Official ladder

Chapter 137 Finding a Teacher

Qi Hao returned to the room, thinking that Lin Xiaoxia should know about the competition for the address of the thermal power plant in Hongshi. There is a phone in the room, so he called Lin Xiaoxia: "I saw Pu Yuanqing."

Lin Xiaoxia asked: "Is it a college classmate, Pu Yuanqing who works as Secretary Xue of the Municipal Party Committee in Hongshi?"

"Yeah." Lin Xiaoxia knew about Pu Yuanqing's situation, and she might still have a heart for Lin Xiaoxia. Qihao worried, "Listen to Pu Yuanqing, Hongshi is also competing for the address of the thermal power plant!"

Lin Xiaoxia said disapprovingly, "Tell him not to compete!"

"Xiaoxia, the secretary of the municipal party committee of the Red City personally went to the battle, and I am nothing but the secretary of the town party committee. This matter seems to be a bit suspenseful!"

"Don't worry, as long as the expert group decides that your conditions are feasible, they won't be able to compete!"

Lin Xiaoxia asked to rest assured, Qi Hao's heart was already hanging, how could he be relieved: "Xiaoxia, I would like to visit the deputy secretary-general of the provincial government, relevant leaders, and members of the expert group, but I don't know where they live, can you cannot……"

There was someone talking on the phone, Lin Xiaoxia said: "I have something to do here, so I won't come over to eat with you at noon, take a good rest in the afternoon."

Lin Xiaoxia hung up the line, and Qi Hao looked at the phone and thought, Yuquan Town has unique conditions for building a thermal power plant, but the city and county levels are not optimistic about it, and the report has been handed in but there is no news. The reason is very simple. The coal mine in Sanjiang City has not yet formed. Large-scale production, no decent roads in the territory, and no large or medium-sized enterprises except a cement factory. In other words, how can a thermal power plant be built in Sanjiang City under such conditions?

The leading comrades of Sanjiang City and Jiahe County reported Qi Hao's argument to be rejected. Qi Hao had no choice but to act alone. Seeing that Secretary Xue of the Red City personally led a team of more than 20 people, it was really pitiful for him to be single-handed.

We can't let people snatch the address of the thermal power plant like this, we have to find a way.Finding a way to find someone, looking for someone who can talk, Qihao searched his brains and thought of Teacher Yu.

Teacher Yu was Qi Hao's political counselor when he was in college. Qi Hao was carrying out land reform in Dadi Township. , Encourage him to work hard, and ask him to go to him if there is anything to do.

Qi Hao thought to himself, Mr. Yu is now the deputy director of the cadres section of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. He is in the center of power and knows many people. He can speak to the leaders of relevant departments and bureaus. Before working hours, I went to wait in front of the organization department of the provincial party committee.

During working hours, Qi Hao went to the reception room to register, and the arrival went smoothly, so Qi Hao was notified to go in after a while.

When Qi Hao and Shu Xiaohai went, Teacher Yu was already waiting in front of the office.

The Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee is located in a separate building within the Provincial Party Committee, with four floors. The front and back of the building are towering with ancient trees.As everyone knows, power gathers and collides here, and undercurrents surge here.Some people stop at this building, some people jump over this building, some people control this building, and some people are planning to seize the power of this building.This building seems to be calm, but in fact it is full of gunpowder and gunfire. Many people have become heroes here, and many people have become wild ghosts here.

After graduating from university, Qi Hao only passed letters to Teacher Yu, but never met him. Teacher Yu was still the same, with fairer skin, a little fatter, younger and more refined than when he was in school.

"Teacher Yu!" Qi Hao ran over to hold Teacher Yu's hand in small steps. In front of the teacher, students will always be students.

Teacher Yu was smiling, with kind eyes. From Teacher Yu's expression, it could be seen that Qi Hao was his favorite student.

Teacher Yu Duanxiang Qihao said: "I haven't seen you for three years, and I still look the same, but I look mature."

