Official ladder

Chapter 351

When Gu Qiong arrived home, he and the county's ruling party standing committee member and organization minister waited and watched.

However, Gu Qiong's heart was not what Secretary Yang hoped and other people analyzed. She was only curious about Qihao when she arrived at home and county.

A young man two years younger than himself, with no background, can make great political achievements wherever he goes, and these achievements are beyond the imagination of ordinary people, including himself. But it worked, why?

Gu Qiong also noticed that even old officials are submissive in front of Qi Hao. Being an official requires respect from others. One is that you can give others enough respect. Gu Qiong wanted to find out why the old official Youzi surrendered, so she decided to serve in her home and county.

Daddy must be notified when she works at home and in the county. Gu Qiong called her father, but her daughter acted coquettishly and said that she wanted to go to the county to exercise.

As a father, he understands his daughter's mind. Executive Deputy Mayor Li proposed marriage for the child, and the mother promised for her daughter. Within two months of getting along, a sensational story happened in Sanjiang City. Gu Qiong was angered by the ugly behavior of the dude. The son got the punishment he deserved, but it also hurt Gu Qiong at the same time. At this time, the daughter proposed to go to the county to exercise, and the father laughed: "My daughter is very ambitious, and she must start from the grassroots step by step!"

"Dad thinks his daughter doesn't have any ability?"

"My son is a tiger girl, and he is comparable to a dog?" Executive Deputy Director Gu added his tone of appreciation, and then said, "Daughter's own affairs, I can handle it myself. No father's business!"

"Thank you dad!" Dad couldn't understand what he said anymore. If he wanted to go to the grassroots to exercise, he went to Secretary Yang himself.Although the effect of father looking for it and looking for it by himself is the same, the meaning is very different. Gu Qiong hung up the phone.

Gu Qiong went directly to Secretary Yang's office and was approached by the daughter of Executive Vice Minister Gu. Secretary Yang could not ignore it. After hearing Gu Qiong's request to go to the grassroots for exercise, he quickly reported to Executive Vice Minister Gu.It's not only to please the relationship with Executive Vice Minister Gu, but also to listen to the opinion of Executive Vice Minister Gu. Executive Vice Minister Gu smiled and didn't say his own opinion.Just say that Secretary Yang has taken care of him, and Secretary Yang naturally understands in his heart.

Executive Vice Minister Gu's licking feelings can be heard, he is not pampering his daughter, but is willing to send his daughter to the tough grassroots training.From this point of view.Executive Vice Minister Gu is a competent father.

There are many outstanding talents, things that they can't get through their hard work, and the father and daughter can get it done in a few words, and they can get the moon first if they are close to the water. This is the real officialdom environment.

Gu Qiong called a good father a fetter, and said that she had experienced it personally. Qi Hao smiled with the phone in his hand: "Girl, there is a good dad who still calls it a fetter, so beware of dad being spanked!"

"Actually. How I wish I didn't have a good father, and I can get to the position that suits me by my own ability!"

"Girl, how can it be so easy to hold a heavenly card and take it all when there are thousands of difficulties?"

"However, it's too easy, how much joy of success do you still have in your heart?"

It is true that the daughters of officials pursue pleasure, and the children of ordinary people pursue success, and each has different pursuit goals.

Qi Hao said: "Girl, it's too hard to get here, people are easy to get old, it would be a pity if the girl gets old soon!"

Gu Qiong said: "I don't think it's easy for you to come here, but you haven't grown old at all!"

These words aroused Qi Hao's thoughts, his success did not come easily, and sometimes he even got it with his life, the girl would not understand these things, even he didn't know why he worked so hard until now, and he didn't The purpose is very clear, he said: "Some people say that I have stepped on shit luck, and it is true, how come luck is coming to me!"

Gu Qiong asked suddenly: "You're a busy person, you didn't just call me to chat?"

Qi Hao giggled twice: "I just want to know why there is no movement from Minister Gu when the construction quality problem in Yuquan Town is causing a sensation.

"Aren't you also not moving?"

"I don't care about the cadres, just take care of myself. It's normal if there is no movement!"

"At a young age, I also imitated the old fox. There is no movement at this time. It just happens to let those people work hard. It suits your heart!"

It's not easy for a girl, she actually saw through her own tricks, Qi Hao hecked twice, expressing her agreement with Gu Qiong's words.

"More!" Gu Qiong said abruptly.

"There is more?" Qi Hao said in surprise, "No, I just want those people to have the mentality of making up for their efforts, work steadily for a while, and make up for the loss!"

"You're pretending in front of me!" Gu Qiong laughed, "There is such a big quality problem, how can you get by if you don't deal with it? You are waiting for others to express their views. I know your thoughts, and Qin Li also knows. In the end, You have to protect those who are useful to you, they will be grateful to you for the rest of your life, and let others deal with useless people, they will not put all their hatred on you, am I right? "

"Girl, you speak so frankly about other people's hearts, who would dare to cooperate with you?" Qi Hao neither agreed nor opposed.

Gu Qiong said: "I have all the materials here, and I am waiting for the notification to convene the Standing Committee."

Qi Hao said: "It's not a problem if the Standing Committee procrastinates to convene."

