Official ladder

Chapter 302 Anonymous Report

Yi Shichun and the others were all beaten to death, can he survive if he goes in again?At the juncture of life and death, Wang Fang chose to run for her life!

Wang Fang ran away. The wife and brother of the former deputy county magistrate went to karaoke bars at home and in the county to find no one, and then went to Wang Fang's house to find no one. So I went to the song and dance hall in the neighboring county to look for it, but I didn't see Wang Fang.

The wife and brother of the former executive deputy county magistrate frequently went to the karaoke hall, and the karaoke hall was full of vixens, who were disastrous to the country and the people.

Director Wu and the others are so fateful, they will lose their reputation and pass by without knowing it, it is God’s will that never destroys Cao, this is God’s will, the actions of the wife and brother of the former executive deputy county magistrate will eventually harm themselves!

Qi Hao mentioned this matter to Chief Wu, and Chief Wu paid attention to it. As an old policeman, he knows what troubles are endless. If you want to completely erase a thing, you must eliminate the clues!

Wang Fang fled to Guangzhou Province and continued to engage in flesh and blood business. Originally, she no longer had any contact with people in Jiahe County. What's more, the people in Jiahe County who dealt with her were all flesh and blood, and there was no one worth dealing with. However, People make money, birds die for food, and in the end, money took Wang Fang's life.

When Wang Fang was in danger, she fled in a panic. When she came to the provincial capital of Guangzhou, she found that the outside world was wonderful. Foreigners came to Guangzhou, mainlanders went to Guangzhou, and women flew south. It is a dazzling world like a kaleidoscope.

Wang Fang is pretty, and she is sixteen or seventeen years old. Judging from her relationship with Yi Shichun, it is like those years when the children's league members participated in the revolution and they were old revolutionaries before they grew up. clothing.She has become a fairy who has just descended to earth, and karaoke halls, dance halls, and nightclubs have become the world for her to show her talents.

Wang Fang's income doubled.

Wang Fang not only doubled her income, but also discovered a fact.Men from the provincial capital of Guangzhou come from all corners of the country, and some even come from allied countries not far away, and men from all walks of life come. Therefore, the provincial capital of Guangzhou is a restless male city that urgently needs all kinds of women!

It is rumored that a young lady sent a telegram to her sisters in her hometown in Guangzhou: "There is a lot of money, but people are stupid, come quickly!"Now book friends know.This telegram was taken by Wang Fang.The telegraph operator at the post office leaked the telegram, and Huaxia Kingdom was buzzing about it for a while, but Wang Fang didn't know anything about it.It can be seen how inadvertently people understood intellectual property rights and patent protection at that time.

"A lot of money" means that it is easy to find money here. In Wang Fang's eyes, it can be said that gold is everywhere.

"People are stupid".It means that the men here did not take the money as money.As long as the woman takes off her trousers, that's all. As for the thick porcelain bowl, no one cares so much, it's just a bowl!

"Come quickly" means don't delay, come to Guangzhou to find money, the future of the sisters is in Guangzhou, and they will spend their old lives in their hometown.The state will not give you a pension!

Wang Fang found that she only needs to introduce the women they need to the karaoke halls, hair salons, massage parlors, and nightclubs here.You can get an introduction fee of [-] yuan. Wang Fang knows many sisters at home and in the county, and even Yuquan Middle School has sisters, so she contacted the sisters, "There is a lot of money, but people are stupid, so come quickly!" Guangzhou Province is the forefront of China's economic development. The little sisters naturally also regard Guangzhou as a frontier for developing their own economy.

A quick-witted person can generate associations no matter what kind of business they do. Wang Fang had an association. Not only did she do the skin and meat business herself, but she also contacted her family and county sisters to go to Guangzhou Province to do the skin and meat business, earning referral fees from them. During this period, she thought of Wanhua The boss Lou still owed her the seat fee, so he called the boss to ask for his own money. Unexpectedly, he was mistaken by his cleverness, and in the end, he missed Qingqing's life!

One night, Wang Fang came out with her husband and did not return. From then on, she not only disappeared from her home, county, and provincial capital of Guangzhou, but also completely disappeared from this world.

The job of a young lady is characterized by extraordinary fluidity. One night a certain young lady followed her husband and disappeared, and the boss didn't take it seriously at all.In the past, there were only iron-clad barracks and flowing soldiers, but now there are more iron-clad karaoke girls. The resources of the girls seem to be endless, inexhaustible and inexhaustible, so rich!

The lady didn't come back, the boss was so happy that he didn't pay the deposit and sharing fee, his face was cheerful from the inside out, as for the lady going out, whether she died or lived was irrelevant to the boss!

Looking back, I said that there was an anonymous report letter on the desk of Zhong Chaoyang, member of the Standing Committee of the Sanjiang Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and Gu Qionggu, Director of the Disciplinary Inspection Office, stood in front of the desk.

An anonymous letter on the table reports two things and two people.

