Official ladder

Chapter 484 Inspecting the Hospital

"Well said!" Minister Gu looked at the party school which was still a construction site, "Looking at the world today, there are countless heroes who come from universities, universities, the cradle of heroes!"

Secretary Yang clapped his hands, and the inspecting crowd suddenly burst into applause!

Minister Gu faced the party school under construction: "The party school is a university, a university of Karnishism, a university that researches, teaches, and disseminates Karnishism and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics! The president of the party school is the president of the university and an expert in Karnishism , the disseminator of frontier theories of socialism, and also the practitioner of Kerninism and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics! Therefore, the Party School is the most avant-garde and most prestigious university in the world today!"

The inspecting crowd burst into thunderous applause again.

Minister Gu raised his voice: "Party school, the cradle of heroes! Heroes come forth in large numbers!"

The applause lasted for a long time.

Thinking about it, Minister Gu's words are absolutely correct. Those who rule the fate of Huaxia Kingdom have never been to the party school. The talents trained and educated by the party school are [-]% in charge of Huaxia Kingdom. There is no university in the world that can do this. One point, the principal of the party school should also be the most prestigious principal, with so many students, heroes, and even the party school!

Minister Gu said: "Running the party schools well is the most important task of the ruling parties at all levels. Even the party schools cannot be run well, so how can we talk about the cultivation and education of talents! Doing a good job in the basic construction of the party schools is the most important task for the ruling parties at all levels in the future. One of the most important tasks, I firmly believe that what Jiahe County can do, other counties and cities must be able to do it!"

The convoy left the party school and went straight to the hospital, and the colorful flags were fluttering on the top of the hospital building.The building is freshly painted. In front of the building, there are large slogans fixed in red characters on a white background, each character is 0 square meters. There is a row of trees on the wall of the second floor in front of the building.Highlight bright colors.

"Establish the image of the hospital, inherit excellence, and the reputation of the hospital is the life of medical workers"

It was a temporary slogan on the day of County Magistrate Liu's inspection, but now it is a fixed slogan. It can be seen that the slogan is the policy and purpose of the hospital.

Pay attention to see that the content of the slogan has changed.

"Reshape the image of the hospital. Inheritance and excellence, the reputation of the hospital is more important than the lives of medical workers!"

"Reshape" was changed to "build", and "heavier than" was changed to "yes".This is more up-to-date.

Minister Gu came to the hospital, Xiao Zhang led the leadership team to stand in front of the hospital gate, Secretary Chen introduced to Minister Gu, the dean.Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu.Minister Gu frowned. Anyway, he felt that calling Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu was a bit indescribable.

Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu is really too tender and young to be used as a vase, but calling comrades has a kind of compulsion to make the mainstay comrades who are five or sixty years old, four or fifty years old, or three or fourty years old, lower their bodies and pretend to be little people, for Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu It's like a rumor.

The image gap with the entire leadership is too large. Although the cadres are required to be younger, it still seems not to be the top leader!

Minister Gu thought to himself.Girl, it's really you.You dare to be promoted for the sake of Qi Hao, a little girl, aren't you spoiling the boy too much!

However, Minister Gu knew the truth in his heart. He heard the girl tell the story of what happened in the hospital. The current changes in the hospital are obvious to all. The essence of supporting Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu is to support juniors like Qi Hao and Gu Qiong!

Minister Gu held Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu's hand, the small hand was warm and tender, holding it like a piece of top-quality Hetian jade, giving people the feeling of being unable to put it down.

Minister Gu looked at Zhang Xiaoyu's pretty face: "How old is it?"

Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu replied: "23 years old."

Suddenly, an ambulance came with flashing blue lights and sirens. Minister Gu and Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu stopped talking and got out of the way. The ambulance drove into the hospital gate like lightning and stopped in front of the inpatient department building.Before it came to a complete stop, several doctors and nurses pushed the bed trolley to the rear of the ambulance. The rear door was lifted, and the stretcher carrying the patient was pulled out from the car and placed on the bed trolley. The gate of the ministry building!

Everyone witnessed this process, which was both tense and orderly, without any false elements.

Who knew that Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu held a drill in front of Minister Gu and all the provincial, city, and county leaders. The doctors and nurses were real, and the patients were disguised as hospital boiler workers.

The parking place is a large courtyard. The outpatient building in front and the inpatient building are on three sides. All the windows of the inpatient building are open, and people stick their heads out of almost all the windows to watch the situation in the courtyard. The lively atmosphere of the taste.

There are so many people in the hospital, good things or bad things, things are often contradictory.

Minister Gu looked at Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu with a smile, and tried to make his face appear kind and amiable, as if he was afraid that he would scare Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu by accident: "How long have you been the dean?"

Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu replied: "It's almost a week!"

"Almost a week?" Seven days a week, Minister Gu said humorously, "Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu's working time is as young as you!"

Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu smiled sweetly. She was a very young girl, like a little girl next door.

Minister Xu walked over: "Minister Gu, Comrade Xiao Zhang Xiaoyu is the candidate recommended by the patient for the head of the organization!"

"Is there such a thing?" Minister Gu expressed interest.

Minister Xu briefly reported that Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu rescued patients twice at critical moments, and was well received by patients. The patients recommended it to the organization. In order to be cautious, the organization asked Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu to preside over the overall work of the hospital for a period of time. After inspection by the Organization Department, the county ruling party Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu was formally appointed as the dean after the Standing Committee made a deliberation and decision.

County Magistrate Liu added: "After Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu presided over the work of the hospital, he first rectified the discipline, and then absorbed the source of the disease. When Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu took over the work of the hospital, the doctors and nurses received 60.00% of the salary for eight consecutive months, let alone bonuses. Yes. Now, the hospital has repaid eight months’ wages, and the doctors and nurses not only received full wages, but also received high bonuses!”

Minister Gu pondered for a moment, and said: "Just now, Minister Xu and County Magistrate Liu introduced Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu's situation before and after he became the dean. I personally feel that there are both accidental opportunities and inevitable results. Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu met the situation, and the inevitable result is that there are still many people who met the opportunity at the same time as Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu, but they did not seize the opportunity due to various reasons. As a result, Comrade Zhang Xiaoyu had no competitors Take it back to yourself, so the relationship between chance and necessity I mentioned lies here! However, the organization is very important in this process, which requires our organization ministers and the Standing Committee of the ruling party to discover the coincidence and necessity, and decisively put them in Excellent talents emerging at critical moments are sent to leadership positions, Secretary Yang, Secretary Chen, I don’t know if my point of view is correct?”

Secretary Yang and Secretary Chen immediately said that Minister Gu's point of view is too correct, the truth!

Everyone left the hospital, and the motorcade galloped towards Yuquan Town. (To be continued..)

ps: Shangdu VIP recommended it. Starting from Monday, there will be four chapters per day this week. Please give monthly tickets, recommendations, comments, rewards, and praises to all book friends, thank you!

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