Gu Qiong said confidently: "I know this, please rest assured."

Qi Hao felt relieved, the ancients said it well, if you want to win the war, you must have the right time, the right place, and the harmony of the people. Now, he has all the right time, the right place, and the harmony of the people, so there is nothing he can't win!

After receiving Qi Hao's call, Gu Qiong called Secretary Yang of the municipal party committee: "Hi Secretary Yang, I'm Xiao Gu!"

"Xiao Gu, hello, listen to Secretary Chen, you have only been in your home and county for two months, and the county party committee has achieved fruitful results, which is inseparable from giving you full play as fresh blood. Gu's decision was correct!"

"Thank you, Secretary Yang, for your praise," Gu Qiong said in a sweet voice, "The construction of Jiahe County has been fully launched. When I walked to Yuquan Town, there were construction sites everywhere, with both large-scale mechanical operations and migrant workers' cooperation. Who saw the boiling scene? There is an urge to blend into such a situation, and so does Xiao Gu, Secretary Yang!"

"You should systematically report the situation of your home and county to Minister Gu, and try to ask Minister Gu to arrange time to come down for inspection!" The central government has basically confirmed the adjustment of the provincial ruling party and the leadership of the provincial government. Deputy Secretary Lin is the governor of the province. Minister He served as Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Ruling Party, and Executive Vice Minister Gu served as the Standing Committee of the Provincial Ruling Party and Minister of the Organization Department. If Executive Vice Minister Gu visited Sanjiang City before being promoted, it would have a different meaning to Secretary Yang!

"Xiao Gu told my dad that under the leadership of the municipal party committee headed by Secretary Yang, Sanjiang City, especially the cadres in the county and the county, are thriving in pursuit of development and construction! My dad said that working at the grassroots level is different. You know what seeking development and construction is! I said, Dad, you didn’t see that scene, just like the Great Leap era you mentioned. The difference is that the home and county led by Secretary Yang are developing scientifically. The rapid development is the public wind blowing, and there is an essential difference!"

Secretary Yang couldn't help laughing: "What did Minister Gu say?"

"Dad said," Gu Qiong said, "Seeing that the cadres and masses in Sanjiang City under the leadership of Secretary Yang are seeking development and construction, you can't just be excited and excited, you must take active action and start from yourself!"

Secretary Yang hurriedly said: "Minister Gu is right. The cadres and masses in Sanjiang City are seeking development and engaging in construction booms. Everyone should start with me!"

"Dad told me that the Sanjiang Municipal Party Committee trusts you and arranges you to serve as the head of the organization at home and in the county. If you want to start from yourself, you must vigorously train and select grassroots leaders who are capable of development and construction, and recommend them to the county. The ruling party shoulders the heavy responsibility of seeking development and construction!"

"Little Gu, your father's conclusions are very incisive, representing the most advanced and scientific outlook on employment of the ruling party during the period of reform and opening up. I hope you can show your achievements to prove Minister Gu's conclusions!"

"Secretary Yang asked me to show my actual performance to prove my dad's thesis," Gu Qiong said in a distressed tone, "My dad told me to do something at home and in the county, mainly to discuss the development, development and development of leading cadres in the process of reform and opening up. To build capacity, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Sanjiang Municipal Party Committee will go to Jiahe County to sum up the experience of employing people together!"

"Mr. Gu's suggestion is good. Xiao Gu, you take up the burden. I'll send comrades from the Organization Department of the municipal party committee down to support you." Secretary Yang said excitedly.

Gu Qiong said without interest: "I pushed this matter off."

"Push it?" Secretary Yang said in surprise, "Little Gu, how can we push it? We have summed up the work we have done in person. It is a great contribution to the organization in itself, not to mention that it is under the leadership of Minister Gu. A breakthrough pilot work for cadres to use the standard, Xiao Gu, in my opinion, you should win this job!"

Gu Qiong was silent, and it took a while before he said: "To tell the truth from Secretary Yang, I am afraid that something in my family and county will affect Sanjiang City."

Secretary Chen was stunned. In such a short period of time, Gu Qiong had an opinion on his family and the county. It's okay if it's a trivial matter, but it might be a major event. If a major event happens in a region, the first brother in the region must be responsible of.

The construction of Jiahe County is in full swing. It is reasonable to say that there should be no troubles. It is a good thing if there are troubles. Besides, Secretary Chen did not say that there is any big deal when he went to the municipal party committee or worked on the telephone exchange. It should be said that the achievements are the main thing. After making a fuss, he said, "Little Gu, can you tell me about this?"

Gu Qiong said in a serious tone: "As far as the matter is concerned, this matter has been dealt with thoroughly, and a possible huge safety accident has been avoided. It has not caused any economic losses to the country and the people, nor has it caused the delay of the power plant. During the construction period, through this incident, some leading comrades are using selfless work to correct their past mistakes and save their own dereliction of duty and crimes!"

Secretary Yang was stunned: "Is it so serious?"

"It's so serious, Secretary Yang." Gu Qiong said in a very serious tone.

"Does Minister Gu know about this?" Secretary Yang asked.

"Considering various factors, I didn't mention it to Dad." (To be continued...)

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