Official ladder

Chapter 113 Business Story

The second child wants freedom, power, and showing off his abilities in front of the boss, but the boss suppresses, ignores, and puts on the posture that no matter how hard you and he mess up, the boss has the final say.

The boss and the second child are engaged in a tug-of-war in secret, and Miss Xu naturally sees it, but pretends not to know.Sometimes, others can see that you are knowingly and wanting, how can the play continue?

Ms. Xu is a temporary member of the family planning team. She likes to go to the office of Mayor Wan in her spare time. Sometimes she reports on her work, sometimes on her thoughts, and sometimes asks questions about this and that. Official staff of state organs who have worked hard for the people's cause for life.

As for Mayor Wan, he listened carefully to Ms. Xu’s report on work, he talked about theory when she reported her thoughts, and he answered questions when she asked this question. The two of them in the office really seemed to be watching the secretary carefully, learning to exchange ideas, and figure out what doctrine is better. The meaning of serving the people!

One afternoon when she was about to get off work, Ms. Xu went to Mayor Wan's office. There was almost no one in the office building at this time. When she saw Ms. Xu, Mayor Wan asked, "Tell me about what work you do in the village today!"

Miss Xu blushed: "Tell women of the right age about contraception. Really, they can't understand it for a long time, and they keep asking. They ask me, who should I ask!"

Mayor Wan smiled: "It seems that it is difficult to be able to stop Miss Xu!"

"It's actually quite simple," Miss Xu said with a childish and innocent expression, "I followed what the county teacher said, and followed the demonstration that the county teacher demonstrated, but they always said that they did so, why did they still get pregnant and pester me? Ask what's going on!"

Secretary Wan looked at Ms. Xu with a smile: "What are they pestering you to ask, let's hear it."

"Talking to you won't solve the problem." At some point, Miss Xu changed Mayor Wan to you.

Mayor Wan showed a loving expression on his face: "If you don't tell me, how can you conclude that you can't solve the problem!"

Miss Xu tilted her head and asked innocently and childishly, "Really?"

Mayor Wan looked at Ms. Xu and said yes, feeling flustered. The second brother caught the information and screamed awe-inspiringly. Why doesn't the boss know the story that Ms. Xu is going to tell!The second son is so naughty, when he hears the wind, there will be some movement, the boss hastily clamped his legs to prevent him from showing his signs, and said: "Say, I'm listening!"

Both the boss and the second child paid attention.At this time, the attention of the boss and the second child is like an invisible big net, just waiting to catch Miss Xu's story!

Miss Xu thought about it, tilted her head and eyes to wink at Mayor Wan, shook her head for a while, and said with a naive and childish expression: "You don't necessarily know about this!"

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu, you haven't told the story yet, why are you saying that I don't know about it!"

Miss Xu thought about it again, her eyes charming Mayor Wan: "Let me ask you a question first, okay?"

Mayor Wan smiled: "Okay, ask!"

Miss Xu pouted, "Don't laugh at me!"

Miss Xu pouted her face, she was so obedient, and Mayor Wan's heart seemed to be pinched. He could tell whether he was smiling or not, and his voice had changed!

Miss Xu still looked at Mayor Wan with a naive and childish expression: "Does your wife use contraception?"

Mayor Wan was stunned, the girl asked the big man this question, isn't it killing people?His crotch suddenly turned up, the bullet was loaded, and he was about to go crazy!It is inevitable to shoot a gun and misfire. In front of him is a big girl who looks naive and childish and doesn't understand human affairs. He said in a trembling voice: "Why do you ask this?"

"That's what people ask!" After Xu girl answered confidently, she said delicately, "Answer truthfully!"

Mayor Wan's heart was flustered and paralyzed, and he still wanted to live: "It's contraceptive."

Miss Xu looked up at Secretary Wan: "Take medicine or take measures?"

Seeing Miss Xu's innocent and childish appearance, Mayor Wan wished he could release his second child to kill her right away, but when Miss Xu asked, he had to answer, and he said, "Take measures."

Miss Xu pursed her lips into a smile, her face was deeply dimpled, so intoxicating!She took out a condom from her bag as if by magic, tore open the package, took out the condom, clenched her fist with her left hand and raised her thumb, and put the condom on the raised thumb of her left hand with her right hand: "Is that so?"

The paralyzed Miss Xu thought it was real farming, and the seeds had to be covered when planting the land. It was so straightforward, she pressed the dick that was about to be forced out from the crotch, and said, "That's it!"

Miss Xu said with a puzzled expression, "How can they say it doesn't work?"

"They said it doesn't work?" Mayor Wan was stunned, wearing a mask to do things, why doesn't it work? Even if you have thousands of troops and can't break through the siege, it works very well. He said, "Impossible!"

"Really, they insisted that it won't work!" Miss Xu's pretty face was full of anxiety, "They also said to follow my demonstration, and they would get pregnant by men as usual, once a year!"

"Demonstration, they follow your demonstration to prevent pregnancy?" Mayor Wan understood it.

Ms. Xu's face was blushing: "They said, Comrade Xu, let's go back and put the cover on the thumb you mentioned. Don't worry about letting the man climb up. If the man doesn't roll down, we won't tear off the cover. The condom on the thumb doesn't matter at all, tell me, what's going on here?"

Mayor Wan said hi, where is this!

Ms. Xu said: "I said that the experts in the county have said that as long as you do this, you can achieve the purpose of contraception [-]%. So not only the woman's thumb is covered with a condom, but the man's thumb is also covered with a condom, who would have thought that the double insurance would not matter, and he would still be pregnant by the man!"

Mayor Wan had already bent over laughing, his stomach ached, and he couldn't straighten up after laughing for a long time before listening to Ms. Xu's words. He said, "I laughed to death! I laughed to death!"

Miss Xu said: "You're still funny, people haven't figured out a way to do this yet!"

This girl didn't know that she was being punished. Mayor Wan looked over and suddenly found that Miss Xu's eyes were full of hope and affection. She made such a big detour and told such a joke with deep meaning.

Mayor Wan immediately had an idea in his mind. He wanted to follow Ms. Xu's story to tell stories and practice stories.

Mayor Wan understood what was going on and acted steadily. He said: "The experts in the county give lectures and do demonstrations, and what you give them is also a demonstration, but practice is another matter! You only do demonstrations, not demonstrations." How to explain the problem clearly by practicing it yourself!"

Ms. Xu said coyly: "What is practice, and how can it be considered practice?"

Mayor Wan's face turned pale, he licked his lower lip with his tongue, squinted his eyes hehehehe, and said, "To solve the fundamental problem, you have to put the condom on where a man should be!"

Hoho, keep up with favorites, recommended votes, impressions, and comments!This novel has a lot to watch, and it has 10,000+ words, so I only recommend it once in the classification, so sad!

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