Fateful Korean Entertainment

Chapter 514 Discharge

Recently, I randomly asked a passer-by, who is the busiest?

The answer is absolutely astonishingly consistent, it must be the reporters on the entertainment news page.It is often that yesterday's news has not been digested, and today another star is dug out with amazing news.

Earlier, someone who had never liked someone was revealed to have been secretly dating for several years; the celebrity couple who were originally sweet in public were suddenly revealed to have signed a breakup agreement; artists who had been married for many years announced their divorce, remarriage, and Remarriage; popular kings and queens announced their coming out in a high-profile way; even pornographic photos have become fashionable, and there are constantly large-scale pornographic photos of artists, and the scale is only bigger but not the largest...

For all entertainment journalists, these are feasts, every day is full of pain and happiness, racking their brains and racking their brains to select the hot spots that the public is most interested in to track and report.

In addition, there is another category of people who are compared to Yuji, that is, fans of various artists.

As the breaking news became more and more intense and chaotic, fans stayed nervously in front of their computers every day, and swiped their mobile phone networks all the way when they went out, fearing that the artists or idols they supported would also reveal something.

If there are loyal fans, there will naturally be anti fans. This is what every artist will have. The only difference is the ratio of fans on both sides. Anti fans are more nervous than loyal fans. On the contrary, they are silently praying every moment, praying that they will see the shocking revelations of all anti artists in the next moment.

In such a lively and extraordinary day, finally ushered in the broadcast of the latest issue of "The Birth of a Family".I have to say that this is also destined to be the first broadcast that makes Zhang He extremely disappointed in PD.

The wonder girls, who are gaining momentum in the United States, were collectively invited to be the special guests of this program.

Let's not talk about popularity, just talk about topicality.Ahn So-hee and Lee Jae-min have been having scandals for the past two years. On the show, they even staged a "Prince and Cinderella" scene with Lee Jae-min.

Sunmi is another member. She is a regular guest who is loved by many audiences. She and Lee Jaemin are well-known "problem siblings".With the addition of the new "problem couple", it is wonderful to think about it.

Not only that, but Taeyeon, who recently starred in "We Got Married" with Lee Jae Min, came halfway to filming "We Got Married".Strictly speaking, including the subsequent stage performances, it can be regarded as two programs being recorded in parallel.

Reminded by Liu Jae-shik in the breakfast task link, there is another heavyweight gimmick.

At the beginning of the year, "Infinite Challenge" made a desk calendar special, and Li Zaimin took a set of wedding photos. Jessica and Ahn So-hee were guest brides in it, which aroused a lot of public opinion at the time.Now, Taeyeon, who is the "bride-to-be" in "We Got Married", is also there.Although the competition was for the breakfast task, in the words of Liu Zaishi, this is indeed a "war" among the "three brides".

A few days before the broadcast of the show, Zhang He listed the highlights on the PD on the official website, and there is an important hand.As usual, he included two stills that could whet the appetite of the audience.

One is of the wonder girls. In the photo, they dance around Lee Jae-min in a sexy slow version of "no.body".During the filming of this performance, Li Zaimin sat in the middle chair without moving, but with this still photo, the program team was very unprincipled again.It is not wrong to say that he is performing with the wonder girls.

Even after the show is broadcast, the audience will inevitably go to the official website to complain after watching the show, but in the end the pre-publicity has been done well.The program team believes that when the program is broadcast, the audience will focus on An Zhaoxi and the others, such sexy and enchanting wonder girls.It is something that everyone has never seen.

As for the other one, as soon as it was posted on the website, it set a new record for the number of downloads of stills on the official website.

In the picture, Lee Jae-min is sitting behind the drum set, and Taeyeon and Jessica are wearing high school girls' school uniforms.The two stood in front of the microphone with their bass and guitar in their arms respectively. Next to them, there was an electronic piano. Behind them was a little girl with twin ponytails.

The blank space at the top of the photo is marked with bright color fonts - Lee Jae-min created an original song "Encounter with an Angel" on the spot, and Taeyeon and Jessica sang together.

Girls' Generation is about to resume group activities after the new year, and it has gradually become a well-known secret that they are already ready to go, waiting hard for their first stage after their comeback, so as to make up for the regrets of the past six months.

Prior to this, Lee Jae-min almost hit the nail on the head, promoting Girls’ Generation on various occasions all the time, and in the middle he continued to directly or “indirectly” write songs for Taeyeon and Jessica respectively.To sum up, although Girls' Generation has stopped group activities, it has never been out of the public's sight.

Leaving aside, let’s just talk about Jessica’s recent song "Climb". If it weren’t for the global entertainment industry’s blowup in recent days, this song would still firmly dominate the public’s audiovisual.

Lee Jae-min seemed to have anticipated the situation today, and even created a new song, which was sung by Jessica and Taeyeon.Because the column team has done a good job of keeping secrets, until the show is broadcast, it is impossible to know the specific style and rhythm of this song, but Li Zaimin's creation is a guarantee, a confidence, his songs have never disappointed fans.In addition, Jessica and Taeyeon are at the stage of bursting popularity. At this time, they sang songs together, and the sensation caused by it is by no means as simple as one plus one.

