Official ladder

Chapter 404 Lovers Meeting

When Director Meng was speaking, a nurse came in and went straight to Leader Zhang and whispered something in Leader Zhang's ear.

Leader Xiao Zhang said that he understood, turned his face to Director Meng, and signaled to Director Meng that she could not attend the meeting for the time being due to urgent matters.

Director Meng stopped talking, and the leader Xiao Zhang turned his head and whispered in his ear: "Provincial and municipal experts and professors have arrived, I have to go there, please take care of the work here."

Chief Meng nodded and said, "I'm the one to deal with the matter here, and leader Zhang must personally come forward to deal with the matter over there. Don't worry."

The two were whispering on the rostrum, but the leader comrades discussed work on the rostrum, which was calm and mysterious. Through this form, a message was conveyed that the leaders were highly unified in their thinking and opinions. Some people thought that Miscellaneous below, pay attention!

Those who participated in the meeting didn't know what happened in the hospital, but they knew that it was not an ordinary matter from the chatter of the director general and the leader Xiao Zhang. Nature has become a decoration.

Leader Xiao Zhang stood up, did not greet Dean Ding and Vice Dean Yu, and nodded with the leader of the discipline inspection team, and walked towards the door of the meeting room.

People in the audience saw that leader Xiao Zhang only nodded to the leader of the discipline inspection team. What do you mean?The participants speculated in their hearts, the ten masters have ten hearts, the results of the speculations are of course varied, and many speculations are very interesting, laughing at Yun Feiyang, who originally came up with them, but felt that it was unnecessary. It is possible to speculate on the state of mind of these people at the moment.

However, most middle-level cadres have a new understanding of Xiao Zhang's leader, who looks like he is sitting on the rostrum.The gestures he makes when dealing with affairs are already qualified leaders, compared with the old-fashioned Dean Ding.At least see the vitality, act vigorously and resolutely.

The hospital used to look like Director Ding, who would have thought that there would be any changes, let alone any improvement!

Nurse Xiao Zhang went straight to the VIP ward, and the living room outside the ward was still quiet, as if there was no one there.She went inside and saw several people standing around the hospital bed, all wearing glasses.It seems that there are elderly people in their 70s and 40s, as well as young people in their [-]s and [-]s, and some are watching a film about Xiong Yanmei.Some were looking at Xiong Yanmei's medical records, and some were listening to Xiong Yanmei's heart with a stethoscope. The atmosphere was serious.

Experts and professors consulted Xiong Yanmei, and Xiong Yanmei was stabbed.Nowhere else was injured.Originally, there was no need to spend money to invite experts and professors to consult, but Director Meng and Leader Xiao Zhang had a high degree of agreement on this issue.Dr. Wang wanted to say that there was no need to invite provincial and city experts for consultation, but he saw that the two were determined and said that he should. After all, the county magistrate Qi's instructions on Xiong Yanmei's treatment "less suffering, faster recovery" have to be implemented. The best treatment plan has to be formulated by experts and professors.

Of course, Dr. Wang also has selfish intentions. Experts and professors from the province and city come to the hospital to consult with Xiong Yanmei, so they can discuss with experts and professors.It is also a great opportunity to improve yourself.

Leader Xiao Zhang walked over without making a sound.Watching experts and professors meticulously examine Xiong Yanmei's body.

After about ten minutes, the inspection was completed, and the expert and professor left the inner room and went to the outer living room.

A lean and vigorous old Xueyan who looked to be in his sixties or seventies looked at everyone. Just as he was about to speak, the phone in the living room rang.

Lao Xueyan glanced at the phone with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

Leader Xiao Zhang hurried over, picked up the phone, and was about to put it down, when he suddenly thought that if it was a call from a leader, refusing to answer it might cause misunderstanding.It’s okay for an expert professor to get angry on the phone. After the consultation, they will leave. If the leader gets angry, it will be troublesome. She will have to get along with the leader in the future, and she will need the support of the leader at work. If the leader is offended, how can the dean’s seat be secure? .

Leader Zhang whispered, "Hello, this is Ward 01, who is it?"

"Xiao Zhang, I'm Qihao."

"I'm Xiao Zhang, County Magistrate Qi, hello, hello, if you have any instructions, please tell me."

"How's Mayor Xiong doing?"

"Provincial and municipal experts and professors have arrived at the hospital and are consulting."

"Oh, then I won't bother you. Please tell Mayor Xiong that I can't come to the hospital to see her these days. Please forgive me."

"I will definitely convey it to Mayor Xiong and County Magistrate Qi."

"Mayor Xiong, let me know if there is anything wrong, thank you for your hard work, Comrade Xiao Zhang!"

"It's not hard, County Magistrate Qi!" Only then did Leader Xiao Zhang realize that Qi Hao had already closed the line.

Leader Xiao Zhang put down the phone, looked at Lao Xueyan respectfully and bowed: "I'm sorry to bother you, teacher."

Dr. Wang hurriedly introduced to the leader Xiao Zhang, Professor Shan.Leader Xiao Zhang respectfully called out to Professor Shan, and then bowed to Professor Shan.

It's not surprising that there are many people who are polite, but Professor Shan is still angry.

Professor Shan is Professor Shan, and he is capable. He didn't mean to reach out to shake the leader's hand, and nurse Xiao Zhang didn't extend his hand either.

Dr. Wang turned around and introduced Xiao Zhang to Professor Shan: "President Zhang, the leader of the hospital."

