Official ladder

Chapter 368 Event Handling

Applause, this kind of applause is the winner's ridicule and contempt for the loser, it is by no means a compliment or praise, Secretary Chen knows it very well.

"Thank you, comrades, thank you!" Secretary Chen stood up excitedly, and bowed respectfully to the Standing Committee members, "After listening to the speeches of comrades, the situation is clear. In my opinion, the construction quality of Fenghuang New Village has obvious ** Nature, please organize the department, the discipline inspection committee, and the political and legal committee to investigate and deal with them according to their respective functions, no matter who is involved, those who should be sentenced should be sentenced, those who should be dismissed from office, and those who should be double-opened!"

The meeting will be adjourned here in the morning, and the meeting will continue in the afternoon.

At the beginning of the meeting, the construction quality problem in Fenghuang New Village, Yuquan Town was identified as a high-quality project. In view of the timely discovery and treatment, the economy and the construction period of the power plant did not suffer too much loss. The punishment can be lightened, but if it has already constituted a crime, it will never be tolerated. The opinions of the Standing Committee tend to be unanimous.

The general principle is certain, and the next step is to study, discuss and deal with the problem.

Wu, member of the Standing Committee of the County’s ruling party, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Director of the Public Security Bureau, said: “According to the investigation by the Public Security Bureau, four people were suspected of committing crimes related to the quality of the project in Fenghuang New Village. Pan Taiping was suspected of accepting 2000 yuan in bribes and guilty of malfeasance; (Give bribes to Pan Taiping), the crime of illegal contracting, the crime of embezzlement and embezzlement of public funds, the crime of illegal reselling of counterfeit and shoddy products; the other two crimes of illegal reselling of counterfeit and shoddy products. Except for one of the four who was released on bail, the suspect is in custody. Yang Jianming 20.00% of the illegal income from the first phase of the Fenghuang New Village construction project has not been recovered, and 50.00% of the second phase of the project allocated by the Finance Bureau has not been recovered.”

County Magistrate Liu said: "The public security department's characterization of the criminal suspect is accurate. I have no objection. The next step is to recover the criminal suspect's illegal gains. This matter must be pursued. Even if it is a penny, we must pursue it. We must not Let the criminals think that the money for building houses for farmers is delicious!"

"I think the money for building houses for farmers is delicious." Although the words of County Magistrate Liu are vulgar, it is undeniable that many people, including Secretary Chen, have this mentality. .It's enough to live there, and it doesn't matter what the quality is, because of this.Yang Jianming was bold and reckless.

Director Wu said: "The criminal suspect Yang Jianming absconded in fear of crime yesterday, and the public security department has canceled the suspect's escape direction."

County Magistrate Liu said: "The criminal suspect must be brought to justice as soon as possible, and the public security department must pay close attention. At the same time, the Political and Legal Committee must convene a meeting of the judicial department. The decision of the standing committee meeting of the ruling party will be conveyed, and the procuratorate and the court will intervene in the case in advance."

Director Wu said, "Yes, County Chief Liu."

Secretary Yuan of the Commission for Discipline Inspection made a speech: "According to the investigation and evidence collection of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, a small number of leading comrades such as the Urban Construction Bureau, Finance Bureau, Quality Supervision Bureau, Industry and Commerce Bureau, Township Enterprise Bureau, and trade unions bear unshirkable responsibility for the quality of buildings in Fenghuang New Village. The Commission for Discipline Inspection has one by one. Check, now there is a comrade who needs to be brought up for discussion."

All eyes turned to Secretary Yuan, and Secretary Yuan said that the person who needed to be discussed might be Yang Qiuju, who was Secretary Chen's wife.The matter has already caught up with Yang Jianming, and it is not easy for Yang Qiuju to get around it.After all, Yang Jianming's energy is only a little bit. For such a big project, it is often the wife who can make the final decision.

Secretary Chen's face was ashen, and he smoked one cigarette after another. When he put the cigarettes in his mouth, he could see his hands trembling slightly.When Secretary Wu mentioned Yang Jianming, he knew that this matter was like a mountain rain, and no one could stop it if it came, so let fate!

Secretary Chen, who believes in Mamaism and considers himself an atheist, hopes that the Jade Emperor exists in heaven and protects him!

Secretary Yuan glanced at Secretary Chen and continued: "Pan Taiping wrote six letters to the Commission for Discipline Inspection after he went in. One was to state that the 2000 yuan was not a bribe, but a salary paid by Yang Jianming. He claimed to have a recording to prove it. The investigation found that the salary is more than 200 yuan, and Huaxia does not have a state agency staff with a salary of 8000 yuan a month. This is bribery and bribery in the name of salary. Referring to Comrade Yang Qiuju, chairman of the trade union, he described in detail that Comrade Yang Qiuju helped Jinhai Construction Company to establish a trade union in name, but in essence, he used Jinhai Construction Company as a prop for contracting the Fenghuang New Village project to make huge profits. He said there was a recording as evidence. The Commission for Discipline Inspection did not investigate this matter. He did not contact the Public Security Bureau. Pan Taiping did not explain this matter. Comrade Yang Qiuju is a leading cadre of Zhengke and has no direct relationship with the construction quality of Fenghuang New Village. What he brought up meant that the Disciplinary Committee should be transferred to investigate this matter? Personally, I think that the A department leader who has nothing to do with horses and horses is pulled in, and the expansion of the incident is not conducive to the stability of the cadre team!"

