Official ladder

Chapter 187

() After hearing Zhang Xianqi's story about Zhang Xuehong's operation, Qi Hao called the town civil affairs officer to him: "A young man aged [-] or [-], who was in his prime, had to wait to die in the hospital due to lack of money for surgery! Yes, the operation fee is a little bit more, but it’s still not astronomical. , National Scholars Office, Agricultural Economics Office, Finance Office, Grain Station, Forestry Station, Hospital, School, etc. can all think of some solutions. There are many people and strength, and the unit is easy to handle. Zhang Xuehong's operation fee for brain tumor removal is not an unsolvable problem. A [-]- or [-]-year-old life, because you extended a helping hand to get a second life, think about it, would he thank the ruling party and you?"

The earth was silent, without a single sound, Qi Hao's words were so warm, the winter ice was melting into water!

Zhang Xianqi wiped his eyes, choked up and said: "Secretary Qi, good secretary, if you can be saved by becoming famous, you will be the first god on his altar!"

In fact, Zhang Xuehong had already been saved, Qi Hao looked around, and the crowd looked at him with reverence.The goal has been achieved. The next time the land is expropriated, the farmers may be desperate if they only care about their immediate interests, but because of their admiration for him, they will not fight any more. Unless someone threatens them, he glanced at Secretary Wen.

Secretary Wen's eyes met Qi Hao's, and a flattering smile appeared on his face. After the end of the festival, he returned to the town and immediately held a meeting of the middle-level cadres of the town. He said nothing, only one sentence, and the problems found during the inspection should be implemented within two days. <Festival is not fun. <The festival is coming, idlers playing and playing.

Director Zhong came to Qi Hao's office with a bright smile on his face: "Secretary Qi, the common people all praised you, saying that you are considerate of the common people. Many people who don't know how to spend this Spring Festival have food, wine, and After wearing new clothes, everyone said that they want to buy cannons and show you!"

Qi Hao knew that Director Zhong was offering flattery, so he offered it. He asked, "According to the information you collected, how are the various departments implementing the problems you found?"

"One word, good!" Director Zhong's exaggerated expression, "This situation has never happened before. Even if individual issues have not been implemented, they are still being implemented. The people say that the ruling party has the people in their hearts and serves the people wholeheartedly. Good style of service is back!"

Qi Hao knew in his heart that he scolded some people in public, and those people rushed to solve some problems after being frightened. This has nothing to do with the ruling party's good style of serving the people wholeheartedly. There is a smiling face during the Spring Festival, and our work has achieved a little bit!"

"That's that." Director Zhong said that, and turned to look at the office door. Seeing no one, he approached Qi Hao and lowered his voice, "Someone has signed up, Secretary Qi."

Seeing Director Zhong's expression, Qihao knew that the coal mine registration was once again a moth: "Oh, that's good."

Director Zhong's voice was even lower: "I didn't report it to him."

"What's going on?" Qi Hao asked.

Director Zhong said: "His information is complete, and he has not paid."

"Oh," Qi Hao looked at Director Zhong with a satisfied expression, "Well done."

"I'm afraid I'm going to offend someone, Secretary Qi." Director Zhong said flatteringly.

"Adhering to principles, how can you offend people?" Qi Hao asked pretending not to understand.

Director Zhong looked outside the door again: "The man saw that the newspaper was not named, and asked me if I could write an IOU to guarantee that the money would be paid within three days. I said no. The man left, and the phone rang a while later, and I answered it. Hey, County Magistrate Li called, and I hurriedly said hello, County Magistrate Li, and I went to ask Secretary Qi to answer the phone. He said, I'm looking for you!"

Director Zhong stopped talking, looked at Qi Hao and smiled.

Qi Hao said: "It's a good thing that County Magistrate Li is looking for you!"

"What a good thing," Director Zhong said with annoyed expression, "Mayor Li asked if anyone signed up for the coal mine competition. I replied yes, but I didn't report to him. Magistrate Li asked why? I said, he gave an IOU. Magistrate Li said, Don’t we talk about centering on economic construction? It’s easy to say, but when it comes to practice, we often don’t know what to do! Director Li, some people compete for coal mines, which is a concrete manifestation of centering on economic construction. You should take economic construction as the center The center handles specific affairs in detail. He is now issuing an IOU, but the money will come in two days. The important thing is that he started the coal mine, taxes, fees, and employment. The income of the town government is only 3 yuan? This account is one Just figure it out!"

Qi Hao couldn't help laughing: "County Li is right, and the account is right!"

Director Zhong smiled wryly and said: "Mayor Li's words are correct, and the calculations are correct, but there is no principle. I won't sign up for that person. This will completely offend the county magistrate Li!"

Qi Hao looked at Director Zhong and said seriously: "I'll think of a way for you not to offend others."

Seeing Qi Hao's appearance, Director Zhong asked cautiously, "What way?"

Qi Hao said: "Tell that person, as long as the registration fee paid is guaranteed by a note signed and sealed by the county leader, you can register immediately."

Director Zhong asked, "What is the basis?"

Qi Hao smiled: "Qi Hao gave verbal instructions!"

"Secretary Qi's verbal instructions?" Director Zhong thought about it, it's not right, I signed up for him at that time, what should Secretary Qi do if he doesn't recognize it, "Secretary Qi is so funny, I don't want Secretary Qi's instructions, and act according to the resolution of the town party committee !"

Qi Hao said cheerfully, "That's why I didn't give you any advice!"

Director Zhong left Qi Hao's office, Qi Hao thought to himself that this Ou Haicheng would really be in trouble if he didn't sign up.He realized that with the development of the economy, communication became more important, and a mobile phone was necessary.

Some people already use mobile phones, but the price of the phone is surprisingly high. A phone costs more than 100 yuan, the landline fee is more than 1 yuan, and the call fee is [-] yuan and [-] cents per minute. It is a real luxury.

Just imagine, even if the salary of Zhengke is less than two hundred a month, can you afford a mobile phone?

In the afternoon, Director Zhong happily ran into Qi Hao's office: "Secretary Qi, someone has signed up."

Qi Hao asked indifferently, "Could it be another IOU?"

"No, no!" Director Zhong hurriedly said, "It's Boss Ou again, he took over four mines in one pot, he's a bit too courageous!"

The reform and opening up will kill the bold and starve the timid. The coastal people have already summed up the experience and lessons, but the inland people regard it as a joke.

"You report the situation to Mayor Li, and submit the relevant information to Mayor Li in time." Qi Hao was silent at first, but he decided to say a few more words temporarily, "Director Zhong, you did the right thing this time. Director, you are the gatekeeper of the first line of defense. If you are a good gatekeeper, the town leaders will save a lot of trouble. Thank you this time!"

When Director Zhong saw Qi Hao saying thank you, he was a little excited: "Secretary Qi, this is my profession. To be honest, I only know what principles are after following Secretary Qi."

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