Official ladder

Chapter 498

Gu Qiong and her mother entered the room, they washed up and went to bed, Gu Qiong knew that it was not easy to get away with this matter, her mother was more anxious than anyone else, she must ask about herself and Qi Hao tonight.

Sure enough, just after going to bed, my mother asked, "What does he call Minister Gu?"

Gu Qiong said: "My position is the head of the organization, is it wrong to call me the head?"

Mom stared at Gu Qiong's eyes: "Shouldn't you be more intimate?"

Gu Qiong said: "That kind of disgusting address, ordinary people can open their mouths!"

The mother's face darkened: "What is a layman? When a princess marries, her husband is the relationship between husband and wife!"

Gu Qiong said coquettishly: "Mom, can you not talk about these things!"

Mom pressed her step by step: "According to my observation, you and Qihao haven't entered into that kind of relationship yet!"

Gu Qiong shouted: "Mom, what are you talking about, you are so ashamed!"

Mom said: "Your father inspected Qi Hao very much, and according to my observation, he is also very good. This time I came here to ask you to make a decision. We don't mind his family background, but we must clarify the relationship in front of me!"

Gu Qiong said unhappily: "This is my business, don't allow mother to get involved!"

My mother said domineeringly: "You are 28 years old, if I don't get involved, it will really take a lifetime..."

Mom's eyes were red, and then she shed tears.

Gu Qiong comforted her mother and said: "Mom is too, the girl is not afraid, you are the only one in a hurry!"

The mother had a sad expression: "Tell mom, is he unwilling or the girl is unwilling?"

Lin Xiaoxia has no way out: "We are busy with work, and our minds are not prepared for this."

"Since there is no preparation for Qihao," mother said sternly. "I'll inform the Jin family, girl, prepare for the Jin family and marry the Jin family!"

The old man of the Kim family is the founding father of the country.His son is a member of the Service Bureau and the deputy prime minister of the State Council. As long as such a family in Huaxia Kingdom has the conditions, they would like to marry his family. It can be said that as long as the Gu family marry the Jin family, Minister Gu will be the governor of the province and the governor of the province. Party secretary is a matter of time.

"I disagree!" Gu Qiong stood up.

Mother hardened her heart and said: "I don't care if you agree or not, it's my wish to transfer you to Baishi!"

Gu Qiong cried: "That's a wolf's den and a tiger's mouth, can mom take it easy?"

Mom said: "The Jin family is in a hurry. You don't know the relationship, what can mom do!"

Gu Qiong argued hard: "He has divorced three times in six years, is it possible that my mother just wanted him to abandon me?"

Mom said: "Maybe he has fate for the girl. He is destined to be divorced three times!"

Gu Qiong looked at her mother with a surprised expression: "Mom is betting on the girl's happiness!"

The mother refused to give an inch and said, "Who told you that the matter between you and Qihao is unclear!"

Gu Qiong said: "It's a fact that Qi Hao and I are close, but friends can't replace love. If it can develop into love, it will happen naturally!" The mother said angrily: "I only know that women should marry and have children when they reach the age , What is happiness? Happiness is having a husband, children, and in-laws at the right time! You don’t want the Jin family’s happiness for you, and you don’t fight for Qihao’s happiness. I think you are a golden branch and jade leaf, and I tell you that in two years you will be a wilting cabbage that no one wants. Already!"

The mother stiffened her body, her face was wringed!


"Tomorrow, no matter what, I'm going to tell Qi Hao about this. If he doesn't have a clear attitude, I'll go back and tell your father. Ask the Jin family to transfer you to Baishi!"


The mother fell down on the bed and turned her back to Gu Qiong.

Gu Qiong lay down next to her mother and pushed her with her hands. Seeing that her mother ignored her, she closed her eyes with tears welling up in her eyes.

Gu Qiong's mind was completely messed up, she didn't know what happened the first time she came into contact with Qi Hao, Qi Hao's figure kept flashing in her mind, Qi Hao's wisdom, character, magnanimity, and appearance were deeply integrated into her heart.

Gu Qiong has seen many young and promising men. When he was studying in university, in the place where dragons and phoenixes gathered, who was not a prince charming? There are colleagues, and sons from the father's generation, and the men who want to get close to her have to measure themselves first, and only when they are convinced that they are excellent can they throw an olive branch to her. However, even she feels sad that there is no one she can look up to !

After getting in touch with Qi Hao, Gu Qiong knew that Qi Hao was Lin Xiaoxia's lover, and her father was close to Lin Xiaoxia's father. She was a member of the inner circle, and she was five years older than Lin Xiaoxia. girlfriend.

Gu Qiong knew in her heart that the matter between herself and Qihao was doomed to be fruitless, but unfortunately, she made a decision that even she couldn't believe, she asked to transfer family and county work, with only one purpose, to get closer to Qihao.

When Gu Qiong approached Qihao, she felt like she was stealing when Lin Xiaoxia was not around Qihao. She also felt sorry for Lin Xiaoxia and Lin Xiaoxia's parents, but she had to do this because she couldn't control her curiosity about Qihao. The daughter of the deputy secretary of the party actually fell in love with Qi Hao who was born in poverty. What is the reason?

With the pursuit of the Jin family and the pressure from her mother, Gu Qiong felt that she was overwhelmed. She thought of Qi Hao, and decisively decided to let Qi Hao, who had gone to the province to rest, go to her home. Guess Qi Hao is his lover.

Sure enough, Qi Hao went to his home. His mother agreed at first sight, but his father didn't raise any objection. What Gu Qiong thought was to play hide-and-seek for her mother in this way and drag things down. In front of the fake and shoddy son-in-law who pushed him in front of his parents, Qi Hao saw through his tricks right then.

Qi Hao made a phone call on the way home to Hexian to expose Gu Qiong's tricks. Gu Qiong admitted, not only admitting, but also asking Qi Hao to continue to be a fake and shoddy son-in-law.

Gu Qiong knew in her heart that Qi Hao would not agree to her own request to be a lover, and Qi Hao would not refuse even if she asked Qi Hao to bear the pressure for her, because she could tell that Qi Hao liked her very much. elder sister!

Gu Qiong could tell from Qihao's words, eyes, and when he was making fun of her that he liked herself!

Like herself but can't become a lover, let alone a wife, this is Gu Qiong's saddest thing. She also thought of breaking Qi Hao, but she clearly felt that he and Qi Hao are already connected by flesh and blood, and a clean break is no longer possible!

Gu Qiong didn't know what ending she would give Qi Hao, but she made up her mind to be the woman next to Qi Hao.

No one knew that the relationship between Gu Qiong and Qi Hao was in such a position. Gu Qiong knew in her heart that Qi Hao would not agree to this position if she knew it, and her mother would not be pissed off if she knew this position!But who understands Gu Qiong, why is she positioned like this!

Gu Qiong was sleeping on the bed with her back to her mother and sighed. (To be continued..)

ps: Shangdu VIP recommended it. Starting from Monday, there will be four chapters per day this week. Please give monthly tickets, recommendations, comments, rewards, and praises to all book friends, thank you!

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