Official ladder

Chapter 486 Reviewing the Troops

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The big trucks honked their horns at the same time, and the sound resounded through the wilderness, exciting!

The big truck started the engine at the same time, and the sound was deep and deep, like a howling wind, like thunder from the distant sky, and in an instant, the mountains and fields were full of wind and rain!

"We Workers Have Power" is sung, the music is majestic and powerful, and the sonorous melody echoes in the valley, making people feel that human power is everywhere, even in barren mountains and wild mountains!

The small convoy moved forward slowly. Minister Gu sat in the minibus and drove past one big truck after another. The two drivers in front of each big truck saluted the minibus until the minibus passed by. The next big truck just finished.

Minister Gu became a general unknowingly, and the passion also unknowingly rose!

"Hello, comrades!"

"Hello, Chief!"

"Comrades have worked hard!"

"Serve the people!"

The scene of the top leaders of the ruling party, the country, and the army reviewing the convoy appeared in Minister Gu's mind.

One is in the city, the other is in the mountains, their common characteristics reflect their strength!

Minister Gu said with satisfaction in his heart, the kid showed his strength in this way, no wonder the girl ignored Qi Hao's disciple and promised her with her body!

Gu Qiong was sitting in the accompanying car, and she was also stunned by Qi Hao's ostentation.

Gu Qiong asked Qi Hao how Qi Hao received the inspection from the Standing Committee of the Provincial Ruling Party and the Minister of Organization, but Qi Hao avoided answering, but still said to Gu Qiong with a strange expression that the girl's father is here.You have to be satisfied no matter what.

Seeing the scene, Gu Qiong knew that her father must be satisfied.

Even if this method is a show, it must have strength.Without those big trucks and so much coal to be transported out, what kind of show are you doing!

Gu Qiong couldn't help worrying, the more Qi Hao made her parents like her, the more difficult it would be to deal with the consequences. She was born at the wrong time, so she was doomed not to be Qi Hao's wife, and for a while she made Qi Hao fake and shoddy.Isn't this cheating Qihao?The matter will finally be revealed, how Lin Xiaoxia treats this matter, and how her parents treat Qi Hao.Whether Uncle Lin and Aunt Ying will ruin their marriage, anything can happen!

However, Qi Hao was trying his best to play his role well, and he didn't think about falling into a trap that was hard to break out of.Everyone knows.To annoy senior officials, the current system marks the end of political life for a person born in a poor family, even if you have the ability to descend to heaven!

Gu Qiong felt like drifting with the current and unable to control herself.

In about 10 minutes, the convoy circled the coal storage yard and stopped in front of the temporary inspection booth. Qi Hao got out of the car quickly and ran to the front of the minibus.Stand at attention.

The door of the minibus opened, and it wasn't Secretary Yang who got out of the bus first this time.Instead, Minister Gu stood in front of the car door, looking at Qi Hao and smiling.

Qi Hao stepped forward: "Minister Gu is welcome to inspect the work of Yuquan Town. On behalf of the ruling party and government of Yuquan Town, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Minister Gu for his inspection!"

"The scene is not bad, it looks like you are doing economic work!" Minister Gu got out of the car and said, looking back at Secretary Yang, "Isn't it, Secretary Yang!"

Secretary Yang hurriedly said: "In the past two years, Yuquan Town has made some achievements under the direct leadership of the Provincial Party Organization Department..."

"Secretary Yang's words are inappropriate," Minister Gu interrupted Secretary Yang, "The Organization Department of the Provincial Ruling Party sent you a transfer student a few years ago. The direct leadership is the municipal ruling party, the city government, and the county ruling party and county government. The results are yours, no one can take them away!"

Secretary Yang hurriedly said: "Thank you Minister Gu for affirming the work of the ruling parties and governments at all levels in Sanjiang City."

Qi Hao smirked and said to Minister Gu, "Minister Gu, a hundred cars are waiting to go to Guangzhou, please give me an order!"

Minister Gu focused his eyes on the large truck full of raw coal ready to be dispatched. Under Qi Hao's guidance, he walked to the reviewing stand, boarded the reviewing stand, and pointed his mouth at the microphone.

What to say, how should I say it?This is not a speech to cadres, not a speech to model workers, not a speech to moral models, not a speech to retired veteran comrades... Minister Gu knows in his heart that the official language is not suitable for such a grand occasion.

At this moment, the scene of the military parade in Baishi's Grand Square appeared in front of Minister Gu's eyes, and a voice that shook the world rang in his ears.

"Hello, comrades!"

"Hello, Chief!"

"Comrades have worked hard!"

"Serve the people!"

This is the strongest voice of the era, shaking the heavens and the earth, any long-winded speech will be nothing in front of such a voice!

"Comrades, let's go!"

The sound is transmitted to the tweeter through the microphone, shaking the sky!

"Respect the command of the chief, let's go!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

If you are careful, you will not be surprised. At the beginning, there were nine rings, and now there are five rings. The ninety-five rings can be explained by mere coincidence.

The good thing is that the ruling party believes in Kerninism, and the feudal dynasty's thinking is hectic, and no one pays attention to it.

The first large truck rumbled past the reviewing stand, and Minister Gu suddenly gave a military salute. His military salute was solemn and standard, which was unexpected by everyone!

passion!This is passion!The most real and noble emotional part of the human body, Minister Gu is integrated with the grand scene!

Qi Hao didn't expect it either, he only thought about Minister Gu issuing the departure order, stepping off the inspection stand, and inspecting to enter the next procedure.

No one expected Minister Gu to salute, and even a military salute!Although the military salute gave Minister Gu a nondescript suit and leather shoes, but it is undeniable that Minister Gu's solemn expression has made the clothes less important, and the important thing is bearing and spirit!

Qi Hao followed with a marching salute.

Secretary Yang was under the reviewing platform, and after a little panic, he also gave a military salute.

Secretary Yang gave the military salute, and everyone present, whether they were people or ghosts, hurriedly saluted the large coal truck that rumbled past the reviewing stand.

Large trucks loaded with raw coal rumbled past the reviewing stand one after another, with incomparable momentum. In contrast, so many men and women with different postures in the military salute seemed a bit grotesque.

Minister Gu held the military salute for about half an hour until he sent off the last coal truck.

Standing on the reviewing platform, Minister Gu stood tall and motionless, which shows that the strength of the spirit is huge.

Qi Hao took a peek at Minister Gu, saw him put on a dignified and mighty look, and thought that he was his fake son-in-law, and vice versa, Minister Gu should also be his fake husband-in-law, he couldn't help but smile secretly, and the two fake and fake sons-in-law cooperated. tacit agreement!

After sending off the last coal truck, Minister Gu waved to the coal truck with an unsatisfactory expression on his face.

Minister Gu stepped down from the inspection stand, Qi Hao hurried forward, called Ou Haicheng over, and introduced Ou Haicheng to Minister Gu.

Minister Gu stretched out his hand to hold Ou Haicheng's hand: "Big generosity, boldness, and the appearance of doing business!" (To be continued...)

ps: Shangdu VIP recommended it. Starting from Monday, there will be four chapters per day this week. Please give monthly tickets, recommendations, comments, rewards, and praises to all book friends, thank you!

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