipstick marks on his forehead, turned his face in surprise, and picked up the lipstick that Sunny had used up and left behind from the corner of the sofa.

The screen turned black again, and this video was played to the end. Although it was not photographed later, Li Zaimin knew clearly how the lip marks on his face were obtained.This was the best gift I received on my birthday, the two lip prints became slightly hot, he collapsed on the sofa with a smile on his face, Taeyeon sat on the edge of the sofa and looked at him.That coquettish expression kept reappearing in his mind, making him feel hot, thinking that what he hugged in his arms was not a pillow, but Taeyeon...

After watching the last part of the video several times, Li Zaimin got up and went to the kitchen to heat up the food that Park Shinjeong had left for him. After taking a shower and going to bed, it was already past three o'clock in the morning.

It felt like he was woken up by the ringtone just after falling asleep. He glanced outside and saw that the morning sun had just risen. Fortunately, he slept for so long after being drunk yesterday. How sleepy.Lazy lying on the pillow for a while, he groped for the phone in front of him, the caller ID was Sunny's name, he knew why she called without guessing, so he just pressed the phone if he wanted to.

The phone call was rejected, and Y was probably furious, so he called again soon, and it was the kind that stopped after two repeated calls, and a text message full of question marks on the screen was sent in the middle.

Li Zaimin was so sleepy from the ringing of phone calls and text messages, he simply got up from the bed, went downstairs and turned on the camera, took a picture of sunny drawing lip marks on his forehead, and sent it out. Sure enough, the phone fell silent.

At noon, Li Zaimin received a call from Xiao Xiujing.

The little guy yelled earth-shatteringly on the phone, saying that he had secretly recorded the process of the sunny sister teasing a certain uncle, but the certain uncle betrayed her very shamelessly, causing her to be caught and repaired by the sunny sister , and said that he would never stand on the side of a certain uncle again, and threatened to take revenge...

Imagining the scene where Sunny broke into Xiao Xiujing's dormitory to catch her, Li Zaimin laughed while covering his phone, and then promised to make more of her favorite Korean beef next time.

Only then did Xiao Xiujing turn her anger into joy on the phone, and hummed with a smile, saying that she accepted the bribe, but it didn't mean that she forgave a certain uncle for betraying her.

Taeyeon made an announcement in the morning. In the morning, she and Yoona will go to SBS TV. After lunch, she will go to a KBS talk show with Yuli and Pani. In the evening, she has to go to the radio station to be the host. Today is a day The itinerary is full. [

The two hickey marks of parting last night made Li Zaimin really want to talk to Taeyeon on the phone, but after shaking the phone for a long time, he still didn't dial the number.Taeyeon's announcement today is so tightly arranged, it is better to let Taeyeon rest more during the free time in between, he decided to make this call when he goes to bed at night.

He went to the study to deal with the backlog of company documents, and read some professional course books. When the alarm clock set at [-]:[-] p.m. sounded, he got up and went to the cloakroom to change his clothes, put on his hat and sunglasses and go out.Flying back to Seoul from the US yesterday, on the way back, I received a text message from Sunmi on Sohee's mobile phone, and made an appointment to go to the jyp building this afternoon to attend a small celebration reception held by the company for woner grls before leaving for the US.

Park Shenjing was busy with work in the company all day, and Li Zaimin drove his private car out to eat lunch by himself. When he came back, he parked the car at the door, and he sent text messages to An Zhaoxi.While walking out of the courtyard.

Going out of the gate, a gray Bentley came into view on the opposite side, and next to it was a young man in white casual clothes, with brown curly hair that reached his ears.There are large-frame sunglasses on the bridge of the nose, and a bouquet of beautifully packaged red roses is held in his hand.This scene is too familiar, even if Li Zaimin doesn't want to recognize this person.

"Miss Han Na, I know that Zhiyuan is at home. You asked me to go in and meet her. There is no other meaning. I will leave after giving her the flowers." Song Junji was at the front of the Bentley, occasionally raising his hand to cover the vicious The sunlight, from time to time, looked over Han Na's shoulders to the three-story main building far from the courtyard gate.

"Mr. Song Junji, I told you very clearly. Zhiyuan is not here for something. And even if he is, he won't want to see you." Han Na stood in the shade of the courtyard gate, looking at Song Junji leisurely, with a smile on her face With the usual smile.

