Official ladder

Chapter 135 Argument Report

The mother said slowly: "If Qi Hao is like what you said and what your father observed, it should be relatively easy for him to go to the county office. On the contrary, he doesn't adapt to this society. Anyone who doesn't adapt to society will not have any problems." If he is so promising, then he is not worthy to be your father's son-in-law!"

Lin Xiaoxia pursed her mouth: "Is Qi Hao father's son-in-law or my lover?"

"Xiaoxia," the mother said earnestly, "you were born in such a family, and every member of the family has imprinted a deep family brand on you. You are blindfolded by love, and after getting along for a while, you will hate the person you once loved, or family members squeeze out the person you love intentionally or unintentionally, why are there so many absurd tragedies in the wealthy family, you must pay attention to it!"

Lin Xiaoxia has nothing to say, her father is open-minded, but has a bottom line; her mother obeys her father's decision, but she has a calm and thorough analysis.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee is already too high to climb, but Lin Xiaoxia's father has an old man, a founding father, and two older brothers, one in the highest authority and one in the army, and her sister's father-in-law is also a founding father. Yuan Xun and her husband were named officials.

It's no wonder Qi Hao was stunned and trembling when he stepped into this family one step at a time!In that case, the eyes of a family member may turn into a sharp sword stabbing at Qi Hao, and Qi Hao's self-esteem may be destroyed after being assassinated. In this way, Qi Hao may be destroyed, and the result is definitely not alarmist !

Hou Men is as deep as the sea, if someone breaks into it, he will be drowned.

"Mom, rest!" Lin Xiaoxia yawned.

"Is Qi Hao's presentation of the address of the thermal power plant arranged tomorrow?" Mother asked with concern.


"The demonstration report in Qihao newspaper seems to be okay. Your dad greeted them, but he couldn't explain clearly when he explained it, so he also completely denied it."

"So harsh?"

Qi Hao's mother said: "Let him know that it is not so easy to succeed in something even if you put your all into it."

Seeing that it was late, the mother and daughter went back to their rooms to rest.

Qi Hao carefully studied the argumentation report he wrote in the electric power guest house. He has read the argumentation report many times, and pondered over and over again. Every time he reads it, he has to look at the arguments in the argumentation report from a higher height!

At the beginning when Qi Hao was writing the argumentation report, he only thought about building a thermal power plant to solve the problem of coal sales in Yuquanshan. Power plants are not just a simple project issue, but should be considered as a whole in the context of economic development.

To build a thermal power plant, the investment for 1 kilowatt-hour is about 2000 to 200 yuan. A thermal power plant designed to be 200 million kilowatt-hours requires an investment of about [-] billion. What kind of investment is this? Once it is completed, it will It will play a decisive role in the economic construction of a region and even the whole world!Just like the deployment of the army, the Second Artillery and aircraft carriers must be deployed in key strategic positions. If the Second Artillery and aircraft carriers are not properly deployed, it will be a waste of war resources and a huge waste. The biggest problem is that they cannot defeat the enemy!

The same is true for the layout of economic construction!

Looking at the current economic layout of the province and the national economic development situation, the economic boom in the coastal provinces and cities is advancing to the inland provinces and cities one by one. , the argumentation report is clearer and more profound.

To be honest, it is absurd for Yuquan Town to write a demonstration report on the site selection of thermal power plants. Because the level is too low, the high-level officials do not understand the dynamics.Most of the people in the town party committee and government are peasant cadres, and they don't understand how to build a thermal power plant. Talking to them about building a thermal power plant is, from a certain point of view, playing the piano to the cow, and it is difficult to unify opinions.The thermal power plant is invested by the state, and a power plant of this scale is at least at the deputy department level, and the town government's writing a site selection demonstration report seems nondescript!

Qi Hao wrote it. He wrote that a large-scale thermal power plant must be built in order to observe the economic development of the province. The first thermal power plant must be built in the industrial park beside the Qingjiang River at the foot of Yuquan Mountain, Yuquan Town, Jiahe County, Sanjiang City!

Throughout the entire argumentation report, the sentence structure and tone are so affirmative!

Now, the demonstration report has been ranked in the top five, and the provincial government has been notified to present the arguments for building the thermal power plant in Yuquan Town to the experts and relevant leaders. Naturally, Qi Hao will try his best to seize this seemingly impossible opportunity .

Qi Hao's mind was full of things about the thermal power plant, and he didn't sleep all night.

Young people have strong physical and mental energy. If they are excited, staying up all night will not hurt their bodies. Relatively speaking, they can activate their thinking. Qi Hao found that this time he went to the provincial capital to give a demonstration report, and he was even more excited than those who took the college entrance examination that year.

There was a ray of dawn in the east, and the provincial capital was quiet, Qi Hao lay down on the bed to rest.

The reporting place is in the meeting room of Power Hotel.

When Qi Hao went to the designated place, he felt like he was dreaming. Everything seemed man-made and God-given, both in reality and in a dream.

This is a small conference room with a large oval table that can seat more than a dozen people, and there are a dozen seats beside it, which should be the seats of secretaries, assistants and the like brought by the person sitting on the oval table.When Qi Hao and Shu Xiaohai entered the conference room, there was no one there, so they sat down on the seats next to them.

After a while, six or seven people came in, the youngest one was no less than 40 years old, and the older ones seemed to be approaching retirement age. The people who came here were well-mannered in suits and leather shoes, unlike fat officials with big ears, they were well-educated experts. , Professor or something.

Qi stood up and went to meet him, but no one paid attention to him, so he looked a bit at a loss.

"Who is Comrade Qi Hao?" someone asked after the visitors sat around the oval table.

Hao quickly replied: "I am."

All eyes were on Qi Hao, he was too young, compared to the people in the conference room, he was so young, such a young person should not be at the same level as the people in the conference room.Qi Hao felt the surprise message conveyed from everyone's eyes, such message was not good for his statement.

"You sit." The person sitting in the most prominent seat greeted Qi Hao. It was only later that Qi Hao found out that this person was the Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Government Fu. After seeing Qi Hao sitting down, Deputy Secretary-General Fang said in a tone of order, " According to the arrangement of the provincial government, today the expert group and the leaders of relevant departments listened to Comrade Qi Hao's presentation of the "Report on the Demonstration Report on the Construction of a Thermal Power Plant in Yuquan Town, Jiahe County". Since the relevant leaders and experts have read the report, Comrade Qi Hao does not Read it again, and then the members of the expert group and relevant leaders will ask questions, and Comrade Qi Hao will answer."

Be good, Qi Hao is nothing but an expert and a relevant leader, only an unworthy young man, and a town mayor who is not unqualified to be on the stage.

Thanks 130517122948155 for rewarding 1888!Rewards, collections, recommendation tickets, and impressions are the driving force behind Xiaokan Yunfeiyang's writing, thank you here!

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