Official ladder

Chapter 550

After listening to Dr. Wang's words, Qi Hao focused his thoughts on finding ways to distract Shu Xiaojuan. He realized that he must cure Shu Xiaojuan's illness. He knew his heart well. If this ruined Shu Xiaojuan's life, he would regret it for the rest of his life. !

Qi Hao recalled the process of contacting Shu Xiaojuan. When Shu Xiaojuan was in junior high school, she was kidnapped and almost had a big accident. He was the one who rescued Shu Xiaojuan at a critical moment.After rescuing Shu Xiaojuan, he thought that he and Shu Xiaojuan would never have any chance to get in touch again. To put it bluntly, one is a junior high school student and the other is the mayor of the government. They live in two completely different circles of life. There is no chance of meeting each other in the trajectory of life, but the two met.

Soon after Qi Hao rescued Shu Xiaojuan, the two met again. Shu Xiaojuan was a junior high school student in Yuquan Middle School. After the incident, Shu Xiaojuan couldn't stay in Yuquan Middle School anymore. Block peeled off.

Shu Xiaojuan loves reading, reading is her life, she can't read well, what should she do?The little girl actually found Qi Hao alone, and asked Qi Hao to help with the matter of studying.

After going through such a big blow, Qihao was still so obsessed with studying, even desperate, Qihao secretly marveled, he agreed to the little girl's request, and also said that he would be responsible for all future tuition and living expenses, including Shu Xiaojuan's going to college in the future. [

The reason why Qi Hao made such a decision was entirely because he was moved by Shu Xiaojuan's spirit of studying. In the following days, Qi Hao continued to help Shu Xiaojuan to study, until he rescued Shu Xiaojuan's mother, met Shu Xiaohai and formed a family.

Meeting Bensheng is a kind of fate.When they met Shu Xiaojuan's mother, who was suffering from a long-term illness and paid for medical treatment, and her brother Shu Xiaohai, who returned home from the army and returned home with strong martial arts, this kind of encounter formed a kind of family-like bond.

Qi Hao knew the process of Shu Xiaojuan being stabbed twice.He also knew the psychological dependence that Shu Xiaojuan had on him, and more importantly, he knew that Shu Xiaojuan would be desperate for her ideology in order to study.

Qi Hao said to Doctor Wang with a confident look, "Doctor Wang, I have a way to distract Shu Xiaojuan."

"Really?" Zhang Xiaoyu and Doctor Wang looked at each other and at Qihao at the same time, "Let's listen to the story!"

Qi Hao told the story of Shu Xiaojuan's study.After talking about her persevering spirit in studying, and about how Shu Xiaojuan's spiritual world has completely integrated into the world of reading these years, he came to a conclusion.The college entrance examination can distract Shu Xiaojuan's nervous attention caused by stabbing!

"This is an excellent way to distract Xiaojuan." Doctor Wang said with a serious expression, "It's just that there are too many people in the examination room, which can easily induce Xiaojuan's condition. Besides, it's inconvenient for the doctor to observe on the spot. Magistrate Qi, It's not easy for Captain Shu to stay at the scene to take care of her, County Chief Qi, is there any other way to distract Xiaojuan?"

Qi Hao said: "According to what I know about Shu Xiaojuan, this is the only way!"

Dr. Wang thought about it for a while, and said, "Can you set up a separate examination room for Xiaojuan, so that the problem will be solved!"

Qi Hao thought about it, that's the only way, he dialed County Magistrate Liu.Zhang Xiaoyu was asked to truthfully tell County Mayor Shu Xiaojuan about her condition, and then answer the phone.He proposed to County Magistrate Liu to set up a separate examination room for Shu Xiaojuan to take the exam and to treat Shu Xiaojuan's condition.

Adding an additional examination room is a big event for the college entrance examination. It must be reported to the higher authorities for approval, and it may not be approved. County Magistrate Liu thought about it and said: "I will make arrangements here to ensure that Shu Xiaojuan can take the exam on time. Did you look up there?"

Qi Hao understood County Magistrate Liu's meaning, and proceeded with two steps at the same time, he said, "Thank you, County Magistrate Liu."

Qi Hao hung up the phone, walked out of the VIP ward and called Lin Xiaoxia, and told about what happened at home and in the county yesterday.

Lin Xiaoxia said: "I listened to the lecture, why didn't you call me immediately after the matter was resolved?"

Qi Hao said: "It's past three o'clock in the evening to rescue the hostages and capture the criminals, I'm afraid it will affect your rest."

Lin Xiaoxia said: "You have become a hostage, and I don't want to worry about others!"

Qi Hao said, "Xiaoxia, I'm sorry."

"Oh!" Lin Buxia sighed, "How can I fall in love with someone who is desperate!"

Qi Hao said: "Xiaoxia, for you, I cherish life more than anything!" [

Lin Xiaoxia said, "Why take risks?"

"Xiaoxia, it's not a risk!" Qi Hao said seriously, "Only in this way can the safety of the hostages be ensured. I will tell you about this in detail when we meet. I have urgent business with you!"

Lin Xiaoxia dissatisfied: "Every time I call, there is something urgent."

Qi Hao hurriedly explained Shu Xiaojuan's condition, then expressed his own thoughts, and also said that County Magistrate Liu was ready and just waited for the approval from above.

Lin Xiaoxia thought about it: "I'll ask the higher-ups about the matter. If I don't get a reply from the higher-ups, proceed according to your arrangement."

Qi Hao said happily: "My wife, thank you!"

Lin Xiaoxia's family was having breakfast, father, mother, and Lin Xiaoxia. Even though Lin Xiaoxia took the phone aside to answer, father and mother still knew who was calling.

