It is late autumn in Seoul, and the rainy weather this year seems to be much more than in previous years.

As night fell, with the patter of drizzle, the street lamps along the street were gradually lit up, with dim light, elongating the shadows of passers-by.

Pushing open the glass door of the coffee shop, Li Zaimin stood on the steps outside, looked up at the vast rainy and foggy sky, exhaled a long breath, but felt even more depressed in his heart.

"Zaimin, where are you going, let me see you off?"

A thick voice came from behind, Li Zaimin adjusted his face, and stood two steps aside, he thanked a middle-aged man who came out later, "Minister An, don't bother, I have an appointment with a friend nearby. How far."

"That's good." Minister An nodded, opened the umbrella and walked to the parking lot.Opening the car door, he saw Li Zaimin being delivered to the side of the road. He stopped hesitantly and raised the file bag in his hand. Yan Na has read this song of yours and expressed her intention to sign a contract with you. You know, President Kim and other companies blocked your music studio, so he hesitated, but it's not like he didn't have a chance."

"Thank you." Li Zaimin bowed respectfully to express his thanks.As the director of the composition department of SM company, it's really not easy to say these things to him at this time.In the past few years, he has also been taken care of by Minister An in the company. Later, because of his relationship with Taeyeon, he caused a lot of trouble and pressure to Minister An. From the beginning to the end, he is always grateful!

"It's a pity that this song is sold to the company now." Minister An put the file bag in the hand holding the umbrella.He reached out and patted Li Zaimin's shoulder, and sighed.

If it weren't for the conflict with the company due to his relationship with Taeyeon, this young man would definitely have made his mark in the composition industry.With his talent and talent in composition, after a few years, he will definitely become the head composer of the company.

This young man used to work in a company, so when he went to an independent portal outside, he was blocked by Jin Yingmin, a number of brokerage companies and various music last.Even if there are good works, they still have to be sold to the company.And the company launched after packaging, the songwriter of the song.Naturally, it will also be replaced by the company's highly praised composer.

"Thank you for your concern, I've decided." Li Zaimin glanced at the file bag, turned his face back, and bowed to Minister An. "The additional conditions of the contract. I'll leave it to you. Also, please don't tell her, just say it's the company's decision."

"Okay, no problem. As this lyrical song is the OST, we will be more confident in choosing Taeyeon to sing it." Minister An nodded, folded his umbrella and sat in the car, while closing the car door.He said to Li Zaimin on the side of the road, "If the studio can't continue, then come back. Kim Youngmin is the president, but in the composition department, I still have the final say."

"Thank you, I've made a note." Li Zaimin closed the car door for help, waved his hand to the figure in the window with a smile, watched the car leave, he turned and walked to the bus stop not far away, the smile on his face became bitter.

This bus is a loop line and will pass through Yeouido.Sitting by the window in the back seat, Li Zaimin quietly looked out the window.

In April of this year, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and I visited here with Taeyeon, and the scene of that day is vivid in my memory.

The cherry blossom avenue was desolate due to the change of seasons. Looking at the trunks of cherry blossom trees shrouded in the vast rain, he looked back and looked at the umbrella dripping with water in his hand.

sm company announced to hold Girls' Generation concert in Singapore in April, before departure, something happened in Singapore, the concert was postponed to May, then June...

In the second half of the year, the originally scheduled concert in Singapore was eventually cancelled.For this reason, sm company has to pay a lot of liquidated damages for "breach of contract".At the same time, Girls' Generation also postponed the concert several times, and even announced the cancellation unilaterally in the end, which was not understood by many Singaporean fans.

Li Zaimin turned his face to look out of the window again, and the cherry blossom avenue was gradually moving away from sight.

Yoona and the others all know why the Singapore concert was cancelled, and no one blames him and Taeyeon.

Li Zhiyuan, who knew the truth, used Lin Yinan to deal with Li Yunting and his wife, thereby controlling the Li's business in London, which also made the Lin family and Li's business in Singapore become sworn enemies.

Li Zhiyuan firmly controlled the Li family business, and fought with the Lin family in Singapore as a lose-lose situation, and then stayed in South Korea.The incident between him and Li Zhiyuan is well known to everyone in the background. In Girls' Generation, one is his girlfriend, one is his sister, and there is a very close "friend". The Lin family has nothing to do with Li Zhiyuan and blames him and Girls' Generation , take it for granted.

It was also for this reason that he left SM and opened a music studio on his own.And tomorrow, this studio has nothing to do with him.

The sound of the bus stop announced that Li Zaimin woke up from his contemplation, and when he looked up, he found that he had arrived at the place.

I don't know when the rain will become smaller and foggy. Even if you don't use an umbrella, it doesn't matter.

After getting off the platform, Li Zaimin walked towards the square of the community.The light rain in the afternoon made the road wet, but fortunately there was no standing water.Bypassing the small tennis court with the fence erected, a slender figure came into view. She was wearing a long beige windbreaker and holding a rose red umbrella, standing quietly under the dim streetlight.

"How long have you been here?" Li Zaimin approached, and couldn't help but look at the only driveway leading to the Girls' Generation apartment ahead, feeling a stab in his heart.

Jessica turned around, her thin face, perhaps because of the dim light, looked a little pale.Seeing Li Zaimin holding a wet umbrella in her hand, she also put down the rose red umbrella and folded it up.