Secretary Yuan's words were interesting. Although Secretary Chen raised his face expressionlessly, he could see that he was grateful to Secretary Yuan in his eyes.

Secretary Yuan is very shrewd. Who has no problem with the leading comrades of Huaxia? A political superstar once said that leading cadres are not corrupt is the greatest wisdom. People and murders are all revealed. At the beginning, if you didn't insist on dismissing others from their posts and forced them to flee to other countries for political asylum, could you lose without even a pair of underwear left?

Maybe this is called not doing everything!

Qi Hao immediately realized what Secretary Yuan meant. As long as Chairman Yang was involved in the incident, Secretary Chen would fight back. conducive to maintaining stability.

Qi Hao turned his gaze to County Magistrate Liu, obviously, County Magistrate Liu was aware of this problem.Secretary Chen is fundamentally different from Yu and Zeng, otherwise Secretary Yang would not have characterized the construction quality incident in Fenghuang New Village as a regulatory issue.

County Magistrate Liu said: "Pan Taiping's report letter is full of contradictions. It is intended to confuse right and wrong, and I ignore my opinions!"

Qi Hao said: "I agree with County Magistrate Liu's opinion that any defense that does not involve quality issues in Fenghuang New Village will not be accepted."

At the end of the meeting, a decision was made to lock down the four suspects, and the judiciary will make a final decision according to the procedure.

Gu Qiong proposed the appointment and removal of personnel based on the investigation of the cadres involved in the construction quality of Fenghuang New Village.

Gu Qiong first raised Fan Wujin. Fan Wujin's problem was first in supervision, and second, he called the subordinate department to issue a false test report. The problem was very serious.

Gu Qiong proposed to remove Comrade Fan Wujin from the positions of Director and Secretary of the Party Group of the Bureau. In view of the fact that after the quality problems were exposed, Comrade Fan Wujin first took the initiative to take responsibility, and second, he stayed at the construction site of Fenghuang New Village and actively participated in the construction and supervision of Fenghuang New Village. , so that the construction of Fenghuang New Village quickly entered the right track, and strongly supported the scheduled construction of the thermal power plant. For this reason, the Organization Department proposed to remove Comrade Fan Wujin from the post of director general, and serve as deputy director general to preside over the overall work; the post of party secretary was removed. Served as deputy secretary of the party group, presided over the overall work of the party group, and submitted the plan to the Standing Committee meeting for study and decision.

Secretary Chen said: "Comrade Fan Wujin is the head of the bureau after all. If such a big problem happened, the person responsible is also one of the issuers of the false inspection report. In view of his performance after the problem, he can be appointed as the deputy of the Urban Construction Bureau. Comrade Lei Changming serves as the director and secretary of the party group of the Urban Construction Bureau."

Gu Qiong said: "After Comrade Fan Wujin's problem arose, the Organization Department intended Comrade Lei Ming to be the director and secretary of the party group. However, Comrade Lei Ming faced the problems in Fenghuang New Village. Even after the construction of Fenghuang New Village is on the right track, the relevant construction procedures that the town government needs to handle are still making things difficult, which seriously affects the construction process of Fenghuang New Village. The Organization Department has not yet investigated clearly, but the rumors are certain, saying that Comrade Fan Wujin has doubled, and he is so concerned about Comrade Fan Wujin’s double regulation. I don’t know if there is any purpose. Therefore, the Organization Department believes that Comrade Lei Changming should Transfer from the post of deputy director of the Urban Construction Bureau, and go to a place that suits him!"

Qi Hao said: "Lei Changming was very negative about the construction quality incident in Fenghuang New Village, and he had a kind of gloating mentality. He didn't think about solving the problem from the perspective of the competent department, but viewed the incident as a bystander. If such a comrade wants to preside over the work of a department, the organization will not be at ease. The construction of two towns and one city will begin soon. Such comrades are not suitable to work in the Urban Construction Bureau. I agree that Comrade Fan Wujin of the Organization Department will preside over the work of the Urban Construction Bureau. Views!"

County Magistrate Liu said: "When you look at a cadre, you have to look at his performance at critical moments. Comrade Fan Wujin performed well at critical moments, and he did not disappoint the organization's training and education. Although he made serious mistakes, given that he was handling Phoenix Regarding the performance of the construction quality of the new village, I agree with the opinion of the organization department.”

Secretary Yuan said: "The Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted a key investigation on Comrade Fan Wujin and verified the facts of his mistakes. The problem is serious. From a certain point of view, it is directly related to the quality problems of Fenghuang New Village. However, he is correcting his mistakes. The organization is indeed very thorough, such a comrade organization should continue to be used, I agree with the organization department!"

Director Wu said: "According to the interrogation of Yang Jianming by the public security organs, Yang Jianming was forced to give up his principles after he was rejected by Fan Wujin many times, and he was greeted by a leader comrade. Comrade Fan Wujin did not mention who greeted him. When investigating his relationship with Yang Jianming, he mentioned this matter. He said that subordinates obeyed their superiors. It was my fault that I gave up my principles. I think that Comrade Fan Wujin is a responsible cadre. There are fewer and fewer such cadres. Yes, I agree with the organization department!"

After listening to Director Wu's words, Secretary Chen broke out in a cold sweat after being a little relieved. (To be continued..)

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