Lin Xiaoxia returned to the dining table after making the phone call: "Dad, Qi Hao has something to do."

Governor Lin pretended to be dissatisfied: "If you have something to ask Dad, you can't think of Dad."

Lin Xiaoxia said: "It's really something, Dad!"

Governor Lin asked: "Isn't Qi Hao all right for rescuing hostages and capturing drug lords last night?".

Lin Xiaoxia was surprised and said, "Dad knows about this!"

Governor Lin said: "My daughter's husband was involved in a dangerous hostage exchange, rescued the hostages and captured the drug lord in one fell swoop, doesn't Dad care about such a big thing?"

Lin Xiaoxia smiled: "Didn't Dad blame Qi Hao for being troubled?"

Governor Lin said: "Manly man, do something or not, as long as the calculation is correct, the hostages can be rescued and the criminals caught, and it is right to do something!"

Lin Xiaoxia said: "Dad is just like Qihao, he likes to take risks!"

Governor Lin laughed and said, "Tell Qihao that you are not [-]% sure about similar situations, so you must not do anything!"

Mom answered: "When you two meet, you will definitely get along!"

Governor Lin said to Lin Xiaoxia: "Minister Gu is more concerned about Qihao!"

Mom said: "Lijuan also mentioned Qihao, she seems to know her very well!"

Lin Xiaoxia thought that of course Uncle Gu and Aunt Xi paid attention to Qi Hao, and she said in front of her son-in-law, "Gu Qiong and Qi Hao work in the same county, and they are colleagues. They came home and said good things about Qi Hao. Uncle Gu went home to talk to Qi Hao." The county inspector has a good impression of Qi Hao, and it is normal to pay attention."

Mom said: "They seem to pay different attention to Qi Hao!" [

Governor Lin said: "I also feel that old Gu Qihao's concern exceeds the scope of concern for cadres."

Lin Xiaoxia saw that the topic had turned to Uncle Gu and Aunt Xi, and said, "Dad, Qihao really has something to do!"

Seeing that his daughter was serious, Governor Lin asked, "What's the matter?"

Lin Xiaoxia talked about how Qi Hao planned to set up a separate examination room for him to take the test in order to treat a hostage who was injured due to fright.

Governor Lin thought about it, and said, "Special cases are handled specially, I will tell them about it."

Lin Xiaoxia dialed Qihao's phone number, said that the matter was settled, and changed the subject: "Uncle Gu and Aunt Xi care about you very much, remember it, you will feel better if it turns out to be fake!"

Qi Hao smiled and said: "Honey, you and I are both in the same bed, how can we make a fake come true?"

Lin Xiaoxia spat: "Who shared the same bed and quilt for you, shameless!"

"Hey!" Qi Hao laughed, "At least it should be counted as a pre-war drill!"

Lin Xiaoxia's face turned red all of a sudden, and Qihao was tired of being together for three days. Although he didn't break through the last line of defense, he had already looked at and felt every part of Qitian's body, and Qihao coveted her body even more. Looking at him, it seemed as if he was going to swallow her whole life, she said, "Believe it or not, I won't marry you anymore!"

Qi Hao said with a smile: "Master Taishan has made a promise, so there is no reason not to marry!"

Lin Xiaoxia said, "Stop talking about my dad!"

Qi Hao said: "It's not about talking about Master Taishan, but about Master Taishan fulfilling his promise!"

"Hey, it's still stained!"

"Out of Lord Taishan's mouth, into my son-in-law's ears!"

"Did you hear what my dad said?"

Qi Hao was stunned for a moment: "Girl pass on the imperial decree!"

Lin Xiaoxia laughed: "Dad didn't talk about it at all, I'm kidding you!"

"You!" Qi Hao laughed, "That would be even better, believe it or not, I will rush to the provincial capital immediately and take care of you!"

"you dare!"

Qi Hao said shamelessly: "Xiaoxia is coaxing people, I want to do practical things!"

Lin Xiaoxia didn't make a sound, she actually felt sorry for Qi Hao in her heart, Qi Hao was desperately working at the grassroots level in order to win the country and marry her, even though she was a bosom friend, she couldn't be with her.It is undeniable that Qi Hao is excellent. The two have not been together for a long time, and the relationship will inevitably be estranged. The key is that such an excellent man like Qi Hao will not lack the best women around him.

Lin Xiaoxia has already paid attention to Gu Qiong, and Gu Qiong said that she used Qi Hao to reject the Jin family, but who can believe that Gu Qiong's move is not a cover, when the Jin family will be outside the door, the relationship with Qi Hao will be a matter of course, and the fake will not come true It can be seen that after all, the two get along together.

The two have reached the age of marriage for men and women. Lin Xiaoxia knows that physical shock and emotional nourishment are needed. The two of them are on the same side, what a physical and psychological torture!

Ever since the two stayed together for three days and three nights, Lin Xiaoxia forgot about the endless lingering between the two. If she is like this, how can Qi Hao live a better life?

Lin Xiaoxia sighed: "Hao, to be honest, I want to give it to you!"

"Really!" Qi Hao was ecstatic, and then said weakly, "How can I be worthy of Lord Taishan!"

Lin Xiaoxia said, "This is between the two of us!"

Qi Hao's breath became short of breath: "Xiaoxia, after being together for three days, I only know what is bitter and what is sweet after we are separated. Next time I see you, I will no longer keep any promises, I just want to melt together with you!"

Lin Xiaoxia said, "Hao, I respect your decision!"

Qi Hao was more excited: "If possible, I will rush over tonight!"

Lin Xiaoxia said tenderly: "Hao, I'll wait for you!" (to be continued...)

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