Official ladder

Chapter 478

The banquet continued, and Secretary Chen didn't dare to act rashly. He felt that he was restless and prone to troubles, and if he did something to make Aunt Xi unhappy, things would be difficult to clean up.

Sister Rong filled the tables with wine and stood aside. Aunt Xi said, "Girl, sit down!"

Sister Rong hurriedly said: "Mom invites the parents to be an official today, and the daughter will be a mother at her fingertips. Please let the mother fulfill the filial piety of the daughter!"

These words are useful and pleasant to hear. Sister Rong is Sister Rong. The key to being respected by Qi Hao and Gu Qiong is that she speaks properly and acts with care.

Aunt Xi said: "Good girl, thank you for your hard work!"

Secretary Chen, County Magistrate Liu and the two wives couldn't help but feel moved. A little widow coaxed Aunt Xi into a frenzy the first time they met.

Aunt Xi looked at Secretary Chen, County Magistrate Liu and the two wives with a cup: "Parents and officials, you have worked for the cause of the ruling party and the people at the grassroots level for a long time and have made outstanding contributions, especially the development of Jiahe County in recent years. It also makes me express my admiration for your dedication from the bottom of my heart, come to your place, and sincerely respect my parents and wife!"

Secretary Chen, County Magistrate Liu and the two wives were overwhelmed by the flattery. They immediately stood up with their glasses in hand, and said thank you to Aunt Xi repeatedly.

Sister Rong poured wine, starting with Aunt Xi, when serving Secretary Chen, County Magistrate Liu and his wife, the four of them were very polite. Normally, in the eyes of the four of them, Sister Rong would be an ordinary person who would not look down on them.

Officials, big and small, talk about the people and ordinary people in their mouths, but their eyes turn a blind eye. This is because officials generally suffer from recognition disease in their eyes.

Gu Qiong picked vegetables for Secretary Chen, County Magistrate Liu and his wife.Very attentive.

These two sisters are obedient girls in front of their mother.

Seeing that Aunt Xi had poured the wine and picked up the food, she said to the four Secretary Chen with an amiable expression, "Please."

Four people said hurriedly.Please, Aunt Xi please.The trainee aunt moved the chopsticks, and the four followed suit.

Situation at the banquet: Aunt Xi, mother and daughter are masters, Sister Rong is a close servant, Secretary Chen and the four are undoubtedly slaves.

There is nothing surprising about it. For 5000 years in China, the civilization of masters and slaves has continued unceasingly.Cangsang is the right way, the culture of master and slave is the essence of civilization with a long history!

Aunt Xi is just an aunt, not to mention the wife of the Standing Committee of the provincial ruling party and the head of the Organization Department.The level is also given to Secretary Yang of the Municipal Party Committee. In the main hall, it is common to discuss political affairs at the wine table. She said: "Jiahe County is faithful to practice the great theory of the ruling party centered on economic construction, and the achievements in economic construction have attracted attention. The people have benefited .I felt different immediately when I came home and in the county, do you know the reason?"

Seeing Aunt Xi looking at him and asking questions, Secretary Chen guessed that Gu Qiong was working at home and the county. Aunt Xi felt different when he came to home and county. He said: "Mr. , Aunt Xi has a kind feeling for her family and the county."

Aunt Xi shook her head: "Xiao Gu has grown up, she has to walk her own way. I am not like other mothers, I like mother and child to connect. Maybe I didn't make it clear, I am talking about the moment when I first entered the house and the county. feel!"

County Magistrate Liu said, "Aunt Xi, do you feel much more relaxed and comfortable on the concrete road?"

Aunt Xi laughed: "This is the achievement of the family and the county. At a glance, there are not many counties in the province that have the economic strength to lay concrete roads!"

Liu Dacheng is too uninteresting. You shouldn't hurt others face to face to please Aunt Xi. Secretary Chen quickly took over the words: "These achievements are all achieved by Jiahe County's loyal implementation of the provincial ruling party's major policies."