Li Zaimin, Jessica, and Taeyeon, the three of them are well-known entertainers in the country, appearing on the same stage at the same time, and it is difficult for the strange little girl next to them not to attract attention.The photo is not very straight, the little girl can only see the beautiful and childish side face, with the slender double ponytails, and the big high school girl's school uniform on her body, the picture looks so cute.

In just a few hours, the little girl's identity was dug out, and she turned out to be Jessica's younger sister.Oh Soo Jung, the company has already given her stage name to Krystal. When she was 6 years old, she went to a department store with her mother and older sister Jessica, and was discovered by scouts from SM Company.At the age of 12, she officially entered SM company and became a trainee under it. It is said that the company has already prepared for her to debut as a group next year...

This issue of "The Birth of a Family" can be said to have something to watch and something to watch. Whether it is a gimmick or a wonderful performance of the two songs, it has exceeded the previous period.As soon as he came back from Jindo, Jang Hyuk stayed at the TV station full of confidence in PD, and personally tried to edit this program to the most perfect level.

soon.When it was time to broadcast, the real-time ratings data that came in shocked him deeply.It's not that the broadcasting situation is not ideal. After all, the ratings of this episode have far surpassed other variety shows from the very beginning, but there is still a long way to go before breaking the record he expected.but.He also understands that he can only blame the "untimely birth" of this episode. If it weren't for the fact that the global entertainment industry has been overwhelmed, the ratings will definitely exceed the expected data.

In any case, the daily updates of the global entertainment circle and the international financial market attract everyone's attention. This issue of "The Birth of a Family" can achieve such good results in the prime time, which has already made other program groups feel jealous .

Amidst the clamor from the outside world, the song "Meeting an Angel" did not cause much hype.However, it quietly squeezed out "Climbing" on the music charts and new song searches, and quietly occupied the playlists of many young people's computers, mobile phones, etc., but the news that broke out every day was too shocking and exciting , so that everyone has not noticed these for a while.

Li Zaimin also watched this episode, sitting alone in the ward to watch.It's a wonderful feeling.Obviously it was himself in it, which was filmed more than ten days ago, but he didn't have the slightest impression, as if he was looking at another strange self.

When the show came to singing "Meeting an Angel", his mind was buzzing softly, and some vague memories gradually came into being.

Under the setting sun, two figures descending the mountain holding hands.At night, at the entrance of the village, there is an inseparable farewell...

These fragments of pictures flashed through his mind, and when he wanted to calm down and think about it, his head immediately hurt again, and he hurriedly stopped.The doctor ordered.Now the situation is stable, but the blood clots in the brain are still dangerous. Once you have a headache, you must not force it, otherwise it will easily lead to the deterioration of the situation.

In all kinds of noisy information waves.In addition to the broadcast of this issue of "Family Birth", there was another piece of news that caught his attention.

Yoshida Shipping was maliciously attacked, followed by bribery, tax evasion and other scandals. At the same time, global offices were investigated by governments of various countries, and the stock price plummeted. Even the companies related to Yoshida Shipping were also fatally hit. .

Before the news broke out, Park Shenjing came to report, saying that Yoshida Shipping had offended an international financial giant. Fortunately, he sold the shares in time. The result was a heavy loss, but compared to the previous investment, It's still a little return, otherwise it would not be as simple as a loss until today.

Today is the day to be discharged from the hospital. After Park Shenjing brought her assistants to pack up and salute, she went to the front to complete the discharge procedures.

Li Zaimin was packing up his personal belongings, which were bought and brought by Yoona, Taeyeon and the others during the hospitalization.I have to hurry back later, today they all asked for leave to celebrate his discharge from the hospital, before Yuner called to ask if they got in the car, saying that they had already arrived at home.

The international news broadcast came from the TV hanging on the wall. Li Zaimin stopped unconsciously and looked up.

Lin's family in Singapore, including Jianan Company, suddenly had a bad relationship with the world-renowned Li's company. Two days after that, Lin Yinan set off for Singapore.Deep Blue International, which once set off international financial turmoil, seemed to take the opportunity to retaliate against the "one-shot revenge" last time. Under this situation where the rain was about to come, it attacked the Lin family in Singapore without warning, and the foreseeable three-way melee would follow. .

The scope and scale are so wide that the economic news that the stock market was attacked by mysterious funds a few days ago seems so insignificant.

Li Zaimin slowly accepted the fact that his memory system was damaged due to a car accident, but seeing the news, he still couldn't believe it.He agrees with the doctor's diagnosis, but it doesn't represent all the memories he otherwise had.

In my memory, the relationship between Li's company and the Lin family in Singapore is definitely not like this. The scene of the reception that was stored in the biased memory reappeared in front of my eyes again. These days, I have seen Han Na with short red hair, but I haven't seen that in my memory. of……

There was a slight sound of footsteps outside the room, Li Zaimin came back to his senses, picked up the remote control and turned off the TV, glanced at the ward where he had been staying for more than ten days, turned and walked out.


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