Official ladder

Chapter 722 No understanding

Qi Hao's words made sense, Fan Dayu drove away from Yuquan Town.

Qihao arrived in Yuquan Town after eight o'clock, the air was humid and boring, there was no wind, insects did not sing, birds did not sing, the moon and stars hid in the sky, people felt a kind of oppressive suffocation, the town's ruling party committee members arrived, Qi Hao sat down Just have a meeting.

Qi Hao said: "Although there is a drought that has not been seen in a century this year, comrades still do a very good job, and all tasks are completed on time with quality and quantity, especially finance and taxation. According to the current progress, this year may break through two [-] million. What is the concept of breaking through [-] million, which is equivalent to the sum of the fiscal revenue of ten small mountainous counties, and Yuquan Town has become the number one economically powerful town in Chassar Province. It is hard work, but at the same time, it has also become a hero for the historical leap!"

The slaps sounded like a storm. Everyone worked hard, but they did see the results, and everyone was happy.

Qi Hao said: "Today's meeting does not study other work, but only the work of flood fighting and emergency rescue. According to the weather forecast, there will be a heavy rainfall process in the central and western regions of my country. Jiahe County is within the range of this heavy rainfall process. The Qingjiang River flood broke out in the Inevitably, due to prolonged drought and heavy rain, geological disasters may also occur in Yuquan Mountain! My words seem a bit alarmist, but everyone here must be vigilant and treat this matter with a spirit of being highly responsible for the safety of people's lives and property. The following is mainly for you to say, I listen!"

"Let me make a statement," Xiong Yanmei spoke first, "Secretary Qi praised everyone just now. The economic work has been done well, and the work of party building and spiritual civilization has also performed well. In general, Yuquan Town's economy is booming, the society is stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. , wherever you go. Everywhere is a scene of prosperity and prosperity. I have a deep understanding of this aspect. The economic thinking is correct and the governance philosophy is correct..."

Qi Hao's cell phone rang, and it seemed that it belonged to the director of the Transportation Bureau. He was not in charge of traffic, so he didn't want to answer it at first, but considering all aspects of his relationship, he still felt that he should answer it.He stood up, nodded to the comrades in the meeting, and walked out of the meeting room.

Qi Hao pressed the connect button.Deliberately asked: "I'm Qi Hao, who is it?"

The phone rang immediately, Director Quan respectfully said, "Hello, magistrate Qi, it's me, Xueming. I have important work to report to magistrate Qi." [

Qi Hao said heartily.I am not your leader in charge, and the transportation work has little to do with the work I am in charge of. If you have any important work to report to me, he said: "Director Quan, you are welcome."

Director Quan said: "I just received the notice that Director Xie of the Provincial Communications Department inspected the roads in Sanjiang City and decided on the road construction plan for next year. He will come to Jiahe County for inspection tomorrow. Director Xie intends to exchange opinions on road construction with the county chief Qi."

Qi Hao knew that Director Quan and Director Xie were cousins.Quan Xueming said hello to Director Xie when he was the director of transportation, and for this reason, Director Quan also passed the forestry department's approval.Sending a carload of mahogany to Director Xie, the reason is very good, to improve the relationship with the Provincial Department of Communications, and to strive for road projects and construction funds.

Because of this background, Quan Xueming believed that no one could shake his position as director of transportation, so he usually looked at others. Except for Secretary Chen, he didn't even pay much attention to county magistrate Liu.

Businessmen are often arrogant when they are rich, while officials are arrogant when they have deep roots.

Seeing that Director Quan kept silent about the audit, Qi Hao knew in his heart that Secretary Chen and Director Xie would definitely press down on the matter of auditing. He said, "I am not in charge of traffic, and I have not cooperated with Director Xie in road construction. Regarding the opinions to be exchanged, I really think that the director of the bureau should report this matter to Secretary Chen, the county magistrate Liu, and the leaders in charge, and only then can he come up with practical opinions to exchange with Director Xie."

When Director Quan saw that Qi Hao didn't see Director Xie, he couldn't help feeling upset. Director Xie wanted to see Qi Hao by name. His intention to see Qi Hao was obvious. Qi Hao is Governor Lin's prospective son-in-law. Xie The purpose of the director is to support Qi Hao's work, so as to achieve Governor Lin's goal of treating him as one of his own.

In the officialdom, it is very important whether you are the leader's own person. Without the leader's recognition that you are the leader's own person, this person's situation in the officialdom is very dangerous.

Qi Hao was not polite to Director Quan, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Director Quan knew that something bad was going to happen, so he hurriedly called Director Xie: "Director Xie, County Chief Qi didn't mean to be in charge of the leadership, he said that there is no need to exchange opinions."

Director Xie was stunned for a moment, and said in his heart that even if you are the son-in-law of the governor, I would still be several levels above you, and exchanging opinions with you is to think highly of you, what a show!But Director Xie wanted to come back again, so I extended an olive branch to the executive deputy county magistrate, logically speaking, he would not refuse to accept it, even the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor, they still took the initiative to extend an olive branch to me, right? Qi Hao was estranged, he asked: "Did you have a problem with County Magistrate Qi?"

Now that Quan Xueming didn't dare to hide the matter, he said with a bitter face: "The county magistrate Qi is not in charge of traffic work. I have little contact with him, but there is no festival. The matter happened this year. The county magistrate Qi proposed to develop Yuquan Mountain, asked to repair the road around Yuquan Mountain, I considered that the road is already a rural road, and the village should be responsible for it, so I didn't move..."

Director Xie shook his head and said, "You, what should I say about you!"

Director Quan said: "At that time, who knew that he was Governor Lin's son-in-law!"

Hearing Quan Xueming's words, Director Xie was stunned for a moment. Officialdom depends entirely on personal understanding. The so-called master points out the door, and practice depends on the individual. This is the truth. It seems that Quan Xueming can't understand it.What kind of person is Director Xie? He has already figured out that his cousin is in trouble. The matter of the mahogany car should not be taken lightly. settle!"[

After hearing this, Director Quan was stunned: "Didn't all the procedures for Hongmu's affairs be completed? What else is there to settle?"

Director Xie said: "All the formalities have been completed, but my personal procedures have not yet been completed. You can issue the invoice, and I will prepare the money!"

Director Quan still wanted to speak, but Director Xie hung up the phone.

Qi Hao returned to the meeting room after calling Quan Xueming. Cheng Gang was arranging the duty time of the leader and the person in charge of the area during the flood fighting and emergency rescue.Cheng Gang arranged for Qi Hao to sit in the township government and be responsible for organizing and commanding the town's flood fighting and rescue work.

Qi Hao smiled after hearing this: "I am the marshal, commanding from the big tent?"

Chen Gang said with a smile: "Secretary Qi is the generalissimo of Yuquan Town. He is not only in command of Yuquan Town, but also in command of the county and the county. He is the general commander of flood fighting and rescue work!"

Cheng Gang's flattery, Qi Hao said in his heart, he still doesn't have the understanding! (to be continued...)

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