One is to report that the village chief Huang violated the financial policy when he repaired the canal and diverted the land to change the land in Dadi Township, and raised funds at a high interest rate of one cent. Afterwards, it was found out that the beneficiary was a woman named Rong Xiumei.The report letter further reported that Rong Xiumei was the mistress of the mayor of Huang, and everyone in Dadi Township knew about it, which seriously corrupted the party style and party discipline.

The second is to report the rape case of Yuquan Middle School. There are many victims involved in the case. The suspect died suddenly in prison and the investigation materials were lost. suspect!

The report letter was written with certainty, and it seemed more real than real, but through the content of the letter, it could still be seen that it was mostly venting, giving people the feeling that it was false.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection receives such anonymous reports how many times a day, and most of these reports are not taken seriously by the Commission for Discipline Inspection.Now Gu Qiong, director of the discipline inspection room, put the letter on Secretary Zhong's desk. Secretary Zhong read it, and he knew that Director Gu Qiong wanted to take this matter seriously.

Gu Qiong, a young lesbian, was sent by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. After reading the anonymous letter, Secretary Zhong recalled that a deputy county magistrate and a deputy secretary of Jiahe County were still in Shuanggui. If the matter is not in line with the boundaries, such an investigation will inevitably affect the family and county party and government shocks, which is not conducive to the development of work.

Secretary Zhong said: "This is an anonymous letter, at the department level. My opinion will be transferred to my family and the County Commission for Discipline Inspection for investigation and handling!"

Gu Qiong said with a cold face: "The organization department has included the two of them in the scope of promotion and investigation. The things said in the anonymous letter are well-founded. I think it should be verified."

Secretary Zhong still wants to talk, think about it, pick up the phone and call the office of Secretary Chen at home and the county: "Hello Secretary Chen, I'm Zhong Chaoyang."

"Hello, hello!" The Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection made a phone call in person. This is a rare occurrence. Secretary Chen couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. Zeng and Yu are still in double regulation, and he is in a critical period. "Happy Spring Festival Secretary Zhong, I am planning to come over to report to Secretary Zhong in the next two days!"

Secretary Zhong chuckled and said, "Secretary Chen is a very busy person, how could he have time to come to my place!"

Secretary Chen said: "The lessons learned by Jiahe County this time are too profound. There are two people in the team. The class, this class, I have to make up for it!"

Hearing the meaning of Secretary Chen's words, Secretary Zhong laughed and said, "Secretary Chen has such a high understanding of discipline inspection work. The secretary is studying, and you should notify Secretary Yuan of the Disciplinary Committee."

Secretary Zhong's phone was turned off, and Secretary Chen looked silly. These days, he lived like a year, and he was terrified at the slightest sign of disturbance.Even Secretary Chen didn't know what was going on, he kept pulling Zeng and Yu's affairs together, and even he wondered if he had a neurological problem.

Now that Secretary Zhong of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection is going to come here in person, it must be a big event that deserves the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to come in person. Could it be that something big happened to Jiahe County?Secretary Chen suddenly felt that it should be a big deal if he had something to do. After such an analysis, he immediately felt his heart beating, especially his left eyelid, twitching, as if reminding him that the big thing was about to happen immediately. occur!

The left eye jumped rocks and the right eye jumped money. Could something happen to him? Secretary Chen's forehead was soaked with sweat, and he closed his eyes in pain.

"Secretary Chen!"

Secretary Chen jumped up from his seat in shock. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Xiao Liao, the secretary.

Secretary Liao saw that he had caused trouble, so he stood there with his head bowed silently, scaring the leader and waiting to be scolded.

Secretary Chen didn't lose his temper. He sat down slowly and regained his composure: "What's the matter?"

"The National People's Congress has passed personnel appointments, and the meeting time is approaching."

Secretary Chen remembered that the National People's Congress has appointed leading cadres and personnel of Zhengke. He is the director of the National People's Congress and has to participate.He stood up, but thought that Secretary Zhong was coming, and if he was called away from the National People's Congress meeting, people who didn't know would make random guesses, and the impact could be imagined. After all, the family and county political circles are now in an extraordinary period.

It is not allowed to leave the office during the extraordinary period. Secretary Chen said to Secretary Liao: "Inform them that I have important work and cannot attend the meeting. The meeting will be held as scheduled."

Secretary Liao left Secretary Chen's office. His underwear was drenched with sweat. Recently, he found that Secretary Chen looked a little strange in the office. The reason is unknown. He felt that being with a king is like a tiger. So be careful what you say and do.

No one knew that Secretary Chen was slowly developing a compulsive depression due to his heavy psychological pressure, lack of food, and insomnia.

Counting the time, Secretary Zhong of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was about to arrive, and Secretary Chen called Secretary Yuan of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.Secretary Yuan received a call and was on a business trip. Secretary Chen didn't say what he was looking for. Secretary Yuan thought it was a normal matter. He heard that it involved the Disciplinary Inspection Office.Secretary Chen thought about it and asked the secretary to notify Qin Li.

It was only an hour's journey from the city to the county, and after a while Secretary Zhong and Director Gu arrived. (To be continued..)

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