Official ladder

Chapter 476 Meeting "Madame"

Qi Hao rascally said: "Sister Rong can be called mother, why can't I?"

Gu Qiong scolded: "Shameless!"

"I called after Sister Rong, how shameless!"

Gu Qiong was speechless.

There was no sound on the phone, Qi Hao laughed: "Am I that annoying?"

Gu Qiong said coldly: "I'm really willing, I'm afraid that sister Lin will fix people!"

Now it was Qi Hao's turn to be silent, after a while Qi Hao asked: "Girl, did Secretary Chen and County Magistrate Liu notify you?"

"Notified!" Gu Qiong replied in a blunt tone.

Qi Hao said: "The girl is coming back, Aunt Xi will hand it over to the girl, and my task will be completed today."

"Coward, don't dare to call mom?" Gu Qiong hung up the phone.

Qi Hao smiled, very happy, he felt the most comfortable talking to Gu Qiong, so that he thought that if he got in touch with Gu Qiong first, he would definitely fall in love with Gu Qiong, get married, and spend the journey of life together.

The contact between a man and a woman should also have opportunities. If the timing is wrong, the two meet together.

The contact between Qi Hao and Gu Qiong was quite accidental. If someone hadn't reported Huang Zhanghua and Director Wu, and if the son of Executive Vice Mayor Li hadn't committed a crime, the two would not have become colleagues. The contact between people is actually the same as objective reality. , is not transferred by human will, what should come will always come, and what should not come will be separated when it comes.

Aunt Xi changed and washed, and Qi Hao went to the room.

Hearing that Aunt Xi was coming, Sister Rong refurbished the most luxurious suite in Yuanlin Villa, and replaced all the furniture with new ones. Gu Qiong said no, and Sister Rong said that the world is a noble person.How can you not replace it with a new one!

What Sister Rong said made sense. With the status of Aunt Xi, she came to a small county in the mountainous area.No matter how you say it, he is also a noble person.

Gu Qiong couldn't stop her, so she had to let Sister Rong make a fuss. Anyway, money is not a problem, and if you don't spend money, you can't have a son.

Aunt Xi felt more refreshed after changing her clothes. She sat on the sofa in the living room and drank tea, looking like a rare lady in the world.

Qi Hao walked into the room.The trainee aunt was very energetic: "I will see Minister Gu soon, I see that Aunt Xi is happy!"

"Really?" Aunt Xi smiled, "Sit, Qihao."

Qi Hao walked over and sat down next to Aunt Xi: "I called Minister Gu just now, and she will come over as soon as she finishes her work."

Aunt Xi smiled and said, "Girl also knows which is more important, she is sensible!"

Qi Hao asked: "Aunt Xi is used to living here?" Aunt Xi said: "Why aren't you used to living in your daughter's house?"

It seems that Aunt Xi is quite satisfied with Sister Rong.Otherwise, how could you call Sister Rong a daughter!

Qi Hao said: "Minister Gu lives here with my sister. Is Aunt Xi relieved?"

"Don't worry." Aunt Xi said, "This is all because of your thoughtful consideration."

Qi Hao said: "This is their sister's business, not mine."

"Why don't you care about the big brother?" Sister Rong said in front of Aunt Xi, "If you hadn't introduced my sister to my sister, how would my sister know my sister?"

What she said was true, but Aunt Xi sounded different. Since the girl is Qihao's girlfriend, of course she should be placed in the most secure place.Thinking of this, Aunt Xi looked at Qi Hao with joy from ear to ear.

"Mom!" Gu Qiong ran into the door from the outside with a whining voice.All of a sudden, he jumped into his mother's arms, and let the little calf rub against his mother's body as if he saw his mother.

"Look, look, it's so big, it's still so young!" The mother liked her daughter so much, she stared at her face and touched her body with her hands, "Hurry up, my sister is laughing at me!"

Aunt Xi didn't joke about Qi Hao, she joked about her sister, one was her beloved sister and the other was her son-in-law, so it seemed that Aunt Xi still spoke with relatives.

Gu Qiong made out with her mother for a while, stood up, straightened her clothes, called sister Gu Qiong, looked at Qi Hao, and said hello.

From the way Yatou greeted Sister Rong and Qi Hao, she saw that Yatou had a different relationship with them, so she was completely relieved.

My mother is very worried about the girl's personal problems. A girl with a good family background and an outstanding personality are not necessarily a good thing. My mother personally introduced no less than ten handsome people to the girl, and none of them escaped the fate of being rejected by the girl. Other uncles, uncles, Aunts, colleagues, relatives, and friends introduced a lot of handsome faces. If you want to have a background, you need to have a talent, but none of them can catch the girl's eyes.

Looking at Qi Hao, Aunt Xi became more and more happy. Through two contacts, Aunt Xi personally felt that Qi Hao was better than the ten or so young people she personally selected. In this mountainous corner of the county.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Qi Hao stood up: "Aunt Xi, Minister Gu is here. I have to go to Yuquan Town. Uncle Gu will inspect tomorrow, so I have to stick to my post."

Aunt Xi hurriedly stood up: "Why don't you eat and go!"

Gu Qiong said casually: "He is a busy man, let him go!"

Gu Qiong is not like Qi Hao talking about her, but she doesn't even bother to mention Qi Hao's name, she is completely like a girl in love.

Aunt Xi didn't speak, and looked at Qi Hao reluctantly.

"Aunt Xi," Qi Hao said in a calm tone, "Sister Rong will accompany Aunt Xi for a walk on the street tomorrow, go to a hot spring to take a bath, leave the car behind, and the driver, Da Yu, will follow Aunt Xi, if you have anything to do, just tell Da Yu. I'll be back It may be a little later, Minister Gu also came back late, as soon as we have time, we will come back to accompany Aunt Xi!"

