Official ladder

Chapter 515 Heaven's Secret

Secretary Yang looked at Comrade Chen Defang and said, "Thank you" for getting your wife to be polite and civilized. He deserves to be a good comrade who benefits himself and others and does not cause trouble!

Comrade Chen Defang walked out of Secretary Yang's office, and the word "thank you" was equivalent to telling Secretary Yang that if you want my wife, please feel free!Comrade De Fang has his own opinions. Since things happen and their nature is determined, why do we still have to worry about one more time and one less time?To be human, you have to make things clear, so that the rewards come in a safe and timely manner. Life is short, if you are young and do not use your strength, it will be sad when you grow old!

I won’t talk about the later things. Secretary Yang, Chen Defang, and Yang Qiuju cooperated with each other tacitly. Secretary Yang invites you to eat as you like. Yang Qiuju was promoted to the deputy director of the Cultural Bureau. Secretary of the ruling party of Jiahe County.

Recalling the past and facing the reality squarely, Comrade Chen Defang was already the secretary of the county's ruling party, and Secretary Yang severed ties with Yang Qiuju after being appointed as the head of the ruling party organization in Sanjiang City.More than ten years have passed, and Yang Qiuju is already in her 40s. Although her mistress still has charm, Secretary Yang is the secretary of the ruling party in the city. With the promotion of status and changes in ideas, Secretary Yang wants to find someone in her twenties It is not difficult for a beautiful little girl, and the relationship between the three can only be remembered as a past event.

Secretary Yang took the initiative to recall the past, which hit Secretary Chen's heart. Comrade De Fang was in a critical period, so he had to ask Yang Shu to remember the past and talk about resolving problems in the present.

Secretary Chen said: "At that time, Secretary Yang called me and Qiu Ju Xiao Chen and Xiao Yang, which sounded really intimate."

"Really?" Secretary Yang looked at Secretary Chen with a smile, "I said that at that time. Xiao Chen can take on a big job, and he later became the secretary of the ruling party of Jiahe County!"

"In retrospect, every progress made by Qiu Ju and I was the result of Secretary Yang's care, attention, and careful training and education!" Secretary Chen felt sad when he spoke, and now mentioning his wife can only be talked about sweetly, not as dry goods Sending Secretary Yang, even if sending, people don't want it, "for fear that the beauty will be late."Only at this time did he deeply understand the profound meaning of Qu Yuan's poems.

"Not necessarily!" Secretary Yang said, "This is inseparable from the hard work of your husband and wife!"

Secretary Chen scolded in his heart, now he knows that we are husband and wife.Why didn't Yang Qiuju treat me as her man back then?He said: "As Secretary Yang said, after all these years of hard work, I did not expect the unstable factors to come out!"

"Is there such a thing?" Secretary Yang looked at Secretary Chen.

Secretary Chen recalled his expression: "The unstable factors were concentrated in the past two years, and the spearhead was directly aimed at me. It is worth noting that every event that happens is a sensation and directly involves me. Isn't there a problem?"

Secretary Yang was sullen and silent.

"My work in these years is obvious to all, especially the stable work of Jiahe County. Under the personal leadership of Secretary Yang, I have made remarkable achievements. I have been the secretary of the ruling party in Jiahe County for several years. I can say this. Nothing big or small has happened! It’s not working now, it seems that big things happen often. Everyone’s nerves are so tense, I don’t know when the volcano will erupt, and the ground under our feet will have an earthquake!”

Secretary Yang avoided Secretary Chen's gaze: "I also understand this situation."

Secretary Chen said: "Yes, the economy of Jiahe County has developed in the past two years. In addition to the correct leadership of the county's ruling party, Comrade Qi Hao has personally played some roles, but Comrade Qi Hao can't slander others just because he has some political achievements. !"

Secretary Yang thought to himself, with the current situation, who told you that you are ignorant of current affairs and make things difficult for Qi Hao?Those who know the current affairs are heroes. I used your wife in those years, and you are the secretary of the county's ruling party because of your knowledge of current affairs.Now you are entangled with Qi Hao, ignorant of current affairs, and anyone who is ignorant of current affairs will be abandoned and eliminated by history!

Secretary Yang knew about Secretary Chen's affairs, the bribery of 30 yuan in the office building, the hospital, the Fenghuang New Village project, the buying and selling of officials, and the unscrupulous reselling of land by his wife and uncle. Everything was there. Secretary Yang said in his heart, you don't thank me Keeping embarrassing things for you, but acting like a resentful woman in front of me, no matter how ignorant of current affairs, talk about it inside!

Secretary Yang's face became gloomy, and he couldn't wring out water!

Of course, Secretary Chen could see Secretary Yang's expression. Secretary Yang refused to help him, and his face darkened accordingly: "Secretary Yang, Qi Hao is ambitious, forming gangs and creating troubles. Typical unstable factors. With him at home and County, home and county will be difficult to form a harmonious and stable political situation!"

Secretary Yang looked at Secretary Chen contemptuously, and then moved his eyes aside: "I really think that you shouldn't have had conflicts with Comrade Qi Hao in the first place, and you have created the current situation. How should I put it, human mind!"

Secretary Chen looked at Secretary Yang, his bloodshot eyes were bloodshot, his complexion turned black and then blue, his face twitched slightly, and his expression was dull and ferocious.

Secretary Yang has never seen Secretary Chen look like this. What's wrong with this person, he was a little scared, and said: "I will talk about this today, go back and check yourself, right and wrong organizations have their own conclusions!"

Secretary Chen stared straight at Secretary Yang: "From what Secretary Yang said, I'm narrow-minded, right?"

Secretary Yang said angrily: "Is it necessary to fight to the death with a little baby?"

Secretary Chen withdrew his gaze: "I raised your eldest son, but in the end I became narrow-minded!"

"What? What did you say?" Secretary Yang was stunned.

Secretary Chen stood up and walked towards the office door without looking at Secretary Yang.

Secretary Chen has only one son, Chen Pingyang, who is serving his sentence in prison. Secretary Chen has asked him to rescue his son many times. Qiong's father, Minister Gu, greeted him, and with the clear instructions from the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, it was difficult for Secretary Yang to intervene in this matter.

What's going on, Chen Defang let me raise my eldest son?Secretary Yang stared blankly at Secretary Chen's back: "Come back?"

Secretary Chen stopped.

"What are you doing standing there!" Secretary Yang said in a low voice.

Secretary Chen turned around and walked back to the reception area with a stubborn face, neither sitting nor looking at Secretary Yang.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Secretary Yang stared at Secretary Chen.

Son, the continuation of life, clan, and career successors are all Chinese people who regard this matter as a big deal, and Secretary Yang has to attach great importance to it.

Secretary Chen glanced at Secretary Yang and turned his face away: "You never thought about who Chen Pingyang looks like!"

Chen Pingyang is my son?Secretary Yang knew Chen Pingyang. He went to work at the Municipal State Taxation Bureau or he came out to say hello. The incident was so sudden that Secretary Yang couldn't recover and said, "How is that possible?"

Secretary Chen snorted and rolled his eyes at Secretary Yang.

Secretary Yang came back to his senses after a short period of shock, and carefully recalled Li Pingyang's appearance. He looked like Yang Qiuju, not like Secretary Chen.

Cytogenetics, there are fake guarantees.What is true cannot be false, what is false cannot become true.

Secretary Yang stared at Secretary Chen, and Secretary Chen stared at Secretary Yang fiercely, then turned and walked towards the office door, and walked out of the office door.

Secretary Yang looked at the open door of the office, as if he was dumbfounded. (To be continued..)

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