Song Junji shook the rose in his hand.He said a little excitedly, "It's really not instigated by others, I really like Zhiyuan! It's been so long, she still doesn't believe it!"

"Isn't it, it's all the same! Feelings are a matter of reluctance. In the past, Zhiyuan was a public figure, and the media followed everything. From now on, I hope you don't come to pester me again..." Han Na smiled, her eyes radiating a chill meaning.

The gate was locked behind him, and the two people on the other side of the road were attracted by the sound and turned their heads at the same time. Li Zaimin really wanted to go back to the yard.Now it seems to have hit a more embarrassing scene.Han Na and Li Zhiyuan will be partners of LTF Company in the future, and now there is another layer of neighbors. He couldn't pretend he didn't see the scene before him, so he took off his sunglasses and asked Han Na Have a look.

Han Na smiled and shook her head to indicate that it was okay, looked Li Zaimin up and down, and asked familiarly, "Zaimin, you want to go out?"

Li Zaimin looked at Song Junji who was stunned, walked around the private car and walked to the side of the road, nodded and said, "There is a celebration party over there at JYP, let's go!"

"Mr. Lee Jae-min?!" Seeing Lee Jae-min walking out of the opposite house, Song Joon-ki slipped the rose on the ground in astonishment and didn't know it. He heard Li Jae-min's voice, and he came back to his senses, pointing to the yard behind Lee Jae-min, "You live here?!"

"Mr. Song Junji, hello!" Li Zaimin greeted politely, he frowned, and felt that the scene seemed to have become subtle, "I live here."

Song Joon-ki looked at Lee Jae-min, then turned to look at the house behind Han Na, and finally his eyes stopped on Han Na, his mouth was open, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

The street was empty, and the three of them stood there silently, making the atmosphere even more awkward.Li Zaimin became the third largest shareholder of Yoshida Shipping by holding shares. In order to promote the promotion and development of woner grls in the United States, Jinya and Yoshida Shipping entered the honeymoon cooperation period again, but this does not mean that the relationship between him and Song Junji will improve. No, he's not that big.

"It's time, let's talk slowly." Song Junji's face changed from black to white, Han Na looked like an outsider watching a show, Li Zaimin coughed, looked down at his watch, and said to the two on the other side of the road With a sound, he walked towards the door next to the driver's seat.

A gust of wind blew, and the bouquet of red roses rolled gently on the ground. Han Na curled her lips slightly, raised her eyes and said to Song Junji, "To tell you the truth, Zhiyuan already has a boyfriend."

Song Junji's face suddenly became as pale as his clothes, "Impossible! Zhiyuan hasn't had any contact with any man since she returned to Korea, and Nan Shao said..."

"Shut up!" Han Na's voice suddenly became louder, her towering chest heaving slightly.

Song Junji was so frightened that he couldn't help but take two steps back in silence. After understanding the situation, he took another step forward forcefully.Even if he failed to pursue Li Zhiyuan, he was still the Shaodong of Yoshida Shipping, and the person in front of him was just Li Zhiyuan's manager, so what confidence did he have to yell at him? !

Li Zaimin mistakenly thought that there was a dispute between the two, so he hurriedly turned around, but saw that the two were standing quietly opposite each other, and Song Junji looked slightly frightened.

Han Na seemed to realize her impoliteness, she returned to her smile, apologized and nodded to Song Joon-ki and Lee Jae-min respectively, and finally said to Song Joon-ki, "Ji-won has a boyfriend, Jae-min also knows about it, don't believe it You can ask him."

Putting his hand on the car door, Li Zaimin turned around again, seeing Han Na pointing at himself, and Song Joon-ki looked over anxiously for confirmation.He followed the opened courtyard door behind Han Na and looked in. The curtains of the houses on the second floor seemed to be shaken by the wind.

Li Zhiyuan has a boyfriend. I only heard about it at the dinner table yesterday at noon. Now I ask him to prove it with certainty. I always feel a little funny. It can be seen that Han Na winked at herself playfully, and Li Zaimin had no choice but to say to Song Junji in embarrassment. , "Yes, Miss Li Zhiyuan already has a boyfriend."

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