Official ladder

Chapter 495 Happy World

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Husband and wife worship each other!"

An old couple worshiped each other in front of Minister Gu. Minister Gu smiled brightly. He has inspected many places, and today's inspections are overwhelming. The feeling of happiness is simply incomparable.

"Send it to the bridal chamber!" Qi Hao sang loudly.

The old bachelor, big red silk, leads the bride and walks to his new house. People surround the bride and groom, and the firecrackers are crackling and cheering!

The dragon is coming!

The lion is coming!

Firecrackers exploded, dragons danced, lions danced, Fenghuang New Village boiled, and turned into an exciting world of joy!

The old bachelor got married, and the episode happened during Minister Gu's inspection. No one expected that what happened in this accident became the highlight of Minister Gu's inspection. Everyone in the county was very happy except Secretary Chen!

It's time to sit!

It's time to sit!A man beat the gong and shouted while running on the street, his voice was passionate and festive.

It's time to sit!

It's time to sit!

Seats are open!

Everyone rejoice!

The banquet was held on the street, the whole street was steaming, and the delicious food was all over the street!

Xiong Yanmei announced loudly: "Leaders from provinces, cities, and counties are invited to attend!"

People gathered around Minister Gu, Secretary Yang and all leading comrades to sit happily.

boom!boom!boom!boom!boom!boom!Six rings of the iron gun marked the opening of the banquet!

What a grand, grand banquet!

Xiong Yanmei boarded a temporary stand with an electric horn in her hand, holding her wine glass high with one hand.Holding an electric horn in one hand: "Today, Fenghuang Village collectively moved to the new village. On this beautiful day, on behalf of the town's ruling party and the town government, I wish all the villagers a happy life, a successful career, and all wishes come true. , have a good day, cheers!"

Everyone raised their glasses and shouted loudly: "Smooth wind! Good day every day! Cheers!"

Everyone put their faces up and drank it all!

"Today is a good day" sang, the female singer's voice was sweet and beautiful, and everything she sang was a good day.What's more, all the villagers in Fenghuang New Village are now heading for a better life!

Xiong Yanmei raised her cup again and said loudly: "On this beautiful day, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Ruling Party and Minister Gu of the Organization Department! Secretary Yang of the Municipal Party! Secretary Chen of the County Party! Congratulations on the joy of our housewarming in Fenghuang New Village. Please stand up to all the villagers of Fenghuang New Village!"

Crash!Everyone stood up, not only the villagers of Fenghuang New Village, but all the guests invited by Fenghuang New Village also stood up, men, women, old and young raised their wine glasses!

Xiong Yanmei said loudly: "Without the leaders of the province, city, and county to develop the economy, there would be no birth of Fenghuang New Village! Without the birth of Fenghuang New Village, there would be no good days we hope for! This glass of wine is thanks to the ruling party and Minister Gu for creating A beautiful, sweet, and promising day!"

The villagers stood up one after another, raised their glasses to the four-long table where Minister Gu and other leading comrades were sitting: "Thank you to the ruling party! Thank you, Minister Gu!"

The old bachelor couple entered the table, and both of them ran to Minister Gu's table. They held the wine glasses in their hands and raised them above their heads, shouting loudly: "Without the noble man, there would be no husband and wife. Toast to the noble man!"

Minister Gu stood up, he didn't drink alcohol.At this time, I also picked up the glass, clinked glasses with the old bachelor couple, and drank it all with my face up!His heart is filled with the passion of being loved by the people!

Arranged according to the rank of the position, Qi Hao is not qualified to sit next to Minister Gu, and Minister Gu greeted him, and Qi Hao sat next to Minister Gu.

Minister Gu drank a toast and asked in a low voice, "Are there really ten thousand people?"

Qi Hao told the truth: "No, there are a little more than 4000 people, and it is said that ten thousand people are celebrating!"

Minister Gu's voice was even lower: "I'm leaving soon, and your Aunt Xi will be staying for a few days."

The father-in-law explained things to the son-in-law, but unfortunately there is no fate for the son-in-law, Qi Hao said: "I will definitely take good care of Aunt Xi."

Minister Gu said: "Work hard, don't worry about other things, and don't ask about them."

Qi Hao whispered, "Yes, Uncle Gu."

After the bridegroom couple toasted and left, the villagers came to toast one after another, and there was a long queue for a while!

As long as we do things for the people seriously, the people will respect our leading cadres. Minister Gu is happy to receive a toast.

No one knows the secret, only Qi Hao knows, the common people don't care about your leadership comrades, they only know that Elder Yuquan said that when you move to a house, you are happy to meet a noble person, Minister Gu is a noble person, respecting a noble person is like worshiping a Bodhisattva, and can protect your family from being promoted and making a fortune No disease!

Qi Hao can't tell this secret, even Gu Qiong can't tell it, if he tells it, it will ruin Minister Gu's good memories of his life.

Minister Gu had a hard time eating this meal, and in the end Qihao had to get up and try to persuade the villagers who were toasting to go back. It's really interesting to see how pious the villagers are.

Minister Gu and his party left, and the provincial and city leaders had no homes or county residences, and returned to the city.

The county leaders sent off the provincial and city leaders, went home to rest, and accompanied the leaders to inspect, which was very tiring.

Gu Qiong and Qi Hao sent away the leaders and hurried to the garden villa.

It was past eight o'clock in the evening, and Sister Rong had just returned from a walk with Aunt Xi.

"Mom!" Gu Qiong saw her mother rushing towards her like a baby bird.

"Girl, you still know mom!" The mother twisted her face, it was obvious that she was pretending.

Qi Hao said: "Aunt Xi wronged Minister Gu, Minister Gu and Minister Gu..."

"Minister Gu, Minister Gu!" Gu Qiong interrupted Qi Hao, "Aren't you tired!"

Qi Hao chuckled: "Aunt Xi, Minister Gu hasn't been near Uncle Gu for a whole day!"

Gu Qiong started to play in front of her mother: "Dad too, stand far away, the girl can't get through it!"

Qi Hao joked: "It's not that the girl who stands far away from Dad can't get through, it's the girl who stands far away, so Dad can't come in front of the girl!"

"You!" Gu Qiong stared at Qi Hao with hatred in her eyes, she understood that Qi Hao was taking advantage of her.

"Girl, why are you losing your temper?" Aunt Xi looked at Gu Qiong lovingly.

Gu Qiong looked at Qi Hao, Qi Hao was not in Aunt Xi's sight, and made a face at Gu Qiong, Gu Qiong couldn't help laughing: "You are proud!"

Aunt Xi laughed and said, "You don't look like deputy department-level leading cadres, you're just a pair of ignorant young people!"

Sister Rong walked into the house and asked for supper.

Only then did Qi Hao feel hungry, and he said, "Sister Rong, supper is too timely!"

Gu Qiong also said: "I want to eat too?"

Sister Rong said: "Mom knows that you can't get enough to accompany the leader, so we just deal with it at night and wait for you to come back to eat."

Sister Rong led the way, Qi Hao and Gu Qiong surrounded Aunt Xi to the restaurant.

There were only four of them, Sister Rong prepared white wine and red wine, Qi Hao drank white wine, and the three ladies drank red wine, drank, ate vegetables and talked, there were no outsiders, and the atmosphere was very affectionate.

Seeing the wine, Gu Qiong said: "Mom, Dad is very happy today. He drank a lot of wine!" (To be continued...)

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