Note that what Dr. Wang introduced was "President Zhang". In order to attract attention, he specially introduced "the head of the hospital".

Professor Shan was stunned, quite surprised, and experts and professors from other provinces and cities also looked surprised. Could it be that the hospital is a kindergarten, and you can just find a young lady to be the director?You know, as an expert professor, I have been to most of the county-level and above hospitals in the province, and the dean has seen many of them. This is the first time for my young lady to be the dean.

The living room of the VIP ward is very quiet, so quiet that the air is filled with embarrassment. Even if the reform and opening up, the hospital will not become the player's home, which is too outrageous!

Dr. Wang spoke in time, and he said: "At the time of the incident, Dean Zhang happened to pass by the scene of the accident, and Dean Zhang rushed to protect the wounded, so that the wounded was not further injured. , Dean Zhang followed the best procedures in every link, and as you can see from the photos, the tip of the knife has already pierced the heart, and if there is a little carelessness, the wounded will have no way to be treated if the heart is pierced!"

Professor Shan took the initiative to extend his hand, and Leader Xiao Zhang rushed to meet him. When she held Professor Shan's hand, she felt that Professor Shan's hand was cold. Older people usually don't have much heat in their hands.

Professor Shan said: "As Dr. Wang said, this is a case that is appropriate after the fact. When the patient is injured, it is easy to go wrong in the subsequent treatment process, and even a big problem, life-threatening, the tip of the knife has reached the point of death. Live the heart, it can be seen that the heart is slightly deformed during diastole, and any problems in the transportation, nursing, and operation links during this process will have disastrous consequences! From a certain point of view, it was Dean Zhang who saved the injured!"

Leader Xiao Zhang hurriedly said: "Professor Shan, it's not me, it's Dr. Wang. Without Dr. Wang's superb operation, the knife is stuck in the bone. If it shakes a little inside, it may cut the heart. The consequences are just as disastrous!"

"That's right!" Professor Shan said affirmatively, "That's why my thesis "Care, Nursing and Surgery for the Wounded" concluded that at least 50.00% of the casualties died not from their injuries, but from the post-injury treatment process. Nursing and surgical treatment in China. The case that Dean Zhang and Dr. Wang treated together will be included in my thesis as the most important example!"

Clap, clap, someone clapped their hands, and the VIP ward immediately burst into applause.

"Quiet, how can this work." Professor Shan said angrily in a low voice, "Patients need rest. I just talked about nursing. Rest is the best care."

The palms of the people in the room froze in front of his body, and the applause stopped.

Next, under the auspices of Professor Shan, the best plan for Xiong Yanmei's body care and treatment was worked out.

The plan was formed, signed and agreed by Professor Shan and Xiao Zhang, and Dr. Wang and nurses were responsible for the implementation.

When Xiao Zhang led the signing, her hands were trembling slightly. After all, it was the first time she signed on the lives of others. She controlled the fate of others. Joy rippling in her chest and pleasure rushed in her chest. She realized that mastering others is the real life. life!

The work of the hospital was carried out in an orderly manner, and Qi Hao went to the provincial capital according to the arrangement of County Magistrate Liu.

Qi Hao's car drove directly into the Provincial Party Committee Guest House, where Lin Xiaoxia was waiting.

When Qi Hao got off the car, Lin Xiaoxia threw herself into his arms, and the two hugged each other right in front of the welcoming gate in front of the hall.

They haven't met each other during the Spring Festival so far. Lin Xiaoxia has been interviewing everywhere, Qi Hao has endless things to do, and they are all fighting for their own careers and futures. For truly ambitious young people, love for children often takes second place.

"Hao, I miss you so much!" Lin Xiaoxia didn't ask about Qi Hao's injury, but first poured out her own feelings.

"Me too, Xiaoxia, I miss you so much!" Qi Hao looked at Lin Xiaoxia with infinite affection, "Whenever the night is quiet, I really want to run to your side without my career, and be a man who is tender and considerate to his wife in life!"

"Why don't you come?" Lin Xiaoxia twisted her delicate body in Qihao's arms, "Duplicity!"

Qi Hao lowered his head and pressed his chin against Lin Xiaoxia's forehead, and breathed heavily on Lin Xiaoxia's head, "I also want to be the good son-in-law that Mom and Dad want!"

Qi Hao said this on purpose, the reason why he can't be with Lin Xiaoxia often is because Lin Xiaoxia's parents set a threshold for him, and his real job is at the top level.

Lin Xiaoxia understood the meaning of Qi Hao's words, she looked up at Qi Hao's face: "Hao, Xiaoxia has hurt you!"

Qi Hao hugged Lin Xiaoxia, his left arm slid up and down on Lin Xiaoxia's back, but his right arm landed vertically, speechless, with an expression of incomparable attachment.

Young people who are in love don't see each other for several months. Everyone has experienced such a stage, and they all know what it's like to have a restless heart. Now that the transportation is so convenient, it takes a lot of perseverance to not see each other for several months!

Lin Xiaoxia said distressedly, let's go to the room.Lin Xiaoxia's meaning is also clear, entering the room "kiss you enough", this is not a lyrics, it is a real "kiss you enough" kiss!

Lin Xiaoxia had already booked the room, and the doorman helped carry the luggage to the room last year.

Entering the room, Lin Xiaoxia scolded, "Why did you hide from me?" (To be continued...)

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