Official ladder

Chapter 106 Problem Solving

After five people including deputy county magistrate Li's secretary and the office sat down, deputy county magistrate Li's face was as black as the bottom of a pot: "I happened to meet with today's incident, so I have the right to understand the situation! I need to solve it, I will help to solve it; if you don’t need me to solve it, you can solve it yourself. It’s not okay to be arbitrary, but Min Zhu still needs it. How about it, Mayor Qi and Secretary Wan!”

Qihao thought to himself, God is helping me, the situation has taken a turn for the worse, County Mayor Li, Secretary Wan, and Director Xiong don't know yet, they are bureaucrats enough!If there are leaders present, I have to guard against arrogance, impetuosity, modesty and prudence, not to intervene in everything, not to mention that Deputy County Mayor Li is so angry that he has to let him get angry, criticize, and calm down. Wei?

Qi Hao glanced at Secretary Wan, and he felt sympathy for Secretary Wan in his heart. As the secretary of the party committee, no one told him what happened with his eyes down. This party secretary deserves it, don't you think it's pitiful?

Of course, Secretary Wan didn't take Qi Hao seriously now. The county leader saw with his own eyes that the masses were dissatisfied with the town government and had emotions, which showed that there was a problem with coal mine consolidation and competitive development. He looked at Deputy County Chief Li and hurriedly said, "That's that yes."

"Which of you two will talk first!" Deputy County Magistrate Li looked at the two of them.

Secretary Wan remained silent, and turned to look at Qi Hao. It was quite obvious that you should talk about what you have done first!

Qi Hao understood the meaning of Secretary Wan's expression, smiled, and looked ready to speak, but suddenly stopped, looked at Deputy County Magistrate Li and said: "County Li, Director Zhong of the zhengfu office has been in touch with this matter since he signed up. , He has personally experienced and understood the situation, did you listen to him talk about the whole incident."

Deputy county magistrate Li looked at Secretary Wan. Secretary Wan thought that Director Zhong was his confidant, and it would be best to tell him to speak, so he nodded.

Deputy county magistrate Li said to call him.

Go back and talk about how Deputy County Mayor Li and Director Xiong came to Yuquan Town.

The two of them went to work in the morning and didn't expect to go to Yuquan Town. After ten o'clock, deputy county magistrate Li received a call from Secretary Wan. Of course, Secretary Wan didn't mention many details, but he mentioned one point. He said that according to the registration situation yesterday and today, there is a high possibility that someone is causing trouble!

Deputy county magistrate Li said solemnly, Zhong Yang has made repeated orders to maintain social stability, and he must resolutely stop when he finds signs of trouble!

Secretary Wan said no, county magistrate Li, there is a reason for the incident, you know the mayor Qi, if he is willing to change his view on the development of township enterprises, what will the masses do?He, is a person who doesn't hit the east wall and doesn't look back!

Hitting the east wall and someone making trouble, to put it bluntly, these two things are related, Qi Hao bumping into the east wall will of course cause trouble!

County magistrate Li understood the meaning of Secretary Wan's words, and Comrade Qi Hao hit the wall. In the face of the facts, it was logical for deputy county magistrate Li to correct Comrade Qi Hao's wrong actions.What's more, deputy county magistrate Li still has two Dulongjings sealed in Yuquan Mountain. After correcting Comrade Qi Hao's wrong approach, wouldn't his own two Dulongjings survive?

Deputy county magistrate Li knows how to do economic calculations. If a batch of Dulong wells are allowed to survive, his two Dulong wells will survive. Although he cannot say that it is his mine, he can instruct these two mines to be preserved.

The preservation of the mine is money. Even if you don’t want to take risks to dig coal, you can sell the mine. One mine can sell for 20 to 40 yuan, and two mines can be sold for 10 to [-] yuan!It’s a big deal for households with ten thousand yuan. What’s it like to hold several [-] yuan in cash?

Deputy county magistrate Li immediately stated that he went to Yuquan Town to correct Comrade Qi Hao's wrong practices and solve various problems that occurred in the process of economic development.

Secretary Wan was delighted in his heart, and he did not forget to say, County Mayor Li, whether the township enterprises in Yuquan Town can move forward on the right track has reached a critical moment!According to Secretary Wan's words, deputy county magistrate Li's visit to Yuquan Town in person this time has the meaning of saving the revolution and the party!

Secretary Wan thought that Director Xiong had a coal mine, so he also called Director Xiong. Director Xiong received the call and said that he would go to Yuquan Town immediately to correct Comrade Qi Hao's wrong practices, support the demands of the people, and maintain the enthusiasm of the people to develop township enterprises. !

Secretary Wan also thought of calling the bank. With so many loans, if you Qi Hao said that the well was closed, he closed the well. Who will bear the debt responsibility in the future?It's a pity that Qi Hao took the casualty accident as a hostage to subdue the boss, and he actually took all the loans!

Deputy County Mayor Li and Director Xiong rushed to Yuquan Town and saw the scene of people being overcrowded in Comrade Qi Hao's office. It was a pity that the two of them, including Deputy County Mayor Li's secretary, did not expect to ask about this, they I believe too much in my own analysis and judgment level!

The five sat in Qihao's office and waited for Director Zhong. The office was silent, and the air was filled with embarrassment.Finally, Director Zhong walked into the office with an uneasy expression.

Director Zhong entered the office and walked straight in front of Qi Hao, with a very uncomfortable expression and a little show of himself: "Mayor Qi, for those who signed up later, I seriously explained the party committee's decision to them, and none of them made any comments. It was Mayor Qi who criticized it." Yes, the work must be meticulous, not sloppy at all!"

Qi Hao smiled and said: "That's good, that's good, as long as we do our job well and the masses understand, who has any opinions?"

Secretary Wan was a little dazed when he saw Director Zhong's appearance. What's going on, he explained to Director Zhong, and if someone didn't understand, he asked Mayor Qi to explain it. His words seemed to take the matter into account, and his eyes were avoiding himself. !

Deputy county magistrate Li also saw that Director Zhong was trying to curry favor with Qi Hao, but he didn't think about other aspects, he thought it was because Qi Hao was usually strict with his subordinates, and the subordinates could not help themselves.

Deputy county magistrate Li said with a serious expression: "Director Zhong, we are here today to resolve the disturbance in Mayor Qi's office. You are at the scene and understand something..."

"I don't understand the situation at all!" Director Zhong interrupted County Magistrate Li and said in a panic, "Really, County Magistrate Li, let those people speak for themselves!"

Seeing Director Zhong's appearance, Deputy County Mayor Li thought that the first thing to do today is to solve Director Zhong's fear of Qi Hao, he sullenly said, "As a staff member of a state agency, you should respect the facts, and don't be timid just because the leader is in front of you! Adhering to the truth and seeking truth from facts is the only criterion for testing Communist Party members!"

Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth, and the deputy county magistrate is paralyzed and nonsense!

Director Zhong was forced to do nothing. He looked at Deputy County Magistrate Li with a bitter face: "County Li, the police station has been involved in this matter, we should listen to the conclusion of the police station!"

"I see what's wrong with you, comrade!" Deputy county magistrate Li really got angry, "Is it so difficult to tell the truth? Let me ask you, are you a Communist Party member!"

Secretary Wan noticed that Director Zhong gave him glances several times. Could it be that the matter was revealed? It shouldn't be. It should be seamless. How could it be?He felt that the problem was serious, and interjected: "Director Zhong, is it inconvenient to talk, so, you go down first, and come back when I call you later!"

Director Zhong quickly said yes as if he had caught a life-saving straw, and turned around and was about to run out of the office.

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