Official ladder

Chapter 417

Aunt Xi glanced at Qi Hao who was talking to Executive Vice Minister Gu, and thought that Qi Hao could become the daughter of the Gu family's wife, and with a little help from her husband, the young couple would not be able to fly together.

Gu Qiong asked: "Can I talk to Dad?"

Aunt Xi restrained her excitement and said, "We're able to talk, look at your dad, he's so happy from ear to ear!"

Gu Qiong said: "Mom, I forgot to tell you that there is a work note in the bookcase, remember to put it in your bag and bring it to me."

Aunt Xi said: "Okay, I'll get it right away, do you want to tell Dad a few words?"

"No, didn't Dad make him happy talking, let them talk!" Gu Qiong said reluctantly, "Mom, I'm dead!"

Aunt Xi hung up the phone and went to her daughter's room to find work notes.

Here, Executive Vice Minister Gu said enthusiastically: "You work at the grassroots level, do you have any opinions and suggestions on cadre selection, training and education?"

Qi Hao thought about it and said, "I personally think that the selection of cadres should be institutionalized, young, knowledgeable, and professional. We should pay great attention to the performance of cadres at critical moments. The so-called 'joining the party' is actually a critical moment."

Executive Vice Minister Gu thought deeply: "Reform and opening up, the planned economic system has been broken, allowing the existence of private capital has been recognized by both inside and outside the party, and a brand new economic system is gradually taking shape. However, the political system has not been touched at all, especially the leadership of leading cadres. Cultivation, education and selection are still operated in accordance with a certain theory, which is undoubtedly incompatible with the current reform and opening up policy."

Reform of the political system is a major event, and Executive Vice Minister Gu has no scruples to comment on it, so he should be considered courageous and insightful.But what kind of people to use and how to ensure that the country is under the leadership of the ruling party are not something that can be tolerated in a word of reform and opening up. Qi Hao did not express his opinion.

regime.You can only listen to the above, and you are not allowed to make irresponsible remarks, and you don't need anyone's advice. This is something that cannot be discussed.

"I heard," Minister Gu looked at Qi Hao, "A group of young comrades from Jiahe County have taken up leadership positions?"

Gu Qiong should have told his father about this at home. In recent years, a group of young comrades have indeed emerged in the family and county.Undoubtedly, he is the representative of these young comrades. Qi Hao said: "Some young leading cadres have arisen in our home and county. Vitality is the characteristic of young leading cadres. Lack of experience is the biggest problem for young leading cadres..."

"Tell me about your lack of experience!" Executive Vice Minister Gu interrupted Qi Hao and laughed.

Qi Hao also laughed, he is a young leading cadre, he should be aware of his deficiencies, he said honestly: "It's really hard to talk about it."

Executive Vice Minister Gu said: "There is nothing wrong with talking about it. We don't engage in contention in the political system. But it is still important to speak freely!"

Qi Hao couldn't avoid it, and said: "For example, young comrades are obviously inferior to old comrades in dealing with interpersonal relationships."

"Handling interpersonal relationships is not as good as old comrades," Minister Gu looked at Qi Hao, "I heard that you couldn't get a relationship with the secretary in Dadi Township and Yuquan Township, and now you have a big difference with Comrade Chen Defang, mainly because of your experience in this area insufficient?"

Qi Hao said, "It is."

"Of course." Executive Vice Minister Gu smiled, "Don't do what you want to do. Maybe the relationship with them will be settled!"

Qi Hao said: "But having said that, they have worked in leadership positions for many years, and they have not made their internal conflicts public to anyone, but they have made their conflicts public. Objectively speaking, this is an example of my lack of work experience."

Executive Vice Minister Gu shook his head: "Your example does not prove that young comrades are inexperienced in dealing with interpersonal relationships. In essence, this problem should have two aspects. Master Gao Gai went too far, it's no wonder they don't suppress you!"

Executive Vice Minister Gu hit the nail on the head, Qi Hao smiled and said nothing, since he is a young man, it is inconvenient to comment on these sensitive issues.

Executive Vice Minister Gu said: "If you don't build canals to divert water and change fields, you won't have conflicts with Secretary Jiang; if you don't rectify Dulongjing in the coal mine, you won't confront Secretary Wan; Close your eyes, at least give Secretary Chen a face. Strictly speaking, you are not wrong on these issues, and they can't go wrong in maintaining the status quo. The fault lies in the use of cadres!"

Minister Gu's words were sonorous, and Qi Hao seemed to be sitting upright.

Executive Vice Minister Gu went on to say: "They seek personal gain in their posts, and they are doomed at work, but they are really occupying their posts. The organization did not take them down, and there is no policy basis for taking them down. They really took them down. , They might even talk to the organization about one, two, three, four!"

From the point of view of the cadre appointment system, Minister Gu has got to the bottom of it. Some people kill, set fire, or poison. Even if the evidence is solid, lawyers may justify the crime. What's more, these veteran officials, how can the organization The basis for easily binding them should not continue to occupy positions?

Of course, popular election is another matter. If the common people don't elect you, who will they turn to?

However, when it comes to popular elections, who can pat their chests without shaking the ruling party's solid ruling position!

Dilemma, who can make the decision to reform the political system?

Qi Hao said: "It's still Minister Gu who stands tall, sees far, and sees accurately."

Aunt Xi peeled a piece of ordinary fruit and put it on the coffee table. Aunt Xi always had a happy smile on her face. She inserted a bamboo stick into a piece of fruit and handed it to Qihao: "Your Uncle Gu!" Just like that, just talking and not thinking about whether the guest would like it, Qihao, take it and eat!"

Qi Hao quickly caught it: "Thank you, Aunt Xi."

Aunt Xi put aside Executive Vice Minister Gu in front of Qihao. What kind of person is Minister Gu? When he walked outside, his face changed a little, and those people would guess, fear, and do everything possible to get closer to him. Only when the alarm is lifted can the officials enjoy themselves.Aunt Xi only treated Vice Minister Gu as an ordinary person, and she didn't save Vice Minister Gu any face in front of Qi Hao. Fortunately, Vice Minister Gu didn't take this matter seriously, so Qi Hao was a little relieved.

Aunt Xi asked Qi Hao: "Girl said she didn't live in the Standing Committee compound?"

"Yes." Qi Hao said, "Aunt Xi, Minister Gu lives with my sister."

Aunt Xi asked strangely: "Why do you call the girl Minister Gu?"

Qi Hao thought to himself, I am not called Minister Gu, can I be called a girl in front of you, he said: "I am used to being called Minister Gu, and I can't change it for a while."

"That's right," Aunt Xi said, "I'm called Lao Gu, and I'm used to it, but it's awkward to be called Minister Gu!"

Aunt Xi's words made Qi Hao stunned for a while. She clearly treated herself as a family member and had an equal conversation. Can she treat Gu Qiong's colleagues like this? (To be continued..)

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