Official ladder

Chapter 340 1 vs 3

Director Fan's cousin didn't even recognize him. Everyone saw it and knew in their hearts that Director Fan had conditions for saving people. If he didn't follow his conditions, he would be dragged out like a dead dog!

Chief Fan Da had a sullen face, and said decisively: "There are people like my cousin who stand up. Today I tell you that you don't do what I say when you go out, and my relatives don't recognize me!"

Everyone was stunned. What we saw now was Director Fan’s murderous aura. Director Fan must have encountered a greater murderous aura to have such a murderous aura. It’s impossible not to admit it. If you make a mistake, admit it. We are not party members in power, revolutionaries A man of lofty ideals, a national hero, if he admits that he is not a traitor to the party and the country, he is still a rich man when he walks out of this room. No one calls himself a traitor, a traitor, or a scab, and he has an upright personality!

Everyone said, Director Fan, you say, we listen to you!

Director Fan looked at this group of smart and weird bosses. They can be regarded as elites. Although they are all carpenters, stonemasons, plasterers, and some are small workers. How can talent have what it is today?He knew that these people were all surnamed "Shui". Shui has no normal form and shape, although it is cunning and cunning, as long as it is pinched by seven inches like a snake, it will behave.

Director Fan Da spoke, and issued an official order: "From now on, I will live in the Fenghuang New Village construction site 24 hours a day. Which of you will give me a room and a bed!"

Immediately, someone raised his hand and said, "I, Director Fan, will guarantee that Director Fan will have a bed tonight, and I will pay three meals a day!"

"Okay, I thank you in advance!" Director Fan continued. "I am at the construction site 24 hours a day, can you guarantee that you will be at the construction site 24 hours a day?"

These bosses are used to wandering around.It is impossible for them to stay on the construction site for 24 hours, but now that they are facing prison, they immediately raised their hands and swore to ensure that they will be on the construction site 24 hours a day. Judging by their appearance, they are more serious than swearing under the banner of the ruling party.

"Okay!" Director Fan Da patted the table, "I believe you once. Don't forget, once you violate the gentleman's agreement, I will slant your mouth. My cousin will wait for you!"

Everyone hurriedly said, Director Fan, who is so ignorant, don't trouble Director Fan to twist his mouth.Let's help Director Fan turn someone over to the Public Security Bureau!

Director Fan Da shouted to the door: "Please bring it in!"

A policeman came in with a thick stack of paper and handed it to Fatty Fan.Fatty Fan said: "Come and get one personally. If you have no objection, sign it immediately. Go out and follow the rules above. Of course, you don't have to sign. Squat patiently in the cell of the Public Security Bureau and accept the investigation of the case by the Public Security Bureau. You can hire a lawyer to file a lawsuit." !"

Who doesn't want to sign? Back when the Eight-Power Allied Forces, the British and French Allied Forces, Russia, and the Insect Islands invaded, all countries that betrayed the country had to sign the treaty.What's more, signing such a word is the government's help to correct mistakes and sign.Sign quickly, sign without looking at it, sign it and leave!

This is not a hotel or entertainment city, no alcohol, no gambling, no ladies, dare not shout, call the captain when you see the police, paralyzed, dissatisfied in the heart, and submissive on the surface, otherwise you will be beaten Can't clear things from north to south!

Fan Wujin saw that everyone took a piece of paper and looked around for a pen to sign. There were more than 30 people, but no one had a pen. Director Fan had to ask the police for a pen. Everyone in the room looked at the pen in Director Fan's hand, His eyes seemed to be looking at the great savior.

Director Fan raised the pen in his hand: "I only have this ability to save you, so I can do it myself!"

The story of the Public Security Bureau was a bit dramatic, but it was this drama that suddenly changed the reality of the tofu project in Fenghuang New Village. Therefore, it is really difficult to distinguish between this social drama and reality.

At this time, Qi Hao, Gu Qiong, Xiong Yanmei, Qin Li, and Wu Yang were standing on the rooftop of the five-story building of Yuquan Hotel in Yuquan Town, looking at Fenghuang New Village from a distance.

Dust billowed in the sky over Fenghuang New Village, large trucks roared in and out, and there was a rumbling sound from time to time, a large piece of wall that had just been built to the second floor collapsed, and a dragon dust rushed around like a huge wave. Against the background, the busy scene becomes a thriving scene.

Qi Hao also noticed that Fan Wujin was holding an electric horn in his hand and yelling at the construction site of Fenghuang New Village. He was so far away that he looked like a general who had personally visited the front line of the battle. He looked very majestic!

A slight smile appeared on Qi Hao's face, and he looked at Gu Qiong with some complacency.

Someone picked up the pager, Qi Hao saw Liu Jia's, and joined in the fun at this time, but the daughter of the county magistrate, she couldn't be neglected, so she walked aside to answer the phone.Liu Jia called when Qi Hao was working on the bean curd project. Qi Hao briefly explained the situation to her. Now he called again. Qi Hao said that he was promoting the bean curd project. Liu Jia said that I have a suggestion. After talking, Qi Hao said yes, and the phone was hung up.

Qi Hao immediately called Wu Yang over, whispered a few words in Wu Yang's ear, and Wu Yang hurried to Fenghuang New Village.

Qi Hao walked back to his original position, Gu Qiong had a cold face, seemingly not looking at Qi Hao: "I think, you seem to use hooligan methods to deal with this matter?"

Qi Hao was stunned: "Isn't it very effective?"

Gu Qiong slashed over with a knife: "You are a party member in power and a state cadre, so where do you come from with your hooligan habits?"

"Hey," Qi Hao smiled, "Sometimes it is really necessary to solve problems like this, but I also have a theoretical basis!"


"White cat, black cat, a cat that bites a mouse is a good cat."

Gu Yan was stunned, who dares to say that this sentence is not a theory, her face sank, and her expression became colder: "Why does Lin Xiaoxia like you!"

Qi Hao was stunned, and when Lin Xiaoxia was mentioned, he straightened his body, and suddenly realized something, hey, do you really have hooliganism?

Seeing Qi Hao's appearance, Gu Qiong couldn't help pursing her mouth. Qi Hao saw that when Gu Qiong pursed her mouth, her face was very obedient and beautiful. Appreciating beauty is a characteristic of a man, but he dared not express it, but he was thinking in his heart, don't Make a pure and innocent look, maybe one day I will molested you!

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!" Behind him came laughter like jade beads dropping from a silver platter, the voice suppressed, Qin Li and Xiong Yanmei's laughter.

Seeing Gu Qiong teaching Qi Hao a lesson, the two couldn't help laughing.

Qi Hao and Gu Qiong are the leaders, and the leaders and comrades cannot interrupt their conversations with subordinates. When they stood behind Qi Hao and Gu Qiong and saw Qi Hao's appearance, they couldn't help snickering, and finally suppressed their laughter.

Qi Hao turned his head and glared at the two of them, and the two of them laughed all of a sudden, so much that they put their hands on their stomachs and bent over to squat down.Only then did he realize that there are three beauties beside him, what is the concept of three beauties, who can resist their attacks!

Qi Hao decided to leave the roof of the building: "Mayor Xiong, Minister Gu is inspecting the work of Yuquan Town. What programs have you prepared? Haven't shown them yet!" (To be continued...)

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