Aunt Xi looked at Qi Hao, a young man who speaks well, arranges everything thoughtfully, and is the most ideal son-in-law of the Gu family. She said, "Don't worry, Sister Rong, don't worry."

Sister Rong is Sister Rong, and even Aunt Xi is called Sister Rong, so it's impossible not to be famous.

Qi Hao walked to the Yuanba of Yuanlin Villa, and saw Director Wu coming with some plain clothes: "Thank you, Director Wu."

Director Wu hurriedly said: "County Chief Qi, it should be."

Qi Hao said: "There is heavy rain here, and there are a few outside guards, so there should be no problem. Shu Xiaohai will follow you tomorrow, strengthen the police force, and ensure the safety of the provincial and municipal leaders."

Director Wu said, "Yes."

Wang Zhicai came by car, he took Qi Hao to Yuquan Town, Qi Hao got in the car, said to Chief Wu that he would see you tomorrow, and left.

Director Wu saw Qi Hao leave, and left after explaining to several people.

It was already dinner time, a waiter came over and told the policemen that the meal was ready, and asked the policemen to change their meals.

Two small cars came, the first car got off Secretary Chen and his wife, the second car got off the county magistrate Liu and his wife, and the wife of the head of the provincial ruling party organization department arrived quietly. From the walking posture of the secretary and the county magistrate, the two big men Both happy and apprehensive.

After Qi Hao went to pick up Aunt Xi, Gu Qiong went to the offices of Secretary Chen and County Magistrate Liu respectively, assuming that her mother came to see Xiao Gu at home and in the county. County Magistrate Liu visited the garden villa for a talk.

Secretary Chen and county magistrate Liu looked at Gu Qiong in shock, and hurriedly said that when the old man came, the family and the county should do their best as landlords!

Gu Qiong said that there was no need for her mother to visit Xiao Gu at home and in the county in her private capacity.

That's what Gu Qiong said, but it was the first time for the wife of a high-ranking official from the core group of the Procuratorate to visit his home and county. Secretary Chen and County Magistrate Liu got in touch immediately. County Chief Liu went to Secretary Chen's office. Goodbye!

Regarding the title of Minister Gu's wife, Minister Gu's wife is the inspector of the main department of the Provincial Finance Department. The two discussed for a long time and finally decided that due to the relationship with Comrade Gu Qiong, it is more appropriate to call Aunt Xi, which is more conducive to the atmosphere of personal communication.

Seeing the arrival of Secretary Chen and County Magistrate Liu, Gu Qiong hurried to greet him: "Secretary Chen, Aunt Yang, County Chief Liu, and Aunt Yu, please!"

Several people were polite to Gu Qiong, and followed Gu Qiong to Aunt Xi's room.

After entering the room, Aunt Xi sat upright in the living room. When she saw Secretary Chen and the others coming, she stood up to greet her.

The four walked towards Aunt Xi in small steps, and Secretary Chen said, "Welcome Aunt Xi, the younger generation is here to visit Aunt Xi!"

"I'm sorry to disturb you!" Aunt Xi said with a smile on her face, "Please sit down!"

The trainee aunt didn't intend to shake hands, and the four of them sat down on the sofa facing Aunt Xi in a respectful and respectful manner, facing each other.

Only then did Gu Qiong introduce to Secretary Chen and his wife, County Magistrate Liu and his wife, Xiao Gu's mother.In fact, Secretary Chen has already called Aunt Xi just now, and such an introduction is superfluous, but the cutscene must go.

The four hurriedly stood up and shouted together, "Aunt Xi!"

Aunt Xi smiled all over her face: "Sit, sit, you're welcome!"

The four stepped back and sat down, and Gu Qiong introduced the four of them.

"Mom, Secretary Chen, Aunt Yang."

Secretary Chen and Aunt Yang hurriedly stood up and called out respectfully, "Aunt Xi."

Aunt Xi looked at the two of them carefully, nodded with a reserved expression, and signaled to sit down with her eyes, without making a sound.

The two stepped back and sat down in a respectful posture.

"Mom, County Magistrate Liu, Aunt Yu."

County Magistrate Liu and Aunt Yu hurriedly stood up and called out respectfully, "Aunt Xi."

Aunt Xi looked at the two of them carefully, and asked County Magistrate Liu without indicating to sit down, "My daughter's name is Liu Jia?"

County Magistrate Liu and his wife were startled, and County Magistrate Liu replied, "Yes, Aunt Xi."

"Listen to Xiao Gu," Aunt Xi didn't call her girl or Gu Qiong, she called her Xiao Gu, she was particular about it, "There was a construction project in Fenghuang New Village, and Liu Jia called the relevant leaders to suggest that a few buildings should be left behind. *The house is not demolished, but there is a warning, is there such a thing?"

Secretary Chen and Yang Qiuju looked surprised and panicked. The largest construction project in Jiahe County since ancient times was done by Secretary Chen and his wife. The minister's wife not only knew about it, but also cared about it. She even knew about Liu Jia's suggestion. I don't know who did this?No wonder Aunt Xi didn't even bother to say a word when Gu Qiong introduced it just now. You said, why are Secretary Chen and his wife not heart-beating!

County Magistrate Liu smiled and said, "What does she know?"

"You can't say that, Mr. County." Aunt Xi's expression was calm, "It is everyone's responsibility to pay attention to ** and the tofu dregs project, especially the leading comrades." (To be continued...)

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