Official ladder

Chapter 461

Gu Qiong muttered: "I just want to continue to take advantage of others."

"Hi!" Qi Hao really couldn't laugh or cry, "Girl, you can't say that, I have no other choice!"

"I have to," Gu Qiong said angrily, "Could it be that I forced you?"

Qi Hao was stunned: "No, it's because we didn't think maturely and did something stupid."

"Did we do something stupid?" Gu Qiong patted the table on the phone, "Qi Hao, make it clear, what stupid thing did we do!"

"No, no!" Facing the arrogance and unreasonableness, Qi Hao said helplessly, "Girl, stop trying to argue with your words, and find a way to deal with Aunt Xi!"

Gu Qiong said: "Whatever you caused, you should find a way!"

This girl was so far away, Qi Hao had nothing to do with her, and said: "I have to tell Sister Rong first about the current situation, and she will come forward to make sure that Aunt Xi is safe at home and in the county!"

Gu Qiong said: "I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Qi Hao said, "Don't worry, Sister Rong knows how to settle things."

Gu Qiong said: "My mother is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and there is no news that cannot be heard. Besides, no one in the family and the county knows what you told Linda reporter!"

Qi Hao said: "This doesn't work, and that doesn't work either. Don't we just wait for the exposure!"

Gu Qiong asked curiously: "How do you deal with the matter being exposed?"

"How else to deal with it," Qi Hao said aggrievedly, "It's all my fault, accept Aunt Xi's disposal!"

"I want to take care of everything, you are so beautiful!" Gu Qiong smiled and said proudly, "I told Sister Rong a long time ago that my mother will live with Sister Rong after she comes. When I have something to do these days, Sister Rong will never leave me. Mom, when you have nothing to do, go to accompany my mother, and also. Didn’t you say that the roasted whole lamb and stewed chicken with wild mushrooms in Yuquan Mountain are delicious, and you and I will accompany my mother up the mountain to play once!"

Oh, it's really her boyfriend, Gu Qiong arranged for Qi Hao to come.The girl's temper The thunderstorm in summer, which was still thunderous just now, is now sunny and sunny.

Qi Hao agreed one by one, secretly laughing.If it goes on like this, it is really suspected of being fake.

The two men hung up the phone.

Ou Haicheng came to the office and said excitedly: "Major Qi, the villagers have agreed to move."

Qi Hao said with a smile: "This elder has some skills."

Ou Haicheng said: "In a while, the village representatives wanted to contact the town government about the relocation, and they needed to ask for instructions. They found me. Please let me tell you. I hope you agree."

Qi Hao asked: "What's the matter?"

Boss Ou said: "It's a small matter, but it can't be done without government support, so we need to find the county magistrate Qi!"

Qi Hao said: "As long as it is conducive to harmony and stability, the government will support it!"

Boss Ou said: “On the day when the villagers of Fenghuang Village were preparing to move, a banquet for thousands of people was held in the streets of Xinfenghuang New Village. All the relocated villagers participated. The leading comrades who inspect the work will participate!"

"Okay!" Qi Hao was silent in his heart, and there were no less than 3000 people.Claiming that ten thousand people can speak the truth, he blurted out. "It's a good idea to set up a banquet for thousands of people for the villagers' housewarming!"

Ou Haicheng said: "I figured it out, it will take hundreds of tables, and the tables, stools, and tableware will have to be borrowed, and the big pots and pots will have to be purchased..."

"Don't talk to me about this!" Qihao interrupted Boss Ou. Boss Ou is an enthusiastic person. Maybe he came up with the idea. He visited the elders last night to relocate. Since the villagers need to move Boss Ou came here to add icing on the cake, so that people will remember the scene of the relocation of Yuquan New Village for a lifetime, "You are responsible for this matter, and if you have any requirements, go directly to Mayor Xiong."

Boss Ou heard Qi Hao's words as if he had received an imperial edict, and he happily said yes.

Qi Hao asked Boss Ou how the villagers agreed to relocate.

Boss Ou said that the elders told a story, and the villagers agreed to move.

Qi Hao was curious and asked Ou Haicheng to tell him.

Ou Haicheng spoke.

After hearing this, Qi Hao couldn't help admiring, and deeply felt that the power of belief is immense. Once a person can represent a certain belief in public, or is the incarnation of a certain belief, his appeal cannot be underestimated!

The story is actually too simple, so simple that you know it's false when you hear it, but the villagers want to listen to it in front of the imperial decree, and no one can change their belief in the elder's will.

The story goes like this, during the reign of Kangxi, there was a place called Jixianzhuang, where lived a wealthy Yuanwai, whose name was Zeng Xi, who was known far and near for his good deeds, belief in Buddhism and worshiping immortals, and his association with literati and scholars. With a sage.

When Kangxi heard about this in a private interview, he thought of the local officials who had played a report and asked the emperor to issue an edict to build a memorial archway in recognition of Zeng Xi's virtues.

Nowadays, there are many people seeking fame and reputation. Kangxi asked one of his followers to pretend to be a monk, another to pretend to be a beggar, and himself to pretend to be a literati. The three arrived at Jixian Village one after another. Kangxi arranged for the east wing, the monk for the west wing, and the beggar for the servant , Arranged so that there are rules and there is no room for attack.

When eating, literati and elegant scholars have tables to set meals and stools to sit and eat. The dishes include meat, vegetables, salt and taste; monks are all vegetarian, and there is enough vegetable oil and sesame oil; Mix and eat while standing with a bowl in hand.

Jixianzhuang is very lively with people coming and going every day, no staff members have ever shown their faces, and the comings and goings are all taken care of by servants, orderly.

Kangxi asked the servants of Jixian Village, how can they meet Yuanwai Zeng?The servant replied, you write a post requesting to meet the outsider, and I will pass it up, and the outsider arranges a time to meet, but there are many people who need to meet the outsider, and the post must be written very well before the outsider can be summoned.

Kangxi didn't write a post, he was visiting privately on Weibo, and he didn't expect to get to know Zeng Xi, who is kind and generous, but after two days, it can be seen that Zeng Xi's long-term reception of the three types of people costs a huge amount of money, which is beneficial to the consolidation and stability of the Qing Dynasty harmonious.

Kangxi decided that when he returned to the court, he would immediately issue an edict to build a memorial archway in recognition of Zeng Xi's achievements.

Three days passed quickly, and on the morning of the fourth day, the servants informed Kangxi that Mr. Zeng would only keep guests for three days, so please do what you like.

Kangxi said that he heard that Mr. Zeng was picking up his daughter-in-law, but because there was no auspicious day recently, he was hesitant to decide. He wanted to invite all literati and monks to discuss tonight, so he stayed for an extra night.

The servants said that there are too many people visiting Zeng Yuanwai's house. If everyone does not leave and will not take good care of them, it will damage Zeng Yuanwai's reputation. Sir, please do it yourself.

Kangxi asked, can't you stay?

The servants said yes, but they had to write a post and submit it to outsiders for review.

Kangxi said, bring pen and ink.

After a while, the pen, ink, and paper were brought. Kangxi picked up the pen and wrote the word "Ji".

The servant took the sticker with the word "Ji" and passed on the word in a while, Mr. Wai invited the gentleman to discuss the matter in the meeting hall this afternoon.

Kangxi thought to himself, if only one word "Ji" is invited to discuss matters in the meeting hall, this Zeng has a bit of insight. (To be continued..)

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