Official ladder

Chapter 175

"Ah! Ah!" A woman's hoarse cry came from inside the house, the voice was not loud but heart-piercing!

The old woman kowtowed her head like a chicken pecking rice, as if kowtowing her head like this could prevent evil from happening!

The big tiger and the second tiger could still hear the woman's cry, but when the third tiger entered the house, the woman's faint cries for help stopped, and only the man's heck and heck and the creak of the dilapidated bed were heard.

Boom!Everyone ran into the back room, the bed fell apart, the woman fell to the ground, the four tigers pressed down on the white woman, he didn't care if the bed fell apart or not, he was still trying his best to hit the motionless woman's body!

"Dead! She's dead!" The old woman rushed forward, "Bastard! She's dead! It's killing people!"

No matter how hard you try to do that, as long as you hear that a dead person can scare you, the four tigers get up from the woman's body, the old woman squats down, and probes in front of the unresponsive woman's nose, life is at stake!

"Help! Help!" cried the old woman.

Help!How to save?It's easy to shout for help, but it's not so easy to really save!

Four tiger brothers, you look at me, I look at you, the tiger suddenly pulled the woman lying on the ground on his back, and rushed out of the room!

The old woman grabbed the eldest brother: "Put on clothes! Put on clothes for her!"

If he forgot to dress the woman in a hurry that day, and the crime was clearly revealed in broad daylight, perhaps nothing happened later, and Secretary Wen would not lead the four tiger brothers to rampage in the village.

It was already daybreak when Du Hu left the house with the woman on his back, and Fenghuang Village was only four or five miles away from the town. After a while, the four tiger brothers carried the woman into the town health center.

The four tiger brothers entered the hospital and yelled, doctor!help!What happened to them, they didn't know the seriousness of the matter at all, and if they didn't know the seriousness of the matter, they could do nothing, and they only thought about calling the doctor for help!

doctor!help!Seeing that the four brothers were so anxious that their seven orifices were full of smoke, who would doubt that the woman's life was in danger because of the four tiger brothers.

Someone yelled for help, and the doctor quickly surrounded her and gave the woman an IV drip according to the emergency method, and rescued the woman without much effort.

Seeing that the woman was fine, the four brothers discussed, leaving two of them to take care of the woman in the hospital, and the two of them went back to their aunt's house to help.

The woman was taken out of the hospital by the four tiger brothers and sent home, and her uncle had already been buried. In the single-family house, there was basically no one to see in normal times. The four brothers took turns to be happy with the woman.

The woman knew that she couldn't get rid of the nightmare, and she didn't resist, but she didn't allow the four tiger brothers to mess around when they were her, so her body could handle it anyway.

After the four tiger brothers were women, the aunt called the four tiger brothers together and said that we were relatives, and if such a thing happened, we would be struck by lightning. From now on, the four tiger brothers were not allowed to bully the cousin-in-law again.

The four brothers had just done this, and the desire in their bodies was released, and they promised their aunt in person that they would never be women again.

On the second, third, and fourth day, the four tiger brothers did not come home, so my aunt thought the matter was over.

At about eleven o'clock in the evening on the fifth day, the four tiger brothers came.

Alas, humans are the same thing as animals. For example, wolfdogs have never bitten or smelled human blood, so they have no memory of the smell of human blood in their minds. .One day, when the memory of this bloody smell comes out of his mind, in order to obtain this bloody smell, it will attack people!

The four tiger brothers promised their aunt that they would stop pestering their cousins ​​and daughter-in-law out of sincerity. They also know how to be ashamed, and it is contemptible for them to do this to their relatives.

However, when a man's desire is satisfied in a woman's body and recedes, the desire is always accumulating for the next eruption. When the desire gathers a certain amount of energy in a man's body, the man often cannot control it. What's more, the four tiger brothers have already tasted the sweetness of women. You must know that men's demands for sexual satisfaction through possession of women's bodies are endless!

Brother Sihu walked into his aunt's house without making a sound, and the three members of the family were dumbfounded. Brother Sihu told his aunt's family clearly that they needed women with their crotch raised high!

When Bao'er saw the four tiger brothers, she hid behind her mother and trembled all over. The four tiger brothers were too powerful in front of a family of three, and any resistance would be useless, and her mother sat paralyzed on the ground.

The woman turned and walked into the house, and Dug followed.

Immediately there was a powerful sound of hi-chi-chi-chi, and the creaking of the bed, but there was no woman's voice.

The strength of women often lies in forbearance, their ability can make all the strength become one-sided meaning, making the tragedy even more tragic! "Comfort women" may have such a nature, so that many years later people mentioned this matter, which made the hundred-year-old nainai feel miserable in front of the camera!

The big tiger came out, and the two tigers went in!

Two tigers come out, three tigers go in!

Three tigers come out, four tigers go in!

As expected, orderly, people can't help but think of the Japanese soldiers standing in front of the door of the "comfort women" with their legs crossed and waiting for their wheels.The excellent qualities of law-abiding and law-abiding are inherent in people, and it mainly depends on how the rulers tap and develop them.

The four tigers came out, and the woman followed!

The eyes of the six people looked at the woman with the help of the dim electric light. The woman was naked and no longer had to be ashamed.

With a blank expression on her face, the woman dragged her tired body into the kitchen to carry a bucket of water to the toilet to wash her body.

The four tiger brothers are first-class strong men, and the woman has to deal with the next four brothers. She has never stopped sweating from the beginning to the end. Of course, the dirt of the four tiger brothers also has to be cleaned!

From that day on, the four tiger brothers went to their aunt's house every three to five days. No one knew that this behavior had become an inseparable part of the four tiger brothers' lives.

My aunt knew that this was not only a great shame for the family, but also related to whether the daughter-in-law was a descendant of the Zhao family, and the issue of being unable to gain a foothold in front of others after being discovered by others, but she had no power to stop the four brothers' bestiality. After thinking about it, he invited Secretary Wenzhi to his home and told him something that he couldn't tell.

Secretary Wen was shocked. This was a serious rape and crime. It happened when the Zhao family died. The behavior was heinous. He was about to say that he should report the case quickly, but he wanted to come back. , If such a case occurs, you will not be eligible to apply within three years.

Just like the national policy of family planning, whoever violates it will not be able to join the army, be promoted, take the school test, or join the party in this life. Even leading cadres and state agency staff who violate it will be dismissed and dismissed from public office!

Zhishu Wen turned his head: "What are you going to do about this?"

The old woman said: "There are two women in the family, Bao'er can't stand up, let Secretary Wen decide!"

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