Official ladder

Chapter 482 Rebuking Superstition

At [-] o'clock in the morning on June [-], eight small cars and one police car drove out from the gate of the fourth team. The police car cleared the way. Not the director of the National People's Congress or the chairman of the CPPCC Standing Committee of the county's ruling party, the eight people were in eight cars each, and Wang Zhicai was in a police car as a guard.

The car drove to the junction of Jiahe County in a mighty way, turned the front of the car, and parked in a long queue by the side of the road according to the order of the documents.

Get out of the car, adjust your clothes, and greet the leaders. Personal image is very important. The superior leaders see what the subordinates see first.

Traffic control has already been implemented on the road. There are no vehicles coming and going, and the road is quiet. The biggest advantage is that you will not eat dust when you meet leading comrades on the road.

Everyone stood by the car for a while, and there were still more than ten minutes before the time when the inspection leaders were notified to arrive at their homes and county boundaries. Several leading comrades gathered in front of Secretary Chen's car. [

Secretary Chen's No. [-] car was placed in the first place. County Magistrate Liu walked over, and several other leading comrades also walked over. Externally, the atmosphere of unity and harmony of the ruling party is still necessary. This is a glorious tradition, and the family and the county will never be lost. no.

This group must be fought, and the provincial and municipal leaders must first see the political situation in which the four major groups of Jiahe County are unified in thinking and in step.

When everyone gets together to talk, you can talk about anything at this time, and jokes are the most fashionable way of speaking.

The jokes are divided into pornographic ones and plain ones, and because of Gu Qiong, no one dares to tell the pornographic ones.Of course, if Gu Qiong didn't have a father who is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Ruling Party and Minister of Organization, everyone would say the same.Speak more vigorously.Playing a lady picture is primitive and wild, raising a mistress is about sentimentality, and harassing a female leader is another flavor, but no one dares to harass Gu Qiong, so I give you a hundred courage!

Plain jokes are generally political jokes. Minister Xu told a story about several heads of state and government sitting in a plane. When the heads of state and government were in danger, each of them said a sentence when they parachuted.Everyone's ears are callused when they hear this joke, and they can't arouse laughter.

Director Wu also told a story about the dialogue between the living and the dead.It means that in the face of complex and changeable domestic and foreign situations, the living ask the dead for advice.The dead man's face darkened when he heard this, and he said that such a trivial matter can't be handled, so you come in.I am going out!The living hear the dead calling in.I turned around and ran away in fright. I went in, paralyzed, and I wouldn’t want to go in if I lived another 500 years!Everyone was tired of listening to this joke, and there was no reaction. Director Wu had a embarrassed look on his face.

There was another reason why the joke didn't resonate with everyone. Secretary Chen's face was so gloomy that no one knew.He listened to Aunt Xi's words last night and didn't blink his eyes all night, you said.Why isn't his face gloomy?

The face of the first brother at all levels and departments is very important. The first brother’s face is sunny, so everyone follows the sunshine, the first brother’s face is gloomy, and everyone’s face is gloomy. You have to be consistent with brother one!

Everyone saw that Secretary Chen was sullen and silent, and everyone lost the mood to speak.

Secretary Chen suddenly spoke, and said to Minister Xu of the Propaganda Department: "I heard that there is a big construction and construction of a temple on Yuquan Mountain?"

Minister Xu was stunned for a moment, and everyone present was stunned. They all knew that Boss Ou was tossing about this matter. Boss Ou was supported by Qi Hao. To put it bluntly, everything that Boss Ou wants to do has Qi Hao's shadow. Secretary Chen asked What do you mean by this?

Minister Xu is a member of the Standing Committee of the county's ruling party and the head of propaganda. He is in charge of ideology. Of course Secretary Chen wants to ask him, and he has to answer. Read it in full."

Secretary Chen said dissatisfied: "Since I heard about it, I should hurry up and confirm it."

Minister Xu said, "Yes."

Secretary Chen said: "We are Karnishists, and we don't believe in feudal superstition. Now some people are spreading feudal superstition with great fanfare. How can Karnishists sit idly by? The construction of temples must be approved by the Religious Affairs Committee above the provincial level. This is a matter of principle. , Big things and big non-problems, and allow individual people to do whatever they want!"

There was no one to answer, and there was no way to answer. To answer was tantamount to siding with Secretary Chen. Of course, no one objected. Objecting would strip Secretary Chen of face!Generally, no one is willing to do the thing of stripping Secretary Chen's face.The doctrine of the mean is the quintessence of the country. If you want to be a leader in China, no matter what level of leader you are, you must get a certificate of passing the examination of the doctrine of the mean before you can start your career!

In fact, everyone has a bowl of water in their hearts. What is religion and what is superstition?

Secretary Chen went on to say: "While we are developing the economy, we must be clear-headed. When the economy goes up, the dross will never be allowed to rise! All the people present are members of the Standing Committee. In response to the recent incidents in society that are contrary to Kerninism , conduct a serious investigation, and hold a standing committee discussion next time! My opinion is, do not do anything that has not been approved by the above, and everything that conflicts with Kerninism must be discarded!"

Hey, how come there are two Fan Shi factions born in Jiahe County! [

County Magistrate Liu glanced at Gu Qiong, and Gu Qiong nodded imperceptibly, as a response of understanding.

Sirens sounded in the distance, and the provincial and municipal leaders came. The leaders headed by Secretary Chen immediately stood in a row by the side of the road. Before the motorcade arrived, Secretary Chen took the lead and clapped his hands.

The police car cleared the way, and then a minibus sped up, followed by a string of shiny black domineering cars.

The minibus stopped, the door opened, and Secretary Yang of the Municipal Party Committee got down immediately.

Yang Shu stood by the door, stretched out his hands as if to support him, and waited for Minister Gu, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Ruling Party and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, to show up.

Standing in a row beside the highway, led by Secretary Chen, the leaders of the four major county teams clapped their hands more happily.

In about six or seven seconds, Minister Gu appeared in front of the car door. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, his face was full of red, and he was elegant. He waved to the leaders of the county's four major groups standing in a row by the road, and glanced over the leaders of the four major groups. A friendly, considerate and satisfied smile appeared on his face.

In about five or six seconds, Minister Gu got out of the car, stepped up to Secretary Chen, smiled and extended his hand to Secretary Chen.

Secretary Chen hurriedly bowed and held Minister Gu's hand with both hands: "Hello, Minister Gu, welcome to visit your home and county to guide the work!"

Secretary Yang introduced: "The ruling party secretary of Jiahe County, Comrade Chen Defang."

Minister Gu let go of his hand: "Thank you!"

Secretary Chen smiled all over his face: "No hard work, no hard work, Minister Gu has worked hard!"

Minister Gu turned his face to County Magistrate Liu, walked towards County Magistrate Liu and stretched out his hand. It was obvious that Secretary Chen was treated coldly. (to be continued..)

ps: Going to the city vp, starting from Monday, there will be four chapters a day this week, please give monthly tickets, comments, rewards, and praises to all book friends, thank you!

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