Teacher Yu let Qihao and Shu Xiaohai into the office.

After the three of them sat down, Teacher Yu said, "For those selected students of yours, you are in the main department, and there are two sub-departments, and the others are section members!"

Qi Hao said: "Grassroots work, if you are muddled, you will become a serious subject. Looking back, it's like a dream!"

"That's not the case. You did practical things in Dadi Township, land reform, which seemed easy afterwards. How much resistance did you have at the beginning? Don't you know what happened? Also, after you arrived in Yuquan Town, you drilled into Dulongjing to save the land. People, to reproduce your heroic feat of jumping into the ice hole to save people at school, are you also confused?"

Qi Hao smiled: "The situation was critical at the time, and I was in a hurry at the moment."

"When others are in crisis, no one is in a hurry. Even if they are not in a hurry, they still have a surprised reaction? However, when they really want to take substantive help, they often wait and stop. Therefore, there are many spectators, and there are very few heroes! The same is true for doing things. Some people He always does things that no one has done before. It seems that everyone can do it, but no one takes the lead. He has courage that most people don't have!"

"The teacher's words are always full of philosophy, Qi Hao benefited greatly!"

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Teacher Yu looked at Qihao with the expression of an elder and a wise man.

Qi Hao was stunned, usually he didn't think about visiting the teacher, but if he had something to do, he would look for the teacher, it's not authentic, he felt embarrassed.

Teacher Yu didn't care about these things, and looked at Qi Hao with expectant eyes.

"Teacher," Qi Hao looked at Teacher Yu with a serious expression on his face, "I built the first thermal power plant in Chazhou Province. According to the national policy of transportation and energy development as strategic priorities, combined with the geographical locations of Sanjiang City and Jiahe County, Yuquan Mountain Rich in coal resources, I wrote a report on the site selection of the first thermal power plant in Chad Province, and I want to try to build the first thermal power plant in Chad Province in Yuquan Town!"

Teacher Yu looked at Qi Hao in surprise: "You came to the provincial capital this time to fight for this project?"

"En!" Qi Hao nodded without leaving Teacher Yu's eyes.

"Is there any relationship with the relevant bureau?"


"How did the report come up?"

"It was entrusted to someone else."

Teacher Yu thought about it: "For a project as big as a thermal power plant, which city the provincial government wants to put it in, the city has to organize relevant departments to report to the provincial government. If you are a town, no one will pay attention to it!"

"It's like this, Teacher Yu." Qi Hao said angrily, "This morning, the provincial government expert group and the leaders of relevant departments listened to my explanation of the demonstration report in the conference room of the Electric Power Hotel. They raised many questions. Once I made a statement, it should be said that the members of the expert group and the leaders of relevant departments were quite satisfied with my statement. When I left the meeting room, I met Secretary Xue of the Red City Committee and many people into the meeting room. The members of the fu expert group and the leaders of relevant departments reported on the site of the thermal power plant. Their competition is too strong, so I had to come to the teacher!"

This Qi Hao is really interesting. How can he understand that a small town even went to the province to fight for the address of the country's top-ranked project?

It is obviously not possible to speak directly, for fear of dampening enthusiasm, Mr. Yu was about to express his views on the location of national key projects. Then he thought about it, and a provincial government expert group actually notified Yuquan Town to come to the province for further elaboration. The site selection demonstration shows that this demonstration report has its feasibility, that is to say, it has its strength.

With this idea, Teacher Yu's thinking changed!

Qi Hao is a student selected by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. In just three years after graduating from university, he has already become the Secretary of the Party Committee of the second largest town in Jiahe County. It can be seen that he has a certain ability to work. Fu attaches great importance to it. There must be unique insights in the argumentation. Teacher Yu has an idea: "Student Qihao, let me ask you about this matter. If it is feasible, the organization department will help you. Do you still have the argumentation report? Submit a copy at I'm here."

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