Official ladder

Chapter 463 Qi Hao Steps Aside

Secretary Chen stopped talking and glanced at the members of the Standing Committee. Since he went to Dongnan Mountain, Brother Yi's attitude has become tougher: "The incidents that happened in the hospital were so coincidental. The county magistrate Qi met twice, and there were fights both times. There was a fight, and some people suffered lifelong disability for the second time. I have never heard of how chaotic the hospital is. Can we find the reason why a slap can't make a sound..."

"Secretary Chen..." Member of the Standing Committee of the Ruling Party, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Director Wu of the Public Security Bureau interrupted Secretary Chen.

"I won't talk about this, today I will only talk about welcoming the leaders to inspect!" Secretary Chen did not give up the right to speak, "The hospital is a department-level unit, and the dean and vice-president appointed by the organization. The ten-year-old nurse presided over the overall work, the key is that the organization department did not draw up a plan, enter the procedure, and the organization did not make a research decision beforehand, and a comrade opened his mouth to say that a certain comrade presided over the work, and he presided over the work!"

Secretary Chen stopped talking, glanced at the members of the Standing Committee, and said bitterly, "Ridiculous!"

Gu Qiong said: "Secretary Chen said that Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu presided over the work of the hospital is absurd. Because of the absurdity, the comrades at the organization department meeting agreed to go out to accept the inspection of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department. My opinion is that Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu presides over the hospital today. We don’t discuss the right and wrong of the overall work, after the inspection by the leaders of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, what the leading comrades say, we will act according to the opinions of the leading comrades!” [

Gu Qiong's suggestion can be refuted. It is not wrong for the higher-level organization to unify the matters that are endlessly debated at the county ruling party standing committee meeting.

County Magistrate Liu said: "I agree with Minister Gu's opinion!"

Members of the Standing Committee agreed with Gu Qiong's opinion, and Minister Xu of the Propaganda Department also agreed with Gu Qiong's opinion.

Secretary Chen saw a one-sided situation in the Standing Committee.Without mentioning the hospital, he said: "The Urban Construction Bureau will not arrange inspections. A comrade who made a serious mistake and was demoted. A few people do not know why they are treasures, and they can show them to others!"

When Secretary Chen invoked the power of one-vote veto, Qi Hao's heart was running fast. Thinking carefully, the Urban Construction Bureau did not take it out for inspection, but it could fully reflect the current situation of economic construction and cadre training and education in Jiahe County. Before the inspection, internal contradictions intensified within the team.It was to miss a big deal, he looked at Gu Qiong, and then met County Magistrate Liu.

Gu Qiong was about to speak.Seeing Qi Hao's eyes, he stopped talking.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Secretary Chen said with a stern face: "It is especially important for leaders to inspect security work. The Political and Legal Committee has decided to hold a special meeting to implement security measures. There must be no accidents! The Propaganda Department does a good job in special reports, especially Highlight the key content of the inspection of the provincial ruling party organization department, grasp its spirit and report! I, county magistrate Liu, secretary Wang, Minister Gu, director of the National People's Congress, and chairman of the CPPCC accompanied the leadership of the provincial ruling party organization department to inspect the whole process. Take your place at the workplace, the meeting is over!"

The meeting ended, Secretary Chen did not arrange for Qi Hao to participate in the inspection work of the provincial ruling party organization department, Gu Qiong watched Qi Hao.Qi Hao gave her a look.Gu Qiong immediately understood that Qi Hao is the ruling party of Yuquan Town. If he is not arranged for him to participate in the inspection work, he will go to Yuquan Town to perform the righteousness of the landlord!

County Magistrate Liu and Qi Hao looked at each other, County Magistrate Liu looked calm, Qi Hao was relieved, there was County Magistrate Liu in the hospital, so he could rest assured.

Secretary Chen decided that all members of the Standing Committee would respond. Almost all the inspections by the provincial ruling party organization department involved the work that Qi Hao was in charge of. These tasks were led by Qi Hao, but when showing the results to the higher-level organization, they had to put Qihao, what do you mean?Members of the Standing Committee wanted to raise their opinions, and Secretary Chen quickly walked out of the Standing Committee meeting room after the "meeting was adjourned".

Secretary Chen walked out of the Standing Committee meeting room without looking at anyone. After so long, he finally found a little taste of the first brother.

When Secretary Chen returned to the office, Secretary Yang of the Municipal Party Committee told him on the phone that the last few words of the Provincial Party Organization Department's inspection were still ringing in his ears. Secretary Yang said that the economy of Jiahe County had developed, but some unexpected events happened one after another recently. You have to reflect carefully on the matter, whether it is a problem of working methods or a problem of your own existence. It is a good thing economically, and the gains outweigh the losses if you mess up the regime!

Secretary Chen took Secretary Yang's words seriously, and the current situation in Jiahe County was indeed the case, so he couldn't sleep at night because of his unwillingness to eat.When he was insomnia at night, he sorted out one incident after another in the county, and found that either Qihao was the protagonist or had Qihao's shadow in these incidents. Qi Hao is indispensable, for this reason, he believes that Qi Hao is the instigator of the chaos and turmoil in his family and county!

The Provincial Ruling Party Organization Department has a clear inspection goal, cadre training and education work, but Gu Qiong's plan does not see much of the cadre training and education work, and it is a large-scale economic development of Jiahe County in front of the Provincial Ruling Party Organization Department. exhibit.

Secretary Chen was angry and hated in his heart. When he and Gu Qiong were studying and discussing the inspection of the provincial ruling party organization department alone, he disagreed with Gu Qiong's plan and proposed the inspection plan himself. Gu Qiong disagreed, and he had nothing to do with Gu Qiong. Who told Gu Qiong to have the father of the head of the organization department of the provincial ruling party!He decided to deny Gu Qiong's opinion at the Standing Committee and come up with his own plan. First brother, he has the right to veto!

However, just when Secretary Chen was about to use his veto power, even his confidant Standing Committee Minister Xu agreed to Gu Qiong's plan at the last moment, and he became a real loner.He was afraid, and Secretary Yang's words were still fresh in his memory, "Is it a problem with the working method or a problem with himself?" For Brother Yi, as long as there is "a problem with the working method or his own problems", his career will end.

Secretary Chen weighed the pros and cons, and did not rashly deny Gu Qiong's plan. Qi Hao's power had already grown.He knew in his heart that if it hadn't been organized and suppressed, Qi Hao and the others would have learned the method of pulling down the first brother in the history of the ruling party, and they would have pulled themselves down!

Just when Secretary Chen was at the end of his plan, he suddenly came up with a plan. Didn't Qi Hao want to use the provincial ruling party organization department to inspect and show himself? How to show yourself!

The ruling party's work arrangement is in charge of the first brother, and anyone who opposes it will benefit. Besides, Secretary Chen has a good reason. The provincial ruling party organization department inspects. thing.On the government side, the county magistrate is the deputy secretary and has something to do; Qi Hao is the executive deputy county magistrate and has nothing to do with you, so let's lean on one side, the first brother wants to ask you to watch the fun, but he can't reach you, so hurry up! (To be continued..)[

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