The branches and leaves of the two big trees next to it covered the street lamps and spread out. With such a small amount of rain and fog, you can't feel any rain when you stand below.

"I just arrived." Looking around, no one passed by, Jessica put down her collar with confidence.She smiled softly, motioned for Li Zaimin to bend down, and stroked the little drops of rain on his head for him, then looked at his other empty hand, and asked hesitantly, "Are you really..."

"Well! In fact, the studio has been running poorly in the past few months and owed a large amount of money. Heh. In private, Taeyeon quietly paid back a lot!" Li Zaimin saw the look on Jessica's face, he In turn, he laughed out loud in relief.Clapping his hands freely, he looked at the street lamp above his head, "It's all right now, the studio was acquired by JYP, and that song was also sold to SM, and Minister An offered a very high price! Now it's all paid off, the savings Those. It was also transferred to Taeyeon's account. I owe her a lot!"

"That's it, why don't you tell me, I have..." Jessica paused.Then he puffed up his cheeks angrily, "You can tell Yun'er!"

"It's nothing at all!" Li Zaimin smiled, and turned to avoid Jessica's sight, his voice was a little low.Sorry to say. "This time I..."

"It's okay, I'm the only one who is the most suitable!" Jessica smiled lightly and stood side by side with Li Zaimin, looking at the slightly overlapping shadows on the ground, she whispered softly, "Taeyeon already hates me very much, and if she hates me a little more, she will What can I do. But you, have you really decided?"

Li Zaimin froze.Then he nodded heavily.

"The seniors from the company took her to those two receptions. They told her that many musicians would be there, and she too..." Li Zaimin and Taeyeon had a serious quarrel some time ago, and Jessica knew it.

"I know, I was just angry with myself at that time." Li Zaimin turned his head and smiled, his heart seemed to be torn apart.

For herself and for her music studio dream, Taeyeon has paid too much.Hearing that she could bypass the company to help her promote the studio and new songs, she even abandoned the pride she was most proud of before, and even asked Li Zhiyuan, who she disliked the most, for help, just for herself...

With the pressure from the company and the media, and the ubiquitous influence of Li Zhiyuan, even including Girls' Generation itself, when things happen, although no one can blame Taeyeon for anything, she will inevitably have pressure.Looking at the face with a gradually diminishing smile, this supposedly sweet relationship has gradually become a burden for her!

When the text message rang, Jessica took out her phone and turned it on. She pursed her lips, raised her eyes and said to Li Zaimin, "The assistant sent a text message. The reception is over. They came out. On the way back to the dormitory, they should be here soon."

Li Zaimin nodded, looking at Jessica worriedly and guiltily.I am about to hurt the person I love the most, and at the same time hurt another person who likes him, but I have no choice.

Looking back at Li Zaimin's eyes, Jessica showed a relieved smile.This was what she was looking forward to the most, as long as Taeyeon leaves him, and that disgusting Li Zhiyuan, she doesn't care!In this way, you should be happy, but why can't you be happy at all.


Turning his back to the empty driveway, and hearing Jessica's voice reminding him, Li Zaimin came back to his senses and lowered his gaze, which was in the nanny's car from the corner of his eye.The nanny car seemed to have spotted the two, and then stopped on the side of the road in the distance, and saw a petite figure jumping out of it hesitantly, and he approached Jessica in front of him.

Suddenly, both ends of the scarf around his neck were held. Seeing Jessica drop the umbrella and pull his scarf, Li Zaimin stopped his open arms, and agreed to just put on a show, as if his movements were a little different? !

Then the scarf around his neck was pulled down forcefully, and he lowered his head accordingly. The next moment, his lips were pressed against the softness.

Li Zaimin was stunned, looking at Jessica's face close at hand, watching his slightly closed eyes gradually glow with water.

This kiss seemed to be very long. Seeing that petite figure standing alone in the shadow of a street lamp in the distance, clasping his hands silently to cover his mouth, Li Zaimin felt his heart breaking into pieces.

That petite figure turned around and ran away abruptly, Li Zaimin silently closed his's over!

The kiss was still going on, Li Zaimin raised his head soberly, but the scarf around his neck was pulled tighter by Jessica unconsciously, he patted Jessica on the back, indicating that Taeyeon had gone away.Jessica let go of the scarf, but wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, and the kiss became crazy, and before he stretched out his hand to push it away, his lips tingled.

Letting go of her arms, Jessica looked up at Li Zaimin, her lips were stained with scarlet blood, she gasped for breath, and said coldly, "You want to leave, and you want to run away, right?!"

Li Zaimin avoided Jessica's cold and mocking gaze, speechless.Hearing hurried footsteps behind him suddenly, he turned his head, a black figure flickered in front of him, and he was slapped hard on the face.

Looking at Taeyeon whose face was covered with tears but whose eyes were clear and resolute, Li Zaimin remained silent.

Taeyeon bit her lip hard, with a cold indifference on her face, suddenly, she turned around and raised her arms again.

Grasping Taeyeon's hand, Jessica narrowed her eyes slightly, and quietly looked at Taeyeon's straight gaze. She pursed her blood-stained lips, lowered her eyes, and slowly let go of Taeyeon's right hand.


The sound of slaps echoed over the square again.

.(to be continued..)

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