Official ladder

Chapter 140 Meeting the Minister

Teacher Yu looked at Qi Hao, thinking that it would be great if I knew, so that I could be your teacher again, and he said, "I think it's best that you answer what Minister He asks, don't talk if you don't ask, and, If you don’t understand what Minister He asked, don’t make nonsense, and everything will be over if you don’t make a fool of yourself!”

"Yeah," Qi Hao looked at Teacher Yu and nodded sincerely, "Remember, Teacher Yu."

Teacher Yu got up to leave, it was time for dinner, Qi Hao pulled Teacher Yu, Teacher Yu said that you have to prepare carefully tonight, like this, tomorrow night I will invite Minister He’s secretary, and you have something to tell Secretary Gu Tell me, you can get some information you want to know by taking this line.

Qi Hao thought it was the same, and sent Teacher Yu to the side of the street to hail a taxi.

Qi Hao returned to the room, asked the restaurant to deliver the food to the room, and picked up the argumentation report by himself to look at it.

The phone in the room rang, it should be Lin Xiaoxia's, and it was answered: "Xiaoxia, why don't you come?"

"I'm interviewing outside and I won't be back today. Have you had dinner yet?"

"Not yet, I really hope you can come back."

Lin Xiaoxia heard that Qi Hao's voice was wrong: "What's the matter, it seems something is wrong?"

"It's fine." Qi Hao took him to Teacher Yu, who promised to ask him about it, but Minister He told him about meeting him tomorrow, "Xiaoxia, I don't know anything about it."

Lin Xiaoxia was silent for a while: "This is a good thing. It shows that your argumentation report has attracted Minister He's attention. Minister He cherishes talents. He will answer whatever he asks. Don't pretend to understand!"


"I think there is really hope for the first power plant in the province to be built in Yuquan Town!"

"I don't feel like I have a bottom in my heart."

"I don't have a bottom in my heart, have you forgotten that your site selection demonstration report is the most solid bottom in my heart!"

Qi Hao felt that what Lin Xiaoxia said was right. The reason why Minister He paid attention to the site selection of the thermal power plant was all based on the site selection demonstration report. When I meet Minister He tomorrow, I only need to further elaborate on the basis of the demonstration report. Who is Minister He? Still not clear about the economic and strategic significance of the first coal-fired power plant in Chasing Province being built in Yuquan Town?

Qi Hao and Lin Xiaoxia chatted for a while and hung up the phone, just in time for the meal to come, the two of them ate, Shu Xiaohai went out for a walk, Qi Hao read the argumentation report in the room, and saw Minister He tomorrow, so there must be no mistakes.

Qihao didn't know that there were actually a few members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee who were concerned about his argumentation report. Other cities seemed to have a strong lineup, but they didn't have so many core figures who cared. In this sense, Yuquan Town seemed to be of low rank. But the most competitive!

Qi Hao studied the argumentation report overnight, and the argumentation report was full of words. If Minister He asked, he had to answer them one by one, without any ambiguity or paradox.He knew that science must not be faked at all, and if there is any confusion about the psychology of caring for luck, it will fall short in front of Minister He.

It was dawn, Qi Hao stretched out his arms, he was energetic and young, and he would not become sluggish because he hadn't slept all night.

Qi Hao arrived at the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee on time. After the briefing room reported, Qi Hao went in to find Secretary Gu. Secretary Gu saw Qi Hao, who looked like a baby, and said that no one would suspect that he was the section chief of a department. There is some bad connection with reality.

Qi Hao was led into Minister He's office.

Minister He sat behind the desk, the desk surface was shiny and reflective, and on the wall facing it was a horizontal stripe "Appoint people on merit". Next to it was a living room with sofas on three sides and a bar-shaped tea table, which could accommodate up to eight or nine people.

Qi Hao stood in front of Minister He's desk, and Secretary Gu handed him a glass of water, but he left the office without asking Qi Hao to sit down.

Minister He didn't tell Qi Hao to sit down, nor did he make any sound. He sat on the office chair and looked at Qi Hao across the desk.

Qi Hao realized that Minister He's Ruju gaze was like a demon mirror, who could control himself from trembling when he met Minister He's gaze?

Qi Hao's hand holding the water cup trembled slightly. Facing the senior leaders, apart from admiration, the main reason was the invisible pressure from the depths of his heart!

In Minister He's eyes, Qi Hao was handsome in appearance, his eyes sparkled with wisdom, his body exuded elegance, and he was not lacking in arrogance, impetuosity, modesty and prudence. Imagine him being able to do the reckless act of jumping into an ice hole and rushing into a coal mine to save someone!

The perfect combination of gentleness, gentleness and recklessness in one person is really a hard-to-find jade hidden in the mountains. As long as it is polished and carved, it is expected to become the unique He's Bi!

With the advancement of social min zhu and political processes, only the perfect combination of body and temperament can a person reach the pinnacle of power.Just look at the United States of America and the European Union, which president and prime minister are not second to none in terms of physical and temperament.Those people with gloomy and wandering eyes, crooked faces, short and fat people like meat stools, fat heads and beer belly, and the fat keeps falling down, can the people choose you?Although the image of such a person does not offend the organization, it offends the people!

Regardless of your image or actions that offend the people, the people will not elect you!The people today do not have this power, but they will definitely have this power in the future!If the tide of the world goes with me, I will prosper and go against me, and I will perish. No organization or individual can stop it!

Qi Hao is an elite of the times. Minister He commented on Wen Qihao in this way. He asked, "Did you write the argumentation report?"

"Yes, Minister He."

He spoke clearly, neither fast nor slow, without affectation, without acting. Minister He continued to ask: "How do you know that the Procuratorate is going to build a thermal power station?"

"My girlfriend is an intern reporter at Ri newspaper in Chassis Province. She compiles me a monthly memorabilia of the province's memorabilia, and I found out from it."

The decision to build a thermal power plant in Chacha Province is a state secret, and it has not been announced to the public. The ri newspaper of Chacha Province has not reported similar news, but Secretary Zhuge and Governor Tian have blown the wind at the provincial industrial work conference. Such a meeting The reporter from the Ri newspaper in Chassis Province wanted to participate, so he naturally knew about the construction of the first thermal power plant in Chassis Province.

Minister He couldn't help but think of that sentence, behind a successful man, there must be a great woman, he said: "Your girlfriend is not simple!"

Qi Hao smiled, with a sincere expression: "Yes."

Minister He's face became serious: "For such a major thermal power plant project, you have seen the feasibility of building it in Yuquan Town, why didn't you report it to the county or city? You know, where this project is built will not only drive the development of that area , can also cause fundamental changes in the province's economic development and allocation, directly affecting its economic benefits in the province! If you submit a demonstration report to the provincial government with the power of a small town, you will inevitably miss the thermal power plant built in Yuquan Town This is a good opportunity, have you thought about this problem?"

Minister He's sharp gaze was like a demon mirror, and Qi Hao felt a chill coming from his back, and he was about to show his original shape in front of Minister He's demon mirror!

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