"But remember," Aunt Xi looked at Secretary Chen, "if the economy is booming, the Communist Party cannot follow suit. The case of Fenghuang New Village reminds us that there is a long way to go in fighting corruption!"

Secretary Chen's face was ashamed: "Aunt Xi instructed yes, Aunt Xi instructed yes!"

Aunt Xi said: "I asked Xiao Gu whether the case in Fenghuang New Village was handled, and Xiao Gu said it was handled. I asked if it was handled thoroughly, and Xiao Gu said that the client was dealt with. I understood it. There may be something wrong with it. Dealing with people and things, of course, if you can learn from it, it is not a good thing not to set an example, I am afraid that some people will not let go, and it will lead to bigger rape cases in the future!"

Secretary Chen was extremely shocked. After a little analysis of Aunt Xi's words, she understood that she had sentenced him to death politically. He subconsciously glanced at his wife, who turned pale.

Aunt Xi's eyes rested on Secretary Chen and County Magistrate Liu's wife respectively, and the two of them were startled.

After eating a meal for nearly an hour, Secretary Chen, Yang Qiuju, and Aunt Yu were sitting on pins and needles, and County Magistrate Liu seemed to have nothing to do.

However, County Magistrate Liu was still guilty. Although what he did to Zhang Xiaoyu was a serious matter, after all, it did not involve economic issues. Besides, the two of them did it secretly, so no one would know. County Magistrate Liu was lucky.

When the banquet was over, Aunt Xi personally sent the four of them downstairs, and the four of them were even more flattered. The leading comrades, including his wife, had perfected their performance skills unconsciously.

Sending away the four of Secretary Chen, Gu Qiong's mother said: "Mom, you scared Secretary Chen and Aunt Yang!"

Aunt Xi pursed her lips and smiled: "This kind of person only knows what can be done and what can't be done after scaring him!"

Sister Rong also knew that Secretary Chen had been at odds with Qi Hao, so she put a plug in: "Secretary Chen pretended to be good, and let his wife come forward to take care of the matter. Who doesn't know that the matter in Fenghuang New Village was done by their family!"

Aunt Xi stretched out her arms and yawned. Sister Rong sent Aunt Xi and Gu Qiong into the room, but she didn't go in. The mother and daughter were going to fight.

Sister Rong, a ghost, has long seen that Gu Qiong is interested in Qihao. Given Lin Xiaoxia's relationship, Gu Qiong is not easy to win love.Aunt Xi came down this time not only to see her daughter, but mainly to see her son-in-law.Qi Hao and Gu Qiong had told her about it, and asked her to tell the truth and cover it up.Sister Rong realized that Gu Qiong was in trouble with her personal problems, so she partnered with Qi Hao in this play.

Who is Gu Qiong, the daughter of the head of the organization department of the provincial ruling party, it’s not a joke to act for the head of the organization’s daughter, and it’s not a joke. Sister Rong asked Qi Hao if he wanted to meet and find a way out, and Qi Hao replied, did he? The only way to retreat is to continue acting like this. You can't let the girl marry someone she doesn't love!

Sister Rong was speechless, but she turned her heart to Qi Hao, and said that her sister felt that it was not worthwhile for the eldest brother to offend the head of the provincial party organization because of this incident.Qi Hao said sincerely, when one does things alone, one cannot count the gains and losses of everything.

After hearing what Qi Hao said, Sister Rong knew that Qi Hao would not change her ways, so she dedicated herself to covering for Qi Hao and Gu Qiong.

There were only mother and daughter in the room, and the mother asked her daughter with a straight face, "What does it matter to Qihao?" (To be continued...)

ps: Shangdu VIP recommended it. Starting from Monday, there will be four chapters per day this week. Please give monthly tickets, recommendations, comments, rewards, and praises to all book friends, thank you!

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